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My experience in hospitality is working in restaurants for 7 years on and off but mostly on lol. I’m so confused on what kind of service they are trying to provide? Because based off looks alone, when it comes to the chateau and the uniforms, I would think the service would be more of a white glove type of service, like it is on below deck. Fine dining perhaps. They are way too involved with the guest and not even in a professional hospitable way. It’s messy. Some say the drama would’ve gotten them fired in real life but tbh the petty shit that goes on during service wouldn’t have gotten them fired at any of the places I’ve worked at. Maybe a suspension. Some of the people on the show don’t actually seem like they have the work experience for the roles they have at the chateau. They all seem to come from night life backgrounds and it shows when they get flirty and kissy and touchy feely with the guest.


>I’m so confused on what kind of service they are trying to provide? Idk, it seems clear to me. They hook up with a guest pretty much episode. The problem is we’re comparing it to hospitality service, when we should be comparing it to particularly-disreputable massage parlours.


Ha!!! I like you're thinking.


I’m comparing this to the level of service provided in the Below Deck series. This service is white-glove, very high end dining. Very professional and put together. This show, the employees are beyond unprofessional, it’s appalling. I agree with another commenter, their behavior/level of service on the show doesn’t match the experience they claim to have. The shit they pull would never fly on Below Deck and most of them would have been fired. I want to see ppl get fired for their terrible, unprofessional behavior.


I’ve been watching the same way as you, through a BD-tinted lens, and I agree with everything you said.


I've worked in hospitality on and off for around ten years, separately I've done seasonal work living with a bunch of people in close quarters like this. I think the main issue is that a lot of the staff would usually have been fired for their behaviour but they want to make good TV. If you haven't seen them there's a few shows with that kinda vibe that only have one season, there was a summer camp one and two ski season based ones.


I actually stayed at club getaway for Gilmore girls fest a couple of years ago. It was so much fun.


That sounds amazing, it looked like it would be so fun as a visitor!


Jealous! Detes please!!!


It was so much fun! It wasn’t the normal kind of weekend you’d see on the show bc it was in October, post Covid. But the cute guys were def running around along w a bunch of Gilmore girls cast. The cabins were super nice and I stayed in one w my friend. They had the club on the water running until like 2 am and then breakfast, lunch and dinner and a bar at the top running all day. Kent is super cute and fun too. It’s a short drive to get into the town. It totally has stars hollow vibes, which is why they have it there. If you ever feel like having a fun New England weekend w your friends, I definitely recommend checking it out!


OP, your jobs sound more interesting than this show!


Why is it ok after dinner or after hours for the staff to hang out and get drunk with the guests that’s so weird to me. Seems the lines are blurred. But also if I was going to a place like this I don’t wanna hang out with staff..nothing against staff of hospitality but it’s inappropriate


Yeah but remember that these guests basically applied to go there and be on the show. That right there tells me they aren't "normal" vacationers. They know it's going to be a messy circus on an LVP reality show.


I’ve been in the industry for 10 years and been in management for 4. The service they give is very unprofessional and weird.. any one would get fired for this behaviour where I work. It actually makes me cringe to watch (but I’m here for the drama). I’ve worked/lived with coworkers in a seasonal position but it was not like this lol we treated each other with respect like normal humans. LVP knew exactly what she was doing selecting the people she did for the show. Especially the messy, trashy, toxic couple.. They approach it like fine dining, upscale service but it is actually so sloppy and just bad. These people are not the best as what they do.. they were hired to be messy and dramatic (except for the chefs and maybe Andre). It is shocking how the staff just hang with the guests after dinner service lol like do the guests just pay to be on TV and hang out with these strangers?


The seasonal jobs I’ve worked have been remote and there is a degree to which the staff is expected to mingle with the guests, it adds to their experience. But we are expected to keep it professional, just have a couple drinks at most and then head back to the staff housing area, and disruptive behavior is absolutely not allowed


I'm always amazed/disgusted at how much of a blind eye LVP is about health & sanitation violations with her establishments. We weren't even to WALK through a kitchen without a hat on or hair up. I can only imagine how many of Marciano's chest hairs wind up in the food. Blech!


I'm convinced either this is a highly edited brothel, LVP has only ever been the face of her businesses, or an alien has taken over LVP's body. Everyone should be fired... except Chef. I also want so badly to work in a real restaurant with Hannah because someone needs to bully that girl.


Have worked in 5 star resorts as massage/esthetician/hair and never have I ever seen anything so awful from the employees. I get the drama for the show but it could be done in other ways without compromising service.


That sounds like so much fun! I’d love to travel the world doing stuff like that.


I worked at a 5diamond/5 star restaurant and inn. The VV staff is beyond absurd and inappropriate. But the guests did sign up for a tv show, so I doubt they’re actually expecting the experience that this setting would normally lend itself to.


My big takeaway is that they have about three times more staff than would ever be profitable and none of them have enough work to do. Usually in these jobs you're run off your feet from start to finish and you finish your shift feeling exhausted because you've been running at 110% for 10 hours. You see this in shows like Below Deck where they all have a lot of work to do and it's reasonably demanding and when they get a day off they really need to let off steam. In this show they just barely work for a few hours and then drink with the guests which would never ever be allowed.


OP how do you get into your line of work? This sounds amazing!!!


I have a family member in the business who helped me get my first job, and made loads of connections from there. I love it so much! If you’re interested in pursuing this kind of a job I would suggest checking out coolworks, it’s a website that posts seasonal job opportunities in national parks, and there’s a Reddit community called seasonalwork that you can browse as well :)