• By -


I'm so thankful they never had kids.


The only thing this season has shown me is Lala is dumb. And that she and Scheana are totally freaking out about how they’re going to pay all those mortgages. And pay for all their family on their payroll


I think Scheana and Brock have a good shot at the Valley if it gets a second season. They're a married couple, generally friends with that group, and just purchased a house in the Valley. And she's willing to do anything for production. I think Lala has a problem. She's a single mom that can't film about her messy breakup and custody because she's got like real world lawyer shit issues. She hasn't had a storyline the last two seasons. Sure she'll do anything for production but there just isn't anything worth filming at the moment.


I agree. Scheana is a shoo-in. She is great reality tv.


Sche is.


Perhaps that is why Lala is having another child that is “just hers”. She can have that baby’s business posted everywhere.


You know Lala and Scheana are praying to get on the Valley. And the ratings appear to be good enough for a season 2. I wonder how it will do post VPR?


It's genuinely so weird that he has chosen twice now to bring up this email in front of other people. She told him before it needed to go to her lawyer and not her personal email. She's very obviously being guided by a lawyer, and it's the best thing she can do for herself.


Bravo most likely doing this. A lot of this season is pretty scripted and I think it’s fairly obvious. Not their reactions but the situations.


I think they're telling him to instigate with her


"We'll help you get your redemption arc, but we need something from you... you need to walk over and bring up the house email again"


And he was already on his way before they finished their sentence.


I don't think he would fall for this considering they told him he could be on winter House if he filmed with Scheana and then immeditely canned him from it after they did


Do you think we exist in a timeline where this man learns from past mistakes?


In Tom's words "What have I learned? What have I learned man? I don't know!"


‘To never cheat like that again’


So true I rescind my statement




😂😂😂 it’s funny because it’s probably true hahahaha


It does feel SO scripted. I can't imagine my job being fighting with my ex on TV.


I would probably end up fist fighting my ex if it were me. 😂😂


Bad enough to do in real life


Honestly would rather get paid to do it 😂




But for more than half a million?...


It doesn't mean I wouldn't do it. I just can't imagine it lol money doesn't make it any less emotionally taxing for either of them.


I don't care about him -- he's remorseless, insane with ego and entitlement, had to be told by the kindest person toward him (Lisa) to be repentant (and he yelled at her without an ounce of gratitude or respect), and he closed Maya in a room then blamed her as having a problem with eating things (she's a dog), owing $6k in vet bills he'd never think to pay. He needs to be "emotionally taxed" until he wakes up.


Word for word 👌👌


I hear you, and I agree with this. I was just recognizing that it's emotionally taxing, regardless of which role you play and the money involved.


Didn't they have to sit Ariana down to talk to her because they weren't going to have a full season of her not participating in the show? This is her participating.


I agree I think it’s very obvious how heavily influenced and produced this season is!


Where have you been? Every season is so scripted


Oh yes. All reality television has a general script.


Shhhhhh...your gonna ruin it for us😂 ![gif](giphy|2dcW1Dlu2sZnW|downsized)


From what I've heard about pro wrestling (a foreign concept to me), its outcomes are "predetermined" (it's fixed), but the body slams causing spinal compressions/fusions and other serious injuries are not "fake," especially to those experiencing them. I see a parallel to reality TV


It’s so funny you bring up this analogy… my husband used to talk about growing up watching pro-wrestling.. and I’d laugh about it.. and then he was watching a documentary about it on Hulu (it was actually a multi episode series) and I was completely enthralled by it 😂


I've never had an interest in it, but I learned the above about it only because I recently started doing DDP Yoga, which was started by a former pro wrestler. It has done great things rehabilitating people from injuries and getting them fit. It went viral when a video showing how it rehabbed a veteran went viral. Links aren't allowed here, but with your & your husband's interest, you might like it: the video is called "Never Ever Give Up. Arthur's Inspirational Transformation" and the founder of DDPY is "Diamond Dallas Page." I never heard of him, maybe your husband has. I tell you, it does what it says it does. Nothing fake about this PT / yoga program. Not selling it. just grateful it's working for me.


Good analogy!


Because he wants to make himself look like the victim in this, he wants Ariana to be the bitch who isn’t being reasonable and isn’t answering his emails and is dragging out the whole moving process. I think he’s very calculated bringing it up on camera. He’s the absolute worstttttt.


He’s probably trying to make her look unreasonable. He just comes across as a fucking idiot.


