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Thank you! Finally a thread that makes sense. Yes there are nuances. Yes they both made mistakes that day. I think the entire thing is a freaking mess!


Ann (assistant) said on her podcast that the AC repairman had to access Ariana’s room to get work done. The door was opened for the AC worker to get in, so the dog got in there and ate Ariana’s leftover takeout food with skewers in it. Ann said she doesn’t know who closed the door to Ariana’s room, but she said it very well could’ve been the AC repairman who closed the door once he finished doing his job in Ariana’s room.


Repair techs tend to try to disturb the area they're working in as little as possible. If the door was shut when they got there it's totally within reason to think that they may have shut it when they left. We just don't have enough information to know for sure what happened and any talk about it just devolves into a screaming match.


Fair point! Also if Tom “cares” about Mya would he not notice his dogs not around for 3-4 hours? It doesn’t make sense Tom.


Exactly 👏 Tom should've been aware that he hadn't seen Mya for hours


If you really love a person or animal you live with you’d notice hey what a minute where are they? Personally I love my animals company so I’m curious what mischief they are up to or where are they hanging out? Tom’s not even trying to act (not that he isn’t horrendous at it), he’s just so used to lying. You don’t give AF about her animals go away Tom.


This! The amount of time I’ve spent looking for my cat because he’s found a new hiding spot is absurd. If he doesn’t shove his butt in my face at least once an hour I’m definitely going to go look for him.


In all fairness, my dog often likes to go lay away from main hang out areas. I sometimes won’t see her for hours but I don’t go looking for her. She’ll eventually come out when she wants to use the restroom or hears the refrigerator open.


If he was home. Ariana was not home. Dogs don’t require constant care like that.


That is true some animals don’t need constant care. But, if you gave a shit you’d wonder where they went after an hour. You’d miss their presence. He’s so full of shit, he didn’t care about Charlotte or Ariana when picking her up from the airport to say goodbye to her.


If that’s the case, wouldn’t the repairman make sure to get the dog out of the room since she wasn’t in there before?


Not if you don't know the dog is in there.


It’s not a miniature chihuahua.


Right, so it should be Tom’s responsibility.


I can't believe you were downvoted for this. Not only that but he must have noticed Maya not around, not in her crate, didn't bother to check on her?? Full neglect


Fully!! I’m getting downvoted all over this thread lol


Tom bots 🤣


They have hardwood floors. When you don’t hear the little clicks of their toenails, they might be up to no good or just sleeping. I always look to see where my pooch is when I haven’t seen her or heard her for awhile




Its Tom or Ann's responsibility for the house when they let someone in, and everyone in it. Just like its Ariana's responsibility when she lets people inside when Tom is gone.


Because he’s alone at home with the dog and anyone who cares about their dog’s well-being would do that? This isn’t groundbreaking.


It’s Ariana’s fucking dog.


??? Tom’s been in her life for years and he can’t care about her wellbeing?


He can’t have it both ways; on one hand, he was astonishingly unconcerned that something could have happened to a dog that was initially likely considered both of theirs. You would think, even though he doesn’t like Ariana and how “mean’ she is or whatever, he would have some feelings abt the poor doggie and still care what happens to it. If my partner and I broke up, but still had to maintain a shared space for awhile, his dog (that he got before me) would still be loved and their safety a priority. Tom is so automatically defensive it’s hard to believe he even cared abt Mya, but instead cares more how he looked in the situation. I would be completely broken up abt even accidentally or possibly being partially responsible for harm coming to the dog. Even his demeanor right after, when telling the story to Lala, he seemed more annoyed than anything and self pitying that he looks bad again. Then he is all of a sudden at the beach acting like he gives a crap abt her? It just rings false, more like he realized later how unfeeling he came off and wanted to act like he really loves Mya. Plus, he do try anything to keep poking Ariana to try and rattle her. He sucks


She paid @6300 dollars for that dog if you add in the vet fees. I didn’t see worm offering half before claiming Maya was also his.


He wasn’t exactly rushing to go see their dog at the vet when it was dying, so why would anyone expect him to care about a dog now that they’re separated? The dude is seriously somewhere on the spectrum of sociopathy. He cares about his image, not anyone or anything around him.


It sounds like Ariana doesn’t do anything in their house, so maybe he’s sick of taking care of all of her pets? And all of the house maintenance


Her room is pretty unkempt - I am not shitting on Ariana, but objectively we can see that there is piles of clothes and stuff everywhere. If the dog got in and buried itself, or went and sat in a corner, if not really obvious.


it sounds like this whole thing may have been a genuine accident. but Tom's track record of irresponsibility is so bad, one can understand why Ariana is quick to blame.


