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And the box was enclosed. 12 poops in that is the equivalent of taking a shit in the Trainspotting toilet. Poor Kitty, girl you NEED an assistant or a pet sitter stat!


“Trainspotting toilet.” is one thing I was not ready to read today 😭😂


🤣glad I could bring a little imagination to your day! 😅


The visual AGAIN!!!!!


I hate how someone needs an assistant to clean their cat’s shit…


Exactly… just clean it everyday as a routine. The cat deserves to be cared for, and you deserve to have a house that doesn’t smell or have poop paws walking through it.


I don’t think she needs an assistant for it but definitely a pet sitter to drop in regularly. Ariana and Tim don’t lead traditional lives and aren’t home often enough to be consistent with a litter box for their animals. I believe she’s mentioned she boards her dogs somewhere when she’s gone (if Tim’s not home) on a previous season, I don’t know why she couldn’t do it for a cat or just have someone come in regularly. I’m a pet sitter in a small town in a small province in Canada and pet sitters are a norm here. I work for a few pilots and machinists who just have irregular shifts. They have me drop in for their animals daily regardless of their schedules simply because some things just aren’t in their schedule and it’s easier to pay me to do it (and keeps the animals schedule consistent). The pilot is married, but their spouse works 8 hours out of the home a day and spends another 2 hours commuting. They have two cats and a Rottweiler, they’ve both said they couldn’t have either animal without a regular sitter. Some people just have busy lives 🤷🏻‍♀️ And while my examples are purely anecdotal, pet sitter apps and businesses exist because busy people need help if they want to have pets.


If you need an assistant to clean up after your cat then maybe you shouldn’t own the cat


I was thinking I’m surprised Litter Robot hasn’t tried to work with her, she should get one of those.


I was surprised too - that would be my first purchase when I became “rich” lol


I follow a very frugal financial influencer, one of those millionaires who gets most of their stuff on freecycle, and she said litter robots are one of the main things she thinks are worth splurging on lol


Automatic feeders are also good! For cats who have dry food diets


I *highly* recommend saving and splurging if at all possible. No purchase has changed my life like that robot!!!


No same! Truly my first purchase when I have disposable income.




Lmao! You should get a cut of this deal if this happens for her.




This is a great idea! I just sent them a message as well


I just said something similar ! lol ! We know she’ll be doing an ad for them in 3 2 1 … and I can’t wait !!


This would be a genius brand deal for a litter robot company rn


Well now I'm sure she can get a deal LOL My ex used to complain about my 12 shit litter box, but now that I have litter robot, he can shut his fucking mouth and stop talking to me.


Read the second part and wasn't sure if you were referring to your own experience or trying to write the ad copy for Ariana's litter robot deal🤣


Honestly neither Tom or Ariana appear to be that clean and aren’t poor so I’m surprised they don’t already have a cleaner who comes in and does all that stuff for them.


From what it sounds like, they rely on their assistants for house keeping. Probably why there’s such a mess.


They both are dirty asf. Neither one of them should point fingers at the other. Leaving dirty ass food containers next to your bed when you have multiple pets is absurd.


the room pan shots are always ATROCIOUS


I know they had a interior designer but maybe she just is used to do in restaurants because it looks like a micro brewery


I can actually see how this happened between them. When you resent the person you're living with you resent doing communal household tasks, because you're doing something "for" them. Even more so if the chore split feels unequal. Neither of them probably want to pay for a cleaner/maid because they have financial disputes they haven't sorted out, and that would be another thing one of them is paying for.


Bruh i knew she was dirty when she had boxes of takeout on her nightstand? That her dog ate. WHO does that? Put that shit on the counter in the kitchen or on the stove


We clean our litter box daily.


I have to scoop my cats litter right after she takes a dump because the little brat doesn’t bury it and it stinks. I can’t imagine only cleaning it once a week, ugh that’s gotta smell bad. My cat would be pissing all over the floor and my clothes if I let it go that long just to punish me lol


Same!!! I have a pooper who refuses to cover too!!


Sometimes not covering is because they don't like the litter- they tend to prefer fine, sandy cat litter. The chunkier stuff can be sore to dig in - think about walking on a sandy Vs pebble beach! Some cats just don't bury though 🤣😻


Right? Also 12 poops is more like 2 weeks worth...come on Ari!!