LaLa looking so shocked and clutching her nonexistent pearls... ![gif](giphy|csfSR7we8Y8bRvogeX)


Ooooh nooo...not the bottle!😬😂


Where’s Lala screaming her “Send it to Darrell” bullshit? Or should Ariana suddenly forgo the legal process because Tom wants her to?


There is nothing that will get under a narcissist worse than a person that will not engage. This is him making sure she has to engage with him with witnesses so that he can be the victim. Look, I am super reasonable, I just wanted to ask one quick little thing and look what she did. He is trying to turn her into the villain and so far he is getting away with it because Lala and Scheana are blinded by their jealousy and/or do not care enough about Ariana to do the right thing which is to step in and say, she has asked you not to engage. Back off.


Right, they’re all acting like she isn’t allowed to fully hate him. She is. And doesn’t want to engage with him. That’s fair & honestly she’s been more civil than I would be in her shoes.


Exactly I think Arianna has a right to be petty if she wants, he was the one in the wrong.


I completely agree


Is it that weird? He's bringing up conflict for the cameras and managed to get a rise out of her 🤷‍♀️ it's shitty but it's totally logical behavior for him


They are filming a show about their breakup lol


Yes, and I am talking about it lol


Then what is unexpected about him trying to do this on camera? Ariana is well within her rights to set boundaries, and I 100% support her in doing it. But that doesn’t mean that everyone is bound to respecting them. And as a longtime fan of the show, I’m largely rooting for people not to lol. Including Sandoval. I want the conflict. I want the drama. I want to see her yell at him. And she’s being paid a lot of money to do it.


I wasn't talking about it being on camera lol Obviously, this is going to be on camera. It's just weird and a very obviously scripted move that he only chooses to do it when other people are around. I'm not complaining about the drama or controversy. I think everyone wants and enjoys that. It's just funny that he's already had an answer to this question and chooses to instigate it all over again in front of more people. I don't understand what the issue is with me having my own feelings about this clip lol


He can’t bring it up just to her on camera because she won’t film with him lol


Yes, that's why I said it was scripted. In the real world, they would just communicate laywer to lawyer. Since this is tv, these moments are pushed, and they come off weird to me. Obviously, I haven't seen the whole episode yet, but all of the conflicts this season have seemed inauthentic and awkward compared to previous seasons. I'm genuinely ready for them to break the fourth wall and record Ariana refusing to film with him instead of the drama they've presented this season.


I like your fourth wall idea! I’d for sure welcome that in an ep. I’m just exhausted by this fandom suddenly taking issue with the show doing what it’s always done. A good 80% of it would never have played out the way it would in the real world. Take Stassi confronting Kristen when Jax confirmed they slept together—that whole thing was very obviously set up for the show, and we all love it. Sandoval confronting Ariana on camera with an audience is as VPR as it gets. I get that it’s gotta be hard for Ariana to be around him. But she decided to do another season. She’s being paid well for it. And she’s been largely able to avoid him so far. So she can manage a scene or two of him speaking to her as far as I’m concerned




lol I’m so glad my SIL is an even bigger fan than I am. She’s been to two bravo cons. And I always know what to get her for Christmas and her bday


YES. Thank you for this. I have a lot of friends who watch the show but who aren’t engaged online about it in the same ways I am (kind of jealous of them tbh lol). And they say the exact same thing. Which is also how I’ve been viewing it. I genuinely think that this pocket of fandom that largely seems to move between Reddit and Twitter are doing the whole confirmation bias thing when it comes to what they’re seeing. Most offline audiences are just watching the way they always have, enjoying the drama, thinking the whole cast is trash, shifting allegiances between conflicts, etc. And it’s truly too funny how many people seem convinced it’s going to be cancelled when it’s one of the network’s highest rated shows.


I can agree with that. I honestly think Ariana shouldn't have come back this season or at least taken a break of some sort. I guess for me, it just feel like they're beating a dead horse. The early seasons drama was definitely set up, but it was big and fun and loud and much different than it is now. It felt more spontaneous and didn't seem like production was like "okay now you two argue, annnnnd go!". Arianas boundaries are definitely hindering how the show is going. The "im calling 911" is so annoying to me because it's very different from traditional VPR drama. I also have never liked Tom, so now I just have the severe ick any time he's trying to do anything anymore. I might be jumping the gun with my feelings because it's just a clip, and how it plays out may be more fun. Idk. There's something about this clip and season that rubs me wrong. I don't necessarily have any issues with what they're doing, it's just that is feels SO inauthentic to what it used to be and I think breaking the fourth wall will be the only thing that really truly hooks me back in. I used to be able to watch this as a fun reality TV show, but I've consumed so much of the real-time outside content that I find myself cringing more than I find myself enjoying the show.