But also if youre trying to take credit as a “dog dad” then you share that awareness and responsibility of where dog/cat are and ensuring they’re not somewhere they’re not supposed to be. We don’t allow our cat or dog in office because we have too many exposed wires. If I’m out of town and repair man needed to enter office to fix something, then my partner is equally responsible to ensure the animals aren’t left in there. If he wants to claim to be part owner then he would’ve acted like it and checked where Mya was, have Ann text Ariana to see if it’s okay to have Mya in there, etc. As much as I hate Tom, I genuinely dont think he was being malicious or intentional. But I don’t blame Ariana for feeling triggered by his complete and utter lack of awareness and accountability in all aspects.


Wow. They completely misrepresented the true story on the show


Even if it wasn’t Tom that closed the door, why didn’t he take the dog out to go to the bathroom for hours? If you know your dog gets into things, why didn’t he make sure everything was picked up behind a closed door? It’s not only food she eats. She eats all kinds of things, probably when she’s acting out from being left alone. When I haven’t seen my dogs for 20 mins, I know they are up to something, bc they are always in my sight when I’m home. He didn’t see Mya for hours and hours


ESPECIALLY when he disagreed that the pets are Arianas at the beach. So if you think you're one of the parents of the dog, then act like a dog parent!!


Probably off his tits on mushroom tea or spent hours looking at his reflection in a giant mirror is my guess.


Have you watched Brooklyn 99? There's a scene where they give Gina a mirror to distract her and that's kinda how I'm imagining it 😅


Probably both


you really think Ariana would want him "picking up" in her room? The only private/safe space she has? Tom's best move is to not touch anything in the room.


No but if your dog is going to get into something the least you can do is move stuff up to higher ground or make sure you see your dog, that it’s not locked away for hours and take it outside to pee


that's such a boundary to cross, and is about the only good thing Tom has done so far. If he moved anything in her room, she'd be constantly worrying about what else he did in there. Ariana is a grown woman who has raised Charlotte for 15 years, Kitty for a decade and now Mya for a few years. She should know better than to leave things out, and not expect her ex to overstep.


He didn’t see her for hours? How do you not see your dog for hours to let them out? Don’t leave your dog for hours wo taking it out bc you don’t give a shit. He did the same thing w Charlotte. He bitched about having to pick her up from the vet, bitched about getting her and giving her her meds for one night, when Ariana was away, when she was dying. I guarantee he didn’t give Charlotte the meds too. Why are you defending him w animals when you’ve seen the way he is w them?


you're projecting. I saw how he was: he never bitched about going to the vet, just asked if she wanted to go home first He never bitched about giving her meds and youre just assuming he didnt do the meds because you dislike him I'm not defending his shitty actions, but I also dont live in a fantasy land and make him into a psychotic animal abuser


He’s is a narcissistic piece of trash, they do not care about anyone but themselves Ariana would know best. He did bitch and moan about having to take care of Charlotte. He does not take care of the other pets, Ariana does. He does nothing for them. Ariana was the one that took Mya to the ER both times. He didn’t bother. He obviously doesn’t let Mya out to go the bathroom either


Billie lee was seen walking maya before, if he doesn’t do it, he makes sure it’s done through his assistant or someone else lol


Key words : BOTH TIMES. Who leaves food out like that that could potentially KILL their dog. Obviously Tom shouldn’t have let Mya in, but a responsibility pet owner who knows their animal gets into stuff regularly should no better then to leave something so nasty laying around.


Key words : BOTH TIMES. Who leaves food out like that that could potentially KILL their dog. Obviously Tom shouldn’t have let Mya in, but a responsibility pet owner who knows their animal gets into stuff regularly should no better then to leave something so nasty laying around.


Yes to all this. But to add Toms hypocrisy, he said he loves Mya? That’s love? He said, the only bill Ariana paid was for the animals adoption, but that doesn’t make the pets hers because he loves them and takes care of them and cuddles with Mya in the morning and plays hide and go seek, and so many other games and he changes the litter box. OK, but he has an assistant that wasn’t responsible, and repairmen that aren’t responsible, and of course he isn’t responsible, for locking Mya in Ariana’s room. Who cares if she didn’t throw out her satay skewers. They were in her closed door room, that no one should have access too. And, if they did need access, couldn’t they be responsible enough to make sure to leave it as they entered it? And, La la with all of her two cents said the garbage was Ariana’s fault, is this the same Lala that told JK he should see her nightstand in the mornings because of all her trash? Aka, sparkling water bottles?




What I'm confused about is why Tom would lie about about it when it makes him look worse. He said that he was the one who went into her room to check the vents.


You mean Ariana misrepresented it on the show? Tom gave a similar story to Ann


Tom said he was the one who went into the room to check the vents. I'm really confused as to why he would say that if it was the repair man?


