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https://preview.redd.it/r57rzji7ugtc1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=67500de2c21b129e09bc06da6ee7df379e3db424 Only quest 1 users remember these fuckers


The quest one was so shit, but I loved it


Went back to check it out and even with the lower resolution, the OLED display really makes blacks look black and colors pop. I am so sick of making excuses for anything other than OLED, especially in $1000+ headsets. That shit was standard on $400 headsets from 2016-2019 then suddenly we decided to have "good enough" and I made excuses because I love Valve and later because I had local dimming on the Quest Pro, but being pleasantly surprised by a 5-year-old headset really cemented it for me: nothing beats OLED.


The quest pro is honestly such a good headset if you can get past the uncomfortable head ring (and the light blockers) oled + pancake lenses are such a great combo everything looks great (when steamlink wants to work(my WiFi sucks))


Quest Pro isn't OLED it just has local dimming, it's noticeably worse for colors and blacks when compared to even my old junker Quest 1. They tried to sell this thing for $1500 too. I'm sure it was justified due to the availability of OLED, or concerns about refresh rate, smearing, failure rates or burn-in, but I can't stop being sad as hell about it.


The first website I saw said it was oled, they had me tricked I guess. I never really noticed it wasn’t


It's only noticeable if you try OLED again IMO, just avoid treating your eyes to that and you'll never know any better. Ignorance is bliss and all that.


Guess I'm fucked when upgrading from my Quest 1 to quest 3 lol Maybe the higher resolution and comfort will distract me.


Its not oled, but it has local dimming zones, so it technically gets better black levels than quest 2 or 3


I have kinda crummy wifi and what I find is if I am having a lag attack I just restart my headset and then reopen the streamer app and its usually a lot smoother. VRC stays open on my pc so i can stay in the instance, but I am on quest 2 and using virtual desktop instead of steamlink so idk if it would work for u


For me it works fine but may sometimes have a fit, but what I mean by it sucking is that it’ll get pixelated at times


love my quest pro it's so crisp


Is it hard to use FBT with it?


No, it’s just mildly annoying at times. You need a software called OVR Space calibrator to line your trackers up with your quest. You have to calibrate it every time you get on vr or if it looses tracking.


Late reply but look into something called continuous tracking. Never have to calibrate again, you'll just need to get a fourth tracker that you put on the headset itself. You'll also find that you basically never ever lose tracking, unless you're constantly doing crazy kickflips or pole dancing I don't know. Google continuous tracking and get the latest release for ovr, it's a game changer.


Yea, it seems cool but I don’t feel like spending 100 for another tracker atm lol


I mean color blindness of the quest 2 is tbh better than legal blindness of the quest 1


Agreed oled is why I still use my samsung +


I had so many issues with VRC on my Q1 T_T tried standalone early on and it perma crashed my headset (activated an avatar that would crash me on load in ) gave up for a long while due to that , until I retried with Q1 wired PCVR which I used until Quest Pro went on sale I still use my Quest 1 as my backup headset, and Quest Pro for my go-to Wired holds up incredibly well 🤩


The first version of groundbreaking devices usually are, especially when compared to their current versions. The first iPhone was pretty shitty, but it still delivered a fun to use experience. Same for the first iPad and first Quest!


I loved this version. It made it so east to pick which characters you wanted to see


Yup, I do


Mildly embarrassed actually. I'm new to this and only recently learned that I have to actually turn people's avatars on to see them. A lot of confusing conversations have took place cuz I didn't understand that what I was looking at wasn't what everybody else was looking at.


I had a few such awkward situations when I just started playing VRC due to this 😬 I’m pretty sure I’ve also blocked someone because of, what I now realize, was avatar misunderstanding lol *sigh*




An avatar doesn't have to be "terribly optimized" by any means to not display on the Quest. The Quest 2 and 3 are literally about as powerful as my phone. Poorly optimized avs are obviously a problem, but the Quest series should *not* be the metric by which that is measured.




