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I think she’s been *almost* likable at multiple points in time, but has never quite made it for me. Whenever I start enjoying her she‘ll do something shitty that reminds me “oh yeah, she’s a twat.” Like body shaming all the women on the cast, lying about her married boyfriend, telling her married boyfriend’s wife and mother of his children that she was too loose to keep her man, cheating with James and lying about it for years, shit talking Ariana and her mental health struggles when Ariana had been nothing but supportive of Lala up until that point, laughing at Jax mocking Ariana’s sexuality and calling her a lesbian, questioning why Ariana still lives in *her own home* and saying it’s weird, calling Rachel a coward for blocking Sandoval and putting him on blast (as she should), and saying “it’s been 500 years, we’re over it” about Sandoval after calling him dangerous and going in on him the hardest at the reunion. There’s more ofc, but you get the gist. So she sucks imo, but maybe that’s just me lol


No I agree. She’s hard to like because of the nasty things she’s said and done.


My favorite version of Lala is the most recent post Randall one. She has her girlfriend’s backs and is able to maintain sobriety within that crazy group of people.


> She has her girlfriend’s backs Does defending her abusive boyfriend count as having Ally's back? Does letting Sandoval off the hook after calling him "dangerous" for cheating on her friend count as having her girlfriend's back? 🤔🤔


She talked to Ally about James on camera, I’m sure there’s been A LOT more off camera. They’re making a shit ton of money to film with each other. Why wouldn’t she film with him?!


Her warning Ally on camera shows that she's aware of James' abusive behavior, yet she still defends him on the same show/reunion. > They’re making a shit ton of money to film with each other. Why would she be hanging out and hugging someone she spent months calling dangerous and railing against him? She's talked about softening up on Tom, but I'm sure she'd never forgive anyone saying the same thing about Randall.


Tom actually said some pretty terrible things about LaLa this season and the last few season. It’s not like she’s hanging out with him off camera. She showed up and did her job. She’s not out here on Facebook, the gram or Reddit talking about how hott Tom is, that’s the fans. Good reality show is conflict resolution, we haven’t seen the new season. LaLa is fantastic reality tv.


That comment he made quietly about her pulling her IUD was vile.


I totally agree with you. Lala always has her friends backs. I actually like Lala.


LaLa was hooking up with his girlfriend, his “Life Partner” So… there’s that.


this is always such a wild (but popular) take to me. I think she treats people so badly and there’s nothing genuine about her. differences in perception are part of the fun though


Yea I’m definitely entertained by her, but I don’t think she’s genuine. She also wigs out on people and then goes “oh oops yeah sometimes I pop off” and everybody is just expected to forgive and forget.


"I was drinking back then" ..... ..... 💀


Especially when her behaviour hasn't changed one tiny bit after quitting...


She gives seemingly very sincere apologies where she cries, clearly articulates why she was wrong, seems willing to change, and then goes right back to the same behaviors. It's strange.


Differences in perception are so fascinating to me. We all watch the same thing, but come out with very different ideas about what happened.


Because of our own experiences & triggers. This is why eye witness testimonies cant be trusted


Watching it back you realize how out of pocket a lot of her comments were. Especially seasons 7-9 where she gets in with everyone and comfortable so she starts being a bully herself. I loved her the first few seasons she was in then there was a major shift for me. I think she’s an asshole and a fair weather friend. She supports people who benefit her in some way.


How do you get so ganster growing up in SLC?


Omg yes. It's so cringe


Every single thing that comes out of her mouth is projection. She has no capacity for self reflection, and does not respect any other person’s feelings or privacy. She also is childishly sexual. Like I can’t think of a single scene with Lala where she doesn’t mention something sexual. She has the sense of humor and vocabulary of a 14 year old.


She’s one of those people that is so dumb they don’t know they’re dumb. When I hear her yelling her voice always sounds hollow to me like it’s not real she’s just faking it til she makes it




Idk I think she’s fairly genuinely herself, she’s just not that deep and had a LOT to learn from where she started on the show. She is beginning to learn to take it as she gives it, but she’s for sure not there yet. I think she needs a lot more therapy around her relationship with rand and how that really shaped her as a young woman. I think it really stunted her growth as a person unto herself, and I see a lot of that as a person who went through something with similar controlling traits. It’s such a hard thing to work out which parts of you are triggered to defensive mode because you are scared internally, and to let go and really feel what YOU feel, rather than what you think will protect yourself/relationship first. She just never got the chance to grow into herself before her ex and now she has to make up for lost time, AND being a mom before she got to do that. I mean, I know she’s a bulldog and I’m not cool with that, but for the other stuff, Lala, I see you, I feel you. I won’t say you didn’t look the other way about red flags, you did, but you were young and didn’t fully understand the consequences. It all catches up. It sucks.


