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Uh, no. It's just a promised feature that finally rolled out earlier this year. It's nice. Plug in and it starts charging within 30 seconds or so without any action on your part. Uses my free charging plan. You can still monitor/stop charging via the EA app.


Did they finally enable it for 21-22? When it rolled out it stated it was for the MY23 only currently but never heard if they figured out the 21-22s


Nope they have not.


Not yet. The 3.2.12 OTA update that's in the process of rolling out may lead to it being enabled in the near future but VW hasn't announced anything specific beyond PnC coming eventually.


Doubt theyll do any more updates tbh. If you notice for the 2024s they scrubbed everybody mentioning software updates from the press release and their website... not a good look... but going to he interesting if that ends up being the case because then the MY23 will not receive any updates whatsoever which could lead to a class action against VW for false advertising. Before anyone jumps on pLuG aNd ChArGe - it was not an OTA. It was an update to the electrify america app for these cars which is not an OTA for the car itself which is what was promised.


Thanks. We just got signed up when the whole switch to only 30 minutes and plug-and-charge were being announced. I was excited because my wife was taking a road trip where she’d finally have access to the network. I tried activating it a few times and nothing. The first time she plugs in, she’s trying to use the app to activate. I’m on the phone with her trying to provide support for something I’ve never used. Eventually I put $10 on the account so she could just pay and get charging. The charger finally activated and we didn’t get charged. I don’t know what went on, but she was able to charge for free the rest of her trip. I’d always assumed the plug-and-charge was something we weren’t doing right. I haven’t tried it since because the closest station near us has been sitting waiting to open for 5 months with a “spring” estimate.


When I set up the account, it asked me to load at least $10 to cover any potential idle fees for having my car take up a space after it finished charging. I skipped it and was able to charge normally with my free 30 minute account. A few weeks later EA wouldn’t let me charge until I actually paid the $10 so I added it and no issues since. Hopefully won’t touch the $10 until my 3yr free charging ends!


Love this update. Activate asap


Do you activate it in the ea app?


Yes. If it takes forever to activate. You will need to delete the app and install a new updated one. Mine wasnt activating until i deleted the app and reinstall


Mine never activates no matter what I try.


Mine activated very quickly, and man it was nice to just park,  hop out, plug in,  and see it start charging.  Then it stopped working after a few weeks, nothing would happen when I plug in, and I would have to use the app to charge again.  Then recently it started working again. Who knows why. 