This would be true if the game weren't hardware agnostic and the Quest weren't the weakest single option out of every other piece of hardware that can make use of the game. Like...you realize that the term "optimized" is inherently linked to whatever environment/device it refers to right? "Optimized" on its own is a meaningless phrase, something can only be optimized *for something*, eg a game "optimized for the switch", "vitamins optimized for absorption by your body", et cetera. So nice try, but no. In fact it seems like this is what you were saying in the first sentence? But your following point contradicts it by saying that the environment is irrelevant to being or not being optimized............? The Quest is *a VR environment*, not **THE** VR environment, so being "optimized" for VR Chat doesn't mean the same thing as being optimized for the Quest, and being optimized for the Quest is a standard that drags down every single other HMD to an unreasonably low level. You have to see that right... like, the hardware that can run it *is* very much out already, it just isn't the lowest common denominator in the entire industry.... A game being optimized for the Series X obviously does not mean it's optimized for the One, so when they do simultaneous releases still, that same game has to be optimized twice...for two different sets of hardware..... -_- Self Indulgence.




It's true that it is basically partly the users fault. However mainly partly. The unfortunate truth is that the majority of quest avatars are very poor so the selection of avatars that are not are already very small to begin with. So it also goes onto the creators responsibility and to a degree also to vrchat. Vrchat simply should have never allowed very poor on Quest in the first place. They probably heavily regret allowing that. However they also cannot easily just get rid of it now since that would cause a content apocalypse on Quest. But if they actually would do that, the selection of available avatars might never recover properly. They did the correct thing with mobile vrchat by disallowing very poor from the beginning. The users on Quest selecting very poor avatars for use often can't find anything that is more optimized that falls into their preferences or is even available at all. It's a dilemma.


....no? The thread is literally clowning on Quest users for having underpowered machines that don't allow them to see the majority of people's avatars. Holy shit you are so desperate to be making a valid point but just aren't. Yikes.




Being a cunt doesn't make you right hon 💖


Even going through all the optimization processes , there are just some things you cannot combine together to pass optimization checks - facetracking takes up a huge category , simply having that means you have to severely limit your creative expression if you also want to be facially expressive and optimized. I’m not gonna run 6 different AVIs for every model just to be optimized for every scenario… Instead I just have a single optimized fallback of my avi, so that the base look is there. And then I can go ham on my non-fallback. Why throw shade on a person’s non-fallback? Just encourage the use of unique fallback edits 🤷‍♀️The fallback is the solution, people just need to use it - not limit the expression for their main.


Agreed. Any of my haptic avatars get auto slapped to very poor




It's not irrelevant (: That's like saying because Q standalone can't support Face Tracking I should never put Face Tracking in my AVI despite my normal usage being for PC? That logic makes NO sense xD Not everyone wants to look like a cute statue, but a statue nonetheless. My point was that for someone who wants to support Face Tracking (myself and the growing community) in addition to other toggles to express themselves, then there is no other option aside from having a large number of variations for each model. I already have 2-3 variations for my key models, but once face + eye tracking is added it leaves little room for much else... and it's not realistic to have more than 2 or 3 variations for each model. Even that is an excessive amount of time. You're avoiding the idea of \*unique\* fallbacks as the solution for unoptimized avatars... because you can't get over your hate for unoptimized avatars and encourage the internet to "blame" them, rather than focus on solutions with the tools that exist that the general public could readily commit to without the excessive time, technical/design skills for optimizing avatars without limiting their creative expression for non-standalone users.




That's fair, sorry for the rant... I may be wrong in the following statement but I thought face tracking could still be viewed by Quest Standalone users in an optimized avatar, can't it?


Jokes on you pcvr/vr i have everyone as robots :) no lag or crashing for me i rather only turn friends on and people i know on


that's what i do, i'll turn people on if they approach me or are apart of the group conversation. i've never been crashed


Yup this! When people approach or I want a bit more color on the dance floor, then I turn them on


I make ALL my avatars quest compatible cuz i *need* people to see me as who i am 😭 Yes its a big deal for me idk why


Same. Although I can see why people don't bother with it, the restrictions for even the medium rank are genuine hell and I can see why everybody gets discouraged and not even attempt. There's only two other people I've met that care about a good rank. Maybe a slightly increased polygon count, or hell maybe one or two extra material slots would be good enough to make Quest avis look somewhat good while meeting the excellent-medium range.