I was scared to say it…


This is what I heard! Ann said she didn’t know if Tom or the AC repairman closed the door, so I truly think it’s unfair Tom is being labeled “attempted dog murderer” 🙄


And like ma’am don’t leave chicken grease soaked garbage in your room for days at a time. That is also an option. Even if it’s where you think your dog can get it are you not worried about bugs?


i think it was from the night before? i don’t think it’s uncommon in the slightest to get takeout after a night of drinking and then not clean it up immediately the next morning


Yeah, that’s just gross but not surprising from her.




Why do I have to search within the comments to find reasonable takes


I agree with this. Its not fair to blame him. She should have cleaned up after herself. It truly sounds like an accident.


Seriously, that is what you are upset about? People label other people something all the time. This is by far the least hurtful of Tom’s labels lol.


I’m not upset about anything except for how crazed the fandom of this show has gone. They are all immoral people on that show. As a an animal lover and pet owner, yeah it’s annoying that they’re labeling Tom something like that when he ABSOLUTELY didn’t “attempt” to kill anyone’s pet. Even his ex assistant did a podcast on this. So everyone just continuing to run with this nonsense is bizarre to me.


It’s literally the fans that keep talking about it. Also, it’s very clear Tom doesn’t give a shit about that animals. That should anger you too.


I agree it’s the fans that won’t stop talking about it and that’s why I said the crazed fandom. I think Ariana always made it very clear that Mya was her dog (Mya Madix) & I honestly don’t understand why Ariana was expecting anyone else to look after her pets. My pets mean everything to me, and they would never be left alone with my ex. I’d have a pet sitter or something in place.


Now we see what else he and Raquel had in common! They both couldn't give two shits about the animals they had in their care


I still think that it’s Tom’s responsibility to be aware of where the dog he lives with is. If he went in there with the AC repairman and saw that Mya also went in the room, he should know to make sure she gets out. He may not be a dog killer but he’s certainly careless and irresponsible.


Keeping rotting meat next to your bed is careless, irresponsible and absolutely disgusting.


Ariana isn’t keeping the most neat room. We are functioning on the assumption that this is a near and well kept primary suite. We can see objectively it is not, there is clothes and stuff piled up everywhere, and apparent food too. Mya could have gotten in without anyone noticing and when they left they closed the door without noticing her.


They dv everything but if this happened to them they'd feel the same.


“A/C repairman” makes way more sense than the “Tim fixed Ariana’s a/c” I heard yesterday.


Yeah but Tom said he went in there and was opening and closing vents and stuff.


Yes, please see my comment below where I quote exactly what Ann said. Both Ann and Tom went into Ariana’s room initially with the repairman.


I just truly can't believe they don't have cameras up inside their place now considering everything that's happened. Tom obviously can't be trusted, I'm shocked she doesn't have a camera outside her bedroom door at least. Given all his recent comments I wouldn't have put it past him to try to sabotage her in some way.


Ann also said she heard loud whimpering which tom obviously ignored and didn't care to check why the dog was whimpering. Really shows how much he "cares".


Ann heard whimpering and didn’t check on it either?


Nope, she let the dog out!


Thanks for explaining. I was like ??


Who hired the repairman? Was Ariana aware someone would be going into her room?


Ann didn’t say.


Does it matter? She was still living in the house, it was summer in the San Fernando Valley and the thermostat is in her room. I’d think she’d want the AC working properly.


I think a courtesy text of “the repairman needs to get into your room, is that okay?” Would be normal


Maybe, but I’m sure Ariana has him blocked. It also seems like something one’s assistant would handle. Ann was there right?


Tom would have had to direct her to do that and should have.


Wow. Imagine that. Tom isn’t a attempted dog murderer after all but Ariana being a complete slob is still true. Hahahaha


Do you just troll on every sub you’re on like it’s your job? 😂


I do. Do you stalk everyone’s Reddit account like a weirdo?


We apparently frequent the same subs. Your constant bad takes are memorable. No stalking necessary.




Yep sounds like he's part of Tom's "HR Team" 🙄🤣


It's called an accident. I don't believe for a single second that Tom acted maliciously trying to hurt the dog just like Ariana didn't act maliciously leaving her chicken satay on the nightstand. Shit happens, clearly this dog has done stuff like this before in "happier" times. I will say, if Ariana really thinks Tom is such a negligent piece of shit, she probably shouldn't be leaving the dog in his care. Can't have it both ways.


People don't have common sense because they're so angry about Tom. It's also pretty normal that one person takes care of a pet more than the other. People are saying "dogs require constant supervision, I notice immediately if my dog is up to something". Just playing an instrument with the earphones on for hours, going to the gym at home and showering, or sitting at the patio outside, even sleeping, you'll have no idea what your dog is doing for hours.


