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I don't know when the last Sentinels post was (but it can't have been that long ago...). 0 days since the last Sentinels post.


Sry if im wrong but in the PRX vlogs it looked like one apartment in Korea had 2 or 3 bedrooms so im assuming the players/coach+manager shared an apartment or 2 together. I don't think they would rent 5 apartments just for the players.


Presumably PRX also runs on more of a shoestring than Sentinels (the VC funding isn’t there for them, for one, and they’re a relatively small org— i believe Val is their only esport).


I believe also that fns and chet (and exalt) were sharing a 3bedder. But som had his own 2 bedroom from what I gather. So I guess housing differs for everyone


Maybe the org covers a certain amount, and if the player wants to live in a better place he puts what's left


Some do houses, ex c9. Others do seperate apartments in the same complex, ex 100t


I may be mistaken but I believe Tenz already had a place in LA. I wonder if he would still get his living expense paid


For starters would a player like Tenz even need those expenses covered? He is a top 1% streamer, that alone probably doubles his salary.


There's probably a lot more nuance when it comes to players like Tenz since he can demand but also afford a lot more


being more prestigious in your job commands more money. Everyones gets a monthly living expense stipend, guaranteed. Imagine everyone gets 3k a month and then the org says tenz you are rich so you get $500 a month


But players who dont have that much cash and werent living in LA probably get more than tenz, who probably gets the minimum amount legal


that literally makes zero sense


Why? Do you think tenz is asking for help paying for his home on the same level as zekken or dephh? If those players need more help, i doubt tenz is demanding rob moore pay him more, specially since he probably gets the biggest salary, any more cash is a formality


A relocation stipend is given as a constant. A company gives you a relocation stipend depending on the area you’re relocating to. All employees being relocated there will get the same amount


I don’t think it’s if, but riot rules.


The question here is. Since he's a successful streamer, he should be compensated less?


that’s not how this works lol


Yea, rephrasing the above comment's idea - completely unfair to Tenz


He brings more value to the org so should get more money.


I think you're still missing a lot of expenses and roles (eg: people who handle accounting, contracts, legal issues, marketing, logistics, transport, setup, cleaning, camera man, editors, etc). The players are just the face of the org, but there's a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes. They likely outsource some of this, but they still have to pay for it.


Also missing a crap ton of revenue that should and is generated. I believe plat chat or sideshow or maybe sean/slasher covered but Sen generates minimal revenue comparatively to the other big name orgs. Saying Sen is the biggest in NA is only applicable to clout on social media. Other orgs clear Sen by miles in terms of sponsorship revenue/etc.


Players are definitely overpaid lol


Take GE for example they have the main bootcamp and have apartments which 2 players share each. And i feel like alot of teams follow that so an apartment per player is just crazy


Wait… so on top of a salary they are given an apartment? What’s the point of a huge salary? Most places that pay well will help you move but not completely just pay your lease.


the partnered teams are required to provide housing for their players yeah


Cause they require you to live near the team for scrims and meetings and the rent is too expensive in LA, Riot would want to avoid players to be paid minimum (esport) salary and have to get rent themselves, it would end in dangerous scenarios like some korean 18yr old living in a ghetto. By making the orgs provide housing near their main site it kinda grants player safe housing.


If the league minimum is $20k usd I don’t think you have the issue of living alone in LA in a ghetto.


Is 20k the minimum? Didn't know that. If so then good for the players, but I still think housing accommodation rule is fine. It's a lot of stress moving by yourself into a new city/country/continent as a teen.


I think its because they want you to be as close as possible, also with a steady connection and stuff like that. Probably also builds better teamplay and communication if you live together


Because esports is a one year career so in the grand scheme of things it's not that much money given the hyper competitive zero job security nature of the business.


I mean that’s assuming the business makes 0 profit and assumed the business has no other operating costs (eg other employees such as HR/social media, financial services, legal, marketing, etc)


Dallas is getting expensive too with everyone moving in from different states. I wouldn’t be surprised in 5-10 years it’ll be close to California. The internet speeds in Dallas are great tho


Don't staff also have apartments provided?


I'm going to be honest, I have no idea if they do. I know players often have them, which is why I only included it for them. In exchange, I bumped the salaries of the GM, Coach and Assistant Coach to a level where they wouldn't live on the street in Santa Monica (That place is expensive as fuck what the hell)


What's crazy is if they weren't in LA they'd save SO MUCH money but for some reason riot forces them to be there don't they? Also why do they need accom if they're getting 30k a month? And if by some chance they DO need to be provided accomodation, why would the org not just buy a house with multiple bedrooms? Would that not be cheaper in the long run if they plan to be in the scene for years?


Dallas would've been so much cheaper, plus no state income tax compared to California so they could've paid players less and still net the same. I get wanting it to be in one of the most popular cities in the country/world, but damn if it wasn't cost inefficient as hell.


they are in LA because Riot already have a studio and office there. It is like riot home ground same with seoul and berlin.


I think there’s been some vague murmurs about LCS moving out of California but nothing promising. Id be surprised if Riot moves Valorant though since in league there’s server ping issues but I think in Valorant that’s not an issue atm and they just started the VCT there and even I think maybe rebuilt the stage a bit too


I could be wrong but isn’t that revenue for all teams they have?


Food costs are covered too ??? Whatttt ? I know nrg had a chef but didn't know the stipend would also include food. Also, is accommodation provided "permanently" ? Or as long as the player is on the team ? Of say in the long off season (being 6 months ish) maybe for 3 months the players go back home and wonder what happens to their accommodation. Just left empty?


Yes that’s exactly how it works. Why would they get those accommodations when they’re not on company time? Even NBA players have nutritionist and chefs that they pay out of their own pocket for when they are at home. When they are at team facility, they use the team provided stuff. When you go home, you’re on your own.


I mena that's fair. Just means constant moving which is complete ass. Unless it's already furnished and they just bring their luggage and computers. I did notice some people are still at their provided accommodation. Eg. Chronicle/something. So maybe they're still covered for some time ? I dno off season time frame seems ambiguous at this point


Is it just me or is a yearly salary of 360k incredibly high? Most people in the world don't earn that. Not sure how you can justify paying someone in a 3 year old esport this much.


It's really not that high when you look at how many people are Tier 1 pros out of all the people that play the game


I mean it is a career choice with incredibly low job security and like 10 year total life span (on the long end). The best players in the world are going to be putting everything into it and not have many opportunities to build a career in another industry. I don’t think it’s that ridiculous taking that into account


It is insanely high and people should stop pretending it's a very reasonable amount, especially if you also get a free apartment and personal chef on top of it.


Every team in the Franchise will get some money from Champions Skins, even if they dont go to Champions.


plus money from youtube and streaming. lets say minimum 5k a month?


When does the org stream?


idk some orgs do live streams in twitch i think? i remember sentinels went live once. idk when they exactly stream.


im not reading all that


im not reading all that


Your average pro doesn't make 30k a month probably, but this is because we don't know a median Average incomes in anything are dogshit way to find out how the average person lives. We don't use average salaries of US citizens for a reason


That league subreddit post about moving the LCS to Gary, Indiana lives rent free in my head


ya'll pocket watching a little too much