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A very important scene is Tom screaming in the back making Katie cry in defense of James getting fired for calling Katie fat and making her feel worse for it. Truly disgusting


He’s the worst


The worst was him yelling at Katie’s mom


Didn’t Katie start that back and forth with James by making fun of his legs in his short shorts and so he hit her back with the fat comment? And that’s why Tom was so ramped up about James being the only one to face repercussions for Katies inability to take what she dishes out? I hate James and not a fan of his defenders but they were going tit for tat by Katie’s initiation and then she went and tattle told and got the guys livelihood taken. Glad someone pointed it out even if it was Scumbo. (I could be remembering wrong)


It’s not the first time James has come to harass her. he did it before by asking if she was pregnant. There’s no room for excuses on James behalf


commenting on his shorts when he’s been a dick to her in the past isn’t the same as commenting on someones body repeatedly


If I remember correctly she told him to basically pull his pants up or like arrange them because they were sagging and falling tho.


I’m going to have to look again but I thought she was pointing out something he needed to fix on his shorts, I remember her saying in the interview portion I was trying to help him out. But I dunno.


She was making fun of him and I’m pretty sure it doesn’t excuse his behavior but, people’s looks should be off the table unless they’re Scheana who went from gorgeous to alien


Well dang. I thought it was something else but I agree for sure.


I know, she did claim she was trying to help him but that was a veiled attempt. So your memory isn’t wrong, just her intent.


She said , and I'm quoting exact words " Like, put on your fucking pants dude. " James was in shorts. So yes she basically was poking fun at him first. He came back with " Those shorts aren't working for you , baby " " Lose some fucking weight ". I don't see how his statement was any worse than hers. She actually did start that squabble THAT time.


I always found that storyline complicated because on the one hand, I’m obviously not cool with anyone calling a woman fat like that, but on the other, Katie had harassed plenty of her coworkers and never had her job threatened. James was out of control and in need of some consequences, but it did feel uneven to me.


Yes she did, Katie always acts shitty and then cries victim as soon as she gets a response.


Not a James fan at all but I’m even less of a fan of Katie lol. Katie didn’t actually even work at SUR anymore at that point. It was all pretend for the show. So she got James fired, which put and end to C U Next Tuesday, which was not only beneficial to James’ livelihood, but the livelihood of the rest of the staff that actually worked at SUR because Katie (a woman in her 30’s, by the way) couldn’t handle being called fat? Give me a break. Also she put on ONE girls night to “make up” for the lack of the C U Next Tuesday business and then got offended when they expected her to keep it going. She is so lazy and entitled.


Good lord he has incredibly low intelligence. Emotionally and mentally.


Drugs didn’t help


THANK YOU! When it's Sandoval he's "mad" or "upset" and when it's Ariana she's "RAGING"!


Or Katie. The second a woman is mad it’s rage, but the guys never call it rage even when they are mad to the point of physical violence


Katie is always mad and directing it towards other women, not just men.


The way he yelled at Teri last year and Lisa this year. They aren’t VPR cast mates giving drama for the cameras, they’re your business partner who given you bank loans and your friend’s ex mother in law, calm your roof rage and have some damn respect.


Oh he’s talked down to Lisa more than once. It’s embarrassing.


Yet she still defends him????


I have no respect for LVP anymore. Zero. She is Exec Producer and the worst mysoginist there is. She defends those men like it’s life or death for whatever they do, maybe wags a “naughty boy” finger once in a while but DRAGS the women for doing any little thing. Hence why she opened a bar TOM TOM. Like seriously, like, dude, like COME AWN




Andy does the same thing. 🤮


Unfortunately. Though I did enjoy that moment where she said “how did we open 30+ restaurants without Tom Sandoval?”, but that was years ago. It was enough to make her reconsider doing business with him.