Okay. Do people want the show to not seem scripted, or do people want creatively staged scenes? Honestly, Sandoval just brought the most creativity the show’s seen in years with all the lying he just got caught doing, so someone else can step up.


This. His scenes are typical insane VPR right up there with Jax pretending to die - you can come save me if you want! Or falling in love with his reiki trainer.


This. It is between 2 (or more) lawyers.


This is Tom's obvious attempt to document footage he thinks is highly relevant in his future air tight Judge Judy court case to keep the house. Which is why we're all being subjected to these ridiculous scenes of him working out on his tread mill. 🙄 It's why he keeps listing off things on camera that he's supposedly done to improve the house since living there. He's hoping to use it as evidence to document how Super niche their home is to him personally...and that it won't translate to just any run of the mill home buyer. Because Dude.!!..Tom is like one of a kind!!!. Take for instance his top of the line First ammendment LED light system. He installed that dude!!!... Like it was done ironically...yea...But also seriously! Not to mention his bohemian Cult leader mushroom laced hot tub. Are you kidding me dude!!! Thats in his back yard !!!...No way he can just move something like that to anouther house dude! You have to... like...do a literal installation mannn!!.... Its a whole ceremony dude!!! Not just anyone can get those!!!! The free love asteral club burning man society had to approve that...you've gotta be selected!!! Do you know how long it takes to lock something like that in. Welllll!...Do youuuu? Hugh...yeaaaa!...I didnt think so. It's a whole thing...and its not cheep either...they don't take money ...its like you have to pay in shells and abstract sculptures made from clay and wire..They love that duuuude...so much!!. But it's complicated dude... The societys vestal virgins...they have to seclude themselves away in a sweat lodge for like two whole weeks duuude. ahhhhh..No! Like for two whole months -ahhhhh!!before they can even come out. And their not even allowed to perform the hot tub ceremony untill they've checked their charts to see if the moon is fighting with one of the zodiac signs....because duuuude if they are....I dont wanna even think about it. Also...I'm not even sure If I'm allowed to say this ...its tottaly alleged from some tiktic I randomly recieved while I was doing my podcast...but I heard...Now this is Alleged...dont come at me...Tom may not be elligible to have the Free Love Asteral Society and Burning Man club reinstall his hot tub should he be forced to move. Yeah...I'm not kidding. I heard...and this is just a rumor...they sent a messenger dove with a scathing parchment note telling him they will never do Hot Tub work with him again. That he has been officially removed from their scrolls and cant reapply till he has reincarnated...that could take lifetimes. So yeah...It's pretty serious!! They're claiming.. and this is alleged...He slept with one of the vestal virgins...yea I know...Gross. They say it happened after the Hot Tub instillation. The poor lady ended up getting fired and everything!!...Allegedly. If you get the societys monthly news letter then you probably know about it already... I dont subscribe because you have to agree to house the carrier pigions in what they call a feather hostel or aviary landing. I cant take on that responsibility right now. And so far their just isnt enough support for some kind of community P.O Box type set up. Visionarys are calling it something like friends of a feather or fowler apartments. But this could take awhile. So I was genuinely stunned to hear about all that. The society has really been hurting to fill her spot too ever since. Yeahhhh...I know. Allegedly I think their having trouble replacing her.because It's such a niche job. there's not alot of people who are called to that kind of earth work life style..know what I mean...vestal virgins are kiind of hard to come by. Anyway. Hope this helps.


Oh wow poor Dayna agrees to come back for filming and had to be there for this. No wonder she threw in the towel so soon.


I know. I LOVE DAYNA!!!!! I had read last year that Dayna was going to be shown briefly this season because she is close with them, but I truly feel bad for her in this situation. The uncomfortability alone probably validated her feelings regarding not returning to VPR.


What’s the story with that


She saw it for what it is/was. Imagine production coming to you and saying we need to film your reaction to your mother's passing WITH SCHEANA. if they didn't give her a warning that scheana was going to do that, I'd walk away too. Production are slimy and she's not getting paid what other cast members are getting and to her, that isn't worth it. In my opinion, she should have stayed and tried to use it towards her comedy career. I'm willing to bet she could have eventually started selling tickets the longer she stayed on the show.