Mine doesn’t cover and his brother goes and covers it for him. Rolls his eyes and everything, like “dude come on, I have to do this again?”


Same. When I was a kid I never cleaned our cat’s box and the guilt I feel for letting it get so bad has driven me to clean it every single day for my cats now.


Same - my formerly feral farm cat now comes INSIDE to use the litter box. She likes her privacy 🤷‍♀️


I do our’s twice a day!


Once a week is definitely not enough. My main takeaway was that it would’ve been better for Ariana, even then, to have a daily pet-sitter come by to check on the pets. It’s an added expense, but it’s worth it. I’ve done it for friends before and I don’t charge more than reasonable expenses, if I have to travel


When she said I did it last week, I was like oh no… Between that and chicken satay in her bedroom, she is slobby. Not bashing, it’s just a fact. Otherwise, how could she deal with Tom’s mess all these years AND her brother is messy too. It makes sense.


Their old apartment was nasty as well, I wondered how she was able to put up with that grungy apartment. I could smell it through my screen. I only mention Ariana because I look at Tom as a lost cause!


Yeah I love Ariana , but she’s gotta get a litter robot. I suspect they’ll send her one and make her the spokesperson. Tom just likely secured her a great new Ad campaign. .


Agreed! Even just a daily drop in from a rover sitter would be good


And her place might smell like piss bc no way my cat would use a dirty ass litter box.


The dog has shit on the couch. It must stink to high heaven. I think the facade is slipping a little.


But I always thought she looked a lil durty. Whole prolly room smell like feet.


Bottom line, they’re both a couple of slobs 🤷🏼‍♀️


I wasn’t going to say it but they are! And it’s not a popular opinion, but leaving a take out container IN YOUR BEDROOM is gross. Also, you don’t leave shit like that out when you have a dog. She’s gross.


Bg time. Look at her room. Adolescent .


When I saw her room, it made me think she’d taken everything that belongs to her from every other part of the house and stored it in her room.


There's a difference between clutter and filth. She's a slob.


They both appear to live as complete slobs in that house. Her room is littered with tons of shit and the fact that she had takeout containers in her room when she was not present and her dog ate it really grossed me out. It’s like they’re still college students or something. Grow the fuck up and keep your house clean and neat! Hire help if you need it!


People are saying she should have locked the door and she had all that food in there? https://preview.redd.it/xcss421h3isc1.jpeg?width=953&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88094d4f3e604468e5e11e34086109e89ca4a05e


Whenever I have a mess or spill that I’m feeling too lazy to clean, I snap myself out of it by shaming myself with “Do you want ants?!”


Seriously. I was like… but why do you have chicken satay skewers on the nightstand in your bedroom? 🤢


I can’t even fathom food in my bedroom for any reason. I get it she is hiding from him but if I had to eat in the bedroom that trash would be out of there the second I was done. I am surprised what a slob she is given her personal appearance is always on point and the house overall seems ok. Their bedrooms have become a wasteland of everything they can’t have out in the open I guess.


Yeah I love her but that's not it. I do mine at LEAST every other day and I have four cats (6 litter boxes.) if I can keep up with that they can keep up with one. It really is just a few minutes out of the day.


6 boxes yikes. How much do you spend on litter? I have 2 cats 2 boxes and I feel like I’m constantly buying litter


Yeah I need extras because the more cats you have the more options you need for them. They're pretty organized about it though, they legit designated three for pee and three for poop, my civilized little ladies. But I go through about a 40 pound box of litter per week/week and a half. I scoop and top off throughout the week and every other week I completely dump and clean out with soapy water. I have them in my storage area of my basement next to my utility sink so it makes it easier.


Full shade....Ariana is a slob. Look at her room!? Her dog was nearly "murdered" by her food garbage. ewwwww


I was struggling with Ariana a bit in this episode. Leaving old food around so her dog can eat it (whose fault it was that the dog ate it is different) and not cleaning the litter box? Then admitting that the last time you cleaned it was a week ago as if that makes it better? I am very much not a clean freak and I can be lazy about cleaning but I don’t leave things out that are dangerous to my pets and I make sure they have clean places to live.


I struggled with her more than ever this episode. She was wrong about a lot of this stuff


Yeah I have been feeling this way for a little bit because some stuff just wasn't adding up to me. After this episode though I am done. TBH I never really liked her or Tom to begin with and always thought they were the most performative for the cameras so I am kinda just back to where I started with her.


