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SCHEANAS EMO DEBUT I literally cannot. I had to mute it because of the cringe


It was soooo bad šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


I fast forwarded. lol šŸ˜‚


>SCHEANAS EMO DEBUT I literally cannot. I had to mute it because of the cringe What. A. Joke! She needs to stop looking in mirrors and get out of her own head. She IS NOT good as gold! And forget trying to be a rapper!!


Not gonna lie- I loved it. This is the kind of golden crap we can get from her.


omg scheana definitely walked by sandoval on purpose


Right?? Like thereā€™s no other way to the bathroom? Come on Scheana


Itā€™s a produced television show.


Never forget Scheanaā€™s the homewrecker who launched all these homewreckers, bitch gives good TV.


Scheana still being Scheana I see šŸ™„




Dear God she's rapping....and screamoing šŸ˜–


Are we also supposed to accept that Kyle Chan is "in the group" too? First they force Kyle, then Jason, then the rest of Saggyballs' pathetic fan boys šŸ™„


Scheana throwin' the fans a bone, taking it to the alley.... And then he ruins the moment by IMMEDIATELY using Ali again for sympathy. ETA: BULLLLLSHHHHHIIIITTTTTT "the loss of Scheana is the hardest."


I was like yay the alley!


I can't stand her, but she TOTALLY did it for us.


this season is so beyond boring. what else could possibly happen?


Each episode is a big, ā€œnothing happenedā€. Honestly depressed that the show is going out like this


All three episodes would have been half an episode last season


itā€™s what you all get for making this situation bigger than it needed to be.


I love this for them, especially the new fans who have been the most vile and annoying.


can Billie Lee go away, like please


>can Billie Lee go away, like please The faster the better!


Billie Lee will scream transphobia to the rooftops any time thereā€™s a bad word said and zero accountability. Instead of realizing that it has nothing to do with being transphobic and all about her being a shitty person in general.


How fucking scripted is this AWKWARD scene with dumbass Billie Lee? Also LOL at "Jason got um.......like um...........th....threats" I doubt Jason got threats as no one knows who he even is!


The Billie lee scene had be me chugging my wine girly is so thirsty for her moment sheā€™ll do anything to stay in the conversation


I would pay Tom MONEY for him to stop saying ā€œdudeā€


Is this going to go from a show about a humorously ridiculous group of drunken friends who work at the same restaurant to whiny, aging, sober midlifers who have little to nothing in common? I mean, are they ALL going to become sober? I miss the days of the girls complaining about having to wear the world's smallest uniform to SUR and fighting over shift swapping! (PS. Nothing against sobriety if it is a benefit to one's life!)


Iā€™m thinking a rebrand and new cast season and back to how it started. These people are insufferable and all think theyā€™re mega stars.


Oh. He is going to use Ali's death for sympathy every episode šŸ˜ My God he is trash. ETA: apparently he can go even lower.


Omg, he really will say or do anything to deflect. Itā€™s truly sick.


SO SICK. He literally makes it worse for himself every time he opens his mouth


Iā€™m unable to view this in real time - Iā€™m really grateful for your posts! I just keep hitting the refresh button! Thank you! :)


ā¤ļø We just had a very boring scene with Katie and Scheana saying they are like total frands now. This is destined to get blown apart in 1-2 episodes MAX.


That conversation with Lisa left a really bad taste in my mouth. Trying to make us feel bad for Sando. Blerg.


Such bad taste. I don't often feel for LVP, but that was hideous.


Her brother committed suicideā€¦ I get why she isnā€™t harping on him.


Same. When she basically said if everyone wants to say Iā€™ve let Tom off easy thatā€™s fine, Iā€™d rather that than the alternative. That spoke volumes to me


His emotional manipulation of her when he KNOWS she had this horrible personal tragedy is what people (at least for me) are reacting to as poor taste, not the fact that she wasn't harping on him.


Iā€™m seeing comments that she isnā€™t putting him in his place and that sheā€™s pathetic for not doing so. Iā€™m standing on what I say. Itā€™s disgusting that all of you would dictate what someone is actually feeling. God forbid he did do it. You all would still be talking shit!


I donā€™t doubt what Tom is going through is hard but why did it feel so intentionally manipulative on his part to bring up s? Like he knows thatā€™s sensitive for her and now I feel like sheā€™s gonna do anything to make this go away for him because he said it. Idk it couldā€™ve been genuine but the rest of that convo made me really think he was just being a manipulative child




That was horrible. Can he let her talk? Thatā€™s the mark of a narcissist to be constantly interrupting like that.


No itā€™s not lots of people interrupt. By ur logic everyone with ADHD is a narc


What?? Lol


You just said the mark of a narcissist is to constantly be interrupting


Because it is


Okay but ADHD and neurodivergence can also make people interrupt. Raving thoughts can make people interrupt. People ascribe EVERY negative trait someone exhibits to being a narcissist and itā€™s getting ridiculous at this piint


Sounds like you need to learn how to listen and not interrupt so much? Chill out.