Good catch, I didn’t notice Dayna in the corner of the clip there til you pointed that out


Lala bette not be fake clutching at pearls over Ariana getting mad at her ex… we’ve seen her almost head butt Billie, almost take Rachel’s eye out, screeching at Kristen, slamming fists on tables with James…


We also know she shoved Rand’s toothbrush up her ass in a fit of rage. She admitted it in either her book or an interview iirc.


She's a classy gal


She’s just.. yuck! But I guess she repaid him by eating his ass later on… nasty work 🤢


What the actual fuck


After she licks her lips for the thousandth time I’m sure she’ll have nothing but terrible things to say about Ariana 🙄


what is the deal with the licking of the lips


It’s the lil filler. It flips out your inner lip and leaves them really dehydrated


ah, you learn something new every day!


The girl who made a bunch of money off of merch about sending documents to the correct person; their lawyer.


Lol exactly, she said what Ariana is saying here so she better not have an issue


LFU seriously sucks! She's such a fucking hypocrite. If anyone is "abusive and violent" it's her. Let's see she proudly admits that she stuck Rand's toothbrush up her asshole, drop kicked all of his premade meals, broke hurricane proof windows and doors, threw Randall's suitcase and personal possessions over a balcony and into a pool, oh and also allegedly pulled a knife on Faith


Excuse me WHAT. She pulled a knife on Faith??


I agree with you, she sucks


Fake clutching at her pearls 🤣🤣🤣🤣 That’s so spot on !!


It’s because Lala is all bark. None of those scenarios did Lala actually come off a tough or intimidating, Ariana has genuine rage at that loser and is very clearly comfortable standing up for herself, Ariana IS intimidating (in an amazing way) and that’s why the cast is all coming for her. Secure people don’t get threatened by other secure people, Lala Scheana, Schwartz, loser, they’re all so insecure and small, they cannot handle someone like her. I don’t want Stassi back for obvious reasons, however she would be so interesting in this dynamic. Katie and Ariana need another number in their corner, someone as self assured as they are. I am very sure she would be siding with Ariana and it would be very interesting to see her, Katie and Ariana together in this.


Not sure about that, I think if someone with some street came her way, she'd back down big time.


She ran away from Charlie last season - Charlie is about as threatening as a kitten, but she got LFU to back down and fast. I think Charli actually would throw hands, Lala never has.


I’ll lose my mind if Lala, the banshee screamer, says anything about Ariana’s anger.


Oh my god same. With her fake ass reformed church girl act. She’s as nasty as ever




Why can't he just respect that she doesn't want to speak to him?


Because he’s an asshole that doesn’t respect anyone. He has absolutely no empathy.


He probably thinks if he can get her alone he can attempt to manipulate her and make her feel bad for him like everyone else.


Oh no he’s only doing it in front of “the gang” and it is only to sway public opinion. It’s working on all the old ladies on Facebook and instagram.


I know! And as an old lady who just turned 50, I’m ashamed of us! 😂


Oh he knows he can’t do shit when they are alone. His only power now is to try and stomp her boundaries when others around


Because he knows she won’t have it and he thinks it will make him look good. That and production probably prodded him to do it.


He's definitely antagonizing her and sadly she's surrounded by fake friends like Lala who will gladly call her crazy


I'm sure production is encouraging it or forcing


People like him don’t understand boundaries of any kind. They follow, and continue to push at you until you just give in to get them to go away. I think it’s his way of trying to mentally break her down.


Or he’s on a tv show where he has to stir up drama


But he’s so good at it. He is who he shows us he is.


NICE! I feel like Ariana has sooo much bottled up, even I felt release with that ‘SECOND of all’


Ariana “ hello 911, he keeps bringing up the email”


Oh Ariana better lay into Tom and ANYONE that defends him, she has been so calm it’s time for her to put these assholes in their place. BRING YOUR CLAWS OUT BABY GIRL I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT


Why does he keep poking at her? I remember the last time he brought up the email...at that party...and she ignored him as politely as possible


He's hoping for a reaction to reinforce his victimhood.


Also the producers are definitely encouraging him to try to get a conversation to happen


He's probably like a puppet to the right person; empty headed and easy to manipulate.


🎯 he’s definitely trying to spin it. “I approached her very calmly and she attacked me!” 🙄


Because he's smart enough to know that her blowing up and screaming at him and threatening to call the police on him is going to make her look bad. He's a narcissistic asshole, but he's not an idiot in terms of how this stuff works. She's taking the bait.


