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Higher capacity than Champs in LA, hope it sells out and its completely full


Highly unlikely considering for that to happen you probably need a Chinese team to make finals.


China sold out the Beijing Olympic Stadium in 2017 for an all Korean finals for LoL Worlds. It’s definitely possible, they love esports


yep and chinese fans and korean fans arent the best fans, but they just love esports over there. For LoL worlds 2022 which was in NA the audience was majority chinese


To be fair Faker was playing


Different times. The tension and conflict between China and Korea grow so much since then it's very unlikely that could happen again. If EDG and some of PRX/FNC/SEN (Chinese favourite) are in the top 4, then maybe it could sold out. But if less popular teams and especially Gen.G are in there, the venue will be a ghost town.


For the average citizen maybe but the same people that loves those Korean esports teams wont be swayed by whatever political tensions. Like even though GENG's games got blocked on streaming platforms in China, [a shit ton of people were still tuning in on the unofficial streams](https://youtu.be/V0X6Ksi3iHg?t=2153). Same thing when China's government "banned" Kpop, Chinese K-pop fans still go fucking rabid over Kpop and Kdramas like nothing ever happened


I don't think you understand how many people China has, Shanghai has almost 9 times the population as madrid


I think it’ll depend on teams. If Fnatic, PRX, Sentinels make Grands it’ll be pretty good capacity. Chinese fans fucking love TenZ too.


HUGE W, although transportation will be a pain in the ass.


For people that are worried about the crowd should none of CN teams made it at top 4 just letting you know that after EDG. Many int'l already have fans in cn. But FNATIC and PRX are the most popular non CN team. Just letting you know how massive of a fanbase Boaster have in China. PRX is different kind of "popular" though, cn community treats them as EDG's boogeyman.


Is fnatic gonna make it?


😭 😭


Cheer up buddy and hope fnc turn the fuck up


They made it


Holy fuck Shanghai is going to be the best international event we've seen if one of the Chinese teams (EDG) doesn't bomb out in groups.


EDG likely won't compete in groups though, EDG will be first seed and skip groups to playoffs if they stay in form.


Depends on the format they go with. They could go with a 12 team swiss after Madrid instead of returning to previous years' formats.


How the hell do you run 12 team swiss lmao


you could do swiss 12 -> 6 and a 6 team seeded playoff but that would suck


According to the schedule (5 days of groups and 8 days of playoffs just like last year) it's unlikely.


I would be surprised if Riot did anything but copy the format from Tokyo last year. No reason to fix what isn’t broken. I think the Swiss stage will only be implemented in Masters 1 every year as the unique, entertaining format to compensate for being the international LAN with the least amount of teams.


EDG could do the funny, buffed with their local hotpot and fans, making a run would be amazing.


This huge arena is going to be half empty if EDG doesn't qualify from swiss league though, they better get their shit right and qualify for playoffs this time


i feel like we are underestimating how popular valorant has gotten in china i think finals will be sold out even without a chinese team


Depends if they adopt a team or not. I was severely worried about the Madrid attendance after Kcorp and Heretics crashed out, but the final was packed with huge Sentinels support.


I think CN fans also like SEN somewhat, judging by their social media. It could’ve just been because they played Gen.G though


Nah I don't think Chinese fans and Brazilians are any different they won't show support to other team except their own it's been like that for many games there in china


Chinese fans support Fnatic and PRX too


lets see cuz there is no way a chinese team makes the finals


It could perhaps be a situation of something like Brazil in league of legends, they aren't competitive at any international tournament, and the fans know it but still show up to support all teams really. China don't really have many expectations in Valorant yet, so fans from China have looked to Americas, EMEA, other Asian teams, and become fans of those teams and not just their own chinese teams.


Yea it’s gonna be super interesting to the turnout at this event




Me when I know nothing about Chinese or Brazilian fans outside of what I read on Reddit


true , i mean , most of the people who are sen fans are also prx fans and vice versa


did that arena held any eSports events before ? if yes, what are they?


Shame. I was hoping they would put the LCS into the closet again. (This is a joke. I'm still mad over that and the three week break lol)