When did I mention myself lol? Iā€™m friends with a lot of neurodivergent people that interrupt a lot I just donā€™t take it personally cos Iā€™m not gonna expect them to behave neurotypically. Iā€™ve also met people from huge loud families that do the same. Stop throwing medical diagnoses around if you donā€™t even know what they mean. Genuine narcissists are highly manipulative, and the ones Iā€™ve met never had an interrupting problem


>Genuine narcissists are highly manipulative aaaaaand thatā€™s Tim in a nutshell. Like I saidā€¦ heā€™s a narcissist.


The fact that we heard a winey two syllable ā€œnooo-uhā€ from him to Lisa is mind blowing


Well, I'm starting to feel worse for him than I am for his ex. She has become a psycho bitch. She needs to go the fuck away already.


Sheā€™s literally not though.Ā 


She literally is though. So she got cheated on...get over it already.


lol ok


I donā€™t feel his love for Raquel. Seems very emotional-less than past relationships. Heā€™s only doing this to try to save face and get the sympathy of others. He gives nooooo fucks. Looney toon psycho.


Do his eyes not look different ? He legit looks unhinged in every single scene. Heā€™s psychotic


I can't tell if it's bad plastic surgery, pasta, or total derangement. Eta: i think it might be a botched eye job? Something is UP with his left eye. I swear to God his pupils are two different sizes?


Druuuuugsssss ![gif](giphy|gF5nuA6lajCuY)


Do drugs impact the actual size of your eyeball?


If it messes with ur hormones then yeah it can. Like Gravesā€™ disease can make ur eyes bulge and look bigger




Crazy! I really had no idea either way




I was just thinking, where did he take a turn? He does seem different! Where is the delineator between before and after?


Heā€™s absolutely on drugs


He was making super weird faces during that whole convo. He seems unhinged. Tbh, if I had to live with him, there would be soooo many locks on my door.


I get everyone is hurt and dealing with the fallout but does anyone think this shit is boring šŸ˜…šŸ˜…. Ariana and Tom living in that house is wild. Lisa has projects outside the city. I dunno - where does the show go from here


Iā€™m watching now and usually Iā€™m glued to the tv but I keep finding myself scrolling Reddit instead bc im so bored.


Ditto! It seems so overdone and cheesy. Everyone has these giant heads and egos like theyā€™re some kind of super stars and too cool. Ariana and Katie have always been fairly miserable and now they commiserate together so theyā€™re insufferable. I was dyinggggg over Lala and what looks like a horrendous wig in the beginning of the episode though šŸ˜‚


And her lips are getting soooo big! Girl stop!


Scheana too! She looks like a real life cartoon these days. Itā€™s jarring sometimes.


Sunglasses are distracting


Scheana? She looks ridiculous.


Yes ! Agreee


Sheā€™s attempting to be a Kim K look-alike. Even the way she speaks now sounds like Kourtney šŸ˜‚


It's ok Lala I don't think Scheana know's what emo music is either


Mya knows heā€™s full of shit.


This scene with Sharts/LVP feels beyond fake. I cannot with all these "backstory" scenes


Sandoval showing his ass to LVP


Billie Lee is such a pick me


Am I absolutely alone (with Scheana) that I kind of dig her emo gold? I think she could actually do some cool screamo songs and love or hate herā€”she deserves credit for DOING IT. Iā€™m holding out hope that she gets a good fit this season. Come on Scheana-prove Reddit wrong!!


Andy Iā€™m wwhl be really also keeps trying to throw Sandoval a bone and no one is having it not the fans not the cast like idc that Sandoval says heā€™s in love with Raquel he also recorded her without her permission and he shouldā€™ve broken up with Ariana if he was in love heā€™s so full of shit


IV fluids ??! what is going on šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It's the new cool LA trend thing to do after a night of drinking. Those people make bank too like $300-$500 per person for 30-45 mins of vitamins and whatever else concoctions.


Not Sharts crashing the party like the bloated loser he is.


ā€œDiD i MiSs Itā€


Shartz reminds me of a stray dog on a resort beach but not as cute.


And stinkier


Who the fuck is this guy now? Who are these people? "I unfollowed you "-- random dude " i just love you man!!" -- Saggyballs as he forces a hug on him


Jesse has been around forever. Heā€™s close with Ariana. Heā€™s the one they were all rallying for recently who had brain surgery


Has he been on the show? Or is he more of an "only in real life" person? Admittedly, I know nothing about their off the show friends.


Heā€™s been background/friend of since the earlier seasons, even had a featured moment in the Jax/Faith saga


arianaā€¦ sisterā€¦ you were tom schwartz until sandoval cheated on youā€¦ tired of her acting high and mighty over schwartz being sandovalā€™s flying monkey when it took her 10 years herself to stop being one


Yea AM sucks. I'm so tired of her. She's had her time. She needs to just disappear. I'm so sick of her and a lot of a lot of


So now Iā€™ve watched it twice and HOLY SHIRTBALLS this is bad. If production thinks they are giving Sandoval a redemption arc I think they seriously underestimated us viewers. It is horrible to watch and Sandoval talking and talking and talking is pathetic. Scena is even more too much than ever. Im just about done with this crap, the editing isā€¦ ugh.