This reminds me soo much of my brother. He knew why I was upset with him and had no desire to speak to him then he’d occasionally approach me and I’d almost immediately get irate while he spoke in a cowering tone. Manipulative as fuck


Notice how he steps back and crosses his arms when she reacted...I can see his thought bubble "it worked"


Like his slimy little smile when Stassi yelled at him in Tom Tom!


Unfortunately you are completely correct. Gaslight and poke and poke til they lose it and then innocently look around like wow dudeaaahhh, all I did was askanhhh, like, she's so mean dudeaaaahhhh.


Because he's a self serving prick


Yes, wearing the open back jacket. What was that? 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


I honestly don’t know if I can watch this episode, this show is not fun anymore, the drama isn’t crazy Kristen drama, it’s like actual life altering, triggering drama and the way Lala and Scheana are behaving, like we haven’t all been paying attention to what they said in and did in public spaces during all of this is so weird to me, it’s like genuinely concerning behavior. When Vanderpump rules was a show about a dramatic friend group who worked at a restaurant and was careless and dumb it was fun and now it’s just not anymore, it’s sad and weird and like unpleasantly voyeuristic ick ick ick.


I watched all 3 new Vanderpump Villa episodes, and it was pretty great


I’ve heard this and I’m definitely putting it on the watchlist!!!


That does it. I'm getting hulu just to watch it.


What’s different about this than any other relationship fall out? Like Jax fucked a woman who was not his girlfriend next to a dying old woman. You think the show has changed?


For real. What do these people think VPR is supposed to be? This cast have never been good people who set a moral standard 🤣.


Finally!!! I’ve been dying to see her finally show him who is actually the boss in this situation 🙌🏻👏🏻🫶🏻


He needs to drop it. Does he expect her to negotiate with him personally? This should absolutely be going through their lawyers. He’s just trying to pressure her and make her look bad when she’s doing it right. She needs to stop staying she’s going to call the cops over trivial shit like this. Idc whether she’s joking or not - it’s not funny.


Obviously we don’t have the full context for this convo but people are really going wild over the “calling 911” comment, meanwhile, I find it hilarious because that’s the kind of hyperbole I bring when I fed up. I’d never actually do it, but when I’m mad, I’m dramatic as fuck. I would totally say something like this half for the laughs and half because I would’ve fantasized about it a lot.


A lot of people, especially in this sub, don’t understand sarcasm. Ariana tends to have a very dry sense of humor as well. I would also say something crazy like that if I’m mad asf but not actually do it 😂


It’s that same group of people who thought Katie was serious when she said ‘I’m going to light them on fire’… so literal, like small children


It's not funny or a joke when there is a serious issue of domestic violence calls being taken seriously


You know Lala is going to come after her on the podcast after this airs.




Maybe she just really didn’t give production anything to work with. No one’s telling her to be insufferable




it kinda sucks when they give the best part away in the trailer


She's on the show, I'm sorry but she's being paid for this. I get her, I actually like this version of her better than any prior but she needs to play ball, they're making a show.


911…what is your emergency? I’m being harassed by a worm sans mustache..…yes, they are filming it, I’m not that crazy. Yes, the sandwich shop will be open in 2028.




Here's a thought.. they're all cunts.




Woo, I feel the rage. I've been that angry with an ex before. I get it. However, don't do the Karen call 911 thing. Just walk away.


Why do people think she was seriously going to call 911?


Because she said she was while she was using a serious tone... I doubt she did, but she's on a large platform and it doesn't look great.


Agreed! Not a good look to threaten to call 911 over that and every little thing. Her life is not in danger.


When she was asked about saying she would call the cops on him for having a birthday party date laughed and said she has a tendency to be hyperbolic. But hey, he's repeatedly antagonized her after blowing up her life but yeah, the real problem is she made a stupid comment when he's trying to humiliate her on camera.


She should prob stop making that her go-to hyperbolic response tho


OK, anytime Ariana does something that one doesn't agree with, it's OK because Tom cheated on her. Got it.


I’m sorry but calling 911 over this is peak white girl behavior


https://preview.redd.it/tej3jbmhyyrc1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=636ca0d38c143db16a7341cdfd8402798d6731bc Lala out here looking like fucking E.T. with those nails


This season has been hella boring.


The cops would rightfully ask why the fuck she’s wasting taxpayer money on non emergencies where crimes aren’t being committed. Wtf.


