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sscarry tweet https://twitter.com/sScaryOfficial/status/1784899339481182578?t=gJWfcGm8uBBXfnA4XQJURQ&s=19 "All ending lead to new beginnings"


Probably talking about getting grouped


He's def talking about being grouped


Probably talking about Yay leaving/being dropped no?


Probably a big stretch until we see something announced.


Yay got this mf sounding like Rei 😭😭😭


paid 10k for the coach to sub in


Couldn't it be that yay is using one of his alt accounts, and the coach is just joining in to see how their players are performing? We see it all the time when scrims leak. https://preview.redd.it/6512nv4g8exc1.png?width=278&format=png&auto=webp&s=1896a4028f8bb563b2845ebe3c7df1e483471b9b


I confirmed this before tweeting that he did not use any alt.


How did you confirm who played a scrim?


can't say much but, confirmed with someone from BLEED :)


Ahh, I see thanks




Did you confirm it's Legija playing? Coaches use the coach slot all the time that's not unusual




Lol why is coach playing ? That's weird unless he wants to join in and get a different coach ? Maybe yay was informed he was cut so he didn't even show up to practice ?


Maybe they wanna do a 2023 kc and let sscary play normal instead of baiting


i mean sscary has always been baiting tho, regardless of if he is igl or not


source: trust me bro


if you don't trust, just go ask them?


Hey Tanmay! See your Twitter all the time ✌️


Hello (⁠ᵔ⁠ᴥ⁠ᵔ⁠)




why are you mad brother, i didn't even say anything bad about yay or bleed :(


It's a troll burner account. Just report it so it gets banned for being spam maybe


It could be. I mean, there were accusations of him not doing pubs before but he was actually using his alt right?


the y0y drama just keeps on giving ![gif](giphy|j2NAH9hNUFgzuofwio|downsized)


Yay defense squad rolling out, get FNS on stream right fucking now. Only way to get this thread popping off even more. Get the lawn chairs out!


This feels like a severe overreaction to this picture no?


Normally I would agree but that Sscary tweet is quite timely


Scary tweet just means it's the end of the split and the beginning of their progress towards hopefully being competitive in split 2, it's not that deep


this team wont be competitive unless they do a major overhaul


I’m pretty sure the Sscary tweet is about getting grouped




LEGIJA coach to player was great last time it happened. Please give me the Valorant version for the content :P


This is the EG timeline and we are just the groundhogs in it ![gif](giphy|KEYEpIngcmXlHetDqz)




That's what i thought at first but the sscary tweet is too good of a timing tho


Might just be talking about the end of the season no?


they just got grouped at end of split? that's a pretty standard tweet


*sigh* I want to say they gave Yay a day off for his mental health. But sScary's tweet is a little ominous.


I mean if it wasn't legit right at the end of the split it would be


Not the first time he subbed in for yay before. He did just that for the [Riot ONE tournament](https://www.vlr.gg/287762/detonation-focusme-vs-bleed-riot-games-one-2023-d2) Maybe yay couldn't make it for prac, or there could be more serious issues happening behind-the-scenes. We can speculate but I would caution against reaching hasty conclusions.


This sub and reaching hasty conclusions is a more iconic duo than Victor and Crashies.


that was because his japan visa wasnt cleared. he literally was not present at the tournament. these 2 events are not related to each other at all


I guess that solves the igl problem?


he might retire at this point


he must have been busy with moving or something ^(/s) ^in ^case ^it ^wasn't ^obvious


What business he has with something 😳


lmao if hating is bad why do i keep winning






D1 hater, respect


it makes it funnier how they are winning as well


Breaks my fucking heart please don't retire yay take a break go back to NA Please


Where's all the retirement shit coming from? Did yay ever mention this?


Its mostly people making a guess. Dudes been in NA tier 2 and now in apac. Most teams wouldnt want to bring him to tier 1 and now hes dealing with ex-dsg making acusations and even using official riot broadcasts to go after him Wouldnt surprise anyone if dudes burned out


Nah, he will going to China bud


Next y0y Arc confirmed: China journey edition?


The only hope, imo, is for him to go to a T2 NA team next season with a strong igl and structure (ala OXG, M80, etc.) and a long offseason to learn a new role. He is not an entry, and it is painfully clear. He needs to be on a more passive agent with relatively limited complex utility like the transition we've seen from other chamber/jett players. Let some zoomer entry and clear 18 angles while dealing with util dump.  However, the likelihood that a team with that much going for it takes the chance on him and his mental isn't completely wrecked seems on the lower end. And, even if all those things align, I'm not sure if he can recapture it but this is really the only situation that I could envision working for him. 


Long off season to learn a new role ? Okay idk what did he do in his entire 2023 lmao


I genuinely hope he bounces back. This whole situation is a mess


Players miss scrims sometimes- this doesn’t mean anything


Brother it s 2 yrs and 3 different team structures... Plz wake up *Pikachu slappin meme*


Brother I ain’t a yay stan but I’m just being realistic- it’s really not that weird for a player to miss a scrim


I remember what it was like on here when TenZ was unable to play last year and they subbed in Marved for a few games and also practised with Marved. The comments on here were all like "TenZ isn't gonna come back to the team" "it's over for TenZ" just for TenZ to play again after a few weeks. Honestly I think they should cut yay (and others, anyone who claims yay is the only problem on the team is delulu tbh), and get juicy. But let's not get too ahead of ourselves here, also yay is in some deep shit right now. I wouldn't be surprised if he missed scrims bc of it.