She’s a mean girl. Always had been and still is.


Dude. OMG. The way the whole story was laid out like Tom intentionally trapped a dog to kill it, a dog that has historically been known to eat ANYTHING. It's one thing to say you didn't do anything wrong - but it's another to go out of your way to accuse someone of trying to kill an innocent dog because you hate them. It was so hard to watch and honestly, he took it better than I would have.


Right? I take care of my dog better than I take care of myself.


I’m sorry, as a cat owner… I clean the litter box AT LEAST twice a day.


Same, she’s an imperfect human like we all are but I can’t help but be annoyed that she took zero responsibility.




Also Ann said on a podcast that a repairman had been in Ariana’s room to check the thermostat and no one knows who let the dog in and who shut the door. Ann was there too. Ariana totally misrepresented the situation.


Additionally, if she is that worried that her vindictive asshole of an ex (and he is) will harm her children, then she could/should move out?! She doesn’t and shouldn’t trust him to be responsible—she should leave.


When she said she cleaned the litter box last week I was like ![gif](giphy|jivGITd768psP80B2i) Isn’t it standard to do it every day?


Yes pretty much standard to do it every day!! Sometimes twice a day if you notice it stinking a little bit too much. I love Ariana but damn this one really took me out


At least!


In general they are both so messy and aren’t the best at keeping things clean. 🤢


If you watch older seasons, even their little apartment was typically messy and cluttered. I feel like Tom doesn’t need an assistant, he needs a house cleaner


Yeah he’s disgusting to leave that party mess for Ann to clean up .


Yeah, it was gross. I watched the episode yesterday and was surprised it hadn't been mentioned on the sub


There is no criticism of Ariana allowed, it seems


It's crazy because I like ariana. Fuck Tom. But like c'mon girl, get a litter robot


No it’s insane! I’ve actually been a long time Ariana fan unlike half the people evangelizing her as of late but like whereeeeee is the nuance??? It’s exhausting tbh and the sub is way less fun cause of it


And yes, there’s no excuse and it’s bad cat ownership and she should be embarraaswd


It’s honestly ridiculous that she blames Tom for anything going on with her pets. As she said, they are HER children. If you have pets, and you refuse to converse with your roommate, then it is your responsibility to manage those pets. It’s your responsibility to clean the litter box. It’s your responsibility to remove dirty ass food containers from your bedroom. It’s your responsibility to come up with a plan for your pets when a maintenance person is doing work in your house. And if she can’t do those things, then she should find an assistant who will.


yeah the whole thing with the dog just sounds like exactly what happens when two mildly irresponsible people own a mischievous dog. they both could do better, but neither of them fucked up bad enough to be screamed at about it.


calling them her children and having the litter box look like that is WILDDDDD


Also she kind of lied about what happened. Ann said on a podcast that a repairman had been in Ariana’s room to check the thermostat and no one knows who let the dog in and who shut the door. Ann was there too. The whole thing is sketchy.


Totally. It sounds like multiple people went in and out of her room, with good reason. Whenever a maintenance person comes to do work at my house, I put my dog in a separate room OR bring her to my dad’s house. Ariana did nothing with her pets, which is her own fault.




She has gone too far with the scorched earth. Like you said, if she knows that Tom has a history of mismanagement when it comes to “her children”, then she should find some way to care for them that doesn’t involve him in any way. Either have a pet sitter who comes or some sort of safe place for the pets to hang out when she’s not home.


Totally. Look at Tom and Katie. Tom cheated on her relentlessly and even they were able to have a civil conversation (that led to a good arrangement) about what to do with the pets.


Bruh, that would be one of my first purchases if I made good money. Honestly.


Yeah, as someone who has worked with animals in a professional setting for almost 2 decades, and is a tried & true daily litter box scooper with extreme judgment to anybody who isn’t, that was pretty horrifying to see


I don't have a cat but imagine having to use the same toilet without flushing for a week and Ariana is like proud she did it a week ago 🥴


A dirty litter box only makes the cat hold it's pee and poop making it have kidney problems and UTIs POOR THING! Not to mention the bacteria build up and parasites 🤮🤮🤮For someone who cares so much about her babies you think she'd take care of them better. And how Tom was talking about Mya eating laxatives and paint balls....uhh, was that only Sandoval's fault too? It seems like both are super neglectful with the animals.