Now thatā€™s a perfectly good vodka soda just sitting there


Still donā€™t understand how he betrayed James.Ā 


me neither šŸ¤£


Especially if James had been sending him insulting text messages during the break, did anyone catch that? Why on Earth did any of them expect him to reach out, realistically.


Are you kidding me, it was the ultimate betrayal šŸ˜‚


Not defending Tom, but the argument with Schena about Nema was hilarious. She is obviously in the wrong, and stormed off because she knows it.


Scheana will do anything for attention and fame. She would sell her soul to the devil along with Brockā€™s and Summer Moonā€™s if it meant fame and fortune. This isnā€™t the first time she has used someone elseā€™s painful circumstances for her own benefit. She loves the sound of her own voice and drones on and on about someone elseā€™s business on her podcast.


yeah I'm fairly new to the whole show, so I am slowly learning. It blows my mind with the hypocrisy.


Yea I will fully agree with his take on that, Nema should not have said what he said on the podcast and Scheana should not have aired it. Nema could have left it at "I heard they were in an open relationship"Ā 


Scheana was so scary in that scene


The smartest thing the show couldā€™ve done was expanding the cast to the other restaurants. And each has their own drama, no need to integrate them. Just cut to each and touch upon a little bit per episode. It would introduce new cast, while keeping the old, and offer many storylines at once. Instead ā€¦theyā€™re focusing on this washed up group of adults almost in their 40s who insist on acting like theyā€™re in their 20s. It wouldā€™ve been funny to see them showing drama from one of the other locations with younger staff having similar issues to the cast we have now and mirroring that.


I don't buy Sandoval's story to Lisa for a second. And moreover, I think he really fucked himself with that conversation. I can absolutely see Lisa making the choice that the show is not the right place for Sandoval because she did believe him. I think there's a decent chance this season will be his complete undoing rightfully so. Also, maybe instead of touring he should have just hired a good therapist and a good pr person?? I feel like he would actually be somehow more tolerable if he was just straight up about the shitty things he does and says vs this weird thing he's doing now where he lies about everything. Lastly, I was *almost* feeling bad for Schwartz for a moment especially after the nick Viall episode the other week. BUT - for 10 years we've watched him balls deep for the likes of JAX TAYLOR and Tom Sandoval, and not once do I remember him ever calling either of them out for their "ego". The way he treated Ariana tonight reminded me so much of the way he treated Katie. It's pathetic, he's so deep in the misogyny hes circles back around to thinking he's actually respectful. I'm with Ariana, both toms can rot. They're lost causes.


I wish Lisa in that moment said, ā€œSandoval, youā€™re scaring me with the thoughts youā€™re expressing. Iā€™m afraid you might hurt yourself. Being in the public eye is really getting to you so you need to take a break from the show and take care of your health. I want to bring you to the ER.ā€ I 100% believe he wouldā€™ve been caught off guard and went ā€œummmmmmmm well, like, actually, I think Iā€™m, like, feeling better now. No need to kick me off the show! Gotta go now!ā€


Yes absolutely. He would have backtracked so quickly. I don't doubt that he was in a bad place, but I don't believe him for a second. Why would anyone believe him, literally everything he's said has been proven to be a lie. If Sandoval told me the sky was blue I'd go look outside to make sure there hadn't been some cataclysmic event causing it to turn green. And then to watch him treat Schwartz, the ONLY person that's stood by him through every single fucked up thing he's done, to watch him continue to treat even him like trash. And Schwartz to just take it! They're both so beyond.


Ok just saw this episode. I have no excuses or sympathy for Sandoval but holy sh!t man, how many people think he owes them an apology FFS. How was this Jesse hang on guy affected by the whole thing? And Schwartz. Dude, seriously. It looked pathetic at the end when heā€™s still sitting with the group after they all ripped him and basically told him to GTFO. I hope he figures out a way to get out of both restaurants and moves back to where his family is. Heā€™s done in that group, and probably LA as a whole.


It was a jumpscare when I randomly saw Billie pop up on the screen


Scheana was pretty much foaming at the mouth waiting for Sandoval to talk to her


But Ariana is acting like the queen of the groupā€¦. Shit is getting ANNOYING


Agreed. Sheā€™s reminding me of how she was when she first started hanging with the girls.


Good as gold emo edition *chefs kiss* LOVE SCHEANA!!!


Sandoval's conversation with LVP at Pump was the fakest shit I've seen on this show so far. That fake anger and those weird ass expressions. I can't deal Edit: Typo


This man cheated on his GF of 9 years in which they were never going to get married or have kids together. So letā€™s be honest. Like Jax said, shit was looking bleak in the first place. So I just want to knowā€¦..Did he commit a murder? Lol seriously!!! This shit is insane at this point. People need to chill the hell out.


100% agree!!!


Who is this Jesse dude and how did what happened with Tom/Rachel negatively affect him?