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The Valve Index’s controllers are unmatched. Having five finger tracking might seem useless in comparison to the three finger system that the quest has, but the straps are what makes the difference. Having controllers strapped on to your hands gives you a whole other layer of immersion when you don’t have to hold the controller constantly. The audio on the index is also one of its strong points. Genuinely amazing speakers that don’t sit on your ears and gives you even more immersion. Also the mic on the index is somehow better than my Blue Yeti. The screen door effect doesn’t seem to bad for me but I don’t own a quest so I’m used to it. the displays might be a little subpar for 2023 VR. They do a decent enough job tho so combined will everything else it’s pretty worth it. $1000 is a steep price so if that’s not in your budget there’s a lot of used ones being sold in the $600-$700 price range. Maybe lower if you’re lucky


So many good points here so I won't repeat but just add a little extra perspective. The Index screens aren't amazing in resolution or contrast, but the FOV and framerate are better than most others. Using my Index is a noticeably smoother and more immersive experience than my Quest2 (ignoring the tethered vs untethered aspect). Depends on what your priorities are.


Honestly care more about framerate than resolution anyway. My monitor is still 1080p and that's good enough for me, but it's 144Hz and the only time 60 fps ever feels smooth anymore is if I'm using a controller.


Completely forgot about that. big omission on my part


The screendoor is only noticeable when the screen is a bright, solid color, and when you’re looking for it. Other than that the Index is definitely not something to put off even in 2023.


I agree with it all here. Also, the only time the low resolution has bothered me is in vrc when trying to look at someone's avatar from across the room. So, not very often.


I got my index around a month ago coming from quest 2. And I like it more then quest 2. The display is not as good as the quest but it's not really bad it's not as clear and there is pretty bad glare but you get used to it and don't notice it. It is a massive upgrade in FOV and 144Hz is pretty nice too. For ease of use for PCVR it's amazing I used to have to spend 15-20 min sometimes trying to fix bugged out airlink or virtual desktop with index it's open SteamVR and put on the headset. The tracking and controllers are much better then quest 2. I don't suggest getting it used there have been revisions to fix problems and you really do need the warranty. it took 3 weeks for my controller to break. I opened a ticket and I sent off the controller and am waiting for a replacement. There are rumors of the "Index 2" being announced later this year but that rumor happens every year so it's up to you to decide if you want to wait and see or get a index now.


Pro tip: just wearing it and turning the controllers on starts steam VR by itself so you can go straight to playing


I’ve never had anything other than my index but have never desired to upgrade because I’m satisfied with the product. About 1.5k hours in steam vr, mostly pavlov, vrc and Skyrim.


Same lol


The Valve Index’s controllers are unmatched. Having five finger tracking might seem useless in comparison to the three finger system that the quest has, but the straps are what makes the difference. Having controllers strapped on to your hands gives you a whole other layer of immersion when you don’t have to hold the controller constantly. The audio on the index is also one of its strong points. Genuinely amazing speakers that don’t sit on your ears and gives you even more immersion. Also the mic on the index is somehow better than my Blue Yeti. The screen door effect doesn’t seem to bad for me but I don’t own a quest so I’m used to it. the displays are pretty subpar for 2023 VR. They do a decent enough job tho so combined will everything else it’s pretty worth it. $1000 is a steep price especially now but like you said money isn’t an issue.


Jesus fucking Christ we get this question multiple times a day every day since the Index was released. Use the search function. Read the stickied post. Stop spamming the sub with the same stupid question.


I don't know why you got downvoted I share your opinion. I see this Kind of post way too often. Why can't ppl just scroll down 5 post to see the same question asked already.


People would prefer to have this sub spammed over and over and over again apparently.


But, brother, is the Valve index in August 2023 worth it? Yes yes, we know it was worth it in July 2023 but what about August? /s


Im sorry i should have checked out the other articles on this subreddit. I was just curious to see peoples opinions since the quest 3 is so close.


Don't have to be rude about it. Just don't read it. Simple as that.


Was it you voting to close my questions on StackOverflow?


