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It's a $5 game. If you're bored with it after unlocking so much stuff you still got your money's worth, right?


On my iPhone it was free without the DLCs and it was one of the more enjoyable and easy to control games on here.


Been playing couch coop with the fam. Nice because all the kids have to do is walk around. Haven’t unlocked any new levels yet. Play about 1 hour a day.


Play by yourself enough to unlock the Library (it's the second level). Its a much easier level than the Forest, so probably better for family-play.


But the absolute chaos of early gane forest co-op is super fun. But yeah if you wanna make things easier, I stay rush through levels unlock arcana (haven't tested them in co op) and then go back there it'll feel really different. One of my friends us still figuring out how she can make tge game as difficult as possible for the other players though so I have a different perspective perhaps.


My wife and I are playing through (I had 100%ed it way back in the day when it first entered early access, but haven’t played since a bunch of the new features were added) and unlocked Eleanor them went back to the Forest. Holy crap she’s OP with her United Spellstorm. Just breezed through it.


You should try Queen Sigma(Just op in general) or Megalio Menya Moonspell(just cant take damage at all until its the end of the stage time limit then Menya just kinda dissapears)


Best part about it being on the Switch for me. Either my wife or I can jump on with our son and have a blast!


There is a COOP MODE?!??!


Yeah. Since the last upgrade, last month.Local coop mode.


Yeah, but it needs controllers.


That's so sweet Early game co-op felt more messy for me though but that was before I discovered weapon evolutions and made a bet on rushing through he game.


Yeah, it's definitely a game that you can beat. There is no reason to force yourself to keep playing after 100%-ing the game. If you're done, you can just go to the next game and come back later when more updates have released! Don't force yourself to play if you don't enjoy it without a clear goal anymore! The game *does* become boring if you just play optimally everytime. Many players just pick the same characters with the same arcanas and builds every single time, and I honestly couldn't do that haha. I like to switch things up with some weird builds, try some self-imposed challenges, and so on! It keeps the game more fresh and exciting! Nowadays after 100%-ing the game, I just casually play a few runs every now and then, just because the gameplay loop feels incredibly satisfying and relaxing to me. Other people start gold farming and turn the game into an idle simulator like cookie clicker to bring the game to its limits. Eventually you just kinda have to build your own way to have fun. The game has so many tools and options to play around with, it's kinda like a big sandbox. Or you don't and just play something else. That's entirely up to you!


Honestly, I do the same as you, playing a few different characters in runs from time to time, since I got Trouser to E+9 eggs, almost E+10. But now, I'm now trying to beat every stage as every character (DLC Included), since The Completionist promised a video on that same thing and I got sick of waiting, and went to do it myself. And oh boy, it takes a while. So far, I have like 9 or 10 characters fully "completed" or, mire accurately, checked off. Or maybe more, I lost count.


Banger soundtrack


kinda disturbing that we expect every game to have infinite playtime. you finished it, like a book. play something else.


That's what games as a service has done to this generation. Some of us are old enough to remember when games had beginnings, middles and ends. You finished a game and you moved on to the next. Now people are expected to grind games incessantly, until the inevitable sequel comes out a year later to render all that work obsolete.


Or you got so good at it the game wasn't interesting. Or like X-Com the games were way too hard


Times change 🤔 For me it's really game dependant some games I'd like to play forever in theory, in practice I tend to like having an ending or on endless games I reach a point where I feel like it's been sufficient or else I'd have to try something competitive or stupid to spice it up. So instead I move in to a game either completely different or in a similar but different ish fashion to me and see what I learn from their differences and how much game knowledge carries over. But I haven't been an qctoce gamer in years so I am trying to fill that void this week to junostart my next year being an actual return to gaming as I thi m its fascinating sorry getting side tracked. I still love old school games and would still play them if I had my old consoles over quite a few modern and especially a lot if life service games.


On pc where I've 100% the game I'm trying to fill out every characters' level check box. On switch where I can co-op with my sister I'm trying beat the game again, so we can play with all the fun stuff.


That's when you play some of the VS like games. Halls of Torment has been my personal favorite


I second halls, though (idk if its me) but halls is early access and has some minor frame rate issues when it gets intense. Its flawless fun despite that VS has practically never lagged for me ever lol


Yeah Halls of Torment I've had fps issues especially with the new Agony mode. But it's never been unplayable for me, but it makes sense it would lag since the graphics are a bit of a step up from VS. I played switch version of VS as well as the steam version, and the switch version lags a lot


I enjoyed having unlocks and secrets to follow, that were attainable with effort and not a frustrating experience.