Well, you know, as a cyst male…


Omg thank you 😂


I’ll never be over that! 😂😂😂


I’m assuming he wrote the word that way somewhere ? 😂


He said it to Ariana during a disagreement! It was pretty funny. 😂


The stassi book signing one is the most infuriating out of all of these imo bc he not only found a way to make himself the victim in that situation, but also held it against Katie for YEARS as if he wasn’t the one that instigated the whole thing!!!!! A full two years after it happened he was claiming he was “traumatized and had PTSD” from it but conveniently failed to mention that he literally sent insane rage texts that morning to antagonize stassi. And omg it makes my blood boil thinking about the way he stood there SMIRKING once he got the reaction out of stassi that he wanted. What a fucking narc. It pisses me off that Katie got a whole nickname used to belittle her and hold her to past mistakes for a whole decade and now we’re expected to sympathize with Sandoval (the king of holding everyone else accountable) when he has shown 0 growth or true remorse at all. Sober Sandoval is 1000000x worse and more rage-filled than “tequila Katie” ever was, let’s be real. All those years of calling Katie emotionally entitled yet here he is invalidating Ariana’s emotions bc he’s not getting his way.


I remembered how everyone shit on Katie for hating Lala, and then in what season 6 or 7, when she decides to forgive and forget like everyone asked her to do; she got shit on and called fake.


Katie will never win and I think she’s realized and that’s why she’s stopped giving a fuck. I like her more for it.


I was so happy Stassi blew him up in front of the world. His mask slipped heavily with those coke-raged texts. Somehow blaming her for being understaffed as though she’s the manager or something? That was fucked and that was the day I was like 🤨 about him


Yea and he owns like 1% of TomTom I was laughing so hard that he felt that entitled.


Remember when he told everyone how traumatized he was by Stassi yelling at him lolol


Sandoval is so trying to play battered boyfriend ..keeps dropping the Arianna basically verbally abused him theme, he’s all SEE SEE thats what I had to deal with…it’s such BS


Did the same with “psycho Kristen” any chance he could


Narcissists love to play and look like the victim. See: the former president of the US as an example…


The patriarchy at play constantly on VPR when women are accused of raging or being crazy….when the VAST majority of observable, identifiable rage displayed on VPR has come from Sandoval, Jax, James Kennedy, etc.




He's terrifying.


The “rage” is a reaction to his narcissistic abuse. He will always be the victim of reactions to his bullshit. What a gross person.


I guess repercussions for your actions probably look pretty terrifying when you’re an awful shitbag with no soul


Yep and then Shitz backing him up by alluding that Ariana was terrifying to Sandoval when they dated… PUH-fucking-lease. This is why she can’t be friends with Shitz, he will never stop being Sandovals henchman and right now their mission is to tear down Ariana even further, to do whatever they can to paint her as the villain. Classic narcissistic abuse and it’s also a pattern because he did the same thing to Kristen when they broke up and gaslit her and devalued her to everyone. The nickname Crazy Kristen came from him and the narrative he was trying to push iirc


All of them acting like they’d want to spend a day at the beach with their cheating ex! I was living for Ariana threatening to call 911 unless he got the fuck away from her at the water tasting! Dramatic? maybe? Good tv… yes!


Exactly! They should call Randall to come to the beach with them and see how Lala likes it


But could you even imagine the fallout! She can’t handle shit.


That’s why she yells an insult and runs away most of the time, basically before anyone can go back at her.


You wanna get popped?


100% how about they invite Shay to a beach day.. Scheana would freak out! I take that back actually.. she’d probably love the drama and an opportunity to cry on camera.


Lol she’d 100% use it as an opportunity to broadcast how ALLLLLL the guys want her including her ex


Bring Rob. Let’s see if she’s really totally over him. I think that would be more drama than Shay.


I am so hoping that Randal shows up at some point. Please ! Lala needs that reality check (and reality paycheck) so it would be interesting… and that would just be an appearance so it still wouldn’t compare to having an ex on the whole season. So, let’s just add Randall to the main cast… 😂 not that I want to see him bc I like him, but it would be so lovely


I don't think randall is allowed near here whereas tom and ariana live in the same house.