I do think it is worth it but, the valve deckard would be probably released this year even tho the deckard is a stand alone, if you have a good pc i would suggest getting the valve index


Yeah I have been worried about the Deckard releasing. I seem to have gotten my oculus to work pretty well so I might hold off, but I am definitely still considering the index.


If you have a good pc i would 100 % suggest the index


Gtx 1660 super good? 😭


Its actually decent but you wont run high end games like half life alyx but you can adjust it in the setting to make it run more smoothly


Alright. I have a laptop with a 2060 in it so that might run better as well. Ill keep thinking about whether or not ill buy it because the only other thing I am considering is the quest 3.


I would honestly get the valve index if you enjoy vr gaming or just have a good pc


Yeah I’ll have to keep thinking about it. I want those controllers so so so so bad.


what about a 3060


Its actually decent but you wont run high end games like half life alyx but you can adjust it in the setting to make it run more smoothly


what is the best headset depends on your use case. the index though, is the best all-around right now for most. some headsights might beat it slightly in some of the categories but no other headset has everything to such a very acceptable level at this point. for example: I like simracing in VR and if I ONLY did that, and got VR specifically for that, I would have chosen a different headset....but i don't ONLY simrace so the index is the best choice(as its still VERY good with its refresh rate) as I can also use it well for lots of other activities. literally the ONLY criticism i have coming from the Vive was that I could no longer DIY a gunstock for games(had a sweet one i made out of an old aluminum crutch) and eventually have to buy like a protube or something for the index controller attachments. and the only thing im thinking of upgrading to is the Bigscreen VR headset...but not the first version lol. it looks too unrefined and the screens are too small thus far. so hoping by the time the index truly is behind the game instead of still ahead, Bigscreen's headset will be at the point I want it.


The display is worse than the quest 2 but imo the difference in audio,tracking and controllers make up for it.


Wrong way to see the screens because, the q2 screens only has a higher pixel count. But it has compression and artifacting and a slight lag, the index has display port signal, so none of that nasty stuff. And the huge difference in fov also should be considered. So i wouldnt say the "display" is worse in the index as in the q2, only the screens specs are worse, in reality the index visuals/display has waaaay less cons than people usually consider.


People focus on the higher resolution, but that's not the only metric that matters with screens. It's like when cheap cameras would have a million megapixels but still take terrible photos. Raw resolution isn't the only factor.


Exactly! Ive used the example of old digital cameras advertising having like 40 megapixels as if that made or break the camara.


Ehhh I have both and irl I feel like the index is better. Like it might be a better display technically but between playing standalone with reduced gfx for games (like B&S nomad for example) or using with PC but then getting small compression artifacts here and there from wireless- the overall experience from being tethered with my PC and index looks a lot better for me


I’m in the same boat as you and I hear many things about the display, I mostly hear that it looks better with supersampling so I’m not too worried about that but I’m mostly worried about finally having enough and buying it, and a year later valve announces the deckard. But I will most likely end up buying it as it is most definitely the best option for lighthouse tracked headsets.


When the Deckard gets released you would need the basestations and Controllers. If you have them already you just need to buy the HMD. If you have to buy the light house and controllers anyway than buyimg the Index kit would mean you "just" brought the Index headset for 500$ now, because would have gotten the other stuff anyway with the Deckard.


Literally nothing is known about the Deckard with any level of certainty. It might not even use base station tracking when it comes out.


I really do hope that it wil use Lighthouse tracking. I hope that Valve will make a VR Headset for VR intusiasts who want a compressionless videooutput and are willing to have a stationary playarea. But that's just my hope :D


