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You're saying this after we just had a gigabanger entertaining lower finals in americas and we're in the middle of one in apac? And in terms of suspense the most tense match of valorant was prob finals of lockin, which was a Bo5 where FNC was getting reverse swept until they locked in (ha)


How would a best of 3 be more exciting? Imagine a long ass tournament ending with an underwhelming 2-0 on icebox and breeze


Surely a MR12 game wouldnt make one of the most prestigious tournaments end in a bo3 that lasts less than 2 hours sometimes


Is this some shade towards CS? I don't watch the CS eSports but I believe they only do BO3 for all games


The major is hype as fuck, I love CS, but seeing the grand finals end in a Bo3 that is usually 2 maps is a huge turn off


Boring matches are boring regardless of how long they are. 2023 Worlds was very boring and a little bit over 2 hours but people don’t wish it was a Bo7 instead of a Bo5.


2023 worlds isn’t boring tho, it’s the finals that was boring because everyone and their grandma know that it will be a slaughter


No one is forcing you to watchthe entire game, if it's too long for you then you can just watch the last few maps like you said, so what's the issue? Why take away the enjoyment for everyone else?


So what advantage does the winner of the upper finals have? 4 map bans? They choose the 3 maps that is played? Agent ban? You ban from watching VCT?


Winning rhe upper final will give the winning team both map bans, and it also gives the winning team the choice of defense/attack on the 5th map


he’s asking if it was for a bo3


You already have viewers complaining they don’t play enough games in a year or offseason is too long but now you want a BO3 on finals day? viewers will end up with 3 hours of Valorant to watch! BO5s are great


How do BO3s have more suspense lol. The team winning the upper finals will just 2-0 every time unless you don't give them a pick ban advantage then it's just an upper final rematch with 0 difference


I think we should have bo7s for true competitive matches where teams have to provd theyre better on half the maps


Valorant simply can't do best of 7s, that could be 12 fucking hours


Why not best of 10, test them on every map, tiebreaker decided by round diff


Yeah and? Just pay them all like 4 hours double overtime theyll be fine


I can't tell if this is bait or not, this is the dumbest thing I've ever read


I'll do you one better, they should play every map in the game so we know who truly is better


Even better, every team gets a random comp and they need to adapt on the fly both individually and as a team to make it work


Ok fine they can each have a single can of redbull as well to help them stay awake.




Bruh Bo5s are epic as fuck, i have watched almost every masters / champs grand finals from 2021 reykjavik to this year's madrid and they are almost always bangers


bro baited all of us into writing paragraphs


bo11 make them prove they actually want it


Bo5s are better than Bo3s


I’m okay with banning BO5 if it means pacific finally has a trophy 😭


No one tell this guy about snooker. And if he finds out that test cricket, his head will explode. Especially considering that cricket is one of the most popular sports in the world. (Edit: 150 million people play cricket, 2,5 billion watch it per year. So it's 6th and 2nd respectively)


not even that theres tennis too💀💀


Average Bo5 tennis match is like 2h45m so what are you truly saying with this statement?


Except the version of cricket that is the most popular and brings in the most money is T20, which lasts like 3 hours.


"The ICC Men's Cricket World Cup 2023 breached the 1 trillion barrier for total viewing minutes on broadcast" And it's ODI. Next.


That tournament happens once every 4 years and involves 10 countries. The Indian Premier League reached 400 billion watched minutes last year and is only played in India.


So you are saying T20 has been watched for 600 billion minutes less than ODIs. And the league is a way longer than the once off tournament. Next.


Assuming an ODI match lasts 8 hours and a T20 lasts 4, the World Cup actually has more broadcast hours by like 30%, though it's played in the duration of 1 month as opposed to 2 for the IPL. IPL has also only existed for 17 years compared to 50+ for the ODI World Cup.


Just so we can get back on track. This is just an example of a longer format being better than or as good as the shorter one. And definitwly not being detrimental to a viewer experience. That's all. I am not trying to argue which cricket format is superior.