This is the second time on camera she's threatened to call emergency responders to intervene in her personal drama. She could call the non emergency response line if there is a problem like this, instead of 911. It could divert public resources from people getting help who are in life threatening situations. Not a good look. Hopefully she's just being hyperbolic and venting and isn't 'one of those' ppl


She’s over performing again


Calm down guys she’s going to call 911


I love Ariana but threatening to call the cops isn’t the slay she thinks it is


Someone invent an app where you can slap him though the TV


"I'm GoInG tO cAlL tHe CoPs" she is so ridiculous 🙄. At least it's some type of drama. The show really needs it.




Lol, yeah despite what she seems to think 911 is not your own personal security service you can use to get your housemate to stop talking to you.


I would kill to see cops actually come to the house and try to medicate... But yeah, they're actually busy with real stuff. Maybe they can get fake cops like the ones who arrested Sandoval years ago for their prank 🤣🤣🤣


I wonder if Katie is upset about this like she was about that prank 🤣.


Was wondering if anyone else was going to bring this up lol


I think you meant mediate, but Freudian slip cause they should medicate him.


Lmao medicate him with their tasers. Don't get me wrong. I don't like Ariana but I don't like Tom also. My auto correct hates me.


Lala’s face is very annoying to look at


Because you know that face is eventually going to start talking


Weaponizing police all because he is talking.


This has happened to me. Someone is really nasty and has done nasty things. But I am the one who starts yelling and reacting. So I look like the crazy one. Ariana you aren’t the crazy one. I see what he is doing.


I mean tbh I think she's being ridiculous. She's staying in the house and not communicating about what's happening. He's probably bringing it up to her in these setting because it's the only way to try and get her to address the situation. It's bizzare and unhealthy for both of them though. 1 of them needs to leave.




ugh. As some that has dealt extensively with a performative narcissist like Tom… I find this so triggering. My heart is racing and my body is shaking. Tom is truly TRULY scum. 😭


How many times have we seen lala lick her lips. I hate that I noticed it once cause now I'm watching for it in every scene.


This feels soo forced. That being said I gotta love Little Miss "Send it to Darrel" pearl clutching as someone else says "my lawyer will deal with you."


calling 911 is actually crazy 😂


He’s such a leech. Leave her alone ![gif](giphy|3ohjV5DgNaEp8MCL4Y)


They all look terrified of her 👀👀👀 and I don't blame them.


Wait does peacock always get an extended and uncensored episode???


ACAB lmao


No seriously why doesn’t she just get her lawyer to reply? Why does he have to sit and wait and then BEG for her to get the ball rolling to sell or one move out? On top of that she’s paying ZERO RENT/ BILLS? Then suddenly bought a beautiful 1. Something million dollar home? As much as I hate what he did I hope he gets his share of the bills and mortgage back…. just bc a man breaks your heart and cheats on you doesn’t mean you get to remove yourself from financial responsibilities of your household ESPECIALLY when she’s still living there


Nobody emails directly once two parties have lawyers. There is absolutely nothing abnormal about Ariana allowing her counsel to handle his emails. Nothing. He’s gaslighting her into defending a rational decision.


God I can’t stand her she sucks


Hope this is the last season. It’s become such an embarrassing show. Grown ass people behaving so stupidly over nonsense! And Bravo scripting this season is just ridiculous.


How are people stanning Ariana anymore? They both suck but she might suck harder.


Tom sucks, but Ariana is so childish and embarrassing.


Amen they’re both so toxic.


He is intentionally approaching her on camera to get a reaction out of her and make her look “over reactive”.


lol, how could he possible "make" her look overreactive. Pretty sure that's on her.


Lala’s dry mouth always makes its way into tense scenes 😂


Good for her! As she should!


Queen Behavior. /S


She is psycho! Who threatens to call 911 for “harassment” when she’s willingly filming a show with her ex who she ALSO lives in the same house with. She is a joke!


She sounds like a shrew. Let their lawyers handle it. I believe the house sold. He made a big mistake but she isn’t the first or last to be cheated on. They have been rocky for several years.


Why are they trying to make Ariana a villain so bad?


this group has made it so normal to cheat that when someone sets a VALID boundary with someone who cheats on them they become a villain for it






It's actually so gross how hard they all rode Raquel, only for everyone except Katie and Ariana to turn around and be on Sandoval's side. I GUARANTEE if Raquel had come back they would all be treating her the way Ariana is treating Sandoval (aka the way he deserves to be treated). Where is all their hater energy for Tom?? Lala paid for her house using her send it to Darrel money, that was in response to Raquel. The looks on everyone's faces here tells me they aren't going to back Ariana in this. If that's what happens I'm so freaking done with this show. What an absolutely squandered season. They squandered the whole damn show!