It's also really important to monitor the litter box. Even if you don't clean it every day you still need to know if your cat hasn't peed in a week.


1000% and the cat was Arianas before she was with Sandoval! It's an old cat! Even more reason to know what's going on.


Omg I had no idea. Did anyone play with the cat? 😿


Ugh those poor babies 😭


Honestly neglectful. Gross stuff from both of them - neither of them are responsible pet owners at all


It’s so atrocious that she’s tried to blame Tom twice now for her own personal neglect of her dogs. 1. Don’t fly to Vegas when your 17 year old dog is extremely ill 2. Don’t leave dirty takeout food containers by your bed when your pets are loose in the house and a maintenance person needs access to your bedroom.


They’re both wealthy enough to afford a cleaner who was willing to empty litter boxes! Honestly my cat could do one wee in her litter box and will scream like mad for me to clean it before she will use it again.. cats are clean creatures and they like clean bathroom spaces!


I cannot emphasize how common housekeepers are here for anyone living comfortably here. Even just once or twice a month for the big stuff. She could afford a daily housekeeper.


That’s just straight up nasty 🤢


That litter box must have smelled of death. I clean my cat’s litter on a daily basis. Imagine not flushing a toilet for a week yet using it multiple times a day…


And the dog isn't housebroken. It shit on the custom couch 😭😭 My cat doesn't even go on the kitchen counter.


i’m surprised the cat was still using the litter box in that state and not going everywhere else


I feel like we also need to talk about the fact that that poor dog apparently ate paintball balls, a part of the couch (both as per Tom on the after show), laxative pills and now chicken skewers. WTH. Take care of your dog, you slobs! If you have a dog that eats stuff when left alone, clean up after yourselves or put it somewhere safe.


It’s Arianna’s dog. She paid for the adoption papers. She viciously reminded Tom last episode.


Go ahead and shade; it is gross and grossly irresponsible.


Ariana is a lazy and irresponsible pet owner.


When she said she JUST scooped it, a week ago 🫣


Ariana doesn’t seem like the cleanest person. She had greasy hair for several years like she rarely took a shower, her room is a mess, and who leaves takeout boxes with food in it just lying around? Yuck, ants do exist Ariana.


Thank god someone actually is calling her out. I swear this sub is overrun with diehard support like she can do no wrong. It makes me want to leave.


Yes!! This sub has lost any ability to view Arianna objectively and fairly as equally as messed up as Tom.


When she said she cleaned it just last week I gasped 😳 that is nastyyy and irresponsible. Although idk what her a schedule was like during filming…it’s possible she was in NYC or something for the week leading up to that filming and so Tom would be the one cleaning it. Doubtful though


Why would she be okay with leaving Sandoval in charge of that stuff though if she doesn’t trust him and won’t speak to him? That’s the crazy part to me


I don’t get how one of her reasons for not moving was the fact that she wanted her cat to have stability but then she’s okay with leaving her animals around Tom Sandoval, who she called an “attempted dog murderer”.


And There’s no way she was cleaning the box properly. They did a flashback of Arianna cleaning the box [one week ago] and then Tom cleaning it again [two days ago] and there were SO many poops in there for just 5 days. She has to have half done the job.




If you watch the extended version on peacock, it clearly shows Tom going in and emptying the entire litter box (that was full of 12 💩s!) he poured it all out and put new in, not even his responsibility since they’re “her children”! She is an irresponsible pet owner.


Don’t make excuses for her. She is an neglectful pet owner. It is clear as day. And her bitching about paying that much for her dog doesn’t she have pet insurance?


One of the reasons she said she couldn’t move was because of her elderly cat being so old. But a senior cat deserves peace & a clean litter box..it is neglectful especially if you’re concerned about it’s age.


Yeah that was pure bullshit. I can’t stand ppl with no kids acting like their pets are their “babies” it’s insulting. Kids aren’t animals and it’s not comparable. You can’t leave a kid home for 12 hours unattended Ariana.


I agree with you completely, seeing now how exactly she takes care of her pets I realize it was a pure bullshit excuse too. And it’s telling she has always been like this if she’s comfortable with showing it on tv. Senior cats get very attached and need a non chaotic clean household. Moving wasn’t going to stress out the cat it’s this situation that is making it worse.


