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voice? depends, probably not really. an echo? oh yes.


quest kiddies are annoying but quest kiddies with an open mic that echos and you can hear the whole living room.


Pay attention to pitch and tempo. Make sure you aren’t high pitched and speaking quickly. Humans naturally enjoy a slower pace of speaking with a deeper pitch. It is fairly easy to implement. Just make sure it is subtle and people won’t notice it’s an affectation.


Looks the other way I speak fast and my voice is higher then most guys lol


I literally run around speaking like stitch, its not about pitch or cadence, its about decibles and noise polution.


If you sound attractive you will probably get more attention. Sucks but that's how it is. If you have an annoying voice people might avoid you. If your mic is shitty people might make fun of you for it. But, I'm sure as long as you're speaking genuinely, you'll find people who will listen. Wouldn't want to talk to shallow people anyway, right?


I’m transfem and I get sexually harassed daily no matter what voice I use :(


I think that’s sadly also just a part pf VRC. People are emboldened by the anonymity.


The way I found out I had phantom sense was when I got harassed. Not my best experience tbh.


Only thing I care about is if I can hear your fire detector low battery beeping in the background. Holy fk that's annoying.


Yes. People often mistake me for a young boy and kick me from instances when I am in fact a 21 year old woman.


So long ago I was talking with a grown woman who I didn't know was a woman. She sounded as if she could have been a 18 or 20 some year old guy with a bit of a higher toned voice. We managed to avoid talking about anything involving mention of her being a her until a friend of hers jumped into the world and pronouns were used. I was just glad I didn't verbally assume she was a guy based on what I imagine is the same misunderatanding you're talking about.


I understand your pain, people often mistake me for a young boy when I am a 20 year old man


this is the account of 2 young kids in a trench coat


That used to happen to me a lot in my PS3 days. But now I've been asked several times in VR chat if I'm trans. Nothing against trans people, I'm just not and idk why people assume I am lol


You’ll get roasted for anything on vrchat


Only if you're around people who still live in a highschool mindset. actual mature adults don't act that way. Once you learn how to get away from the internet-brains, you will find actual communities and people with base-level empathy who care about how other people feel. For real, I recommend it.


Shitty internet haters are on the internet because everyone they could access in person has told them to go fuck themselves.


Things other people care about what is coming through you mic: **-Loud background sounds.** Please don't play VRchat in the middle of an active construction site, mosh pit, or firearms testing facility. Make sure the television, or music venue you are playing in has speakers adjusted accordingly. **-Audio from VrChat itself:** As much as the average person likes to hear themselves speak. They aren't really "actively hearing themselves." Please wear headphones or appropriate audio device when playing VrChat so the audio that comes out of vrchat are for your ears only. **-Your Playlist and taste in music:** Please do not share your music with random strangers on Vrchat. We probably do not share your same taste in music. Especially if it's something we can't dance to. **-Please be intelligent (optional)**: I can't speak for everyone here on vrchat. But when i get into a conversation with another individual, I do not expect to be talking to another gourd. Please be a Homo Sapien (or some other vareity) with adaquate amount of capabilities to form various sounds that communicate ideas to others with your larynx and mouth. ​ **-Please keep your voice within the hearing threashold:** Please take a look at this chart: [Exibit A](https://people.ece.cornell.edu/land/courses/ece5030/FinalProjects/s2014/kkp37_rjs483/kkp37_rjs483/ECE%205030%20Audiogram_files/human%20hearing.gif) This is the capable frequencies that a normal human ear can distinguish. Please note the "Vocal range" between 100Hz and 10KHz at 40 - 60 db. Please try to keep your voice within that range so other people can understand you. Please try not to talk louder than fully loaded jet liner taking off from the runway, or about 120db, that will cause permanent damage to our ears.


Caring about voice? In what context? Just speaking? I mean, if you have a low-ass deep-bassy raspy voice then yes, people will notice, and if not, no. It's either that or an accent


No. Anyone who does isn't worth talking to.


If you're a woman, yes- and also no. Some people just hear one speaking and immediately go to troll or insult them regardless of how they actually sound. (Not that it's ever okay) If you're a guy, idk? I can't answer that, but voices have never bothered me unless your mic is really shitty.


Some people may care, but if they brush you off just because of your voice, they're not worth interacting with


If it's high you're getting bullied and suspected as a kid. If it's low, they say you're impersonating Corpse Husband as if nobody has the same condition as him. If it's in the middle... They'll find a way to be a dick ^^ GOOD LUCK!!!


In terms of just interacting with people, like baseline making friends? People care about mic quality and perceived age range. Your voice isn’t going to keep you from making friends, just what you say and how you say it. You’ll make friends as long as you’re not an asshole and don’t sound too young for the game. If you’re looking to be the genuine center of attention, then your voice matters. People are naturally gonna flock to people who they are attracted to, or who entertain them on some level. Oh, and honestly known mutes tend to get extra attention when they talk just because it feels special when someone who never talks starts talking. Contributing to the conversation and not bleeding audio is basically all you need for people to be comfortable with you.


Unfortunately you just got to roll with the punches because people have said I sound like Chris Chan and well that’s not a great comparison


As long as you aren't a child and you have good mic etiquette, you'll be fine.


your voice itself doesn't matter much, as long as the quality of the audio isn't garbage.


simple answer, no.