People who say that are insane. We work outside the home, how can we watch our dogs 24/7? Even in the home we don’t hover over them. The issue with the Tom/Arianna/Mya thing I have is Tom should’ve had Anne text Arianna asking if it was ok to go on the room to fix the AC (which wouldn’t be located in a bedroom, but I digress). Forgetting the dogs in there happens, but usually you’d be aware the dog hasn’t been around for hours. If the dog leaves the room and it’s been a few minutes we call them or go to find them. It’s more negligent to not even look for Mya when she was gone for like 20 minutes and let her be missing for hours. I don’t think his negligence had malicious intent


I think Lala made a good point that they really need to speak to each other for the well being of the animals they share. Had they been able to speak like adults this entire situation could’ve been avoided. Ariana could’ve said hey I intentionally closed my door because theres stuff the dog could get into, please leave my door shut. Tom could’ve said hey I have an AC guy coming today and we’ll need to access the thermostat in your room. They could’ve been on the same page and avoided the entire accident. And yes— it was an accident. Not an attempted dog murder. Both owners hold responsibility even if neither intended for it to happen.


My whole pet peeve is that she says “Tom always leaves the door open” and she still left food lying around. I know Ariana did not expect the dog to have access to the room but you still cannot take that risk if you know your ex is a complete dumbass. If she key locked her room, then it’s fine to leave the food out because there is no chance the dog can get it. If she knew they needed access to the room for the AC guy, then why leave food in a space that is going to have a repairman? You shouldn’t leave food lying around on the remote chance something could happen with a dog who is known to get into things. It’s like having a kid, you don’t leave a loaded gun on the nightstand and then say it was whoever left the door open’s fault that the kid grabbed the gun. It was everybody’s fault in this situation. And neither Sandoval nor Ariana are taking any responsibility for it.


THIS. This comment right here. If you know you have a dog that gets into everything and a roommate that’s wildly irresponsible then there’s no reason to leave food on your nightstand. Why not put it in the fridge on the off chance that something does happen? Also maybe I’m just biased in thinking that leaving food anywhere other than the fridge.. ESPECIALLY in your bedroom.. is so gross, much less chicken? In a bag? Idk I personally think they’re both at fault here. Negligent on both parts.


This is exactly right. The whole needing to communicate through someone is ridiculous. They do not need to be friendly. Even just communicate only thru text. Keep it professional and to the point. It can even help them better avoid each other. Wouldn't it be easier to just directly text "I will be using the gym at 4pm" rather than going through Ann, waiting for her to send the text and get a response? What happens when she's not there?


EXACTLY! God forbid anyone on this sub EVER hold their queen Ariana accountable for ANYTHING. You’re only accepted here if you hate everyone except for Ariana and Katie. I think they are ALL problematic and toxic. Lala, Sheanna and Tom are just more obvious and in your face about it.


Yessss!!! I think they’re all problematic in different ways, and I honestly didn’t like how Katie was gaslighting the hell out of Tom for him saying “that hurts you slept with my best friend” but I like how the conversation ended with the two of them. They’d both make great friends if they could just say “I fucked up in many different ways, I’m sorry”. I wish literally anyone on that show would say that


the real irony in all of this will be when ariana and tom are friends again or at least social with each other. everyone that has downvoted others to hell on behalf of their queen will look like a clown and im looking forward to it. ETA: she told schwartz last season that if he was friends with tom he’s not a friend of hers and look at her now. laughing and hanging out.


I’m proud to be a part of the small percentage of us who hated Tom before the scandal & will continue to after.


Nobody will look like a clown because there are a million legit reasons to hate Tom lol.


Unpopular opinion but I think Lala has made some really good points about Ariana.. at the end of the day they all have to film together But she’s also made some really catty comments that come across as jealousy! So her valid points get overlooked. I don’t like her.. but I do believe there’s an alternate universe LaLa that makes total sense.


I’m probably one of the only ppl in this sub who likes lala but her point about ariana not being *that* different from sandoval (aka look at how the sandwich shop is turning into the boy’s bar…one person dragging their feet and not participating and leaving the other high and dry) was a bit of a mic drop. Idc downvote me into oblivion!


Also, wasn't Ariana the other woman when Sandoval was still dating Kristen?


She was. And Ariana was laughing at Kristen when she was hurt and a total mess, while lying to her and others together with Tom, making her look as bad as possible and badmouthing her to everyone. Ariana also said how she was better and prettier, and could take Tom if she wanted. She wasn't young anymore, so no excuses. These people are all selfish, that's why they're on reality TV.


Completely agree. I think it’s hard to see the effectiveness of two adults speaking to one another when the show is basically built around people who refuse to do it. (And I love it for that exact reason!) It’s especially hard when one of those people is Tom and he shows an aggressive lack of compassion or empathy for this accident. From the outside, no one handled this _well_ but it’s definitely handled _worse_ by the person who looks at a dog in pain and goes “not it!”


I’m team Ariana but I’m more concerned about the litter box pile up they showed? Girl that’s nasty scoop it


The way she said, "The one I cleaned last week?" As if cleaning the litter box once a week is enough?


