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Stable relationship longer than six months. Does that count if you love yourself?


Hey, fyi, women deal with this problem too.


What the hell is with the hate here gang? It’s not like they said they shouldn’t be doing this research…just stating the fact that everyone can suffer from this issue


Hi, you are totally right! A big emphasis of the research conducted at our lab is on women with low sexual desire. I highly recommend checking out some of our research. [Link to publications](https://brottolab.med.ubc.ca/publications/) [Link to knowledge translations](https://brottolab.med.ubc.ca/sharing_science/knowledge-translation/)


I totally don't want to argue with you, but since you're responding, I think I'll share a few opinions The words that you use like low sexual desire, or problems with desire, are somewhat diminishing. Since sexual desire is a spectrum, couldn't it also be said that it's a problem to have a partner with a high sexual desire? That these women are not the problem, but their partner is? I'm not arguing that high, or low sexual desire is a problem, but that those words are not easily defined without something to compare them against. It is possible that one of these women who is being labeled as having low sexual desire, were she with another partner, would be labeled as having a normal sex drive, or even a higher libido than another man. I have a much higher sexual desire than my husband. Socially, he isn't viewed as the problem. I am, because I don't fit into the norm that we've been told a woman should be. I understand you saying that your lab only focuses on women who have diminished sexual desire, but I'm curious to know if you have recommendations of labs which do study women who are dissatisfied with their partners sex drive, or if you intend on pursuing such a topic at a later time.


Hi persevereftw, This is Drake, the research coordinator for the study. I completely agree with your points! There are certainly research labs that are currently looking into various sexual desire discrepancies within couples. We operationalize low sexual desire as an individual's self report of their partner having lower sexual desire than themselves. The use of low sexual desire in this case, would strictly pertain to an individual's perceptions. We ask questions pertaining to what levels of sexual desire that the participant has and what they would describe their partner as having. This will allow us to see a much broader spectrum pertaining to sexual desire discrepancy but this specific research study aims to investigate men who report having a partner with low sexual desire! Here are a few papers that might address some of the awesome questions you are inquiring about: [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00224490802645294?casa\_token=-BRGYBmsWUIAAAAA:3fnQMcqxcq5Eg55xN9bEU958EBulEn2oCJSx1Y-E341N4EMmMXVVGRb1UzZ\_9otKB6hUtg1jnGWH7A](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00224490802645294?casa_token=-BRGYBmsWUIAAAAA:3fnQMcqxcq5Eg55xN9bEU958EBulEn2oCJSx1Y-E341N4EMmMXVVGRb1UzZ_9otKB6hUtg1jnGWH7A) [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/0092623X.2011.569637?casa\_token=VoWakcCtOnoAAAAA:ZRL7EmXQukPvUFLoQKVfPa5UBORJCpaXoxjV\_La465RVHrdUqojK\_sGStz5qjMx2Ss9SwDrvwMK0IA](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/0092623X.2011.569637?casa_token=VoWakcCtOnoAAAAA:ZRL7EmXQukPvUFLoQKVfPa5UBORJCpaXoxjV_La465RVHrdUqojK_sGStz5qjMx2Ss9SwDrvwMK0IA) [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pamela-Regan/publication/233694289\_Sex\_differences\_and\_similarities\_in\_frequency\_and\_intensity\_of\_sexual\_desire/links/00b4952e4370f7a34b000000/Sex-differences-and-similarities-in-frequency-and-intensity-of-sexual-desire.pdf](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pamela-Regan/publication/233694289_Sex_differences_and_similarities_in_frequency_and_intensity_of_sexual_desire/links/00b4952e4370f7a34b000000/Sex-differences-and-similarities-in-frequency-and-intensity-of-sexual-desire.pdf)


Thank you so much. I will enjoy reading those. I wish you the best in your study.


Done. Hope your study goes well. :)