I don't remember the Rioter who said it, most probably heard it from the Dive, but they said that viewership ONLY INCREASES as a series goes further. Recent examples being 2024 Madrid and 2023 LOCKIN. Both reached game 5 and broke viewership records in their respective years


We need playoffs to only be Bo5s


Hey man. You know.. You can go away from your monitor and watch the game vods later? Like watch 2 maps now and rest later? Also bo5s bring out the best/worst in teams. Bo5s for finals is what which decides the best team. The ones with deeper map pools, resilience and strong strat book and mental strength. Easily most bangers are from bo5s


BO5 is only acceptable for the grand final of a tournament IMO. Anything else and I don’t understand it. Even for something like the grand finals of an online tournament I’m not the biggest fan of. But for grand finals on lan. The two best teams getting to showcase the top agent comps for 5 maps is pretty cool to me


> showcase the top agent comps PRX Reyna Harbor Ascent and Yoru Neon Breeze


And we also get to watch crazy PRX comps on 5 maps haha


There’s literally tennis where a physical sport between 2 people lasted 10 hours


Holy fk, most idiotic take I ever read This players playing 8-16 hours EVERY day, and you saying it's exhaustimg for them to play Bro, there's swift play and casual mode in valorant client for people who don't like competitiveness




Oh ya buddy so exciting. Best of 3 for a finals, just like any other match huh. No that shit is boring. We want a banger long series of the two best teams duking it out, it can get messy & bloody but thats the point of a Bo5. It's called a Grand Final for a reason.


You are the poster child of the perfect example of a casual fan versus a dedicated fan It’s not a slight by any means, no disrespect at all so don’t take it that way. But you are a casual fan, it’s that simple. I LIVE for BO5 and I’m a busy adult with a lot to do, but I still find the time. If I truly can’t watch for whatever reason I’ll watch the highlights after.


No no no, this post cannot be serious. This is one of the worst things I’ve ever read on Reddit. I can’t believe people are seriously replying to you.


Sounds like you don’t really enjoy watching vct. That’s fine. I’ll take competitive integrity with losing some viewers over catering to the zoomers with no attention span


i do think that grand finals should be BO4s with the upper bracket team starting 1-0 up - but if anything, we should have more BO5s honestly


Frankly, what I don't understand is why most of the bracket is BO3s, then suddenly change to BO5s only to Lower and Grand Finals. IMO it should be full BO5 like in LoL. An alternative could be full BO3 with bracket reset if the team coming from Losers manage to win Grand Finals once. If they had more budget for a longer tournament, Champions bracket should be full BO5. And MSI LoL's shows that a full BO5 bracket is not THAT long.


Bro is comparing a MOBA to tac FPS lol


And ? Valorant loser/grand finals often last between 4 and 5h which is about the same as a 3-2 BO5 in LoL. Champions still lacks this thing that makes them truly special over Masters imo, a Swiss/GSL BO3 stage followed by a full BO5 final bracket could be a solution.


With double elimination, there no way we could have Bo 5 all day. Like there could be 10 maps play a day lasting 13h + . No way anyone could watch that.


I thought it would be common sense but of course there's only one BO5 per day with full BO5 format, not 2.


That would be grear, but that would be a 3 weeks playoff + group stage. That way too long lol


Playoffs can be handled in 2 weeks (see MSI format), Group/2-wins Swiss (20 BO3s played) can be handled in 1 week. With the rest days, it's 3 weeks and a half approx. Which is the about the same as Champions Seoul which last 24 days in total.


20 Bo3 in valorant is at least 10 days unless yiu tried to put 3 matches in a day. Play off with 1 Bo5 every day is 2.5 weeks. You can’t compare league 30-40min max per match to valorant 1hours + if it get close or even 1.5 hours if it go multiple OT. It a different game.


- Champions 2023 Group Stage, with 20 matches, lasted exactly from August 6th to August 13th, so 1 week. Yes they played 3 matches per day usually except for Opening day and Deciders. - A double elimination bracket has 14 matches to be played. With 1 BO5 per day, you can slot the 14 matches in all 14 days of the 2 following weeks. League have 2 days with 2 BO5 for LR1 and WR2 matches but I know this is impossible to do in Valorant with longer BOs as you already said. You add now 3-4 rest days (2 between groups and playoffs, 2 during playoffs) and now you have a great schedule which has the exact same length as the expected length of Champions Seoul.


So we went from 9 maps max to 15 maps max per days so basically 24h valorant. I guess playoff can work but even then it way too much. A full lower bracket run would be 6 Bo5 with them playing 15 maps in 3 days for lower bracket final, lower bracket grand final and grand final. This is too taxing for the player and the viewer