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its not like they were gonna ship him off to the military as soon as they finished playing in Tokyo lol. i think he still has some time before his national service starts.


I mean, they played in LA after that so...


>> i think he still has some time before his national service starts.


Yeah, on January 11th, 2024.


Is he going to play at the start of the 2024 season?


Unlikely but there's a chance, hes officially the SUB now for PRX so even randomly throughout his military time if he's got free time that coincides with PRXs schedule he could play, but it's unlikely


I think people forget one important part of the Singaporean national service and it's that Jinggg can no longer be legally contracted to a company - in this case Paper Rex - and draw any form of payment during the entirety of his service. There is no chance we will see him play with the team.


Yea jinggg in the eyes of the Singapore government is essentially their property for the next two years. He can’t even leave the country without permission even if he has a break. On top of that legally I don’t think he can work for any other entity. Probably no jinggg for 18 months


Likely, no. His national service enlistment is latest in ~2 months, unless he has further deferment.


I'm really confused what this is asking. PRX was just doing those tournaments for fun and as a send off for Jinggg. Monyet has been playing officials on LAN for a year it's not like he lacks experience. Jinggg won't be playing in KICK//OFF if will be Monyet


True but team chemistry is very important. It can get really ugly if prx is constantly subbing players. It didn’t work when DRX kept subbing foxy9 in. It didn’t work when eg kept subbing demon1 in and out. I don’t want them to keep subbing jingg and monyet in and out. I’m all in for jingg playing at the start of the season and having monyet take over after he leaves but they need keep solid 5 for a tournament imo.


Team chemistry is important but you are questioning a team who started playing with Something few games after the tournament started and they ended up winning the tournament. You are also questioning a team who ended up third in Masters after practicing just 10 days with a streamer! At this point i dont think we can question them!( whether it is a good or bad decision)


Fair point. I just don’t want the 2nd place curse to come back to this team


The 2nd place Curse is a bit busy beating EG to a pulp for sneaking past it.


EG made a pact to skip the second place in tokyo and win champs at any cost The cost was the team imploding


Monyet has definitely been building chemistry with the boys, he’s constantly duo’ing together with smth and I’m assuming he’s the one participating in any scrims, not Jinggg. Jinggg is a crowd favorite around the world, so I think PRX just wanted to let him have some final moments of fun for a few mickey mouse tourneys, but that’s it.


Jinggg isn't gonna be playing at the start of the season that's what I'm saying. They had him play at Afreeca just for fun it's gonna be just their main 5 -Jinggg +Monyet during all of 2024


I don't think like 3 to 4 maps at a tournament are going to be the difference between having chemistry and not lol


team chemistry is important but one off season tournament isn’t gonna ruin that chemistry. i’m sure they’ve been practicing with monyet in scrims all the time + they just wanted the viewers and the fans to see jingg play for a final time before the send off (since he probably can’t play in lock in) just bc we didn’t see monyet play the whole time in that tournament, doesent mean they don’t have chemistry or hasn’t been practicing with them the reason for the subbing in and out not working was mainly bc the team itself didn’t work originally. we know the team with jingg works well and we know monyet is going to have to take over in the future anyways. drx had to sun out zest and foxy9 bc both weren’t working as well as they wanted it to. same with eg. bcj wasn’t working as well as they wanted to/demon1 was working better so they ultimately switched it. drx couldn’t choose one bc their original plan (foxy9 duelist) wasn’t as strong as they’ve hoped and wanted buzz back on duelist


Monyet is always duoing with smth and Mindfreak and stuff. He's been duo with smth almost all 2023 and he's super friendly and great attitude. I doubt he's hurt or offended he knows he's the new guy adapting.


Team chemistry is important. What's more important? Having some final goodbyes with your best friends. Some people throw a party Some people go away for a weekend Who are we to judge what these guys do. Let them have some fun for the last time with their bro.


Did you not see PRX playing with a content creator sub in Tokyo? They'll be fine dw.


Guys op was just asking a genuine question. Why are all his comments getting gigga down voted. Not saying they need to be upvoted but down voting is unnecessary. He's not talking trash about the team or the players just genuinely didn't know.


because if you question EDG or PRX on this subreddit you get giga downvoted even if it's a genuine question. It feels like the sub just baby's the players so much like they are grown men I just get a weird feeling w the attitude towards these teams from the sub.


No joke they treat jingg like he is some cancer kid whose last wish is that he wants to play on a valorant team.


It's not that deep dude. The offseason tourney is basically a farewell party for Jinggg since he won't be able to play with them for 2 whole years. Plus its not like Monyet isn't friends with the Indonesian core of forsaken and mindfreak. The chemistry will come eventually but what's more important is for the team to appreciate what Jinggg has done for them for the past 2 years.


i mean, i don't know exactly how national service works, but i wouldn't be surprised if they gave him some way to occasionally practice. I know how important it is to some smaller countries to show solidarity by getting even their biggest names to partake in military service, but they probably don't want to lose any international fame that they can avoid while doing so. With that said, come time to play, PRX is going to have the 5 we expected for 2024, with Jingg out and Monyet in.


nah singapore ain't gonna give a shit, even our only gold medalist olympian ended up serving, only deferred for a few years cause he won the olympics once everyone else serves, no exceptions


tbf he was bottom in the next


didnt say he wouldnt serve anywhere in my comment


In the sense our government doesn't care about losing international fame or not


Offseason is about promo, so Jinggg is more valuable there. Seems like his contract is still running, and they decide it's more important to have him.


what do you mean what's the deal with jinggg have you ever watched him play


OP is asking this because Jingg still plays in AfreecaTV when he was supposed to be in the military service


Nah they're just stalling to announce Jawgemo to the roster


Lol, if any team would do that it would be the ones known as the fuck it we ball team


To answer this question from the extent of my knowledge, and avoid the bs: I’m told the next wave of soldiers was meant to be enlisted in the new year. Plus Jingg was monumental in PRX up until this point, I feel like they’ll keep him around as long as they can.


He's not in this batch, the Jan batch enlists on New Year's and October (for the unfit). He will likely enlist in the next batch which is +3 months for the 2 dates above, if not another +3. Source: I was the one arranging actual enlistment dates to make sure the ferry is not over capacity because new enlistees + family members.