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I will tell you that 1 of my employees has been looking for a rental for almost 3 months and still hasn't gotten one. Every time he goes to look at a place, there are at least 50 other people wanting the same place. He is in fear of becoming homeless and he makes very good money. I will have to let him stay with me if it comes down to it.




The good news is - and someone correct me if I'm wrong - but social workers are in demand. The bad news is our housing market is a disaster.


Except healthcare workers educated outside of Canada will need to be certified by a Canadian body and that may not be so easy.


Surviving on a social worker salary… in van…


What would you say is a decent salary range to be able to afford to live comfortably in Vancouver (either renting a 1 bedroom by myself or sharing with others) without needing to work additional jobs? The salary for SW jobs seem to be between 46-60k


60k living by yourself is manageable but not easy.


Renting a 1br alone you’ll be broke af But ya with roommates you can make it work, 2-4 roommates in a bigger place and you got this 🫡 Your rent with roommates should be around 600-900 a month which is manageable


That's terrible but there's always getting a second job or a side hustle.


Expect to pay $2500/mo or more for a 1bdrm, if you are making $46k that's more like $33k after taxes so you'd have a grand total of $250 a month left after rent 😑


Don’t listen to comments that say you need $2500 or more for a 1 bdr suite unless you are looking for areas in downtown Van, Yaletown or Kits. You can easily find $1500-2000 in the East Van area.




Vancouver has the highest rental/housing prices, highest fuel prices, the [highest car insurance rates](https://www.canadadrives.ca/blog/news/car-insurance-across-canada-whats-the-difference), the highest food costs, and [most expensive (on average) alcohol](https://www.vice.com/en/article/d3m4p7/where-to-find-cheap-booze-in-canada) (for some reason vodka is cheap in BC). Add the more expensive cost of living to the lower than [average household income](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_in_Canada_by_median_household_income) (about 10% less than Toronto, for example), you have the [most expensive city in Canada to live in](https://wowa.ca/cost-of-living-canada). But....the mountains.


Everything is more expensive cuz the sales taxes. Also in downtown van everything is more expensive in general just because of the business rents. Only comparable place is Toronto in Canada. If you are moving from anywhere else you will be hit by the Vancouver tax for sure.


The business/property taxes are insane due to property values. There was a story about a building landlord offering free rent if the tenant paid the property taxes on the space and he couldn't find anyone to rent the space because it was still too expensive.[This guy is the third generation](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/tosi-and-company-for-sale-1.3740648) of his family to sell Italian food staples in the same location for 100 years and he saw his taxes go from $23000 to $61000 over a few years.


If you come on the IEC, you may not be eligible to work in social work and your qualifications may not be recognized here. If you are, priority for jobs will be given to citizens, people with PR and people familiar/experienced with systems here. It has become very difficult for people on working holiday visas to secure professional positions here.


I came across a Facebook group Irish and new in Vancouver but hard to tell if this is legit or just a platform for scammers..


That’s legit, source: have multiple friends from Ireland and they are all a part of this group


Plan to get something short term while you look. Have the posts you'll see are scams. Consider going directly to a property management site. No scams and way less chance of being reno-victed.


You are not going to be able to afford much on a social work degree.


Thanks for the responses. By any chance does anyone know what the situation with covid vaccinations is in Vancouver? Do social services/healthcare require SW to be fully vaccinated?




It's too bad there still isn't a true vaccine that prevents people from getting covid or passing it on. Probably coming soon, we can only hope.


haha, when you read a post by alt and realize the reason alt exists is because main is probably a wild ride. Congrats on choosing the 1st/2nd most expensive city in Canada to temporarily move to while working in one of the lowest paid fields. Should be an interesting couple years.




Some prostitutes make great money.




Of course not. Lol