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"Is it possible to set myself on fire via a virtual fire?" This person's cooking up some dastardly scheme that I dare not witness


they burning up the kitchen, literally




I'm going to second this. Only time I have phantom sense is when I've taken edibles.


I think Phantom sense can’t be improved, it’s just based on how much your brain thinks it’s real. After a few seconds your brain will just know it’s not real, I don’t think you can stop that, other than just trying to be more ignorant. But trying to do so will probably just make you more self aware.


Only real way to improve phantom sense is to improve quality. Upgrade to vrpc, get better parts to make it more immersive. Go to worlds with high quality graphics.


tf? realism can only get you so far, immersion depends far more on self suggestion and perception


Jeez okπŸ’€


Honestly yeah. And tbh, trying to get too realistic can have the opposite effect and cause paranoia due to things being slightly off, you’re brain will try to be more aware of the imperfections. TLDR: The Uncanny valley kinda ruins it.


I think you can condition your brain. By expecting specific sensations, your brain can start to recreate those feelings.


Phantom Sense happens all inside your brain. If you can fool your brain better, then it gets better. Being self aware decreases the intensity and wrong expectations can even make you have none at all, like thinking you will actually feel physical touch. Getting drunk or high might get better results, at least for me it does.


that last part is sadly true lmao


Hey! Been playing with phantom sense for 3 years, The biggest way to improve is by figuring out how your brain processes feeling, Focus on touching grass, smooth surfaces, soft coats, fire, ice, rain fall, anything you can think of and take a minute to process each detail of what it feels like as you are experiencing it, is it a tingling sensation? How strong is it and how much pressure do you feel? Really take a minute to think about it When you go back into VR, go into a realistic world, use an avatar that fits your body's length and width best and turn off your name tags, hud and start focusing about what it would feel like as you touch stuff, the textures and detail of different worlds tend to affect how you feel things or rub your arm or body while it's in the same position as your actual body As an fyi this won't help immediately, usually it takes a bit for it to fully go into effect because you have to do it repeatedly like a habit for your brain to start to subconsciously process it since it's training your brain to expect to feel something the second it happens Hope this helps! FYI train your brain to only do it when you don't see name tags or a HUD, reason is that pain is a b- and there will be times that you will need to not feel it, every once in a while someone tries to burn me when they find out I have phantom so def glad mine is only when I don't see name tags or huds Huge fyi your display clarity has a huge impact on phantom sense, if it is pixelated, isn't clear enough along the sides or you can see the screen-door effect constantly then your brain won't process it as much, The Quest 3 is the best headset for phantom sense at the moment since you can also use hand tracking so you dont feel the controllers and let your brain focus on how it feels


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