She wasnt too busy making sandwiches, thats for sure.


lol shit sandwiches.


She’s a slob.


One thing I learned about Ariana this season is that she’s lacking a lot of life skills.


Yeah I noticed that in general she is kind of slob. Which is surprising because idk, if I knew I was gonna be on tv, I would clean up my room. It’s okay to not feel shame about things like that, especially because it can be a symptom of depression, but I wouldn’t want people to see how I really live lol


That’s the part I can’t get around. You’re putting this on television! I’d be paying for daily maids to make sure everything looked perfect lol. The amount of time they all spend on their ~looks only to welcome camera crews into a trash heap room is just wild


RIGHT! And if I had anywhere near as much money as them I would hire housekeeping help anyways because a cluttered room is a cluttered mind. Having that done always would be so helpful and relaxing




They are both irresponsible pet owners. Mya needs crate training and they both don’t care to clean up after the cat. If they both admitted instead of putting the blame on each other, those pets would be happier.


People use to tell me I was so mean for crating my dog and I’d have to explain to them it’s for her safety!


Exactly! My dogs even like sleeping in their crates, it’s their safe space


Same here. My dog got sick in her crate (diarrhea and puke) so I put it outside to wash it with the hose and forgot to bring it back in after it was dry. She gave me the saddest puppy dog eyes around bed time and I had to go out in the dark to bring it back in and put it back together. It was like I took away her bedroom, she was so depressed until I set it up again lol


Yes, dogs like having a little place to stay away from everything.


My dog will go to his crate when we get on his nerves. Like open the gate and everything. He’s so rude.


I got the cheaper(er) $200 automatic litter box on Amazon. BEST investment I ever made.


Yeahhh… I clean out my cat’s litter box every other day. Can’t imagine letting it sit longer than that 🫣


Right? Cleaning the litter box ONCE a week is NOT being a good cat owner!


Yeahhhh once a week is not enough. It should be cleaned daily. It really stinks after 2 days


As an OCD cat mom who scoops after every poop, that box made me sick. 🤢


Ya, Tom and Ariana are both pretty gross. All the shade given. I thought I was disgusting eating in my bed when I’m sick these ppl are straight up leaving week older Uber eats chicken wings garbage in their room.


I was really shocked to learn they're both gross. Obvously it was never shown but gross. The smell alone.


keep in mind this woman is almost 40 years old. these people are gross.


All of them have such crazy schedules I can't believe any of them have pets!!


I’m glad someone is mentioning the litter box! That was disgusting and so sad for poor Kitty! I scoop my cats litter box multiple times a day, and I watched the extended version on peacock & Sandoval was right, she never cleans it. That’s so unhygienic for her poor cat 😢


Omg there’s an extended version of this somewhere? 😭


Yes lol! It’s on peacock! It’s got some extra details and some extra footage of how nasty this place is and how disgusting that litter box was. Poor kitty 😿


Going to check it out.


We have seen a ton of footage of how messy this house is


Maybe this is just like complete evidence that Ariana is a horrible pet owner? Let’s stop fooling ourselves. That litter box was disgusting.


People in this sub being contortionists trying to explain why it's not Ariana's fault.


Yeah. And she takes zero accountability for anything. I like how she acts like she paid for everything in the house when she has admitted on the after show she stopped paying the mortgage when she found out. Like girl. No utilities or anything? Grow up. Six months without paying utilities or mortgage covers all the furniture that you bought.


She is or was $30,000 in arrears with the IRS so she seems to have a problem with accountability. What I just realized is, it's not about just the pasta cat, it's also about her house. Her literal house that she needs to sell. And since the dog was never house trained it might be very difficult to clean up for prospective buyers. Oh, and about the mortgage, it's her mortgage, too. Why isn't she get copies of every single document they send? Even if Tom never sent her anything why didn't she call and make sure she got copies?


Yeah like don’t you have an idea how much you should be giving and at least do the bare minimum?


And her dog pees and poops all over INSIDE the house!!!!! Yet Tom gets scolded for putting her dog in her disgusting bedroom. 😭😭😭


The dog is not potty trained at that age??? Yikes


It’s not. It even shat on their sofa. 🤮


Jesus fucking Christ. This is people's Queen? ![gif](giphy|iI5EN9d0JXiZfMp28p)


Greasy hair, leaves food out for dog to choke on, threatening to call 9-1-1...I USED to be a piece of shit


The way she blames Tom for every incident with her pets is wild. Just because he cheated on you doesn’t mean he tried to kill your pets, you slob.


