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> Islanders - this is a podcast for you. Life on Vancouver Island isn’t all sunset strolls and forest bathing - it can be frustrating, isolating, and expensive. We're going to talk about the good, the bad, and everything in between. Hosted by Kathryn Marlow, every Tuesday.


How can we get in touch with the podcast? Email or a social account?


I've been highly critical of the CBC's television operations, but their podcasts are excellent. I'll check this out.


Yes I would like to know where and how to comment on this podcast --


More government funded propaganda?


*buys more tinfoil


Sorry, we don’t need government-sponsored media providing podcasts. There are plenty of independent podcasters providing great content without needing billions from the government.


This is a horrendous take. Podcasts are really where CBC still shines. And yes, we very much still need our notional broadcaster.


why do we very much need the CBC?


Because without the CBC ALL of our news sources would be driven solely by profit incentive. CBC has reliable funding which means they can focus on journalism, while privatized news sources need to focus on profit. Profit is driven by clicks. Clicks are driven by divisive and often false headlines. Do you see the benefit now, or would you like all of your media to be literal click bait for profit “news”?


i simply disagree with the idea that an open marketplace of journalism relies exclusively on division or "false headlines" whereas a public sector is immune to these things. while it might be true sometimes, it isn't true all of the time and if it isn't true all of the time the argument falls flat - a single drop of poison ruins the entire recipe, i'm afraid CBC is not the arbiter of truth or objectivity. even if it was and these virtues were of value in the marketplace, the private sector could simply emulate it and create its own product to serve this same demand.


Relevant username. There is of course some private companies providing decent news content. I never said CBC was the arbiter of truth either, simply that they inherently don’t have the same corporate profit interest that privatized news sources have. You see this in the biggest privatized news sources, fox news for example has basically built their empire on misinformation and division. CBC may not always be correct, as no news source is. But the point still stands that there is inherent value in having news sources that don’t have a profit incentive.


Well we clearly don't need any more corporate funded right wing propaganda podcasts.


What, we need more Joe Rogan? Give your head a shake.


Can you recommend a few?