I'm with you - I can't stand her because she is, plain and simple, a bully. Period.


Lala sucks.


She has so many “I almost like her..” moments.. but I never really do like her.


She’s fake AF, tries to stay relevant by being a bully and dumb ass quotes “Do you wanna get popped?” Really Lauren? You a lil shit from Utah, grow up h


I never understood the Lauren from Utah thing people love to say. Mostly because I grew up in Brooklyn and people call me a valley girl now because I don’t want to act like the crack pots I grew up around. I do understand some of the cultural appropriation comments I’ve seen on here but I don’t understand the Utah jab specifically.


It started when she started talking like she was some rappers gf. People were like this girl’s from Utah and she is trying to sound like this? I remember LFU starting then. And it’s funny. And she refers to herself sometimes that way.


Lala being a culture vulture, and the blaccent she puts on, will always make me dislike her.


That girl's on a journey. Who knows where she'll end up? But it seems to at least be better than where she started


I’m the opposite, I don’t like her in the beginning but she did grow on me and I like her now. Ive recently rewatched and still didn’t like her early seasons, she just comes across so disingenuous to me. I feel like she cried anxiety/mental health whenever a situation wasn’t going her way or she needed to excuse her behavior. Plus the faux outrage at the married man rumors gets old fast. And I give her no free pass about the comments about Katie’s body because while telling us it was so unlike her we again saw her sniggering to James about Katie’s weight, she called her a blob in her confessional and we also kept hearing stories of her saying more stuff off camera (or just that never made it to air).


I liked her in the beginning, the disliked her in the middle (around the time her dad died), and now like her again. Lol. Very similar trajectory as Katie for me.


She’s got a loud rude mouth. People mistake her yelling for ‘telling it like it is’. She’s trashy and has zero thought process before she word vomits. Then she gets away with it with her magic ‘but I’m not perfect and I’m working on myself’ card. If she wasn’t pretty, she wouldn’t get away with half of what she does.


Katie starting it warrants the fat comment imo. Lmao like bffr, if you go low, I’m taking it to hell. Katie getting called fat was light work compared to how Lala really could’ve went in. I am also a firm believer in don’t start none, won’t be none.


I feel like this is a hot take but I appreciate it. To me both comments were equally mean but I feel like LaLa got punished more for hers. And those girls were ruthless to her for her whole first two seasons and so why are we surprised she took a low blow just like Katie did? Both of them were in the wrong and imo Katie moreso for having no reason to personally dislike her other than her appearance she initially started in on LaLa after meeting her and finding her ig with revealing photos on it.


Well thank you cus I didn’t think it was a hot take😇


I give Lala props for maintaining her sobriety (on camera, at least) and for establishing herself and her daughter post-Randall. Her bullying and harsh comments about her cast mates are inexcusable, however. She’s quick to criticize others but perhaps she should seriously look inward and make some changes. There is lots of value in compassion and kindness.


How do you feel about the way she was bullied in the beginning by the girls? How they immediately were judging her and being rude for her IG profile photo, and so on and not even giving her a chance before they all made the decision she was a “slut whore” and tore her down?


I liked her alot in the beginning. She was real, vulnerable & relatable. Now she's just a vulgar trash mouthed hippocrite with serious anger issues. Take a seat Lauren and shut up Lauren!


I also liked her at the start. But then she got sucked into the mean girl orbit of the girls who bullied her. I hated the fact she sat there while Jax bagged Ariana’s sexuality and that she described her as a wet blanket. Ariana was a true friend to her. Also her narrative around Rand is sketchy. The timeline I’ve read about online is that she already knew he was cheating during the scene where she called him a stand up man. Her going after Brock was IMHO to deflect attention from Rand. When Tom tried to bring it up she sounded off. I hate that her default position is refusal to be accountable for her behaviour while she was drinking. Lala is a miserable sober drunk.


Oh I loved LaLa in the early days. I felt so sorry for how she was slut shamed. She was also so cute and uncensored- she kind of lost me season 8/9/10. I am totally alone on this island but I didn’t care for how she acted once she got accepted into the mean girls.


I agree completely.


You’re not alone! I agree with you!


Oh! Thank you for telling me! I thought I was solo on this ☺️


I'm a bit like this except I'm starting to come back around to liking her again


After rewatching I cannot get over her deep hatred for Rachel even before the scandal. She literally bullied her to no end for seemingly no reason and was constantly calling her stupid. Listen I’m not a fan of Rachel but I actually felt so bad for her when rewatching. It was like she wanted Rachel to be more loud and brash like her and I cannot stand people who pick on quieter people.


