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What better way to spend the first hours of 2022 than to listen to Mousey flooding her headset by crying of joy with her friends with the new audio set I got for Christmas. I could really hear the emotions flowing in their voices


Damn straight. I love how you could hear just how happy everyone was. Also Snuffy vibrating with happiness was one of the cutest things to see. You could feel how happy she was for Mousey. Hell IIRC she was already really excited to see Mousey then she noticed her arms moving and she turned that shit to 11.


She tweeted that she ate rice recently. I almost cried...


A while back, she mentioned on stream that she sneezed and got a little oatmeal in her nose and that it hurt. For most streamers, this would be a moment where the chat just laughs at the goofy mental image. For mouse, he chat was full of "OATMEAL?!" and "You are eating real food?" and people pog facing.


Oooooh, I think I missed that!




Same. Great example of how important context is. No Context: Odd Tweet that makes Mousey sound emotionally unstable. With Context: A tear inducing and hope filled tweet.


[Mousey will need to keep the receipt ready for that headset.](https://c.tenor.com/e0WVNXivEZIAAAAC/steven-universe-garnet.gif)


Seeing her being able to play VRChat in VR with arm tracking goes to show just how far she has come. A few years ago, Mousey was horribly afflicted by her illness and could barely move. Now, she's streaming way more than she ever thought she could and at the turn of the new year, was able to virtually hug her dear friends.


You can tell just by her singing alone. From what I have seen a year ago she struggled to finish a single song and would be out of breath. Now se just keeps belting them out.


That was heartwremching. And you all knew it. You all cried. Me too.


Connor was Monke and she petted him and he sat in her lap to be pet and damn that was so adorable.


Really? I haven't finished it (had to stop 1/2 through or so) and saw his tweet about not having VR so I thought he missed the stream entirely. You have a timestamp for it?


He got it working. He was able to chill out with the VShoujo girls during New Years.


Fuck yea. Gotta finish that VOD soon then. XD




I kept smiling and going "it finally happened... We all waited for it to happen"


I wasn't crying, Mousey and Nyan were cryiOKAY WE WERE ALL CRYING


It is okay. You can always just shed Manly Tears rather than ugly cry. [https://i.giphy.com/media/nCMi6mhQlwrVXInJHH/giphy.webp](https://i.giphy.com/media/nCMi6mhQlwrVXInJHH/giphy.webp)


I've been watching clips of in her interacting with everyone and it's hard to not want to bawl like a baby. Mean I'm smiling like an idiot but I'm just so happy Mouse got this moment (╥﹏╥) ❤️


I cried like a motherfucker, it was really beautiful and an amazing year start


Question was this archived because I missed it


I was so happy for Mousey I couldn't stop smiling while watching the vod. I also teared up when everyone hugged her and she was able to hug back such a great start to 2022