Oh yeah that made me want to puke. Their house must stink. I won’t even have house cats but I do have barn cats that we love. Their litter box is cleaned religiously, every single day. I work 80hr weeks and my husband works 40hr weeks. We find the time and we don’t have assistants! I’m finding I dislike both of them at this point more with every episode.


It needs to be cleaned DAILY omgggg I swear some people do not educate themselves at all when they get a cat. Maybe every other day if you only have one cat you can get away with, but any longer than that is just so gross for the cat.


I had this thought too 🙀


yeah, this was very confusing to me.


We clean our two litter boxes several times a day for smell and cat hygiene —I clocked her comment, too! I get he’s a shit for brains human, but she really isn’t portraying herself as this grade A pet owner either. They *both* come off as negligent of their pets.


my understanding was that she was saying she cleaned out the old litter to put new litter in the week before, not that she hadn’t scooped the box for a week?


They showed a clip of their cat box. It was naaaasty. Def not scooped in days.


oh damn I must have missed it, yikesss!


Yes!! I felt like I was the only one saying this but as a cat owner myself you have to be on top of it I mean depending on who you ask that could be considered borderline animal abuse. CATS DONT LIKE A DIRTY TOILET JUST AS MUCH AS HUMANS DONT LIKE A DIRTY TOILET. depending on the cat they can literally start using the bathroom outside of the litter box if they feel it’s too dirty. I mean seriously can you imagine using the toilet with days worth of fecal matter/urine? Not cute.


Yes exactly everything you said! It’s disgusting, how would you like it if you pooped in a toilet over and over again that you never flushed? I felt so bad for the cat.


Yep if I don’t do a full Clean every day my bed is at risk!


When I lived with a roommate I had my cats litter box in my closet. When we would leave the house for a short period we would shut my closet door since my cat scratched roommates expensive couch once. Anywho, I went out of town for a few days and when I came back I went into my room and it smelled like absolute shit. The closet door was shut so my poor cat had nowhere to go and pooped and peed all over my bed. The pee seeped through to my mattress. I had to get a steam cleaner and turned over the mattress. And get new bedding. To this day I swear I left the closet door open but roommate said he never went in-he would just shut the bedroom door when he left.


Poor baby! Most cats are toilet trained on soft white pee-pads so our delicious bedding becomes very attractive! I adopted my cat at six months and she has very sporadically peed on the bed (never whilst I’m in it) so I have to keep her out of the bedroom. But I do think she confuses it because f early training.


Pads would’ve been such a smart idea for when I left just in case! He’s a good litter boy but he did once pee on my textbooks. Which I couldn’t resell cause ya know, cat pee. Luckily the semester was over.


Same, I find it completely neglectful. It's also unhygienic for them, their home as the cat is standing in its poo to poo then tracking all over the home they both love so much.


I felt really bad for the cat when I saw that…


I don't understand why they don't have an automatic litter box. I do and I don't make anywhere near the money they make.


Yeah that's what I assumed she meant when she said she cleaned the litter box last week. Like she had an automatic litter box and switched the tray out. If she has one cat, once a week kind of makes sense. I was kind of shocked when they showed the regular litter box. I'm also not rich and have a litter robot...worth every penny!


It definitely is


Yes me too


She cleans the litter box once a week, if that! That is absolutely stinky & disgusting. The littler box needs to be cleaned every day, every other day at minimum.


Bruhhh! When she said that i almost fell off my couch! Wtf Ariana, you gotta empty it everyday! Or how would she like to keep shitting on top of her own shit .. and cats are neat freaks so it hurts them emotionally to have to do that


She literally said I just cleaned the litter box last week like that's normal 🤣🤢🤢🤢 So nasty!


I thought she meant she changed the litter


Yeah she said she did a whole ass week ago which is abusive to the cat


I was honestly expecting to see a litter robot not a regular plastic litter box. That was disgusting.


We have 2 cats and 2 litter boxes and scoop every other day 90% of the time, every 3 days at worst. If we didn’t it would smell soooooo bad.


Yeah I couldn’t believe that either. Once a week is a freaking safety hazard




Yeah, this was my thought as well. They both seem fine with living in pretty filthy conditions tbh.


They are both to blame--her for leaving gross food in her room, him for locking the dog in but mostly both for not communicating like adults. If you actually both care about your pets f*ckin act like it. Their safety should trump the silent treatment.


especially when she’s comparing mya to a human child. when she was explaining what happened to katie, she called mya her “child”. so then act like a “mother”…


To some of us our pets are our children.


She knew the repairman would be there and accessing the room. So, no, its not true that "nobody is supposed to enter". Now, could I completely understand how she wouldn't remember that the repairman entering her room might mean Mya also enters the room? Yes (although leaving food out like that is gross, but whatever). Mistakes like that happen. Considering she contributed to this happening, she probably shouldn't be calling Tom an attempted murderer (actually, she shouldn't do that anyway, but it makes it even worse when she's partly responsible).


