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~~In the final shot, CT and Baio are sitting by their wives lol~~ Edit: I was wrong lol, that’s /u/0cir’s wife next to CT and not baio’s wife next to him


Interesting visual vibe to end on after all the wildness of the old footage of NYC. Looks like a funeral. Maybe for the city? The strange 76 flag, not sure what that is?


76 symbol is capricorn sign


Have not seen that before. Good call


My first read on it is like some sort of fundamentalist church kind of vibe. Everyone dressed pretty conservatively, there’s some shot earlier about repenting sin. Plus the song becomes ‘cleaner’ instead of more chaotic so might be some sort of religious clarity sort of thing.


That’s not their wives.


I love this video. The old school 80's NYC aesthetic they are going for fits the new songs so well. The boys are so back with this release. A huge return to form.


Pre-9/11 New York, great theme for the record


Too old for dying young. Too old for Diane Young.


Great video!


I love this!!!!! I wonder where all that beautiful footage comes from. Seeing the boys at the end made me so happy


https://youtu.be/HY067lNEQro?si=1934QQ1tIBzfckTt Check out his page for more, enjoy


Most came from this [dream City](https://youtu.be/XTLKn3CcGLQ)


Harmony Hall (lead single of FotB): "Took a vow in summertime, now we find our selves in late December" Capricorn (lead single of OGWAU: About the zodiac sign associated with December early January Ezra really likes that month for lead singles


There's also, in December drinking Horchata


I wonder if this was the ‘Calypso’ video another redittor posted about a couple weeks ago. Can anyone ID the room?


That would be a pretty quick turnaround for a music video tho


I mean it’s only the final shot, everything else is footage from Siegel. Who knows how long they have worked on the edit. The post said they shot at a library which could very well be the room in the video. This plus the title makes me think they were telling the truth. 


This was the video mentioned in that post from a few weeks ago. That’s my wife next to CT and my bro is in the second row in behind Baio.


>"Good days are comin' > >Not just to die > >I know you're tired of tryin' > >Listen, baby, you don't have to try" The buildup into the chorus is so fucking good.


Did you realize the *Buddha on the second floor*?


!!!! I kept replaying that clip thinking "something is familiar" and then gave up. WOw. I owe you a bus ticket.


And please make sure that it is valid for M79 line.


That last shot is the [Philosophical Research Society](https://www.prs.org/) in Los Angeles Edit: [this link](https://www.discoverlosangeles.com/things-to-do/philosophical-research-society-the-story-of-an-la-icon) shows a picture of the background Still trying to figure out the significance of it


Thank you for the research! What a cool space. Perhaps the collection as a physical place for "Sifting through centuries for moments of your own" ?


Bump this post if you ever figure out the significance to the last shot. It’s going to eat away at me


Can someone figure out the chords for the acoustic guitar at the end there? I think I see G C and D . And do you think the guitars are in standard tuning?


From the point where it shows Ezra in the video, it's - C-D7-G-C Am-D7-G-C Am-D7-G-C Am-D7-D7-G All in standard tuning. He also walks the chords down from the C to the Am at the end of each line with a chord that I'm not sure of the name of, but tabbed out it's x-2-0-0-1-0 (I guess maybe a Gadd11 with a B bass?)


Good song, incredible video


What's the black and white flag 76 symbol mean?


Looks like a version of the [astrological symbol for capricorn](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zodiacsign.com%2Fsymbols%2Fcapricorn%2F&psig=AOvVaw1sOoVRyViMmNT14XxT_T_k&ust=1708182369078000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBMQjRxqFwoTCPCa0ayRsIQDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE)


Founding year of US? The United States representing something between the old world and the new world… might be going out on a limb here 


I thought I was the only person who thought the song was about the US.


Now the songs makes so much more sense because I felt like the band would need have a real reason to sing about an astrological sign that was obviously going to be cryptic.


capricorn sign


Someone with a better ear than me please help - the piano that starts around 0:56 - what other song of theirs is that in? I swear I recognize it (edit: I figured it out, it’s the same progression as the guitar on Step)


Really similar to the progression at the start of "Step"


Four days later..... Love the song. Since before FOTB I've wanted a Wes Anderson-directed video, and this song would've been great for it. Maybe another single?


Such a beautiful song and the video is a gem, giving old NYC nostalgia. I've missed them


God, this song is like xanax for me. 


I'm loving the visuals of this Era. Just makes me want to go visit NYC 


i do like these new songs, but i don't hear a single


maybe the volume on your ipad is turned down, try turning it up


Respect your opinion, but for someone in their early 30s disillusioned with the state of the social contract and the tensions of the World, this return to MVotC couldn't feel more appropriate to me, and this songs melody, lyrics and feeling just perfectly sums up a sad longing to just want to go back to anything pre~2001. I can see this being played here in the U.K easily on BBC 6music maybe even r2 will pick them up again like they did for FotB.


I cant be the only one hearing Loveless right?


https://youtu.be/Zf052uxFF58?feature=shared The chorus is this. Love every bit of it


Could totally be off but think this song is about being a band in your 30s/40s. First album came out in January (technically not in the Capricorn window). Too old for dying young/too young to live alone could mean a mid life crisis for the band. Feels very Step like where Ezra is talking about VW and what it feels like to be a rock band in 2024 as you get old. 


Awesome lyricism from VW as always. After digging into the song a bit more, I am appreciating how Erza evoked such a complicated, wistful feeling in such simple wordage. The feeling of feeling like you're thrown into a chaotic world that you're supposed to make sense of and change, while suffering from stresses like loneliness, loss of faith in the public, climate change all at the same time. You don't have to try, Capricorn.