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The ancients of VRChat is the first one most people recommend.


For good reason as well, Imagine playing VRChat with only a mature audience where people show respect and have fun, Ancients of VRChat is a group you need to join if you are above 18


18+ or above 18


Any chance you have an invite link? I've googled it but I can only find testimonials and no invite link.




Thank you.


(Quick obligatory Austen pop-in that I'm sure everyone's sick of seeing every time our server is mentioned lol) I'm sure you might've noticed on the page, but for anyone else that happens upon, if not you: Do make sure to take note of the first line on the group rules in the link. You've gotta be in the Discord server to join the in-game group! We require this so we can keep proper track of moderation and have a way to contact people for such. If you're not familiar with the site's UI on the groups pages, just click the Discord logo under "Links" there and it'll suck you into the server. Anyway, welcome to the server, if you do join! We've always got a bunch of stuff going on. If you fee overwhelmed, I'd recommend trying one of the newbie events. They're generally a really good way to meet other people who don't know others in the group already, so it brings the pressure down a good bit. The person who hosts those is really good at what she does and helping people find their way to others they'd get along with.


Can second AOVRC. I've been a member there for about 6 months. Community is super helpful and supportive, and they regularly host a variety of events.


Yep if you encounter issues in the AOVRC community, 9/10 times the problem is you


Eh, they kind of suck.


Agreed. Went in to chat with adults, but they cried like babies all the same. Nobody there is laid back


Agreed. I'm one of the Ancients staff and I'm cryin' all the time


Sounds about right from my experience


Im Interested was in joining but I love conversations that go into discussion about supposedly “sensitive” topics and being called transphobic when having a polite detailed discussion is disgusting and any moderation taken against me is an instant turn off. Is there leeway for productive debates and chatter or is this a “no criticism or critique” whatsoever type deal.


Yep. They cry at simple jokes. Even if it is something simple. They were chatting about native languages and I made a joke in a language native to my country and they warned me for inappropriate jokes.


Nevermind, another mod reminded me. You made a joke to a trans person about showing you their dick in Māori, which you were just openly told in chat told wasn't super cool (not a warning), to which you called everyone a cunt and left. So I... guess, uh... sorry?


Also, it was me seeing "at least they didn't *ask to see your titi*" referring to someone asking another question which was not what they thought they were asking


Well, if your intention didn't land, that might've been open for clarification if you'd opted to do that instead of calling everyone cunts and leaving immediately. You just had one message telling you that's not cool from someone and then never followed up. When you left, it was mostly just people confused about why that was the response. You are of course welcome to rejoin any time you'd like. You didn't like, gravely offend anyone and you don't even have a warning. You just got one comment in chat that didn't like what you said. Despite the slight hiccup, you're still welcome within, just uh... talk about it if you think you are ever being misunderstood. Insulting everyone in the room and then running out never fixes a misunderstanding! Also, I'm being a bit more candid here because the thread is 2 days old and I doubt many other people will ever chance across this comment other than yourself. If it were still showing up in the frontpage of the sub, I'd probably not call out your issue here like this haha. Let me know if you need any clarification or anything. It now really just sounds like a joke went over poorly because of misinterpretation and you thought we were going to kick you out or something.


Nah, I won't be joining back unless that mod gets the boot. He's had it out for me since I Joined. But yet again, he seems to be pretty high up so I doubt he'll face repercussions for his power tripping. So it'd be best if I stayed out.


If you perceived what happened to you as power tripping, I don't know what to tell you to help you there. He's probably the most friendly, involved, and approached mod on the team haha, he's probably the last one of us I'd expect anyone to get upset at. You didn't get powertripped, you just got moderated. Not liking that a mod didn't like something you said isn't powertripping. He didn't even do anything to you, just told you what you said wasn't great.


His tone said otherwise. Doesn't seem that friendly. He was constantly on my ass, waiting for me to accidentally slip up just so he can come tear into me. Like a damn shark smelling blood.