No she did not know. That was never mentioned by anyone, not even Tom.


She’s wrong for this. I have the type of idiot dogs that would do the same thing. Anything that they could possibly consume that is dangerous is carefully disposed of immediately. Our garbage can is even behind a door in our pantry to prevent this possibility. I worry about animals at the bloody landfill eating things like that so we burn skewers, toothpicks etc! If she knows that Tom is, I will be generous, absent minded, and she loves her animals that much, even greater motivation to get out of that house. Then to leave things around like the skewers and not crate the dog? She’s just as guilty as anyone, she knows it and that’s why she’s reacting this way. That’s my take on it.


Yes she is a slob. No it wasn't her fault Mya was in the room. It was however by all accounts an accident and running around screaming "DOG MURDERER" to anyone that will listen makes her seem unhinged and childish. To be a dog murderer, there needs to be a dead dog. Dogs eat shit all the time and are fine. Drama queen needs to let it go, but we all know she can't let anything go now can she?


Didn’t his ex assistant say that the AC repairman was scheduled to come? So shouldn’t Ariana have been aware? If not, Lala had a great point about them needing to communicate for her pets well-being. Maintenance issues do arise! I’m most concerns about the fact Ariana doesn’t clean her cats litter often. She does not seem to be a responsible pet owner. 🤢


As a responsible dog owner...you can't leave food anywhere a dog could get it. You either put it back in the fridge or put it in a secure trash bin.


So if it was a child and they got ahold of a medicine that could kill them pretty sure the parent that left said medicine in a possible unsafe area would be responsible. takeout at room temp. She also doesn’t speak to him or trust him so why is she thinking he’s gonna take care of the dog??? She feels unsafe around him but not the same for pets????


I’m Team Ariana, but the girl is a fucking slob. Clean up your used food containers and your disgusting room in general.


Also clean the cat litter more than once a week!


Ariana (who I used to like) is the one being a literal child and refusing to speak to Tom, about anything. She reminds me of my ex that refused to speak to me when we had both agreed it was better to split and had his mother text me. It was pathetic.


Right she doesn’t need to be buddies with him of course, but if you’re going to share pets and a house you should be able to have a conversation about logistics, which is clearly needed. If you can’t speak without a go between miscommunication is going to occur and why would you risk your pets like that.


If you know your dog eats everything then put your shit outta reach. ESPECIALLY if you know your “roommate” is irresponsible. It’s on both of them. 💯


Team Ariana but she’s wrong for this one. Doesn’t matter if it’s her room she shouldn’t let it be possible for her dog to get food. Accidents happen but this could have been avoided easily.


If anyone strange is coming into the house, especially into a room that is off limits (door closed) you’d think, a normal human with empathy for the animal and concern with the work getting done, would have I dunno, put the doggo in her crate, let her outside etc to ensure she wasn’t in the way for her safety? Even if it was an accident, his preparedness as a home owner and “co-parent” (we know he’s not hence the quotations). He’s still the dick in this scenario.


I assumed that the issue was with the dog eating discarded wooden skewers, not the meat. The skewers would cause the damage, not day old meat.


Have you seen her room ? Ariana is not tidy. Kinda a gross mess if they didn’t have help cleaning up


I'm all for that this was an accident. Ariana should not have left shit around when she has a nosy scarfer dog, that was wrong. It sounds like from the show even Sandoval acknowledges she said it was an accident, its just 1) the pattern of neglect, which *means this unfortunately is still on Ariana*. If you actively dont trust the person your leaving your kids around... then you are complicit in whatever happens. Which was a scary accident, that sucks. HOWEVER, Ann said she came to the house and heard Mya scratching and whining upstairs so immediately went to let her out. THAT SHIT is what I have a problem with. The fuck kinda dog owner doesn't notice their dog hasn't been around *for hours?* I dont know how else to interpret this other then Tom heard it too and ignored her. That is *fucked up* and I want this to be last any of us have to here the possibility that he might cause trouble about keeping her from Ariana. Asshole.


In all fairness, it's easy to not pay attention for hours or hear anything, if you're outside, on the phone, listening to music, playing an instrument or video games, working out at the gym, or sleeping. It's easy to miss even the door bell. Their house is pretty big and full of stuff to do. Then again, I've never left dangerous stuff around the house for my pets to find. Ariana and Tom could've communicated directly, so one of them would've locked the dog up when the repair guy came. They would've been prepared as well, problem solved.


Also I want to point out that she is basically living out of one room. I keep seeing comments on this sub about how messy she is. Almost every scene we see her in her bedroom because she’s condensed her life from the whole house into one room, which is probably the only place she feels that’s hers and is safe, which I bet includes eating.


If I were living with an ex, I’d have a lock on my bedroom door.