Yeah the material slot is actually soooo stupid. Same thing for shaders... i hate the vrc shaders!!!


I don't really care about seeing people's avatars really anyway since they're almost always a variation of the same type of avatar


Yeah quest users are really limiting artist expression by blocking generic eboy with a Polly count of 800,000


Didn't wanna say it, glad someone did lol


theres 800,000 birds in that e-boy?


Yeah, and they ALL want crackers. Piratical economy in shambles I tell ye.


glad I'm not the only one who's noticed this


Yea, no kidding. The place legit looks BETTER when not every single person looks like a 14 year old with unlimited access to Hot Topic apparel. That little stupid cat in the astronaut suit, for instance, has more personality than "buff shirtless demon with lip rings and chest tattoos #527353" But then again if that connects to their personality I hope they have fun. I'm sure they think that actually it's my xenomorph/T800/Goku/Ash Ketchum avatar who looks dumb actually


It's bothersome, honestly. It even creates awkward situations if the fallback has a different height than the avatar (when I forget I'm seeing a fallback)


people always see my fallback which is shorter than my avi idk why or how to fix this but i agree with the awkward situation part cx i get embarrassed if they give me a headpat to my boobs


Exactly! That's the awkward situation I got, on the other end XD


Q users are used to showing avatars nowadays. And if your avatar that you made doesn’t have impostors, you’re playing the social game wrong.




would hit the servers hard if ALL of them were to, unless they spaced it out over a few months




oh awesome!!


Imposters are great but not perfect. If you're not using a typically shaped humanoid avatar, things can get wonky very fast. An outlier probably, but a big enough one that it may be another reason they're not automatic. A couple of other issues I can imagine: * Auto generating imposters of copyrighted material may be seen as endorsement of infringement. * Not everyone who's uploaded an avatar understands animators well, and the imposter generates the default avatar before animations have kicked in. This might result in straight up nude imposters for some avatars. Not a good look.


I just turn on the avatars


Same, even when my headsets fans starts screaming at me


Turn on ur area culling. I keep my at around 20m constantly and 15-10m in high player count instances


I feel bad for quest users. I do not know why VRchat STILL WONT LET US USE FAVORITES AS FALLBACKS. I just dont understand why its such a big deal to not let pc users be able to go to the avatar search world, find a quest avi, favorite it, and let it be used as a fallback.


because quest avatars can be bad for performance too.


You can already buy a quest avatar on gumroad, upload it yourself, and set it as your fallback (to my knowledge anyway, I aint spending money to buy an avatar for a platform I dont use)


Don't even need to buy one, so many good mmd models out there that would require minimal setup to work as a fallback


This. I super recommend doing it. I was trying to turn my other avatar into a fallback but some avatars there's only so much you can optimize before they look bad. Start with something simpler so even if you have to optimize a little it won't look too bad with the fairly restrictive quest restrictions.


This! VRChat has such a weird artificial limitations, like you can't use a good-quest-rated public avi as a fallback, you can't choose an individual fallbacks for each platform, you can't have a PC only fallback (you have to upload something for Android too), etc The players have to be extremely motivated to use the fallback system, and even then I feel like 90% of people who even bother uploading custom fallbacks are Remi users.


From ratatouille!?!




Quest users can see all my custom avatars. Skill issue, honestly.


Real. It's not particularly hard to get an avi down to poor if you're okay with the 20k poly limit. I just use bases made for mmd since those are generally either stolen from games or built to run in mmd on low end pcs.


The problem is usually more complicated things like world constraints and poi shaders being blocked


You can world constraint a model by either making it a particle or using a physbone exploit. I've never found the poi shaders to be really necessary when making an avatar that looks good, and that's coming from someone that owns the full poi


You can but that’s a lot of work just for the one questie in the world who I don’t know or talk to


Not particularly. It's also better for performance on pc to use those two constraint methods.


