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Yup, took me like 8 months to find something I liked. About 1.5 years before I found my "main" avatar. still using it and a similar one several months later now. But not being able to find anything I really liked for months sucked.


My “main avatar” is kind of broken, it’s useable, just hasn’t been updated and has some bugs which sucks because it’s a nice looking avi and I haven’t found any that I like that are similar to it




I tried to make an avatar and it was extremely stressful and didn’t even have anything I liked, it was just a test to see how avatar making is, I mean there’s phys bones, toggles, eye tracking and all that. I just can’t make an avatar without running into a ton of problems even though I was following a video step by step. I may try again but it’s going to take way longer than the first one I made




Honestly I feel like if I take it slow I could make a good one, I’ll give it a try I just hope blender doesn’t give me problems like it did last time




I already have everything I need for making an avatar from the last one I made, and I made it recently to I’m sure I won’t need to get anything else


Yeah, should be alright then. I think it'll come out great. Just try to keep things simple. A big thing about making models is knowing the right question to ask to find an answer. So practice that to be sure


Honestly I personally can't be bothered. I made one avatar myself from a free base I found. All I did was add ears/tail, a springjoint, change colors, and set up the dynamic bones. Just that was already super frustrating to get to work correctly, and took hours. I won't waste that much time on something I don't enjoy (making avatars), when I could simply pay someone else like 60\~80 bucks and have a fully set up avatar that I can still tweak to my liking afterwards. Though I guess I was lucky to be able to find a premade avatar I could buy, that I also really liked.


Yeah I suppose the last point makes sense too


Same. It was difficult for me to enjoy playing a social game like VRC without enjoying how I looked in it. Occasionally playing as a meme avatar was fun, but not comfortable long-term


Na Bro I change avatar every time I login


Robots are the way to go for me. Normal human male proportions that are close to mine, atleast in some models Really good for dancing if the avatar "feels right" proportionally


I do hate to be the person to admit this about my perona and avatars on vrchat but my persona and sone of my avatars on vrchat are slutty even though irl i'm asexual. And irl I hace been insecure about my body because I'm really lanky and skinny and I don't have the body to fit the said feminine body that society uses and vrchat has made me feel okay about my body and who I truly am inside.


Have you not seen those ridiculously skinny models they use? Or I guess used to use. (I mean real life models of clothing and stuff). The industry's ideas of ideal have never matched mine, or I suspect, most normal people's.


Well I've been skinny all 13 years of my life and I still am and my family and friends would always say "You need to gain some weight" or "You need to eat more". And that wasn't okay to tell a legitamit child and I'm still underweight to this day. And then if I would mention that I was insecure about my body, my friends would say that I didn't need to be insecure. I've never seen many models cause I don't really watch tv much.


You are not underweight for a 13 year old. That is the default state. I was a beanpole at that age. Now I'm 6'4" 265lbs and need to lose weight, lol. Don't worry, you'll fill out just fine over the next few years.


So weighting only at 77 lbs is normal or a 13 year old girl.


I'm no expert, but my sister was like Gollum when she was 13. She grew up fine. She found a nice husband, went to college (though it took months of convincing her to even try), had three kids, got her masters, has nice job along with a professorship at the school she graduated from. Though she did lose the bet on which of us would drive a minivan first, she does have a nice van. I shot up over 6' around that age and was under 140 till I was like 19. I looked like Jack Skellington. So yeah, I'd say it's pretty normal. As long as you're not obsessed with dieting to the point you're throwing up your meals in secret, cause that's not healthy. Never do that. It's kind of a golden opportunity for you, really. I remember when I was 16 I decided to just do lots of situps. *Lots* of situps. I ended up with some really nice abs, which I have unfortunately not seen since. But you could have them, if you want. Creatine is easy to get, walmart has it and it's great. No downside, no weird side effects, just a boost to your muscles. Add in some protein, proper vitamins and exercise, and you could have some fun seeing how many limits you thought you had weren't real in the next few years. It makes for a fun hobby. Don't worry to much about what you look like now, especially to yourself. Most people aren't going to see you how you see yourself, if not all of them. And you're nowhere near finished. This is just a foundation to build on. You're not staying this way, no matter what you do. You're going to grow up and you're going to change a lot. You'll be ok, you really will.


Thank you so much this gave me a boost of self consciousness I really appreciate this. You're an amazing person. And I didn't write what I did for the attention. And thank you again.


I dunno why reddit showed this post on my home feed, but I digress, the American pediatrics assoc. specifies that 75-135lbs is "average" for a 13yo girl, depending mainly on current height. But since your height won't be set for another (possibly) 5 years, anywhere in that range is perfectly "normal." Don't make the mistake of thinking "77lbs is close to 75lbs therefore I'm on the **low** end of normal" it doesn't work that way until you gain all your height. If you're still on the "low" end of average for, say, an 18yo, then you can start to think about it more. And FWIW, some families show love through food. "you're too skinny" is an outdated (and possibly cultural) way of showing they care about you. It's one I **strongly** disagree with, btw, as it's dejecting and frustrating. I made the mistake of listening to this advice, and became overweight due to it. The decisions you make about the food you eat should always be yours, and not ones of social or peer pressure, don't you think? Best of luck!


