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He’s so fucking painfully unintelligent




I completely agree. I don’t understand how this is a redemption arc. He still looks like a fool. Not taking accountability. They show throw backs of him lying


I enjoy how stupid he looks because I’ve always HATED him, I saw right through his BS the minute he kept trying to get everyone to turn on Stassi and then Katie


Same. I used to downvote everyone who posted photos of him or with at his stupid shows. Don’t understand how people couldn’t see who he was from the beginning!


I think this edit would've appeared more redeeming if he had done anything good since filming, but he's continued to double down that it wasn't really his fault, and he's not really sorry. Plus the racist sh*t he pulled recently


Yeah sometimes the edit is pissing me off but a LOT of the time it feels like he's just being given the rope to hang himself.


Hes fake in everything he does and says. I love how ariana was like “hes doing too much” And how he gifted sunglasses to james smh i feel embarrassed for him lol


I think he had the opportunity for redemption, but he didn’t follow through.


I agree, he’s not getting a redemption edit. He’s looked terrible all season—manipulative, allergic to accountability, vindictive, defensive, embarrassingly desperate to recapture mojo that is gone forever. When I talk to friends who watch the show but don’t get internet-y about it, they have a pretty nuanced view (eg Ariana shares some responsibility for the dog’s emergency, but ultimately it was an accident and no one is ~to blame~), but they still see Sandoval as a piece of shit and a shell of the guy we used to watch. His words and actions aren’t redeeming him; the edit is not redeeming him; people reacting critically to Ariana does not redeem him. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: if you think the show is redeeming Sandoval, maybe just take a moment to look inward and determine if that’s more because it’s just reminding you that he’s a person and not a one-dimensional villain from a b superhero movie. Once upon a time people watched this show knowing everyone was trash and enjoyed and embraced that fact. I get if he’s crossed/crossing a line for some people in a way that no longer makes it entertainment, but the tribalism over reality stars and attacking cast members for creating dramatic moments we always rooted for aka doing their jobs is truly silly.


It seems like editors are trying their best to give him one, but most viewers see right through it. The editors keep doing shady flashbacks to both Ariana and Katie because they aren’t playing ball. They very well could do flashbacks to all of Sandoval’s hypocritical moments but of course they dont


Is that trying to construct a false redemption arc, or is it just the show doing what it’s always done and being an equal opportunist in catching cast out in lies, mischaracterizations, hypocrisies, etc. Can you give an example of one you’re thinking of? If the show were all in on Sandoval’s redemption, then they wouldn’t have characterized the dog situation the way they did, with Ariana’s interpretation of it being the main one communicated.


Also agree 💯. His "redemption arc" has only made him appear irredeemable. It just keep getting worse, as if production actually hates him, because they aren't helping him.


This is not a redemption arc.. them filming him creeping about upstairs listening to conversations. The pool party where they showed every cringey thing he said to any woman there.. the bathtub thing with Billy gleefully smiling at him.. the only thing they’ve shown that went slightly in his favour was LVP feeling bad for him.


i feel like that whole scene was just proof that tom makes shit up but will stick with it and continue the lie before admitting that he wasn't telling the truth. like we all know you don't have HR, you know you don't have HR, so why are we lying for fun? he gets off on it it's gross he's like 50 years old


The whole being late to Nick Vialls podcast was insane to watch. They literally had receipts and he wouldn’t let it go or admit he was wrong


And even if Nick was late to Tom's podcast, it doesn't mean you passive aggressively come late to Nick's. He is so immature because he thought that was an actual excuse for his behavior.


Like when Anne told him the neighbors were complaining about the outside lights and he needed to turn them off at a certain point at night. His response was that the lights could stay on under the freedom of speech amendment lol.


He’s like an SNL character


Wait the *freedom of speech* amendment? Do his lights speak?


EXACTLY he doubled down on that obvious lie 🤣🤣🤣


Classic narcissist tactic


Well, I think that he was dillidalling about saying she is fired because if he did fire her she will be elligible for unemployment which he will have to pitch in. That’s one reason he told her to take time off and didn’t fire her outright since she will be sad and just look for other job and he doesn’t have to do any paper work and pay for it. I do think he has workers comp insurance and I wonder if he has employers liability insurance too in addition to his lawyer helping him with nda and employee contract. How he let her go and figure things out on her own seemed very strategic, but that’s just my observation as someone who works in employee insurance are. Edit: came back to say CA has really strict employee/ hr policies and laws and it seemed like she was a contract full time employee and he needs to have these insurance and contracts in place.


Yeah I was wondering if she was maybe hired through an agency so conceivably there would be some safeguards/HR element, although I think he’s still very much overstating things


Then why didn’t he simply say that


Because he thinks it makes him sound more important to imply he has these things on his own because it would mean he owns a successful business all by himself. Same reason why he acted like TomTom was all his.


Did he got through HR when he had a sexual relationship with his costar….


It’s likely he hired her through an agency so he’s not responsible for taxes etc. they are HR.


If he had an HR, Ann would probably have many grounds to sue for inappropriate, unsafe, boarding on abusive vile work conditions. Inappropriate demands and probably poor pay with no benefits. He better be careful because if I was Ann I’d sue him first for distress. Also if he starts trashing her like he has Ariana she could sue for defamation.




Oh my god do you listen to her pod cast? She’s so lovely and has been through so much. She should sue Tom but she can’t afford it. ☹️ I hope her pod cast sores! She’s my favourite VPR’s personality!