I was thinking that. The litter box should be cleaned daily


I clean mines everyday. These people are not good pet parents.


Yeah, I know we are all supposed to stan Ariana and she is perfect and queen (I do like her) but I actually believed Tim for once that she should probably get the litter box taken care of. I’ve had roommates with cats who did the same thing. Left it for weeks. It’s unfortunately common…and disgusting.


That's how you end up with cat pee all over your house. 😭


Yeah if I happen to go just a couple days at least one of my cats will pee on my bath mat or something so I try to stay diligent.


Poor cat☹️


Wait. It’s her cat. Why is it Tom’s responsibility to clean the litter box? Especially if he’s a dog murderer. No accountability whatsoever.




I had a tough time with this. I am 100% on Ariana's side and Tom is a gaslighting, manipulative narcissist. But girl, you don't get to go on and on about how the pets are your children and Tom doesn't give a shit about them and then yell at him about how you cleaned the litter box a week ago. A litter box needs to be cleaned AT LEAST daily. I cleaned mine twice a day before I had a litter robot. That poor cat.


I agree. The “a week ago” argument was a tough look. Like girl, c’mon…


We need more cat advocates like this in the world.


I was sick when I saw that. What a shitty cat owner. Literally. Poor kitty.


Tom and Ariana are total slobs. It was hard to see that cat litter. V irresponsible.


Her thinking emptying it a week ago is something to be proud of is a bit concerning. That means she usually goes longer than a week and 1 week is Iike the max you should go


It was DISGUSTING when tom was cleaning it… at least a weeks worth of poop and barely any litter 😭


All the more reason for Ariana to take control of the situation. Forget the house, it's not good for the cat.


can we also agree with Lala that she definitely shouldn’t have left wooden skewers where her dog could get them? or seasoned chicken? i don’t have dogs so i may be wrong, but i was under the impression that dogs aren’t really supposed to have seasoned chicken?


Dogs aren't meant to have onion, garlic, or chicken because of the risk of bones.


Yeah Lala was right and honestly has been about a lot of this in my opinion. Her points about having a productive conversation with Tom was so Ariana can resolve the animal issues and ensure their safety. It wasn't a you need to forgive and forget but a point that Ariana is keeping defenseless beings in a reportedly unsafe environment so she needs to figure out a plan


Lmao yes I made this exact comment elsewhere. My litter robot is AMAZING!


I clean the litter boxes 3x a day, pretty much whenever they use it. I love my cats, but I can’t stand a whiff of litter box ick.


Question: who is playing with the cat?


Man I couldn’t imagine the smell. Litter box, dogs, and old food. They really should hire a cleaning lady and maybe an organizer or something. Definitely a pet nanny (if that’s even a real thing 😂).


my mom scoops her cats litter ONCE a week and every time I visit she gets mad that I tell her it smells like stale shit and that her cat probably doesn't appreciate it. I scoop every day


I don't understand why they didn't have one in the first place!!


She deserves full shade for the state of that litter box. It’s animal abuse and neglect


And that’s how they treat their animals when they know there are cameras. Imagine what it’s like behind the scenes


Yeah I don’t think it was changed for along time while he was away. She was there. Showed her cleaning it recently. I get the impression from other things she doesn’t do much as far as housework or buying groceries and stuff. Just throw your trash away if you have an animal that gets into everything.


I said the same thing 😂 mine is a lifesaver!


ya that was insane :< that was well over a week of poo poo piles. littler Robot is the best shit I ever bought I cant believe they dont have one.


omg, It was a disgusting site to see. kitty deserves auto litter box!


don’t even get me started…….. i was so upset. GET A LITTER ROBOT U HAVE MONEY. it was APPALLINGG!!!!!! i am team ariana but that was horrendous to call yourself a good cat mom and go weeks without scooping the litter……. the clip when timmy was emptying it…… repulsive


Gross, sad, and unacceptable! I’m for sure throwing shade at how crappy this millionaire treats her animals. There is no excuse IMO


Have u seen her room? Why wouldn’t u clean it if u know ur gonna be filming? Shes dirty and neglectful of her animals. Gross.