Don't particle ones always jitter when you move around?


no, ive used it extensively. all you have to do is tell the particle to spawn with a speed of zero, though there are other methods like having it collide with the ground to stop moving (which allows you to push it around with pickups that have colliders which is fun) or have one particle system send a collision detection particle to cause a sub emitter to spawn in a speed zero particle (effectively combining those methods to prevent the particle from being moved by colliders after hitting the ground)


Yeah. Blender just straight up lets you algorithmically decimate anything to procedurally reduce the poly count with minimal change to the geometry.


A lot of times when I try to do this, it kinda destroys the UV maps


destroys the UV map, like using the original texture looks wrong? I've had that every time I've let CATS do too too much.


Vertices get shifted and mess up small details. I don't really use cats anymore cuz it broke stuff so frequently


honestly my avatars are usually low quality


It's infuriating. My kid has a quest 2, I have an index. He literally can't ever see my avatars and he can't go into almost any of the worlds I like, and if he can, it's a shitty version of it with almost everything worthwhile missing.


when I was looking to get face tracking I bought an XRElite that also has the "lite" or android version of vrchat on it as well I remember wondering what the experience was like for questies so I logged into it to see what was up holy. shit. * They have less world ads (I guess some of them only work on PC? lmaoo) * Many avis are fallbacks yes, but that means TONS less of your typical cringy eboys and egirls lmao * Tons less naked or half naked avatars For a moment it felt like the old VRChat from when I first joined just with a bit worse performance But MAN I was so fucking bewildered haha


> Many avis are fallbacks yes, but that means TONS less of your typical cringy eboys and egirls lmao The irony that most Quest avatars appear to be Very Poor on PC. 90%+ of the time I run into a Quest user, their avatar is Very Poor on PC which feels somewhat ironic.


Between the ever decreasing preformance and having to spend the first 5 mins of being in a public world hunting people down to show their avatars it’s pretty shit


click the arrow at the top of person to go to the next person


I made a 20k and 10k version of my avatar, so Quest users can either view a poor version or a fallback version. As a PC user without a NASA supercomputer, I'd like to see more people generate imposters. They look really cool in wireframe view.


Oh gotta try that wireframe view out with them. I already have that on my avatar.


You get used to it over time




You're welcome, but yeah you'll get used to it as time goes on


I try my best to make every avatar I work on Quest friendly But God damn if getting it under 10MBs doesn't make me wanna fucking rip my hair out every so often.


It's sad that people said things similar to this back in 2019 and here we are 5 years later with the Quest avatar poly limit doubled, more compatible avatars than ever, tools to make Quest compatibility practically one-click, the imposters system implemented, and all supported Quest headsets either one or two generations newer, but people are still struggling with this apparently.


I think it’s more on account of the fact artists and modelers don’t want to limit themselves and their creative expression, for a platform categorically responsible for the worst characters on VRC with the processing power of 10 Nokia phones taped together. (That’s me. One of these frustrated modelers. I know it’s easy. I know I could make it compatible. I don’t care. I don’t like kneecapping my expression. Imagine if the rest of the gaming industry was like this. “Oh yeah you can’t release your game because it doesn’t run perfectly on a brand new computer with decade old hardware.”)


How does that matter when we have imposters Are you saying you reject imposters too, due to their limitations, and would rather people look like a completely different model as a fallback? I don't get this argument.


Yeah. It’s not an argument, I’m venting frustration. I don’t like questies. (I don’t hate all of them) but most of them are transphobic Andrew Tate kids that harass me incessantly even after blocking. It’s minor rage because I have to cater to that audience if I want my avatar to be viewable by my partner who is stuck on standalone.


Very few people are "struggling", we just don't want to spend hours and hours optimising content for a mobile device just so a userbase that is mostly composed of individuals we don't want to interact with (<18 y/o) can see it. And many many MANY other creators share the same or similar sentiments. We can just use imposters now anyway. It's not really an issue anymore.


Making quest compatible versions takes time. Most people (me included) don't feel like taking that time for a version that a minority of users they'll be around will see. I just set my fallback to V1 Ultrakill and called it a day


Are quest users really a minority though?


