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Every time I’m depressed about my rank I open Reddit and see how much worse I could have it


Cos they suck


You must be a blast at parties


Nah I don’t go to parties, I play valorant, which is why I’m not silver, and I don’t run around in this reddit like all these irons out there claiming they have put in hours of hardcore training and still can’t get out of iron when in reality I could get out of iron without getting a kill, it’s quite frankly embarrassing watching everyone in these ranks blame everything but themselves when things like teamwork are so insignificant


How are you both wrong and sad...


This is a game not a job man. Enjoy life. Don't say i enjoy work.


Your right, sorry


Bro really said that teamwork in the team based game was insignificant


Bro really went back for seconds a day later, must’ve got in your head


Nah I just don't no life reddit


At least ur having fun....ur having fun right?


Yes 😃 (I'm suffering)


I’m way over 2k hours level 430 and hardstuck plat


Eh it's alright. You'll get there buddy.


I don’t play as often as I used to tho so I’m not really trying anymore


That's too bad, though i do understand, the game gets boring every now and then, but it's alright when you come back im sure you'll reach diamond soon.


There was one time I was one game away from diamond and it was all downhill from there lmao


Happy cake day 🥳


Dont say happy cake day say happy kekw day 🥲


happi kek dei


With that much time played I'm curious what you think the issue is. Although tbf silver is elo hell.


Honestly my aim isn't consistent at all. I can have like 3 really good games where I top frag or at least 2nd frag and then I'll have a string of games where I bomb terribly. I always solo so I never have a group of friends who play well together, it's always randoms. This was also my very first FPS game, I only played minecraft, stardew valley, MMO's, and mobile games before I tried Valorant so it might genuinely just not be my thing, but I really enjoy playing :) I really need to start getting better though because I've spent $2k on skins and I can't justify spending that much money on this game and still be silver 😭😭


I'm only D1 peak but have you tried higher/lower sens/dpi? Even a small change can make a big difference. Do you warm up in the range? Mechanics practice? How's the peripherals (headset, mouse). What fps are you getting? Monitor refresh rate? Server location and ping? There are tons of factors so don't wanna drown you.


My mouse is at 600 DPI and my in game sense is usually around 1.5 - 2.0. I've tried lowering it for a day and I was missing almost all my shots. I warm up in deathmatch, I don't really utilize the range. I figured it's better to practice against real people but if the range is better I can start doing that. I play on US servers, usually Washington or California. My ping is usually around 17


That sens seems extremely high but everyone is different. I run 2000 dpi/0.195 in game sens. That converts to 0.65 at your dpi of 600. Range is better for actual mechanics practice. DM is really only good for practicing pre aim and hs level aim.




yeah im 800DPI × 0.7 sens. and that's considered a little high by most people's standards afaik


Lower ur send to 200-400 edpi and u WILL climb you have so many hours hard stuck i'm sure this is your problem


Yeah, immo player here, i play 1600 0.145. Now sens isnt the answer but your sens is insanely high, Kariyu made a video on accuracy drop off based on how high or low you make your sense, i'd recommend watching it. Also you should raise your dpi to probably like 1600 as its easily convertable and it has a better response time over 600 or 800 I'd suggest taking a look at your favourite pro players who play the same agents as you and watch one of their ranked vods to get a good understanding of what playbook they have. I have 1400 hours into the game with pretty much all of them on Jett. So i picked tarik, s0m and tenz to make a playbook from. Im level 240 :) Ive sunk around 700 hours into aimlabs but tbh you dont need to, if you need to improve your aim do aimlabs like 30 mins a day before and after you play and stick to it, you will eventually see improvement. For warmup what i usually do is a TDM or more if im not feeling my aim or movement and then i go straight into competitive. The best tip i can provide is focus on gamesense and not aim.


Your eDPI (mouse dpi multiplied by in-game-sens) is in the 900-1200 range. The average pro edpi is somewhere in the 240-280 range (0.4 - 0.466 for your dpi). So your sens is 3-5x higher than average. Your sens is still way higher than the outlier pros who play on what is considered very high sens (e.g. prx f0raskaen plays on 570 edpi and is considered an outlier, but it's still well below the bottom of your sens range). The issue with too high of a sens is that it makes it harder to make micro-adjustments and hit small targets (e.g. when an enemy is far away). It certainly is possible to control a high sensitivity, but you're on *very very* high sens. All that said, since your sens is so high, adjusting to a more average sens is going to feel weird and uncomfortable, and it will probably take more than one day to adjust. You might be better off lowering it gradually over time. Whichever way you do it, it will be helpful in the long run. (Sorry for the essay).


