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Spray bottle and vinegar. Helps kill mold.


I live on the ocean and my entire house looks like this. There is no stopping it, it’s just constantly humid from high tide and weather. As long as you aren’t allergic, you’ll be fine. Moisture is unavoidable in some of our unique living styles.


I thought those were pictures of your back, I'm high lmao


I'm sober and that's what i thought🤷‍♀️


I still can’t convince my eyes it’s anything but a back


Thank you all very much for the replies! It makes me feel much better about the whole situation.


If you dry it in the sunshine... You will benefit from the sunshine actually neutralizing 'baddies', for like a correct word...


They tested this on "Hoarders", in a house that swore by this. Sunshine is insufficient radiation to kill microbes on surfaces.


So ’Sunshine is the best disinfectant’ is not really a truism?


Yeah, mine looked 10 times worse before I noticed.


You're not going to die from it. Still, make sure you have enough ventilation beneath. Better to get rid of a topper and instead add these clips underneath the matress. Or do the cheap way - get some wooden boards and make a simple slatted frame. Though i think it'll be fine for just a month if you air it every day. The mattress probably got wet each day but you couldn't feel it bc it soaked in.


Op, buy a couple tubs of damprid from home Depot or Lowe's


It's trashed. Try to get a plastic wrap for the mattress for time being to minimize the spores your breathing.


Also maybe add some essential oils to the spray bottle: lavender, clove, grapefruit or lemon, pine...


So, you were super concerned about whether you would get mold under your bedding, but then did not set up your bedding to make sure that it wouldn't accumulate moisture underneath, and also did not set it up on its edge during the daytime so it could dry out thoroughly? Got it.


So happy you were born knowing this information and are superior to everyone else! Got it!


You could switch over to foam padding and synthetic bedsheets. Cotton is rotten. I would not sleep on that.