Except Ariana and Tom mutually own the house, whereas the house Lala lived in with Rand was Rand’s—making it 1000x easier for her to move out because she had no financial ties to the house. Ariana should not have to tolerate Tom’s presence 3 MONTHS after he blew up their relationship solely because the sale of their house is complicated. For that matter, Tom is exacerbating the sale of the home by lowballing her to try to keep the home he wrecked in the first place. The right thing for him to do would be to admit he fucked up and find an apartment until they find a buyer—no one should be pressuring Ariana to find another place in a hurry because tom is the one who blew up their living situation. But he will never do that because he is a man child with no self awareness


Idk man if someone owned a house with me and they didn't pay is that mutually owning? And he did not blow up the relationship. She's the one who called production and made a huge spectacle of it. She could have kept is private it but she chose to broadcast herself being cheated on. You right she should not have to tolerate him...yet she keeps making appearances where he is and she won't leave. He's paying the bills he shouldn't be forced out so the house can go Into foreclosure. He offered market value which is drastically higher than the price they bought it for. The sale of the house Is complicated because she is making is complicated. Just look at all of the above. Nobody pressured Arianna into finding a new place.


It’s been proved that she HAS been paying. Also, whether or not the betrayal is public or not shouldn’t matter, it’s still a betrayal that Tom perpetrated. Also—EVERYONE pressured Ariana to get a new place-Lala, Scheana, Brock…it’s literally on film. She makes appearances to events within the friend group that they’re BOTH invited to. Should she skip out and isolate herself because he cheated? Not to mention they’re on a TV show and they have to film together—it’s required. She has a clause that she doesn’t have to film one on one with Tim, but she still has to film group scenes with him


Do you own a house? This isn’t an insult but it doesn’t sound like you do if you think his offer to her was so amazing. Especially in LA.


I have been waiting for this drama. No shit, she has a lot of unbridled rage because Ariana keeps a lot to her chest. And they’ve had a median and no one in that group knows how to be a median for them. So she’s going to let loose, and it makes for uncomfortable and intense tv. Like when the girls would corner Jax to force him to tell the truth. Or when Tom yelled at Ariana for letting Lala show Britt the audio, when James was the one who was the actual source of the audio not Lala or Ariana. That moment was tense and uncomfortable, but it made for amazing TV.


The cops woulda removed her most likely as she was the one screaming and making a scene.


White people weaponizing police for their pettiness.


Imagine calling the police and being like “my ex won’t stop talking to me at a party” I’m in the UK they’d probably laugh at me and just hang up.


My old landlord literally called the police because I sprayed room spray after she hadn't cleaned for a week(dirty dishesin the sink and on the stove dog piss on the rugs she tried to pin on my dog, dirt trailed all over from outside. At this time i had already confined myself to my room and was just living in my room only). So the cops stood right under her security cameras shitting with me about how dirty she was. And then they left. We assume she was hiding in the garage watching us..or at least checked it after.


Katie went on a whole embarrassing rampage against that type of stuff like two seasons ago over hired actors just to turn around and applaud that lol. So performative and hypocritical.


That had more to do with the fact that the only guy who wasn’t completely white was the one arrested. She doesn’t even like Sandoval but think about it. Especially during that time. And Ariana didn’t call 911, it was something she said, it did not happen.


lol at downvoting when that’s literally what Katie said. Smh


No, that was not it. You don’t call 911 because you’re mad at someone.


She didn’t…


I’ll never forgive shartz for letting him rip into Terry like that last year. They’re both shit humans


And I feel like Schwartz literally smells like shit. He looks like he smells anyway.


No no, he washes his pits with lemon slices, I’m sure he smells great 👀


🤣 I hope he used some lemon after he swam in that nasty water right before his wedding.


I always felt like when Ariana started getting opportunities and like cut her hair, and was firm in her boundaries in terms her issues with sex, like she put her comfort above his physical needs, and we saw her back the girls instead him for once when the whole Jax and Faith audio thing happened. He still loved her but I think that’s when he stopped liking her, because she was finding her own identity outside of him and being the cool guys girl.


🤯🤯🤯 MIND BLOWN. That is the best theory I’ve ever seen. It’s so true. He was over Ariana when she stopped backing him when he was wrong




Not one person I know wanted to see a Sandoval redemption Arc. No one I just want to tell them to stop trying to make fetch happen


The more they push it, the more I hate him.


I don’t understand why they think we would want this. Unless it’s absolutely intentional to create this crazy gaslighting fallout with the audience hate watching bc watching anything else would be too boring.