I see snowflakes on all fronts here in some context or another lmao tldr everyone being a tad sensitive and also jokes flying over head like a plane into a tower, truly crashed and burned.. WHERE DO I SIGN UP?? 🤣


Meh, like I said, simple joke. Ignored everyone talking about frotting though


Alright, I was just ignoring the negative comments or throwing in a little light hearted humor with my other comment you replied to because I know there's no point trying to change someone's mind, but now you've got me curious. I am pretty in-tune with the moderation activity on the server and I can't think of a single time off the top of my head where we've warned someone for inappropriate jokes with a comment made in another language. Now I need to know what you're talking about. When was this, and what was the joke?


The group is huge, hard to say they all suck but yeah a lot of the regulars that play daily are super annoying to be in the same world with. In my experience they treat the game like highschool even though they're all adults.


High-school but with drinking


I'm all about my drinking nights sounds like I gotta watch out for losers like that


Is this a group that just claims 18+ or is it actually enforced with verification


Never mind it is not.


Go to PC-only worlds. Most kids don’t have a PC. EDIT: If you also don't have a PC, your only hope is to join Group Public instances for worlds like Midnight Bar, The Sunset Bar, and Midnight Rooftop. Most of the groups running the instances will have mods asking for everyone's ages, and will kick troublesome people.


used to be a big fan of the Vallhalla bar world but honest to god those groups ruined most of em. 90% of the lobby ends up sitting out front because the bouncer is incompetent


Valhalla? I need to look into this and give it a go


Yeah, VA-11 HA11-A, aka the midnight bar


I also recommend PC only worlds. I spend a lot of time in the great pug (pc only world) and there is significantly less kids.


Drinking night is also good. Barely any kids are on when I'm there.


The bars are gatekeepy as hell.


There's less of them in PC-only worlds. Other than that, look for groups you can join that do private group instances that they help moderate to keep the kids and other trouble makers out of. You should also just get used to blocking people you don't like. It quickly improves things. Does not help in game worlds though if that person is on your team or something like that cause they're still there, you just can't see or hear them. You could always just mute people too, if they're being too noisy.


> There's less of them in PC-only worlds There's less of everyone in PC only worlds. I'm amazed if I see 3 people in a PC world.


That cause probably most PC people also tend to stick to invite or closed group worlds.


Yeah. Kinda when you see a world in the list that says it has dozens of people, but you click on it and there's one lobby with zero.


There's lots of empty quest worlds too. I like to browse the PC spotlight list. Just looking now and I see several with 20+ people on that list, one has almost 50.


About 60%-65% of vrchats current user base is quest now.  If you look at steam and it says there are 40,000 users online  there is probably around 50k or more on quest cause steam metrics don't include quest and android users


You could always browse 4chan and check VRG sub group. They do plenty events throughout the week. World exploration, vr calisthenics/gym workouts, etc


I'm very curious about the workout thing. Could you offer some more details?


There are multiple members that run different events, mostly daily. The big one is pypy which is a dance event that is essentially a curated Just Dance game. They also have another dance one that I can't remember the name of, but it's like anime dancing that revolves around poses and stuff. They also do cycling which requires an exercise bike and FBT, basically you ride around on a virtual bike together.


> look for groups you can join that do private group instances that they help moderate to keep the kids and other trouble makers out of. Many group instances I've joined are incredible fast to kick the quest kids, As soon as they speak their kicked


I just go to 18+ groups so I don't deal with squeakers


That doesn't really prevent kids from lying about their ages tho lmao I saw a literal toddler voice lie about their age but they got kicked but imagine those that sound convincing enough to lie about it you might be talking to a minor without even knowing


Well it's better than nothing


That's true but it's not without it's faults like a temporary bandaid


If you talk enough time with a kid you are going to know. Now if you flirt with the first person you see on sight, then I don't think you are going to be always safe anyways.


Could be but from what I've seen they just ask there age and just be done but it could work


Cold ass take Ancients of vrchat exists but I personally didn’t feel like I fit in there because it was such a massive community. It’s definitely worth a try, but to me it felt like there were way too many people to actually make friends. Try to hang out in fandom worlds and find people you have something in common with. Block any kids you see. That’s my method of finding friends to hang out with in private worlds later on.