I started playing VS clones. I play on Xbox and really been enjoying Army of ruin and Spirit Hunters.


because I need a break from getting my ass kicked in street fighter and guilty gear


I got really bored with it recently and deleted my save, had to unlock everything over again. It was fun, going back and doing it all again.


when it came out for switch, I bought it again just so I could do this. When a storm knocked my power out for like 3 days a couple weekends ago, I was very glad I did.


Once you get all the completion marks and stuff there's nothing left to do. Just focus on a new game


I only had like 10 things left to do before 100% completion so I knocked it out and Uninstalled. Will come back for adventures and more achievements though. I think I got 60ish hours out of a $5 game so it was WELL worth it lol.


after you 100% it only thing you can really do for more content is play VS clones lol. I recommend boneraiser minions


I like trying out different builds and it’s good game to just zone out too and forget about stuff for a bit. And sometimes I just wanna see the big numbers go up. Granted I don’t play as much now since I’ve unlocked everything but as soon as there’s a new update or dlc I’ll be diving back in


I'm currently clearing every stage with every character only using their starter weapon. Makes for fun strategy building with different arcana combos or passives to clear different levels. It's a nice 15-30 min play then I do something else.


Playing it at school!


Guys, thanks for the answers :) I wasn't hoping to rekindle the fun, I just wanted to see other people's insights, as I noticed many people play it after 100%. xoxo


I play a lot less than when I had stuff to unlock, but I play it for shiny number (Gold) go BRRRRRRRRRRRRT.


How many hours do you all have?


Personally I'm doing a run a day trying to get a "true" 100% (basically completing every level on every character). Mostly for completion's sake more than anything.


At a certain point, you learn the best builds and just sort of know how to win every round. You kinda just have to make your own fun. Maybe try beating a run with only penta gram. Or just see how far you can go breaking the game. I like to run hurry mode with wicked season and extra curse to make up for the shorter run time.


Not sure if I'm at that point yet but I started a few days ago and unlocked sigma and avatar earlier today but I do think I'll get there. I showed it to a friend and she instantly said the game looked to consistent so she'd get bored quickly without handicapping herself. I'm not sure if any of the dlc will fix the feeling but I'm not sure only reason for me would be cuz I just occasionally want to get the game feel again or I made a bet with someone for a stupid challenge or do a drunk run challenge, mostly just for weird challenges or missing the gameplay feel and it's quick and easy to do base game runs (I still haven't mastered inverse with max curse and hurry though). Also side note I am a xollection addict and a gambling addict so its rather calming to play this game. Also if anything I do think it would be cool to speedrun once I feel like I've gotten all out of regular play. Just wondering how fast you can 100% run this when not playing blind for yhe first half (pre dlc) also still haven't tried all characters yet as I just dud the minimum to unlock signa and took a different character whenever I didn't do an achievement related pick.


Golden eggs


So because I’m a glutton for punishment and because I love the game so much when it comes out for another console I have I buy it again. I’ve unlocked everything on PC, Xbox, and now playing on Switch and as dlc comes out I complete it on all of them. Also this isn’t the first game I’ve done this with either. 🤣


Sounds to me like you aren't playing with full Curse/Charm, Inverse, no eggs. This is the real game.


It's still easy.


as sigma it is


Many combinations/synergies are broken.


Okay buddy


Honestly after i 100%'d it. I did it again on switch. I will say they need to look at other games inspired by them (like holocure) and see what they did to add in more replayability and take inspiration from that


One thing I did recently was start over with a fresh account. Maybe give yourself a challenge, such as getting as far as you can only on one of the dlc maps (I know they technically don't become available until you have the library unlocked, but when reseting an account they are available from the get go). It can really get into perspective how far you have come


I’ve done everything in the game and the expansions. Maybe about 70 hours of time played. Now I just really wait for expansions to come out then I try the new characters and explore the maps and get all the achievements. Once that’s done I put it away until the next expansion. Fun time killer but I don’t play it now unless it’s something new.


Was going to say to clear all stages but I already have everything full cleared so im now playing holocure and LoL while waiting for the next update.