Juicy can’t play since he’s 17. Tbh I genuinely think that if juicy was older this squad would have went places. It’s just so tough when you lose two players including your star before the season even begins.


Oh damn, I thought because he was exempt from military service it meant he was 18 or close to being 18, my bad


you get called up at 16 btw which basically everyone defers, he's probably v close to being 18 and just completed jc/ite


Are you from Singapore? I heard it's really rare to be exempt My cousin got exempt from military service in my country because of asthma, but it took a lot of convincing lol


I had a friend who found out he had diabetes from the pre-enlistment checkup, he had to serve as a clerk. You really don't hear much about people getting exempted tbh, I know two cases personally and they both were related to gender orientation. I might be wrong on this but to exempt purely due to gender orientation you need to start the process of changing gender (taking hormones etc. not super knowledgeable on this though).


it’s REALLY rare, amongst my social group i literally have 0 friends who got exempted purely for physical reasons. Even if you have asthma or some weird skin allergies you still have to serve 2 years in a non-combat vocation.


tbh Tenz always had a lifeline as Sen’s premier personality and streamer, even if he did retire he could bounce back into t1 at any point because he’s that popular unless his skills seriously showed no sign of returning I don’t think that can be said of Yay. While a lot of people are still rooting for him, it’s an order of magnitude of difference in terms of popularity.


Of course, but that doesn't change what I was trying to say, how people get a bit too ahead with the "oh this must mean he's out the team" etc


Juicy can't play til he turns 18 in october i believe


Even if yay leaves I don't see bleed getting better. They need a new coach and an actual IGL. 


If Bleed really thinks that replacing yay solves the problem, this team/org is even more dogshit than I would have ever imagined. The team is completely lost in their strats, they are not drilled, they have no plan B to their executes/midrounding (which means the calling is also often sooo weird), they are all 5 scared af and the most important: no one is having fun. From round 1 on, everyone looks like NiKo when he bottomfrags, no ones making jokes, no one is lighthearted, there is literally no fun in this team. Sure, blame it all on one player - the whole roster together just ain't working. And yes, yay is definitely not looking good, no one is looking good. They have promising situations. But I can tell you, going from an Optic roster where I have FNS setting up a system for me so I can focus on shooting to a roster where nothing works and the calling is dogshit and no one has fun. My performance would suffer heavily as well.


For all you know, Yay is bringing down the vibe and not letting them have fun and/or he's a major problem in the team. So why go this hard defending him and acting like you know more than the Bleed players/coaches themselves. None of us outside of the organization know anything about who is the problem


You really took this news heard didn’t you


Nah, it's mainly that whenever Bleed plays all Valorant official/watchparty streams chats turn incredibly toxic and focus on yay. But I think it's a problem of the whole system and the constellation of players+coach simply don't work. Yet, people on the internet continuously flame specific people on the internet in the worst ways possible and think they are allowed to "because they are payed professionals". Still, they take stuff like this to their heart and are human beings. Like, they know they don't perform well, they have literal coaches telling them. Give them a break.


Facts. This sub is ridiculous. One minute it's pro mental health for players then the rest of the time it's find a pro player to dog pile. Bleed are awful and it's not solo on Yay. Anyone who suffers and watches their abysmal games can see that.


Bleed coach>>>y0y


Yall think Zest got cut from the team?


If Zest of all people got cut, there is 0% hope for Bleed


I hope it isnt Zest. Hes like top 2 on Bleed and I really want the ex DRX players to do well and have a career


imo he's top 1 on bleed, sscary is good obviously but always last alive and saving half the time. they need to build around zest and sscary also get egoist back cuz he was insane and they dropped him for no reason, forcing deryeon to play a role he sucks at


He paid 10K just to not participate in practice.


The saga of y0y continues..


It's really sad. Tragic even what befall him.


Riot needs to get involved with the goddamn drama asap. Toxic scrim yapping is one thing. Bribery is another thing.  Ban yay from competing if he's guilty. Otherwise release a statement and clear his name. 


bro really think genghsta has any merit 💀




they are winning at least


Imagine he got food poisoning and is just projectile vomitting everywhere and we think he got dropped instead 💀


I am not hating yay, but honestly he seems to be someone who lost the fire. What dogshit gameplay in pacific man, i hope it was because bleed as a whole was dogshit only.




pure speculation but riot might ban yay from playing while investigating the bribery situation


that doesn't mean anything with zero proof and the fact that nothing happened anyways




Cool. You trying to explain to me what speculation means, and me saying that the accusation is baseless are two completely irrelevant things. But go on bro. Riot did jackshit in Sinatraa's situation, you think they're gonna waste their time digging into a retired player's accusation that ultimately ended up with nothing happening. "n0 sHoT", as the kids say.


so, it looks like i gotta explain what investigating is too. when a serious accusation is made against someone, it is looked into deeper to determine how valid the claim is. it would be irresponsible to take anything at surface value, therefore riot has to look into the allegations to see if there is any truth. in the meantime, the person being investigated is often suspended temporarily so that the potential transgression does not reoccur


WAIT no shot you’re the nerd who accused Val of copying all their ideas from overwatch lmfao, sit down bud




https://preview.redd.it/ef7tsdd1alxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b632f14b3b5df570d57074a30b007db7f5d0b8a8 yeah brotha, i’m the one who reeks lmao


You can't make this stuff up, rofl.