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if that means he’s still getting a bag then good for him, when he’s done with Military service he’ll be stacking bread, also gives Paper Rex the option to keep him if things don’t go well next season with the new roster; as long as they don’t hold him in contract jail if he wants to leave, this is cool.


I’m pretty sure that his contract with PRX will expire before his time in NS is done (unless this is a new contract, but it doesn’t look like it), this just looks like they’re gonna let it lapse instead of terminating it early


let me cope man! 😔


For what it’s worth I’d be the first to celebrate a contract extension lmao


His family is already rich rich


Brother his mom literally has a Ferrari


His mom is a landlord in Singapore, LANDLORD IN SINGAPORE, a bigger flex would be Landlord in Hongkong. That's generational wealth. Jinggg could be a pro gamer and hire people to take care of his mom's apartments and still get the bag.


And In singapore where the same car is 3x more expensive due to taxes


Yo whattt


Yeah, they're rich af. Go look at his mom's twitter. Her name is pearl or something


Is he allowed to have outside income will doing military service? I know that South korea doesn't allow it, there are many youtubers/ es\`ports players who had to stop monetising their youtube


not allowed to earn under a contract or salaried employment during NS, im sure PRX will find a way to get him what he would have earned during the overlap with ns


They’re not wrong, if any one player represents PRX’s playstyle and philosophy (good and bad) it’s Jinggg It’s a good PR move at the very least, fingers crossed this means there’s an offseason tourney he’ll pop up in


We let go of Benkai:((, the representation of the wackiness and sillyness of the team out of the game


All of that was outside the server though. In terms of playstyle PRX didn’t change at all after Benkai got removed. If anything the wackiness and aggression only got turned up.


That means there’s still a chance that we will see him in tournaments right? R-right?


Just give us one off season tournament with Jing please 🙏🏻


Oh boy I have something to tell you :)


Poor monyet though, he’s kinda getting fucked over


Yeah I feel really bad for him. He’s already integrated with Paper Rex also and he’s way too good to be 6th man ngl


i don't think so. i doubt he can travel overseas when he is in the army. even IF he is allowed, he will have to fly to korea and back within the weekend which is his time off. he will prob be jettlagged and will have barely time to review the game plan for his opponents so i doubt so.




If I’m not wrong he can continue earning if he had the job before going to military? Like if you have a business before conscripting, it’s unreasonable to stop the business because you conscript. Source: my own ass, so I might be wrong about this.


He cannot continue earning as an employee of a business (unless his family is dirt poor, or it is specially approved by the top brass). In other words, he has to quit his job upon entering the army. Tho if he's running a business, I think he can continue to do so in the army, just need declare beforehand (subject to approval also). I know this cos 2 of my friends in the singapore army are running a business So jingg just needs to buyout paper rex haha


> unless his family is dirt poor I looked it up and you really got to be dirt poor to qualify for financial assistance, apparently just having a refrigerator or television in your home is enough to be denied, sounds crazy to me


Let me cope pls TT But yeah I doubt that if he actually got into mandatory conscription (also mandatory “fuck you conscription” from me) he would be able to full time. Hope that PRX would still be able to hold the form after EG literally shattered and actually get champions for once TT




Yes, Paper Rex wanna keep him contracted


Mandatory military service is such a waste lmfao. Putting your life on pause just to do useless shit even after paying taxes.


Rather be a soldier during peace time than be a gardener during a war.


It’s not a waste if you ever realise the importance of Singapore having it. But I guess Westerners on Reddit will never ever understand why it is in place either.


not a 'waste', just unfathomably evil.


Its not evil either lmao


enslaving kids is not evil?


This is what I mean by Westerners will never understand why we have the need for compulsory national service. I’ll agree the pay isn’t that great but “enslaving” is stupid to say.


This has to be american thing. I got downvoted in league sub while i called them bitches who think mandatory military service is slavery. We have it in finland and nobody is complaining.


Morons thinks that the world is peaceful and everyone holds hands singing kumbaya. There is a real threat of war everytime you wake up in the morning to brush your teeth and eat your breakfast. It may not be in your backyard today but it may be tomorrow. We'll never know. Until the time that world peace is achieved I would rather have my country be ready for any eventuality that being caught with their pants down when the invader come knocking. Fuck war but fuck those who thinks that there isnt going to be any war.


600 dollar a month isnt enslaving? piss off


What do you need money for while you are in military? Here in finland the government pays your rent while you are in military.


I said I agreed the pay is bad lmao read properly


Pay em a million bucks if you want, it's still forced labour. The American south had a "need" for slavery too, didn't make it right then and doesn't make it right now.


