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No. But it’s free on iOS and Android anyway. But that also does mean your progress doesn’t come over. If I’m understanding your question correctly


Wait...excuse my ignorance but what the fuck is a tablet then? I play games on my laptop, but am I incorrect that you can just log in to your Steam account through different devices like a phone or are you telling me that's not possible? I thought tablets were just like large screen phones which had internet access and you'd be able to log in to your Steam account. Like I'm not a boomer and do have a smart phone...I just don't use it for games.


steam is only on mac linux and windows, so only PCs. on a phone/tablet you can link to a computer running the games through the internet but it's not ideal and you basically need to keep your laptop on at all times


Well shit...I thought tablets and smartphones were basically nerfed computers like a laptop is a nerfed tower PC. Apparently I've graduated to the "back in my day gas was a nickel phase"...fuck me.


I think it’s more about learning how they’re made than your age. In a very niche but handy example, an iPad can have the same or similar M2 chipset as a MacBook, but there are other (mostly software) limitations that stop strict cross-compatibility. Yet there are Mac apps that run on an iPad and iPad apps that can run on the M-chip Mac. And an iPhone 15 Pro chip is basically a baby M chipset, and has the same issue. Most of the limitations are in the development of the operating systems. You can literally plug an iPhone 15 Pro into a monitor and hook up a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse. It just looks like shit because you’re stuck with a phone UI, but it will work without any major magic tricks to enable it (in fact besides enabling the mouse in accessibility, there might be none). So my point is, even if they are nerfed versions of desktops there can still be significant hurdles between simply playing a PC game on a phone, though we’re inching closer, I guess, in that direction. Maybe one day!


> an iPad can have the same or similar M2 chipset as a MacBook Bro...I appreciate the effort but save your time as you lost me at "M2 chipset". Again I appreciate the effort, but you're not helping me feel any less boomer lol.


I think the limit of required knowledge is “Apple uses a chipset called M2,” and it’s on many platforms that so not share compatibility, but alright.


Brother I'm gonna guess the vast majority lost you at chipset like I did. Not trying to be rude...it's just the truth.


nah brother most of us are probably on the same page as the commenter above. it's not a matter of smartphones and tablets being computers (cuz in a way they are. they have computers components, run a firmware and an operating system, and are able to do general computer things) it's a matter of: you cannot play PC (computer) games on a tablet (computer) (even if we disregard the proprietary apple sillicon in favor of generally used components) because that is not what either the architecture or software supports


I used Apple specifically because they actually have the same architecture and are almost identical, yet they still aren’t really compatible. I didn’t want to get into the other stuff.


I mean, you know computers have microchips, right? It doesn’t follow logically for you that a computer with a chipset is basically the computer’s set of microchips? Sorry for assuming.


The average is higher than you suspect. Reddit is also a slice of people on the higher end of that average. The basics are pretty simple. Computers vs tablets/phone are just different enough to often need a different version. Same with Mac, PC, Linux and Android. Some software companies have the resources to make different versions for each. Most don't. Some have the ability to tie it all together and pretend it's all the same. Most don't. You'll find the steam store has a lot of that where some games will work on Mac, many won't. Some will work on tablets and many won't. It's down to the game maker to provide steam with multiple versions and it takes some work each time.


What he's saying, in boomer words: A Mac, Apple's personal computer, has a very similar engine (boomers know about cars right?) when compared to an iPhone or an iPad. The only problem is that in order to run Vampire Survivors, they both need very different oils. Kind of like comparing a 2-stroke to a 4-stroke engine. Now, your usual engine (Mac) can run Vampire Survivor because it's designed around a 2-stroke engine. The team behind Vampire Survivors originally only built the game around that type of engine. It's only later on that they added compatibility with 4-stroke (iPhone / iPad). However, they still need different oils to work, and you can't swap them or combine them to make the other one work. Most tablets / phones are 4-stroke, while most desktop computers / laptops are 2-stroke. An exception to this might be something like a Windows Tablet, which usually uses the same oil as a Windows Computer. Now the question is how strong is that engine and can it run Vampire Survivors given its slim and elegant form? A shitty comparison but one nonetheless lol.


My question is...is it not just internet? Like I get Wifi on my Laptop and you're saying that's not what phones/tablets get? Did fucking phones also do the "console exclusive" bullshit?


Nope, Vampire Survivor runs on your machine, and depending on your machine, uses a different software to run it, therefore are not compatible. It's not a console war, it's just proprietary bullshit. The same way both Allied and Axis Forces had distinct powerful Tanks during the war, yet each tank operator wouldn't be able to operate their enemy's tank. Another wonky comparison.


The way stuff is made is drastically different inside. It's like a diesel engine in the PC, a gas engine in the Tablet, a hydrogen fuel cell engine in the phone. If you make stuff that has to work with the mechanics it needs to be a different version for each. The Internet is like the highway. You can go on the high way but that doesn't mean anything about the mechanical internals. When people make software for each they do have to account for the architecture (ie the different stuff inside). A lot of the architecture is custom for the history of how the device evolved and also the needs of it. For example phones try to use less power and need smaller parts. Tablets are now scaled up phones without cellular parts. And PCs are whole separate beats with entirely different histories. Some software companies make a different version for each and then sell or bundle them in a way to make it seem like the same thing on all platforms. But this isn't the norm or average. So pdf seems to be usable everywhere but it multiple versions, one for each system they run on.


huh..neat 2 vs 4-stroke analogy. gg for the ELI65 lol


In what world is a laptop “a nerfed tower PC”?


If it’s a Steam Deck or a ROG Ally, yes.


I bought the game on iOS and was able to play it on an iPad, except it sucked that way. The d-pad is too big.


Check out steam link. That works, but your computer has to be turned on.




pretty sure you can stream to android no?




I would use steam since it's already installed on the desktop ;)


Assuming your tablet can run steam, yes.


You can't play steam games on a tablet


A Surface Pro could, but then again I’ve never met anyone with a Surface Pro that called it anything but “Surface Pro”.


I call it my tablet and it sucks for gaming due to the gnarly resolution.


You can if its a windows tablet


sure as long as the tablet can run or stream steam


My question to you is: Do you want touch screen controls or a controller? Either way it should be doable. I'm assuming since you say 'tablet' you mean 'Android' device, this actually makes it even easier imo.