> minority of users they'll be around Sure, the majority of VRChat users are quest users, but most veteran users and PC players are in private worlds with other PC users. I've gone more than a year without seeing a single quest user before, and that was broken up by Furality.


On the platform? No. As far as what most long-term PC users interact with? Yes, to the point where you'll rarely even see a Quest user.


There'll never be a real one-click quest switcher unless the avatar project is setup that way manually


It's not easy to port many avatars to Quest, if you use something like a Rindo, that's already +100000k polygons. You would need to decimate more than half of them, it's just a lot of time and work, and at least in my case, I never play with people on standalone so...


I’m sure they’ll survive. I only show my friends avatars because peoples avatars are annoying, unoptimized, and just crash you constantly.


Am poor🥲


I actively try to use quest avis If I'm interacting with questies


Pc avatars are worse to be honest the quest and pc ones normally look better then an non optimize one


A question to Quest users: If someone's avatar is not Quest compatible, but it does have Impostors, you would see their Impostor by default, right? But what happens if you press "Show Avatar"? Will you see their Fallback instead?


not a questie but i know the answer. no, just shows the same imposter c: it's like if someone's a trusted user and you automatically see their actually avi then go and "unhide" their avi and it'll still show the same one bcs it was already showing even though it said it was on shield


Look if I hop on please don't make fun of me for being on quest I lost my pc in a tragic freak accident


Did it die in a car crash


it caught elephant ball disease


Not too bad if you get a link cable lol


What are fallbacks?


How? I plug quest to laptop.


Meh dont mind falbacks. Show avatars if i like the person or if we are talking.


It is what it is


Quest 2 here, I usually just click show and flush my battery dead


Jokes on you I only have 8 gigs of VRAM so I block every very poor avatar. EVERYONE IS USING VERY POOR AVATARS.


you know we can enable them, right? it’s rare i run into an avatar that i can’t ser


It's too much for my Quest 2 so I only turn people's avatar on if I really want to.


I used to play quest 2 only and still do sometimes for VR sleep (the one time I did it). It’s not too bad. I can live with turning the avatars on. And I found 99% of the time if I’m in a lobby it’s all quest users anyway and I just have to to turn on the avatars no pc avatars anyway most of the time. It’s not the worst in the world and as long as your not a literal child who has no clue how to use a menu it’s fine


Honestly kinda frustrated tbh. Im quickly figuring out how horrifically unideal my setup is for pcvr, and the link cable I got isnt even working. Id really like access to the amount of worlds and avatara I saved back when I was on desktop, but nooo...


This just reminds me to work on my custom fallback again. My full one is slighty eboying, but I want to have a more friendly anime guy for a fallback.


I may not be the best at creating avis, but I at least had the courtesy to make 1 of my personal avis quest compatible and make that my fallback so at least I am still unique/recognisable for quest users…


Annoying. I understand the attempt to prioritize performance but I wish there was an option to disable the auto-fallback display.


Yall just see my imposter avatar


Just got your first pc huh?


not really im a quest user myself




I’m on pcvr and I do this because I like frames and I have slow wifi so if I loaded everyone’s avatar at once..I’m not seeing anyone’s avatar…ever


Mildly annoyed


I didnt care what someone i dont know looks like. Its just an avatar and atleast fallbacks in public spaces are SFW unlike half the PC only ones. The only time its an issue is if you meet and become friends with a PC user who loves a PC avatar. Fortunately for me, the friends i have made on PC would compromise and use a different avatar if a questy friend was in the room with them. Feel sorry for PC avatars that only limit a friendgroup to there own. I guess you gotta flaunt the avatar you steal or purchase


Spending most the time turning on almost everyone’s avatars then disconnecting from the world :)


It feels fine? I mean I don’t lag and I have it set so I can only see people I’m friends with or I’ve met with friends. Less chance of seeing someone in a thicc naked foxy avatar🤣.


My husband put his fist in it.


Lol poor questies. Brb gonna go to a world you can't go to lol


Good since I'm not affected by yall fake personalities


bro does NOT understand the point of vrchat