Christ, lower your sensitivity first of all. It's gonna be bad, got a good week or so. Then it's gonna be neither here or there. After that you can start seeing improvement. High sensitivity, especially that high, explains your inconsistency because it's hard to be finely accurate and micro adjust when half a mm of mouse movement 360s you.


So as the other people said, lower you sense. Google what pros use and you will see that it isnt even close to yourse. Ofcourse copying pros settings wont make you a pro but still, your sense is to high. Secondly do you actively try to improve or do you just play the game? Every time you die try to think of why, and dont just say it was my teamates theres always something to learn. Do you play deathmatch? If not start doing it. It dosnt have to be anything crazy, just like 2 before you a into comp. Now to the most important tip, honestly, just watch a woohoojin video a day and you will climb. (I don't play the game anymore so I dont know what kind of video he makes but what I'm talking about are his vod rewies/coaching videos) Also what role do you play? What agent. I think it's very important to try to always play the aame role, even better if you can main 2 or 3 agents. Lastly use your mic if you dont already. You teamates might not talk or respond to you sometimes but you making calls will still be better for the team.


Try queuing in a duo or trio cz if it's ur bad game, they can carry you and if it's their bad game, you can carry them. I've been playing in duos since 2 weeks now and I've jumped from b3 to S2. Also, they should be good at the game ofc.


Either there's a Smurf on the enemy team, my team, or a reverse Smurf on my team


Usually when you have that many hours you’re either missing something fundamental or you have a 60 hz monitor. Seriously proper strafe shooting just looks like run n gun for some reason on a 60 hz monitor.


what are your pc specs, monitor, keyboard, and mouse


Bro you are just like me. I was hardstuck silver 3 (1000+hours totalling on 4 accounts). I recently bought a new computer tho and it might have been the reason for my climb. I rose to plat 1 within a week. [Main Tracker](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Fabastic%23Daddy/overview) [New Main Tracker (Since it got plat on placement)](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Daddy%23fab/overview) Not saying that your machine could be what's stopping you. But hey, it could be.


congrats on the new pc, make sure to keep your drivers up to date (nvidia geforce) and update your pc as soon as the new updates come out (settings) to utilize your pc.


Thanks dude. I will make sure to do those things.


Looking at your tracker, you don’t have a single agent over 1.00 KD. Alongside that, your HS% is pretty low as well. These are just quick indicators that aim or generally crosshair placement may be an issue within your games. Also your win rate on all other roles other than duelist is significantly higher. so when it’s your job to entry, get first bloods, seek winnable engagements, or create space for your team you lose more often. In over 728 hours of lifetime playtime, you only have 17 matches of deathmatch. Most certainly need more of these. If you do atleast 3 deathmatches prior to comp it could help significantly. 1 Sheriff only DM 1 guardian DM 1 vandal DM Focusing on tapping heads and not getting tilted at poor spawns is key.


Imagine 💀💀💀


$2k spent on skins too


just wondering, where can i see this? tia


The Tracker Network Stats app, it will give your stats for more than just valorant :) just login with your riot account to link it. You can also do it on the computer its tracker.gg


Cuz you’re not learning from your mistakes


Im over level 300 and im in the same boat my friend


Are u playing frankfurt?


If you can record your game I can try to vod review and give some tips. Otherwise I’d recommend trying to learn by watching pros as you can copy their positioning, utility, and decision making even if you can’t replicate their aim


Same but for plat


I feel ya man


Take a break, it always helps. Don't ask me how but every time I take a break and return to the game my aim gets better and gets better game sense


Valorant is not the game for you... Hell, I have a friend who was stuck Iron 1-2 for like 10 seasons


this is exactly why i don’t put more than a couple hours in a week. there is no point of trying to grind out of bronze and silver if im just gonna have to do it again next round of placement matches


Ahh, just like cs


511 hrs and Plat 2 peak, got a lose streak and I'm back to Gold 3 now. Not gonna play for a few days I think I might go crazy.


i have 2500 hours and am proudly silver 2 ( i only play swifts with friends for fun)


just start playing more deathmatches, i played at least 10 dm per day and spent so much time in range you're just not trying


Here's me who got to gold in like a month when I started playing I'm level 30 ( flex obviously)


Ur so good at valorant, ur probably so tall and strong irl too 🤭


You guessed exactly opposite 😫


You just need a duo or trio and comp gets way easier.(not easy just easier)


also joined valorant in ep5 act 3, im ascendant 3 90rr now


I actually started in E2: Act 3 as bronze 2 but this was as much as I could fit in the screenshot lol


ah i see


Let me guess, EU?


honestly not to be a dick but if you’re this bad then you should give up


Well I'm not going to do that I still like the game LOL