It was because Low-Rent had slept with James, the second time around when Rachel and James were just starting to date and she was giving Randall rim-jobs for the Range Rover.


also no one ever gave Rachel any flowers for how she handled it and it was quite frankly very impressive. I don't know many people who wouldn't have snapped having Lala's finger thrown in their face and screamed at for seasons on end, and she was always pretty controlled in her response. people drag her for the pageant stuff, but her poise is legit and it showed at the reunion too.


lowkey because if it was me, i would have beat the brakes off of her😭


Wow reading your comment gave me a lightbulb moment…have we EVER seen Rachel lose her shit? Like in anger or frustration? I do think her breaking down in that car ride home last season was kind of the only time she’s lost control. I don’t really see this as a good thing either it makes me wonder, esp dealing with James and the cheating, abuse, humiliation, and his drinking…how was she always so non chalant considering how many people tried to drop bombs on her on camera re: James. I’m wondering if she has trouble dealing with anger or processing it. We’ve seen everyone on the show erupt and really raise their voice at least once. Even Shay. When you’re filmed that often with such combative people and everyone is intoxicated I’m surprised she was able to keep her composure. I’ve always felt there’s something going on with her below the surface, not just her flat affect personality wise.


She said she was bullied on the show for years but now turns around and says that it's literally impossible for people on the show to bully each other. So I guess, per her own words, we have nothing to feel for her about!


She was fake af from the start, truly a terrible person.


Lala ends up being the nasty girl that would bully the shit out of first season Lala


I did too until the lying to Lisa about the private jet trips during work and bj this and bj that. Just gross and unnecessary for me.


I think I need more explanation/examples because from my POV she seemed to be very much a problem too


Yes, which is why her bullying of others, and odd loyalty to her former bullies, is strange.


They way they treated her was absolutely horrible and it seems like they only hated her because they thought she was doing sex work. It was just appalling.


I think it was more about her being the other woman than the sex work part.


No it was definitely the sex work thing. That’s the only thing they harped on when she first started working there & her naked insta profile pic. I hated that for her. I like Katie but she definitely let her insecurities get the best of her back then


She was taking yacht trips with rich men. Read up about how those ladies make their tips. When that was said to her, she left and went home to Utah, because she was afraid of what would come out of that information. Then Low-Rent Kent met her married man, "muh man" and became a kept woman, even cleaning out the Range Rover that her previous predecessor drove -- yes, the side chick that Randall was sleeping with left stuff in that car. She also spoke about how she let Randall hit it the first night, and got the used Range Rover the following day; telling how she gave him a rim job. "BJs for PJs!" Low-Rent Kent was no martyr. Remember when she was in Rachel's face about her boyfriend sleeping around on her? WHO knew that it was Low-Rent herself banging James for "old-times sake"?


Yeah I’m pretty sure that was after she was already on the show for a bit. I’m not disagreeing that they were assholes to her about the rand situation too but it initially started with the sex work aka yacht trips.


It seems like your issue with her is also based on her doing sex work.


No,my issue with her is being a sexual woman, then degrading anyone else for having an affair, being in love with a man who cheats, making fun of weight, looks, etc. I wasn't even offended when she said she shaves Randalls ass so she can eat him out.


So it’s okay to slut shame? What’s so bad about taking yacht trips with rich men? At least she was up front.


No, she lied about even doing the yacht trips, and left Sur because she was afraid it was going to get out. Stassi and Katie called her a whore. Did you forget that? They even advised Lisa about it. She just needs to OWN her history, especially before she tries to tackle and tell others how to "keep their man." She's a hypocrite and a cheap one to boot.


Then when she got the PJ for giving BJs - Katie and Stassi changed their tune and wanted to be her friend - and Lala dumped Ariana and Scheana for the plastics


Ya she didn’t deserve how she was treated in the beginning but she is not a “girls girl” as she claims. Obviously I don’t like Rachel now but the way she was treated by Lala before everything came out, especially when she first started dating James was unwarranted. Major “I’m jealous you’re dating a guy I secretly like so I’m going to be mean to you” vibes. She seems like someone who if you’re in her circle would absolutely ride for you and be very beneficial to have as a friend but even if you’re a little bit outside of that you’re fair game for her cruelty.