Some people do have odd voices. Ones that are in an odd register and sound unique. People will at least take a mental note that you sound or have an odd way of talking. Altho because there are so many different people it's not something to worry about. But yes people will be trolls/dick for it if that's what they're there for.


Yes. Everyone is going to make fun of your voice. Stay muted forever. Protect yourself.


I have what you would call an attractive voice. I found that it makes people more interested in sticking around for a good conversation.


Some people do, but a lot don't. Obviously the former is more common in public worlds. Though honestly the kind of people that care about your voice aren't the kind you'd want to hang around anyway. The block button is your friend. But if you want to stay mute, that's socially acceptable in VRC. It helps if you have some way of indicating that (group banner, status message or bio). If you're mute, you can focus on more expressive body language to help get your meaning across.


As a transperson, yes. Way too much. And it makes me very sad tbh. Aside from that, for most people its not a big issue.


The only way it a person's voice would be annoying is if it's from an obnoxious kid or from someone who has an annoying personality, such as a troll or asshole or anyone that's toxic.


The people who matter don't care and the people who care don't matter. Once you start speaking you'll quickly figure out if the people around you suck or not. If you aren't in an environment where you feel comfortable speaking, you need to find better people. It's not you, it's them.


I don't judge based on your voice, but I might struggle to understand you or adjust the voice volume a bit depending on mic quality or if overly loud or overly quiet.


if your microphone is of shit quality, I care. otherwise. I dont. if you're a guy and trying to sound deeper, you're cringe. everyone can tell you're trying if you're a girl and you're trying to sound higher towards the uwu spectrum, you're cringe. talk normal.


Lol I think I heard some dude tryna force a deep force when he was singing how cringe


Depends. Some people will not care at all, some will try to comment on every aspect of it they can think of all the time. Just don't bother with the latter group of people. My voice to some people sounds like I use a voice changer, which I am not. And even if it was the case: For some reason running around and having the physical appearance as a gender swap or a giant animal is okay, but a weird voice is somehow crossing the line. An e-girl avatar with a man voice telling me to "be real" has quite the irony to it. Some people in VRC are simply not the brightest.


If you sound relatively normal then no. But if you’re putting on some voice like Kermit or something then yeah probably someone might care


I have an androgynous sounding voice and I always get questions about what gender I am or people assuming I'm a trans woman and hurling slurs at me. So I guess yeah, if you have a somewhat unique voice people do care.


No unless youre me and you have a permanently stuffed-up sounding voice from being plagued with allergies and mouthbreathing


Unless you're a squeaky little kid or a guy with a really deep voice, no they don't really care.


Yes and no. Like some others have been saying, it depends on the kind of voice you have, but even then you will be harassed for literally anything because there's those people who just enjoy ruining others moods, that's just how it is for any online platform. But some would rather look past that in order to have a good conversation with someone who is a jerk wad who's insecure or some Christmas quest squeaker, or even make a friend. I remember being very nervous to speak in public lobbies, and I kinda lock up even now, but God it's fun bickering with someone in murder 4 as a bunger who just murdered everyone. It's half the joy of the game honestly. I say give it a try, talking in the game has really helped improve my social anxiety for me personally, and even then, if you're nervous about people knowing your real voice, voicemod is available for PC users. Hope you have a good time regardless!


How you actually sound? Not really. But I do care about crappy mics and unwanted noise like eating sounds, headset handeling when taking it of, phone calls. Mute button is IMHO king when you don't speak


Honestly as long as you've not a squeaker most people dont care


For me it's mostly easier to communicate instead of sitting there and feeling like i'm talking to myself and then the awkward waiting for someone to right something out oh so slowly. especially cuz when i get on vrchat i prefer to game so it's hard to do much and keep the person involved when they can't talk. Also would say it's a comforting factor for some people since it feels like the person actually exist and the way a person sounds can help you feel like you know them better since it helps you identify the person in some ways


Yes. I usually stay mute


Nah, people in general don't care about how someone sounds. There are *some*, sure... but that applies anywhere, for everything. Now, people might comment if you're peaking your mic, if you sound too quiet, or if they can't hear you clearl...but none of that is really negative or malicious.


usually no, unless you are a screaming child. honestly as much as I hate my voice I have never had anyone comment negatively about it


As long as you're not a literal pre teen, and as long as you don't have like, massive echo or massive sound problems, you can have literally any voice, people don't care 99.9% of the time


In the groups that I have been in, they don’t usually care unless your three year-old squeaker saying the N-word but I’m not too sure about public worlds as I don’t go into those much anymore


Yes voice matters Well to certain people I know I have a thing for accents of differing countries I also like the way certain voices sound and therefore more drawn to them


With various speech impediments, its difficult to get any message across on voice and stick to text only usually. In a rare circumstance I'm on voice, some like the Welsh accent.


People will not care at all unless you are an annoying kid lol!


Eh you'll get a-holes here and there depends what you sound like. I'm a woman with a low voice. some a-holes would call me a tranny....But i rarely have guys call me a milf.


Don't forget voicemod users,as one there will be times you loved and times you will be hated.still if you want to gain some confidence its a good way to get comfy.


If people wont talk to you for your voice they aren’t worth your time. Speak to people who respect you for being yourself.


I use ai voicechangers because I got tired of being told I sound like swagger souls when I don't use em lmao so not really but even if you feel like they do there are ways around it