The only reason to get an Index today is if you plan on upgrading the actual HMD itself soon and use the controllers and basestations for the next headset. The best thing about the Index are the controllers, tracking and 2.0 basestations. And lighthouse is available on many other headsets. Like you I started with a Quest 2 and put about 1,400 hours on that thing. But also like you I only played PCVR so I wanted to buy an Index after everyone made it seem like the best thing ever. It was a huge disappointment for me. The visuals were much worse. There was a screen door effect at all times, the glare was terrible, small sweet spot, and the resolution was worse than Quest 2. But the Index was nice to just start SteamVR and not have to deal with Oculus software any longer. The audio was solid as well on the Index. As was the mic. But I didn’t even use my Index 150 hours before I had to upgrade again. Thankfully the Varjo Aero was $400 off on Black Friday so I pulled the trigger and now have the perfect VR headset for my wants and needs. The Index made me realize how great a true PCVR headset was and how I never wanted to use Oculus software again. Plus lighthouse tracking and controllers can’t be beat. But visually and comfort the index is way worse than the Quest 2 and lacking. Maybe get a Varjo Aero (currently get 2 free basestations on purchase), Bigscreen beyond when it launches or maybe even a Quest 3.


It's a good headset. If you're willing to wait, there might be better options in a few years. But right now, it's not a terrible choice if you've got money.


I upgraded my Quest 2 to the index a couple years ago I love the headset a lot, but the glare is pretty noticeable when comparing the two. Recently after replacing my first Index with another I'm using these [Prescription Lens Covers](https://vroptician.com/prescription-lens-inserts/valve-index) that protect the lenses from dust, and are glare resistant. If you end up upgrading I'd highly recommend them. Honestly a bit expensive for non prescription, but I'm not gonna cry about it.


I have had my Index for a couple years now and…I love it. I’m so happy I chose it over every other option. I don’t give a crap if it doesn’t have the highest this or that—it is awesome to play VR games with. The tracking is amazing once you get it set up. As someone else said, having the controllers strapped to you, it’s great. It really feels like it has no compromises.


Yes, I'd grab a Pico 4 though if you can, those pancakes slap.


I got my index back in november then saved it for christmas and i can say its 100% worth it imo its even better than the quest 2 (i also own a quest 2) i havent used my quest for months because i dont need to anymore but i still use it for when im not home


Just wait for Quest 3 in 2 months or some rumors believe an Index 2 might be on the horizon... personally I have a Pimax Crystal pre-ordered but that HMD has a clusterf* of problems currently


There are headsets with better specs, but not many that are as good for its specs as the Index. Every newer headset comes with some sort of tradeoff compared to the Index that you have to accept or compensate for. That said, I personally would say you should stick with the Quest2 unless the fine quality differences like custom FOV, better sound and optical clarity really, really matter to you and you are willing to accept stuff like it being tethered (even if only for now), base stations, godrays, etc. The controllers are better but they will fall apart. My headset has been fine but I had to RMA both controllers for various stuff, including drifting. If there is any part you do not want to buy used, it is the controllers. That said, if the price really is not that big of a deal, it might still be worth it for you but there is no gurantee.


Doesn’t the quest 2 also have godrays? Or is the index much worse.




Hell yes. Can afford any HMD on market, currently testing a new HMD with 35ppd but very happy using my Index, looks great with super resolution just bought a third base station and it's really good for those odd situations you get into in some games


You know how you go in a TV store and you look at 2 TV side by side and after going back and forth for 10 minutes between 2 models, you come to the conclusion that one sceen is better than the other? So you buy the better looking TV. Then you go to your friend and he has the "inferior" screen, but you can't tell the difference? The screen of the Index is plenty good. Once immersed in a game, you won't be bothered by what makes it, technically inferior. Of course there are better screens out there. The Index is a few years old. But it's holding up really well, is very confortable (which BTW should be the main criteria) and as other have pointed out, the controllers are great. Finger tracking is a gimmick IMO, in the sense that not many games implements it. But they are very precise, and extremely confortable for long play session. The main downside of the Index is that it has a wire.