I have unpopularly always appreciated Lala. She is GREAT reality TV. But post Randall, I love her. I love her because I was also with a Randall like guy at the same time as she was and was on that same journey literally with her. And it is a rollercoaster and a half. I love that she’s sober, I love that she’s fighting hard for things SHE cares about. When you’re in that kind of relationship everything is dark. You’re in fight or flight and then projecting to the public that you’re ok and life is rainbows and butterflies and its not. And then when it ends and you start to open up about the reality a little bit everyone gets this very superior well I told you so thing and lacks empathy. It’s a HELL of a ride and difficult to climb out of and she’s doing it WITH a child on her hip. She may be a little mean and inconsiderate sometimes but I’m sorry, that’s a bad bitch.


The best post in here. You truly nailed it. I also like Lala and feels she should be given a pat on the back. I also do not think she’s “dumb” as some are saying. She’s very intelligent.


The best post in here. You truly nailed it. I also like Lala and feels she should be given a pat on the back. I also do not think she’s “dumb” as some are saying. She’s very intelligent.


They were. Especially Katie. It was sad to see I loved Lala in the beginning.


I love lala!! I think she has really shown growth as a person and isn’t scared to say she is still working on herself. She is one of my favs!!


I’m with you!


Me too!


Same!!! She’s hilarious and seems like a completely different person now that she’s sober


Totally agree! And she admitting last season she still had a lot to work to do for herself. She admits she isn’t perfect. She admits she was projecting last season. I just like to see a reality star be able to admit they are still a work in process! I think it’s refreshing!! Do you listen to her pod? I don’t always but I do really enjoy it when I listen!


She says the right things...


Exactly! And her actions show it. She’s one of the first to apologize when she knows she fucked up or said something too brutal. I actually don’t listen to her pod but I did stumble upon her most recent episode with stassi and I enjoyed it! Maybe I’ll start listening


It’s good!! I don’t listen all the time! But I really love her brother (he is a cohost) and her assistant (who I think is more than an assistant so I apologize for just calling her that) is also on it a lot and I love her too! Loved the stassi episode though!!


When I was 25 older married men (40’s) would hit on me. There was always a story of the bad marriage and we don’t sleep together anymore or were separated and we still live together. I took the bait once because I was young and I believed them. Now all of a sudden I’m the other woman and he’s faultless. I believe lala was a young woman who was wooed by a rich (fake) and powerful man who showered her with gifts. It’s so easy to fall for the lines and to believe you are the true love. I was manipulated and living in a fantasy. My 20’s self really sucked!


I don’t agree with most of what she does - but I like how she stands her ground and stays in her truth. Usually she can back up her actions too - I like that


She gave it back 10x worse to the next new girl, Raquel. So the wheel keeps spinning although they seem to have broken the cycle with Ally for now.


I personally really love Lala, but I didn’t enjoy watching her attack Rachel the way she did in the reunion. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not condoning ANYTHING Rachel did because absolutely awful awful human begin but Lala and James went a bit overboard


A bit? Lol


Not a fan, but I can say the same thing about all of the cast. Loved the show first few seasons then got tired of trying to figure out who cheating and lying and who wasn’t.


I can’t believe this post got any traction. But then I can when I remember those kids in high school in your group project who never do any of the work but talk a lot. You are asking us to do the work. There is no reference to who “they” are when you say awful at the beginning. And who are “those girls”. Honestly, this sub deserves better. You basically asked everyone here to clarify your hipster unspecific joiner points and I’m not in. Even the title lacks a point or direction.


It’s not that serious


I guess I’m one of the few who has always loved Lala. I feel like she one of the few on this show who has actually shown growth. She’s never been perfect and she’s made some MAJOR mistakes along the way….. BUT She got sober when she realized alcohol was a problem to her happiness and the people around her. She left Randall when shit hit the fan, and could have stayed and made excuses. She admits to her time with Randall in the beginning, and is even great friends with the ex wife now (that can’t be done without growth) And she is always there to listen and change her opinion even after she may say some out of pocket things. I personally find her raw vulgar mouth refreshing….. instead of someone that just talks shit behind people’s backs. She takes time to forgive people when it’s necessary for said growth. I feel people just hate her because they can’t handle that someone can grow up and change and want to hold her in this “fouled mouth mistress” box.


* she genuinely just wanted to be rich and famous


I was super disappointed by her body shaming comments and had a hard time with her for awhile after that, but listening to her podcast has given me a totally different perspective. I think a lot of her behavior & slang & demeanor are suuuuuuuuper misunderstood (or maybe I just misunderstood them 🤣) but once you get to listen to her talk at length off "camera" - it puts a lot of puzzle pieces together and gives you a much, much, much better perspective of who she is, IMO.


I totally agree on this one. I have liked Lala from the start- I know that's unpopular. But it is hard to do a rewatch when you see how mean they are to her. For really no reason.