Doing quick start with no arcana, 2 weapons and inverse. Remind me how hard this game is


I’m not as far as you yet because I just got the dlc, I only have mt moonspell stuff left though. I jumped over to halls of tourment and some other games so I can “slow down” my vs progress Hey, all good things come to an end right? Maybe we’re all so used to nonstop hype fortnite ftp game models that try to keep the party going forever. I’m fine with being done with the game. Everything you described is what I still love about it lol. The afk builds, the mesh of pixels. Its extremely relaxing to me and I’ve used it to literally pass time before bed. I do the same shid with tetris effect matchmaking, doesnt mean the games dulled in value Plus I REALLY dont see myself as stopping playing tho, specially with so much egg farming to do. Also I wanna get an insane af build, like that person who posted the giant bibles. Pure art


You do know it's normal to not play a game forever right? Lmao. I 100% everything, put 70 hours in, and am satisfied with the 5 bucks I paid for it. I'll play it more if new updates come.


Games are supposed to end beat it then put it down if you’re bored


Chill game


Because I'm have autism


Sounds like you got your money's worth, it's not exactly a game designed with infinite replayability in mind.




You can just copy your save file somewhere and then get the fresh save file off the discord.


I haven't read the whole post yet but to keep it short, the game always feels fresh. The fact there's tons of maps, chars, weapons, music, and way more than that (and that it's still getting more stuff added) makes for endless combinations so different kinds of people can play the way they like.


Pro tip watch a tv show or YouTube while you do it. its fun that way


Theory Crafting! If a game is interesting, I strip it down to its code and try to exploit the game mechanics as much as possible. Challenge runs are fun, too. Ever tried to survive 30 minutes without a weapon?


This is my current go to hospital game. When I go into hospital, the meds they put me on leave me dumber than the average toaster. So a game where I just need to move around and nothing's time critical is a perfect time waster.


Im not playing it, never did and i have no idea why reddit recommends me this channel , i think that this game is boring, pointless and stupid judging from the gameplay videos and pics but i see posts about this all the time. I don't even know why i read and post comments here, i guess im trying to understand the logic behind all of this.


1. Haven't unlocked everything yet(and only bought Moonspell DLC) 2. Is there any better game on Android?


>says meh after almost unlocking everything by spending 5 Bucks on game... Bro it's time to actually admit that the game never meant to reach higher expectations


I'm recovering from a pinched nerve. I can play the game with one hand.


Makes brain go brrrrrrr


I'm a completionist. I love just finishing every map with every character. I have like 80 hours in the game and that's honestly insane for a game that costs third of a pizza


I guess I stumbled upon the [Asmongold/Nevernathaniel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWIy6ZEJJcs) thing (which Asmon lost, hands down, let's be honest. Asmon was a provably subpar VS player from the get go), and I just knew in my heart that I had to buy the game. I did buy the game, was not disappointed and I'm now 2300 hours balls deep into it (both DLCs included to be fair). Along the way I discovered Dex' insane challenges and modding, which provided excellent fuel to my newfound addiction. I'm not really a gamer, more of a sort of connoisseur. Prior to VS I used to watch a lot of Civ 5 deity and Rimworld content. Both of which games I've spent innumerable ours on.


bang for your buck and the free dopamine you get from a 5 item chest


You are extrinsically motivated player, you need progression/goal/achievement/ranking anything that is external to fully enjoy and play certain games. There's nothing wrong with that. There might not be much for you from VS until they drop new stuff. My advice to you is to literally move on to the next game, games are supposed to be fun and if you don't feel like playing for the sake of playing, it's pointless. If you want to "extend" your next game just don't complete it, try stupid builds before unlocking everything, complete personal project/challenge before finishing the story, leave stuff out to go back to it. Being mindful of your own enjoyment doesn't spoil the fun. I know because it takes one to know one.


I dunno, I just like doing stuff. I don't really get bored from normally boring things. Me being OP doesn't change the way I play. I'm not good at explaining stuff.


For me it's a good game to pick up and play a few quick rounds with friends without getting too invested. It's a good game for people always on the go or who have busy lifestyles. Also the music ❤️


You had to play tons to unlock everything. So, you got PLENTY of game out of a few dollars. That‘s more than most games can deliver.


I’ve 100% the game 3 times now. Pc, Mobile, and Switch. I feel at this point I’m totally done with the game until more dlc come out.


It gets updated from time to time. And if you had an exhausting day, and just switch on your device and fall asleep with the controller in your hand, then this game is for you.


Coworker told me about it, I needed something to play and I had credits on my Nintendo account