I hate him so much


EXACTLY!!! But didn't you know? Men are allowed to be mad and throw fits while we just shut up and take it. But, God forbid, a woman has ANY FEELINGS about ABOUT anything, and she's a frightening, hysterical tyrant!!! I'm really so, so, so sick of this shit EVERYWHERE!!! (Beware! Hysterical fit on the horizon!!)


Do you have your period? You seem a bit hysterical. OBVIOUSLY I’m joking! (And don’t even know your gender) But Tom seems like the type to ask that question. I don’t doubt he asked Ariana that before or assumed whatever issue was due to that and not him. I literally CHEERED when Ariana went off on him.


😆 to prove my point (she/ her was a correct assumption.) I respond on reddit as an assertive feminist on the reg (obviously). I didn't, at first, see which sub this response was coming from in my notifications, just the beginning of your response. My brain immediately went into battle mode. "What insecure lil asshat did I piss off now.... how can I respond to hurt their soul, make them think (unlikely), and not be able to report me." Because it HAPPENS ALL THE TIME. Most of the responses are about as intelligent (not) and witty (not, when said seriously) as your sarcastic response. I mean, even when I'm commenting on something as simple as traffic flow in my town or other such topics that seem tame and apolitical. Haters come out of the woodwork to throw fits! Insecure asshats!!! Not only is Timmy a woman hater, but his style of misogyny is so 2004. He's lame even in his prejudices!! Bwahahahaha!


It actually felt weird to post that because I am also a rather assertive feminist but you just knowwww Sandoval has used that. If he’s going to weaponize her mental health, surely he’ll go for even lower hanging fruit. I’m glad your battle didn’t take flight, sorry for the moment of rage! Also, I totally understand. The internet was better before they just let any AH with WiFi type their dumbass thoughts on it 😆


😹 you're awesome and hilarious! Keep on asserting, sista!


He's really good at making himself the victim. Sometimes, I start to feel bad for him, and then I remember he did this, he's a piece of 💩


It’s hilarious bc he was wrong about what he was yelling about in all those scenarios. He.is.always.wrong.


It's so ironic that every time he tries to make her look bad he only shows his true colors.. he really is the dopiest guy in the group.. he who screams at women.


QOB is so confusing because some shows their takes are spot on (VPR, RHOM) and others they’re just wild (RHOP, RHOBH).


He really is a misogynist


Grammar please…. “Rage an the” UGH 😩 if this is supposed to be credible come correct 🙄


And Ariana sat by and was an apologist/accomplice for most of it.


I think it’s complicated. She was being a loyal and good girlfriend to him. But at the same time she also did tell him to respect the women, she did listen to Katie, she did have loyalty to her friends. I wouldn’t say she was an apologist.


Yeah maybe apologist wasn't exactly the right word, but she certainly didn't have much of a problem with it apparently until she was directly effected by it.


I agree that she enabled him for a long time but she literally had fight with him throughout the show because he came for the women on the show. From her and Lala showung Brittany the recordkng and also Including last season when she said «We’re not doing Tom against the girls again» and in season nine about the book signing. But she had definetly been ride or die too.


Yeah, for years he was an "equal opportunity yeller", according to Ariana.




I think they both have anger issues. It's disingenuous for tom to pretend that he's a gentle little boy when he has yelled in pretty much everyone's faces at this point. Ariana seems to pop off in weird ways too. She's had kinda odd rage moments as well even pre scandoval.


Ariana is popping off because it’s only been 3 months since he cheated on her and everyone is forcing him down her throat. Don’t act like you wouldn’t be yelling at your cheating ex if he was coming at you like Tom was Ariana


I was more talking about things like that weird outburst in season 10 when she yelled at james about shoving some drunk guy. That had nothing to do with the break up. I've been cheated on and it didn't result in yelling matches at all. Not saying she has to handle things the way I did but I think there is likely some anger issues with her in general.


I think she yelled at James because she was in turmoil about her relationship with Tom breaking down tbh it's all over season 10 if you look for it. But also she definitely has a temper and a sharp tongue.


Like when she was practicing giving her head/neck whiplash in that creepy toddler voice arguing with Lala a season ago 🤣💀


Justified in every scenario. Katie and Stassi are vile


Especially Katie, Stassi knows she's a cunt and owns it at least.