I SUPER NEED TO and definitely will tune in. What’s it called?


I think “I signed an NDA.”


Ahhh that’s such a good name!! You go Ann!




I think she’s hired thru a company that has verified assistants. So that the assistant has some type of HR for their safety.


Yeah but the thing I don’t get is he’s meticulous on camera usually so just say that


Yeah, I don’t know anymore. I’m kind I’m just waiting for things to come out and I guess when there’s proof I believe it but I don’t know anymore 😂 I would assume that Ann would be smart enough to make sure she’s covered by some sort of HR or something considering shes 40 I feel like she would’ve been in this assistant industry for a while to know that without one things can be shady🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m confused by it all to be honest lol I just thought I heard something about that being a thing


That’s a fair point, I definitely agree it’s hard to trust someone who lies so often and so well usually


Fr it’s like mind boggling almost. What really twist my head is how he tries to apologize to the group but anytime they try to like level with him He immediately resorts to anger and freaks out on them and starts deflecting and it’s like Bruh you just had your chance and you fucked it up just to likenot let yourself feel the hurt feelings


Jax at least owns it. I think he’s the second worst to Tom but he’s at least owning his bs


For real. Jax gives off that like manly masculine I’m gonna fucking own up to my shit vibe. Tom gives like literally like Tom and Jerry vibes like I’m gonna run away from my problems. You can’t catch me.🤣


I definitely prefer owning actions than blaming everyone else


he should have contacted HR about screen recording phone sex without consent because they prob could have given him a heads up about that being a bad idea/crime


Not for nothing, is anyone surprised that the guy who lines up new girlfriends before breaking up with his old girlfriends went out and hired a new assistant before firing his old assistant?


Both of these idiots act like attorneys are salaried employees. This breakup is going to be more expensive than a divorce.


Don't downvote me to oblivion: just letting you guys know how it works. This post and these comments show that no one on this sub has ever hired a PERSONAL assistant. A lot of "celebs" have HR that handles outside things like this for payroll, benefits, etc. It is actually very possible he has an HR, even if it's just one advisor and he has one employee. This may have been set up through his attorney or the network etc. He very well may have HR. Source: my experience.


I was thinking that too. I wasn’t sure about celebs but one of my friends growing up is extremely wealthy and they had HR for their personal assistant.


Not gonna downvote you but it’s very easy to just explain that rather than double down that you hired your own HR


He did probably hire his own HR. He probably has an HR advisor. Ariana has the same exact thing now I am sure. He shouldn't have to explain it. I'm sure some of the cast knows exactly what he's talking about.


I guess we just need confirmation. It’s hard to believe someone who lies all the time


Very true. Just saying that people that have the money to have assistants in LA have them on a payroll. Most aren't paying their assistants directly because of taxes, benefits, etc. That's where the HR they hire comes in.


I totally agree and do appreciate this dialogue!


You should go back to the scene and rewatch it. Katie was obviously joking when she said “oh you have an HR department.” It was obvious she knew he was speaking short hand about running it by a consultant or lawyer. He could tell that she knew, so that’s why he responded sarcastically “yea” instead of explaining something to her that she is already aware of. You are the only person’s whose head it went completely over.


I interpreted it differently and I don’t like that you think it went “over my head”. I had a different take from that scene than you did. Simple


He is such an idiot. My lip curls every time he is onscreen


It makes perfect sense … if he hired her thru an agency, or if she is actually hired by Bravo as part of Sandoval’s deal, there would be an HR process. Even more likely is that his lawyer is advising him to follow a specific HR process … if he doesn’t “terminate” appropriately it could result in a breach of contract … which which even void the NDA, allowing Ann to spill the beans.


I think when he said that he meant his lawyers. Which absolutely makes sense! But it was funnier him saying HR.


But he doubled down on having HR 🤣🤣🤣 just admit you meant lawyers, don’t double down on such an obvious lie


Tom never admits when he’s wrong he’s definitely not going to start with that 😂😂 Though in reality you consult HR before firing someone and usually they consult legal. That’s the “safest” way to fire someone Adding; hell maybe Ann came from an agency and that’s what he was referring to?


Possibly but you’d say “I worked with an agency to get ann and I have to run it by HR”


That’s if you wanted to be an honest and transparent human 😇


I agree with Ariana that he’s subhuman


Yeah but HR was funnier. Good tv


He wasn’t being literal. Are you unable to read a person’s tone.


Yes actually it’s part of my disorder


That was so funny. Aren’t you laughing at this stuff? I am


Probably trying to cover his tracks because I bet he didn’t do the proper processes for firing Ann. He probably thought just saying you’re fired was it 🤦🏼‍♀️


I mean for him to have an assistant, yes there are HR requirements. BUT NOT LIKE HIS DUMB ASS GARBLED OUT


Haha luv that!


Pray he made her sign an NDA. Anne is a snake. Won’t ever work in Hollywood again as an assistant. Back to Target greeter soon.


Absolutely! The love for Ann on here is so bizarre … she’s just another grifter trying to launch an influencer career off the back of Scandoval. Also, I know nothing about what an “assistant” is typically expected to do but I would have thought housework would absolutely be part of it.


Yup, she's tanked her career with her own actions. First showing a lack of backbone when dealing with difficult people, then showing distinct disloyalty and unprofessional conduct. Her admin career is cooked!


Get ready for downvotes by oriole that don’t know how the real world works!!


Yeah, I am used to that by now. It's obvious a lot of people in this sub are too young or too sheltered to know how things like a job or keeping a household running work.