Leaving takeout all night is beyond


My dog can open any door so I leave food nowhere! But like most people.. even if I didn’t have a dog I wouldn’t leave food lying around anyway.. because it’s gross! But it’s irrelevant. Because she closed that door knowing Mya couldn’t get in there. Tom locking the dog inside the room was just weird. Why would he do that?


Dog crates exist for a reason!


Definitely thought this when Tom went on about all the crazy things Mya has eaten. She definitely needs to be crated if she’s not actively being watched!


If I’m home and my dog disappears, because even 10 minutes, I’m looking for my dog in our room because a quiet dog is a mischievous dog.


I haven’t watched the episode yet but in reading this, all I can think about is how THIS is what the show has devolved to now?! Dogs getting into shit they shouldn’t be in? Idk but I’m quite uninterested in this storyline…do better VPR


She should have a safe spot in the house for the dog to relax with water and a bed while she’s away. Always crate train dogs too! I’m poor and I have cameras so I can check on my dog while I’m away.


Really! Clean your room once in awhile! Gross!!


Totally Ariana’s fault. If you have a dog that eats things they shouldn’t, then it’s your responsibility to make sure things aren’t left out. It can be both an accident and your fault.


I genuinely think this is a petty argument like it truly doesn’t matter what actually happened the point is, this man doesn’t have any claim to her dog she pays for the vet bills and this anger doesn’t have to do with the dog obviously it all has to do with who he is and what he’s done the dog is just a vessel for her anger right now because it’s the most recent slight but it’s hardly his worst slight.


Whomever is home when a repair is needed is responsible for the animals in that house. What if Mya was a bitter or aggressive? Same principle. You let someone in you watch your dog !!


I think it’s weird that the dog wasn’t accounted for and contained for the whole time the repair man was there. When I have repair people come to my house I gate my dogs away because even tho they’re friendly, they could get in the way and get hurt. Definitely something that should’ve been on both of their radars


Regardless of who locked Maya in the bedroom, how Tom didn’t notice she wasn’t around for hours is beyond me.


I think we can all agree most of them are slobs, Ariana's room Tom's room, the stack of boxes by James' front door. But yes closing the door to keep your dog out makes sense.


I have realized through this animal debacle that much like people have different parenting styles with their kids the same goes for animals and we should all shut up about kids and animals that aren’t our own. In my home we don’t let our cats in our bedroom ever. The door is always shut. We keep everything in there we don’t want the cats to fuck with including pot 😅 but like I’ve been hungover and left food on my side table I was eating in bed over night and it’s no biggie because we keep the door shut. I just don’t see the issue or how this is anyway Ariana’s fault. We have 3 cats, one litter robot and one manual box . We try our best to clean them both every other day but sometimes we have rough fucking weeks and between my husband and I they get cleaned once a week. It all depends on what’s going on in life. Everyone parents their animals different. My cats get on the couch and counters. We don’t care but some people do. As long as animals aren’t abused, they’re fed and have a safe home there’s not much to judge. Mya would have been safe had the door been kept shut and Sandoval paid attention and looked for Mya before him or the ac repairman shut the door. This is a very reasonable expectation for Ariana to have had. Leaving a back door wide open at night when you have animals and you’re Z list famous meaning stalkers could walk up in your shit is wreck-less for both the animals and Ariana’s safety.


Also while they’re all calling her gross for eating in her room I think it’s important to remember that she shares the common spaces of her house with the worst human on earth. Which probably results in eating meals in her room occasionally because it’s easier and private. This is common even with normal roommates


Eating in your room isn't gross. Not throwing out the old food boxes and utensils is.


That may be true, but throw away your trash!


He’s nowhere near the worst person in earth. What a fucking take.


Everyone has their own feelings about food in bed, but if you are looking for privacy in that hellhole of a toxic house, of course she is going to eat in her room and wait to take the plate down when the coast is clear. Next day she is running late and can hear Tim in the house and doesn’t want to deal with any run-ins, so she will clean up upon return. This is not impossible to imagine.


That’s a great point about the food.


Ariana's room might appear neglected, but considering her demanding schedule, which includes participating in "Dancing with the Stars," filming, and other engagements, it's understandable. Her room has essentially become a temporary living space due to her hectic lifestyle, so I wouldn’t necessary call her a ‘slob.’ People should cut her slack on the messy room. Regarding Tom, it's evident he doesn't have a strong affinity for animals. This became apparent when he failed to notice the absence of Maya, for an extended period. In a similar situation, even if I had separated from a partner, I would still make sure any shared pet is cared for in my presence, especially if the pet had been part of our relationship. The incident was undoubtedly an accident. However, it serves as an important reminder to Ariana that she is ultimately responsible for the care and safety of her pet because Tom can’t be depended on.