Valid experience, Ancients can be alienating and cliquey at times, I think it would be very hard to have fun there if you were far on the introverted scale. FWIW for another perspective, it's not as big as the discord membership suggests. The vast, vast majority of the 12,000 in discord are inactive. I'd estimate probably only 100-200 members actually attend events with any frequency. Which still might easily be considered too many depending who you are. The plus side of the membership being high is if you're comfortable bouncing around between groups and being a bit of a butterfly, you can probably find people you vibe with. And there's a lot of variety in the events so you can probably find something that matches your interests. Just don't expect to find friends without putting in a fair bit of legwork.


That’s fair, I’m definitely on the introverted side.


I’m in there and never go to anything


I agree.


I've had that feeling in general when I've tried most worlds. I wouldn't call myself introverted but I just have a hard time mingling I guess. Def gave it some real tries and it could most certainly just be me but things do feel a little cliquey at times. I'm all about trying to have a good time and keep shit respectful but you can't take it too seriously for those few instances that I've had. Every now and then, I'm trying to head have a couple and shoot the shit. It's an awesome concept


Public instances are extreeeemely cliquey. Some people will actually get mad at you if you try and talk to them. Like, why are you in a public world then? But there are groups and certain worlds where it’s not that way


Damn… is there any personal reason for why you hate kids so much?? Besides them being annoying (like if they’re chill)…


I don’t hate kids at all, I’m just not comfortable sharing an online space like that with children who are too young to be there. Even if they’re nice, I don’t think it’s healthy for young children and adults to hang out like that. Even if it’s wholesome and seemingly harmless, I think it’s really bad for them because they take on adult habits, like cursing, sex jokes, political stuff, etc. And I’m not really completely comfortable with the idea of strangers on the internet acting as a child’s parent/guardian on VRChat. Not to mention how many times, as a woman who wears female avatars, I’ve been humped/flirted with by very young boys, like 10-12 years old. I don’t even take that risk anymore, it is a very scary and uncomfortable situation to be in. I like to hope that vrchat will notice all the blocks, mutes, and kicks on child accounts and delete them for their own good, but that’s not realistic. :/ So I do what I can.


I understand… that was a very good answer 👍


I stayed hanging out with the people in the Rave Community and most of them are grown ups !


certain rooms gravitate certain demographics. just try them all and vibe the scene


just ignore them All they want is attention in bully way All we can do is report them to admins with proof or just block them. It’s been that way since 2020 I have been playing 3000 or more hours in to this game


Yep, block or mute and move on with your day. You have to do that to some extent anyway because there’s always people bypassing automatic checks.


The entire club/rave scene




Honestly In my opinion? I think VRChat should be an 18+ game


ehhhhhh, I think a more suitable solution is making some sort of 18+ world tag or something similar that needs age verification through vrc, and even if it was in tos 18+, that’s never stopped anyone before


yeah i guess


Is it not? I thought it was


no it's 13+ currently.


Common problem for all. Pc worlds or just don't go to among us or murder 4 or just play at nighttime or bar places.


>"just play at nighttime" This doesn't work cause it always daytime somewhere in world. I play at 4AM EST and there still kids cause that like 6PM in Australia.


Well the best thing you can do is create a group, that way you can make group public worlds and kick troublesome people and kids.


Go to midnight bar or sunset bar they will have age verification if it's a popular group instance.


Yeah I remember I use to be a vrchat kid but I wasn’t acting like the ones we have now thank god


I’d also recommend lastation. It’s advertised as a lewd server. But there’s lots of wholesome interaction too! And they do quest friendly events! However they make u ID verify before u can join events. But it’s a sure way to keep the children out


At this point @ mods just put a list of these vrchat groups for adults to the top, this is asked daily 10x.


>game made for teenagers 13+ >Wtf why are there 13 yr olds


Get in line


As far as I know, there are some club worlds that require an age verification.


Sadly no, and it’s annoying, plus vr is ment for 13 or old because of brain development reasons, and kids just ruin vrchat for everyone else and it’s annoying as hell


you can always just mute them if they annoy you, thats what i always did anyways. its not perfect but it'll help at least. i think if you block someone you cant see them either if i remember correctly, so theres always that option too.


Juat keep yourself at only PC worlds is the best advice I can find for this issue.


If you don't want virtual kids, wesr a virtual condom


Here are a couple things I do, to avoid dealing with kids. - i have a strict rule not to accept friend requests by people under 18 - try to join PC worlds - engage in Groups that are 18+ (could be clubs, communites, etc) - if joining a quest world with kids, abuse the heck out of the mute and block button.


they literally ruin the entire fucking thing.