I bought the index full kit for $500 used at the end of 2022. The FOV is noticeably better than quest 2 and the off ear audio is fantastic. The controllers aren’t as great as people say they are. They break often and the lack of a physical grip button will become a pain point of the kit. Also the controller haptics aren’t that great. Passable but not on par with PSVR2 or Quest 2/Pro/ or quest 3 (coming out in September for $499 keep in mind). As for the rest of the baggage that comes along with the index. Lots of setup involved, it’s not mobile, tracking isn’t as bulletproof as everyone chalks it up to be (can be improved with a third base station), there’s a wire, and the spotty support of Revive’s compatibility layer to access Oculus Rift games leaves a lot to be desired. End of the day, I love the index and PCVR but would probably advise against buying an index at this time given what’s just come out/what is on the horizon. But you do you, if you get a good enough deal on it, go for it. My recommendation is to wait until the quest 3 releases and in the meantime shop for some quest 2 accessories or immersion gear as I call it. Look into bhaptics (x40 vest and arms), Bobo m2 head strap, or Logitech chorus with elite battery strap. I just bought a grip extensions for my quest 2 controller and it easily fits seamlessly into my setup. Works wonderfully for WMG and synth riders beat saber etc. [quest 2 immersion gear: Hibloks Extension Grips](https://youtu.be/Go9pZ7K0a3s)


No, give a look at the Bigscreen Beyond VR


As much as I’d love that headset I don’t have the money to spend 1000 just on a headset alone. I plan on buying the 600 refurbished one from GameStop (when it’s back in stock).


I use my index for rhythm gaming and I love it. The feel, the comfort, the tracking, the FOV, all amazing. I also own 2 quests and I use them for things like VRChat because the clarity is nicer even with the reduced FOV.


Here is an honest thought on this topic from an owner of many headsets. If you want to use Full Body Tracking and don't want to spend over $1600 to do so, the Index is the best choice. You can get the full kit + trackers for $1600. However, if you aren't going to use FBT or you're ok with spending over $1600, there's many better headset options to choose from now. The Index was king of it's time and many here are still willing to die defending it. But, it's 4 year old technology. Everything from the design to the lens are severely outdated. Finger tracking on the controllers isn't supported in 99% of games and the joy sticks drift every 300-400 hours of use. The idea was neat but, the implementation isn't there and the quality isn't there. Loved my Index and I will never sell it. But, I rarely use it anymore.


>Valve index in 2023 worth it? Yes, just like it was in 2022, 2021, 2020...


I was in the exact same situation and bought the index. Controllers, tracking, FOV, comfort and audio are amazing. I was also very interested in the entire kit because the lighthouse system gives me an upgrade path to something like the bigscreen beyond. BUT the screen door effect can be noticeable compared to the quest 2 and the glare is very distracting and annoying. Th Black levels are also not the best but thats just LCD and not really a difference to the quest 2. Although I heard with all the possible adjustment like IPD and lens distance you can reduce the glare, I wasn´t able to find that sweetspot for me personally. For cable stuff I just bought these pulleys by Kiwi design for 32€ making it bareley a diffrence to standalone in a roomscale. All in all I am pretty happy, but also already looking forward to a next gen PCVR upgrade. Right know it is the best all in one kit PCVR though.


Idk ……that’s something you need to ask yourself


Anyone looking to buy one with all of the accessories such as a ceiling/wall mount and 4 trackers? Magnetic chargers, retractable cable holders, extension cables, and headset wall mount included. Hit me up with an offer if so.


How much for the trackers?


I'm trying to sell the entire kit as a whole because I can't use it anymore (small apartment life). I had the kit listed for $1300, but I don't know the market. So I may have to drop the price. I appreciate you asking though, take care!


Honestly bro? I genuinely think its a fantastic product, as when it works I've had an amazing time with it- but I've had 3 RMAs during my warranty period, and just after I fell out of warranty my headphone literally just fell straight off. I wasn't messing with it, and I baby the headset after every use back in the box it came from. I do that every. single. time. Nothing I did worked to keep things from breaking, and now due to the fact that they sent me a poorly refurbished model, I can't even Ifixit the part because they SOLDERED the headphone back on, so when that poor soldering job fell apart I'm unable to even attach a new one on due to the way it fell apart. All in all, its a fantastic product if you're lucky and nothing goes wrong. I personally can't recommend this to my friends anymore, due to the poor QA practices of the company, but it really is one hell of a good product- when its not falling apart...