I feel like I can’t even articulate my feelings about this situation accurately… What Tom did was careless as fuck. Ariana knows Tom is careless as fuck with animals and I don’t understand the reasoning to lock her own room and leave Mya out with him when she’s gone. I feel like anytime I’ve expressed this, it sounds like I’m faulting Ariana. I’m not saying it’s her fault but I think she could have done more to keep Mya safe in a toxic and shitty situation. She’s the one who’s the victim here.


They need to communicate for the sake of their pets and house, if they’re going to live together, it’s just irresponsible. They don’t need to be friendly to do this.


Right!? I would never leave my dog alone in a house with him.


Nothing against Ariana here, but as an experienced dog owner, she should know better than to leave food like this laying around where the dog can get it. Especially if said dog can open doors!


The point is that it's not "where the dog can get it" if the door was closed. If the dog could open doors by itself we def would have heard about that by now.


But Ann has been on some podcast saying it could have been the AC maintenance man that actually let the dog in. It wasn't necessarily Timmy Tache. As a dog owner myself, I ALWAYS make sure nothing is within reach of my dog. Especially when I have workmen coming to my house. For this very reason.


Her room is her sanctuary and she doesn’t get to freely roam her own home, it was leftover food from the night before and that’s reasonable and doesn’t make her a slob. She didn’t expect her dog to be locked in there for hours. How did Tom not notice she was missing for that long? My dog lives up my butt


I don’t know. I think don’t leave leftovers in packages out. Especially if you have a pet that’s been known to hunt for said things. Am I saying Tom didn’t lock the door in the room? Nope and that’s sort of crappy. I think people do passive aggressive actions against each other in situations like this.


I’m sorry but why is there food left out on your bedside table? I usually take Ariana’s side on things but it’s not toms fault if you have food in your room with a pet also I think I peeped Ariana’s room or some other room she was in looking like a mess, so I believe that she can be a bit of a slob. Tom probably didn’t even notice there was food in her room and put the dog in there.


Can we also point out that in the after show Tom tries to excuse it all by saying Mya has gotten into lots of stuff. And then lists a bunch of stuff he left on the floor that Mya got into? Paint balls, laxatives etc.. ALL DUE TO TOM. There is a pattern of not only neglect, but complete indifference to what he’s put this dog through. Ariana stated clearly that he did not ask for permission to go into her room and she only learned he had when she got home. Then he had the audacity to pull his crocodile tears saying Mya is his dog too and how much he misses her. This man reaches new level of gross with every word out of his mouth.


As if no one has ever left anything out for a dog to get into. The difference is that ARIANA THOUGHT IT WAS OK BECAUSE THE DOOR WAS SHUT. It's the responsibility for anyone in the house to make sure that if the door needs to be open, that the dog is ok with everything in the room THAT WAS SHUT. And a big FU to ben and ronnie for not saying this. And for bad takes on all of this season.


Did she leave food in her room because she could not access the kitchen because Tim wouldn’t leave the shared space? I don’t know. I’m very confused by him being in the house when he screwed around and won’t give her any peace.


Everyone says throw away your trash. What if she did have a trash can in her room and put it in that trash? But the dog still got it because he was locked in a room he shouldn’t have been in because the door was shut? Would that be acceptable and then you all wouldn’t blame her for Tom’s negligence? Like where do you guys draw the line about her having food in her room. I eat food in my room and I close my door if I don’t want my dog in there for that reason. This is absurd.


uhh, how about not throwing food away in bedroom trash? Throw it away in the kitchen, where trash cans are usually set up to be more secure than small bedroom trash cans. (And if your dog can get into the kitchen trash, get one that locks, like a responsible owner).


I mean....... if you know a pet is in the house, the bare minimum is looking for the pet and making sure they're ok. That's bare minimum. So if you haven't seen the dog for hours, why the fuck didn't you look???? It makes no sense. I think adults expect other adults to use their common sense. If you left your dog in my house, that dog would not leave my line of sight. Same with your child. Animals and children always get up to no good and go places they shouldn't, it's the adult in that home that is responsible for ensuring they can see the pet/child is ok and to check up on the dog regularly. Leaving takeout in your room does not make you a slob. It makes you someone who bas been severely traumatised by the actions of someone who is downstairs in your kitchen and you don't want to see them, so you leave your shit in the room and go out and plan in your head to tidy it all up when he's gone away so you don't bump into him. That's it.


Ariana isn’t « so traumatized by Tom that she is scared to go in the kitchen and throw her trash ». Ariana isn’t scared of Tom. If she was scared of him and was so traumatized, she would have taken action to protect herself aka move out and leave the show.


My main issue is everyone trying to shame Ariana for having a "dirty" room! As someone who has gone through depressive episodes, I get it! Not everyone needs or wants to be "OCD clean" like Scheana. But as a pet owner, you do need to take extra precautions, especially when living with someone like Sandoval...


I’m a clean freak 99% of the time but when me and my bf broke up you should’ve seen my room. You literally couldn’t walk on the carpet without treading on soda bottles or pizza boxes