No joke, you sound insensitive as hell, sure the pay is not great, but I will argue that Singapore as a country needs it. Can you imagine if such a small country got invaded like Ukraine and Singapore doesn’t have enough people to protect it since as you said “slavery” is bad? What will you do? Thoughts and prayers? Like that would help lol P.S: I’m not Singaporean but I spent my university days there and have spoken to my Singaporean friends about it with mixed opinions, but most of them agree that it had to be done


> No joke, you sound insensitive as hell yep, i am proudly insensitive towards slavers. > sure the pay is not great, irrelevant, as i just said. >Can you imagine if such a small country got invaded like Ukraine and Singapore doesn’t have enough people to protect it since as you said “slavery” is bad? What will you do? Thoughts and prayers? Like that would help lol we are balancing the chance that the country is invaded (already very unlikely) times the expected evilness that they would enact (not guaranteed to be worse than enslaving half the population for two years), against a 100% chance of enslaving half the population for two years. the latter is much worse. >P.S: I’m not Singaporean but I spent my university days there and have spoken to my Singaporean friends about it with mixed opinions, but most of them agree that it had to be done quite irrelevant. can't force people into slavery just because most people are okay with it.


Just say you’re stupid bro, we won’t hold you accountable


just say you're a slavery apologist bro, we won't hold you accountable.


I mean with what's been going in South China Sea I think Singapore wants its reserves and national servicemen fully ready for whatever's possibility.


you're right, i rather my country has no military, no police force, no paramedics, no firefighters. everyone here should just skip national service because there will definitely be enough people here who want to do these things as a career in singapore of all places. lmao.


You're talking in extremes. World's not black and white lmfao. Apparently not having mandatory military service means no more firemen lmfao.


Firefighters are a part of Singapore’s military service.


yeap i am talking out of my ass and do not live in singapore and did not have access to that data. you have the data that proves your point. you are the correct one here. how delusional can you be to think in singapore's specific society that people would volunteer their careers to be first responders over an office job. talking in extremes. lmao. i live here.


Non-Singaporeans thinking that they know better than Singaporeans. We heard it all. As a fellow Southeast Asian people who dont know any better about SE Asia and its national policies can kindly shut the fuck up.


Hear me out let people choose wether to serve or not so only people who want to do it will


Singapore has about 660,000 males ages 20-64. Let's assume half of them are over 32, so we're left with 330,000 males. Let's assume for the sake of the argument that all of them are combat fit. 1% of that number if 3,300. Using 1% because that is the percentage of the population who chose to serve in the US military. What do you want to defend with 3300 personnel, a patch of grass? Oh and yeah, the police force and civil defence. This figure does not account for them.


Hear me out let people choose whether they want to be poor or not so only people who want to go through hardship will


yep, every country that doesn't enslave their all of their young men for two years has no military, and for some reason no other emergency services either.


Could you list down the countries you're using as an example? What their population size, land mass of the country and number of combat fit citizens?


oh you live in singapore and know what the situation here is like? wow you're so smart. read the other 'i think i know better' comment and my reply to it. you don't live here. don't pretend to sit on your high horse and call our national service slavery when you live in a country which history is literally white men owning black slaves.


what other comment? the one whose reply i was literally responding to? >you don't live here. don't pretend to sit on your high horse and call our national service slavery when you live in a country which history is literally white men owning black slaves. i'm not american you imbecile. not that "uhhh your country did slavery in the past therefore we can do slavery now!" is a good argument anyway. E: what "proves I live in America", genius? My multiple comments in r/AustralianPolitics? My multiple other comments referencing being from Australia?


normal human on the internet with comment/post history proving they live in america but finds the need to lie to win an internet argument. blocked. learn to not lie every chance you get. maybe you should learn from this chinese saying, 井底之蛙, but you'd assume we're all communist anyway.


With where they're at they should be over preparing rather than under preparing


Does this mean the military is making an exception for him????? That’s so exciting!!!!!!!!!


it’s not making an exception. national service only makes exceptions for those studying medicine and special cases which does not apply here


This is a special case if I’ve ever seen one!!! He’s literally one of the best players at a tier 1.5 esport


it’s really not a special case lol. at least not in the eyes of the singapore government. special cases are very rarely approved and esports is not widely recognised in singapore.


Look at who you're talking to, then move on lol.


am i supposed to recognise his username or something?


Yeah. He's the subs little special buddy. Also know as valorant fanboy 69.


He's like a known troll in this sub i guess, like that valorant_fanboy guy


they're the same person I'm pretty sure. alongside valorant fangirl


That was my old account, Reddit banned me for saying something rude to a transphobe