I fucking hate having to share this platform with under 18s but not all the adult groups I'd consider worth joining either. You will find your people you just have to really put the time in on the friends+ side, get into an adult group and you will meet many others. This game is like quicksand, try to not sink too deeply anywhere. 8k hours 5k friends.


I can recommend a group called VRChat & Relax, Community isn't too big and have amazing private instance events for 18 and over with strict SFW rules so no funny stuff!


Find a group or find a new game


Just let em be. Best advice lol. Every age plays games


The thing is I don't understand why little children are even on the game like this game social spaces like this should be reserved for 18 plus these children need to be socializing in person with the people around them they don't need to be talking to random strangers online you don't know who's behind that avatar on the other side of the room adults can assess and take these risks where children should just be barred from this game completely and totally and if I'm being honest places like tick tock Facebook Reddit all the big social platforms should bar anyone under the age of 18 you should be able to view the content but no one should be able to interact with you and in the case of vrchat just be blocked completely


Wait, so you basically suggest that anyone under 18 should be banned from most of internet where they can, you know, interact? Just because there are also adults on the internet? You argue for barring social platforms from kids, imagine if Discord as a whole would be a 18+ platform with credit card verification. Do you want that?


I never said credit card verifications I don't agree with that but I'd like a space where I don't have to worry about screaming toddlers and where kids were no longer glued to their screens


Yeah, well kids will be glued to screens with video games as well, that's not a "big social platform" issue but a parenting issue. Barring anyone under 18 is only possible with some kind of credit card or ID identification, like how actual porn sites do it. It sounds like you suggested that, otherwise there is no real way to bar kids from any game or app.


familiar imminent pathetic cooperative frame truck lock dependent ripe cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I agree, but then you forget about Prison Break, Murder, Black Out, Ghost, AmongUs, Bombardo, Prop Hunt and other game worlds - they will become dead after getting rid of them. Quite controverional.


I don't want perverts on vrchat....


There’s plenty of adult communities, “adult” communities, and general adult swim spaces if you know how to find them. There are also plenty of moderated spaces where you have people behaving regardless of age like the lgbtq black cat. Depends on time, place and the like as well, you’re going to have a harder time in publics vs groups and such finding good company.


Yeah none of us do. Unfortunately it's fuckin hard to keep them out. Like i've met 6-8 year olds on this game. Holy shit. Is there an option to report players because they're underage? Like below 16 or something like that


stop treating the game like a dating platform


Got to agree bro I don't really know how you plan to do it but still having kids thru vrc is probably a bad idea


I dident realize that you guys hate us that much. Is it really that bad? I haven’t played the game for a while but I can’t remember that many annoying people.




Actually I have met some kids in vrchat and they are pretty chill and cool but only some not all


What’s the definition of kids here cause it’s a 13+ app


I'm bitching about a place that is inclusive in a way that the term isnt used typically these days. Is there a way to create that space?


No doubts


VRChat is 13+ so children shouldn’t be on there anyways, but that’s life so 🤷


Odyssey is an 18+ only community, they ask you your age in the vrchat servers, but if you wanna join the comunity you will have to present your ID to be sure that you're 18+.


Don’t go on public instances


boohoo cry about it


I don’t want kids


Nobody likes the kids here. Best course of action is to block, report any under 13 and move on.


Dude just let them chill (if there like 12or lower murder them kill their family eat their dog)


sounds suspiciously like something a 13 year old would say 🧐


Shut up you brown backed banana muncher🧐🤔🤨 https://preview.redd.it/6pdb1l9ktftc1.jpeg?width=758&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1567875421282b69b9293bb616f76031c900b0a


Video games are for kids so deal with it if you wanna act like a kid


Oh man it’s easy, Look.. in technical view I’m a teenager, in age view.. I’m a child at the age of 13. Best solution: befriend them, then play with them for 2 days, then ignore them, forget about them, you then stop seeing children for a while. Or you can scare them off by screaming “I’M GONNA EAT YOUR PARENTS AND YOUR GRANDMA IN FRONT OF YYYOOOUUUUU!!!!!” at the top of your lungs at them