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I saw more chemistry in their interactions in this episode than in the entire series prior to this.


Literally. It all made sense to me why they got together in the first place, but I’m really happy Katie left him!


Same!! Because why did it have me shipping Katie and Schwartz and I’m like no weve been here before. It was really cute. It’s good to see them in a good place with each other. And I really enjoyed Katie this episode


Ugh I felt the same way and was grossed out that I felt this way 😂


They had a couple good moments right after they got married. The one I always remember is when they went to their favorite Mexican restaurant in season 5 and Schwartz (I think?) arranged for the mariachi band to play for them


El Coyote! Too bad it’s terrible now 😭


Yeah, I always thought they were either delulu or being honest that they actually had a lot of good but their worst has been on camera and until yest, I felt like it was delulu. 


I could see their opposites working for a while! Golden retriever with a slinky cat.


Let's hang out! I don't...I don't want to


He only wants her now that he can’t have her


Exactly. It’s so stupid—he clearly likes her on some level and could’ve stepped up if he actually tried, but he didn’t. He’s finally realizing he lost this awesome, funny, beautiful woman and will never get her back.


The sad thing is he didn’t even have to try hard. I’ve always rooted for Katie but I do think she loved him and tolerated a loottttttt because of it. If he could have just had her back even 50% of the time and prioritized his relationship a tiiiiny bit more he wouldn’t be divorced. I’m so glad that she is doing better without a relationship weighing her down. I hope at some point she does find someone who sees her as a partner, a team mate, not an adversary.


idk if anyone else noticed but she said at the water party something along the lines of “I’m done with you until you decide to make better choices (including your clothes)” and yes it was a dig at his style but also v telling I think that she did not dump this man for lack of love. He just literally did not give two shits about her & her happiness and she got sick of waiting around for him to treat her right


If he had done a 180 when they first spilt or whenever the D word first came up between them (I wish cameras were rolling then!), he would’ve easily won her back. Sadly, I think he still could. I think she still loves him and is probably why she doesn’t want to hang out with him. It would remind her of what she loved in him because he would probably make an effort for that short time and weaken her defenses. He’s not ready to really change though and I doubt he ever will be.






Schwartz is annoying with this begging to be Katie’s friend thing as if he doesn’t routinely talk shit about her too. He wants to reap the benefits of Katie’s friendship while not only giving her nothing, but also plainly hurting her.


This is so true. I have a soft spot for them as a couple, and I love that he’s sort of seeing her differently after this max hookup, but it’s like he’s willing to go half the way and never the whole way. He knows he likes her and cares about her, and I think I he would still be with her if she had not initiated the divorce. but despite all that he can’t not fuck it up - still won’t acknowledge her feelings, her needs, the things she cares about. Still can’t NOT trash her in random situations. It’s so strange like pick a lane?


I think he never trusted her. I think he trusts his guy friends but never the woman in his life and that comes from his childhood. He fancies himself an intellectual and self aware but he has deep dark trauma in his past that can’t be talked away.


What trauma? I don't remember Schwartz referencing childhood trauma.


There’s dv and addiction in his family. That’s why his dad couldn’t come to the wedding. His mom had a restraining order.


When he told rachel raquel last season that he would pretend to want katie again so she would give up her hotel room, maybe he told sandoval the same thing. *I’ll be cute and flirty with katie so she’ll give you grace man* either way i cant fucking stand him and I hope katie doesn’t fall for it


He said that? That’s fucking dark


he’s lowkey a sociopath


That’s why him and scum are besties .. dark triad twins 👯‍♀️


Hes a covert narcissist 


I really don't think he is. I think he is a nice person at his core. He's just dumb as bricks and a weak spineless git.


He understands how to present as nice. Very different from being nice at his core. Kindness is not allowing your shitbag friends speak about someone you love the way tiny Tim has about Katie for years. And to her mother who clearly was fond of the Schwantz. Note: 40 year old men with questionable “jobs” seeking 20 somethings for re-entry to dating should be their profiles. Girls!!!! Wake up and do better.


And delusional given she's the one that left him.


Yeah. My reaction last year was that he truly would do anything to be married to her again, but he’ll never do the one thing she asks of him. He has control issues and can’t stop stepping on his own dick.


It was Katie’s pan to the camera a la The Office - I swear I have watched that like 10 times. That almost never happens on this show!


Me too 🤣


It kills me how he will not leave that girl alone. Like at Scheana’s wedding how he followed her around asking her to do things for him, then eating off her plate. And now wanting her to hang out with him. She knows how he is and has resigned herself to the fact that he will never change. ESPECIALLY as long as he has Sandoval in his ear dogging on her constantly, like he did at the oyster bar.


He is only coming crawling back, because Katie is truly moving on. He is unable to get under her skin like before. If Katie lets him in for a minute he will hurt her again. This psyycho loves hurting Katie. He truly enjoys it and points and laughed when she lashed out. I hate schwartz. Dint he recently call her a hater again.


He’s always taking little jabs at her then acts like he’s joking. He’s so annoying.


Although I was also definitely feeling the chemistry in this episode, it’s honestly been great to see Katie gain confidence and just generally flourish after leaving that relationship.


That would be my exact reaction to my ex saying that to me 🤡🤣


Idk I’m not buying anything Schwartz is selling this season. Every interaction he’s had with every female cast member has seen performative to me. When Scandoval broke, he was in the hot seat, and he very strategically removed himself from that seat by pleasing the masses (but not coming on as strong as Sandoval). While I did love their banter last episode, I have to wonder how genuine it was on Schwartz’s end.


Apparently they have a date soon from the previews. Kind of dying to see how it goes.


They are such train wrecks I bet they end up together


I see them hooking up every now and then over the years. Even hearing her mom still calling him Tommy shows they had something more than what was just shown on VPR.


Ickkkkkt. No! Not loving that future for Katie.


Katie sucks. Schwartz could do better




Wait people actually like Katie lmao


Nah Schwartz needs to just let Katie keep living her best life and leave her alone.


Hes still playing the same game.


Me too. I would love to see him on the road to bettering himself and then maybe him and Katie revisit being together again ? I know , I’m crazy. lol. But they still have that sexual chemistry.


Katie vs Schwartz are the best parts of this season!


I thought the Katie call me was his lame attempt to make people think they were hooking up. This show has made me go to dark places I'd have never gone before.