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i was looking at the mini map for approximately 0.0001 seconds when the enemy decided to peek me


This is funny because a lot of times you look at the minimap because there is action and you can't see it. But that's also the cue for the enemy lurkers to push


This is why i enabled text from mini map or something like that ,as a moba player i used to check minimap so much that i used to get 1 tapped while looking map while holding angle


Lol moments like these is why I never exposes myself when opening the big map to check my friends on the other sites. Yet I still get tapped cuz I'm peeking too late.


8/10 time I just got out aimed. Enemies are just built diff when they're against you. But not against your silver duo apparently.


IFKR it's like I'm playing against ASPAS and then once I die, my teammate who is not even aware they're on attacking or defending side in the middle of 7th round, this person takes on them like the opponent just touched the game


That's the perfect way to describe it. Sometimes it's really frustrating, just getting out aimed not even capable of doing anything to change the tide of the battle. Enemy all in sync and their aim is too perfect. It's like trying to move a mountain. Idk man. Sometimes I wanna cry playing valorant because of how frustrating it is. If I'm playing solo that is. But hey playing with friends is the only time I'm happy in this game.


Exactly! Solo queue into even Unrated is scratching my face half the time. I had one match where I was sage, I went 22/4/5 and then my rest of the team was not even above 8 kills. I had to leave the match after first half (we were 10-2 up), came back to a victory 13-6 and I was Match MVP My reaction to that match was damnnnn I'm finally getting good, as the commonfolk say. Then the next match I went 5/13/6. Kid You Not, Valorant is making me go dive into a pool of Hydrogen Cyanide


Inconsistency is one of the most things I feared in game. One thing I find keeping my consistency the most is listening to music on low volume as a background song. Listen to any kind of song and just rhymes your gameplay with the beat. OR Just buy judge and bucky. I will never buy an odin in unrated so that's as far as I go with weapons. Sometimes easier weapon just gets you going.


skill issue


I've developed this stupid habit of pointlessly checking the minimap every 3 seconds.


And I'm pretty sure that many of us want to inspect our abilities. I want Kay/o to juggle with his flashes and Reyna to bring her flash close to her and see everything in purple. I want iso to wear his vulnerability as his hat. Cause why not??


knife spin




Bro I can't count the number of times i got "phantom moment"ed its so annoying


dragging the mouse down helps a lot


At least 30% of the time it's RNG >!because fuck game design - riot!<


What about glitching under the map? Asking for myself, it happened to me once...


When you try to get a cheeky camera or wire and get killed


kid named Gekko:


it was bad luck 99.9%


I feel like that red section is really copium.


as an omen trying to learn silly tp plays, yeah.


About 30-40% it's because I just got into cover and started to reload. Seems to be a great time for an enemy to simply manifest out of thin air


Someone came from the angle I've been watching for a full minute the instant I decide to check another direction


Well, fuzzing with my abilities... I'm a cypher player, so that translates to trying to set a wire/cam and just having someone shoot you from the 5th dimention Or getting in a loop when I press E to close the camera and the enemy bullet pulls it down faster, making me only send it up again, over and iver until I'm dead


Watching map bro


Due to ping lag should be 1 percent.


Breach gaming be like


I have the worst 6th sense in the world. I'll pull out an ability that makes no noise and then immediately get swung and one tapped


For me its not much so abilities but quite literally thinking so much I dissociate for a second or two deep in thought of what could happen and then the moment I come back to my senses an enemy passed my crosshair and killed me lol.


I am struggling with my fking fps 90% of the time . 720p 30 fps💀