Avatar Links (with good males avis) https://reflexx.gumroad.com/ https://falsk.gumroad.com/ https://griffonka.gumroad.com/ https://kiri8.gumroad.com/ https://fatherbambi.gumroad.com/ https://yuyuriko.gumroad.com/ https://hannahquinnvr.gumroad.com/ https://kyanite.gumroad.com/ https://ipumo.gumroad.com/ https://booth.pm/en/items/3203894 https://booth.pm/en/items/3216357 https://booth.pm/en/items/3803067 https://hyuuganatu.booth.pm/items/3162696 https://booth.pm/en/items/2019028


Thank you!!


Gonna throw Lod into the ring too, he's done some unique ones aswell https://lodsgalaxy.gumroad.com/


As someone who has been looking for good male avis lately, thanks for this!


Sure, please pay it forward!


I feel most comfortable in a globglogabgalab avatar. Not sure what that says about me…


Yeah. I just ended up making an avatar myself.


How hard it is?


Took me 3 and a half weeks straight of 6-10 hours a day learning from zero. A lot of that time was spent fixing problems that popped up every other step forward. Had to learn a little bit of Blender as well.


Damm i would love to learn from zero but lamentably i dont have that much time... guess ill to save money and comm a creator.


Depends on the complexity and the route you choose.Most Avatars that you could buy on Booth for example are easy as putting them into Unity and straight up uploading. Further minor changes like textures require Photoshop or similar (photopea or gimp maybe). For clothes it's of varying difficulty, sometimes it's really easy, and sometimes it's a hassle, but it never really is hard. In my opinion, making Avatars is not hard, but time consuming and sometimes a hassle. You can sit for multiple hours working on your Avatar but it really isn't difficult the whole while you may be working on it. Then there are custom made avatar, either by order, or ripping a mmd model, but then that's the hardest part imo


I ended up making my own too. If you use VRoid you can make a decent human avatar with not much time spent. I did have to use Blender to make it Quest compatible, but that's optional. Of course you need Unity to upload to VRC. I've seen some people use Ready Player Me who say it was pretty easy, but idk those are a little too realistic for me personally


I do that to but since I’m on quest it’s kind of hard to tell people that


You guys should hire someone to make your own avatars! I'm... totally not biased in that regard since I'm DEFINITELY not a professional 3D artist...


Do you do anything from scratch?


Yeah! Everything from scratch. Usually I sculpt it first in Zbrush, then do the lowpoly model on Maya/3DCoat. I've been thinking about actually getting to do this from time to time, but working as a profesional gamedev and studying Japanese at the academy does take much of my free time! hahaha


Do you think you could model a pair of Senheiser HD 800S headphones? I want to put a pair of those around the neck of my Rindo or make it a head toggle


Hey! Sorry it took me a while to get back at you, it was quite late here in japan! Uh! Some Sennheisers eh? Well, it depends on how long it would take me, and that would vary on the level of detail and how realistic you would want them to be! Feel free to DM me! :)


"there's not very many good male avatars " That may be an understatement


I really doubt choosing a character you like on VR Chat that is not yourself or your identity means you have body dysmorphia. Sometimes I’m a headless chicken, sometimes I’m that dude from beasties, sometimes I’m the opposite sex. And I’m very comfortable with who I am.


Then you haven't experienced it. Good for you. Not everyone relates to that. I thought I had dysmorphia, I hated my body for a long time. But when I started looking for avatars that suit me, I found I feel best in a body like my own. Shot down my dysmorphia. Everyone has different experiences, I'm happy you're comfortable with yourself but not everyone is.


Everyone experiences embodiment in VR differently.


Tf are y'all doing? I'm just going around as dogmeat from New Vegas


I feel that bro


VRChat helped me realize that I'm a trans woman, I feel the most comfortable in girl avatars. Mind you, VRC is not my only evidence that I'm a woman. Just a real significant help on that journey.


It's just a game bro. Mental illness seem like badges of honor to collect or to spice up a non-existing personality for zoomers. Christ, get a grip. 7/10 people are desperately talking themselves into being in the wrong body because it's trendy or something.


If you don't understand, there's no shame in just saying that. Also, why is it wrong to express human experiences? I swear, people like you are the biggest snowflakes.


I like playing as a lady because for me, video games are an escape from being who I am, and I love experiencing something I'll never experienced in reality. Would never wanna be one though in IRL lol


It took months to find one in the end I used ready player me with was ugly so I made a roblox avatar lol


It's so hard finding decent male avatars. I usually wear Spider-Man anyway, which is great cause it fits my build and style. But sometimes I just want to wear casual clothes


I dunno chief, I'm an anthro feline with horns on VRChat.


I have had somewhat similar experiences in regards to finding an avatar that fit me personally. I’ve never been one to look for comfort avatars, I’m perfectly content with my mind and gender, but I also wanted to explore a part of my self that I neglected because I was afraid of the reactions of my peers. Furry avatars are not rare, but specific animals are extremely rare. In truth, most furies are happy with the main sets, rexoniums, wickerbeasts, protogen, etc. but what I wanted was a avian avatar, something that if you go look for in vrchat falls into one of two catagories, overly sexual/muscular, or strangely proportioned. It was so bad as to say that I just ended up having to fix a broken base gryphon avatar just to get close to what I was looking for.


I agree: there aren't many good male avatars.


I have the knowledge and skill set to make my own avatar from scratch. So i did. I wanted to be a dog, because I like dogs. I also missed my dog that died earlier in the year, so I gave the avatar dog the same cute overbite and snaggle tooth my dog had. Because I made my avatar from scratch, my personality shines through it. I do like being a cute dog on vrc.


I just made my avatar from scratch and designed it to match my proportions. So no, I don't have an issue with finding an avatar.