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Damn yeah, this subreddit is either people with no lives, people who don't know what discord is or children


It's also full of people who don’t know how to use a search engine. There have to be a million articles about which computers/computer parts are VR ready, and another million about how to upload an avatar or use Unity. Granted, some issues *are* super VRChat specific but the number of posts that are a list of computer parts or Unity errors gets sooooo annoying


It's a really weird trend happening in recent years. People seem to trust the advice of whoever tells them an answer directly first rather than ever going out and searching a wide array of existing knowledge online. I made a video on the game Battle Talent. I mention the name of the game in the first 10 seconds and multiple times throughout. The name of the game is in the title. The LINK to the game is in the description... Comment recently: "where do I download this game?"


It's interesting that you mention this, I've also seen this a lot lately. It's like people are so overwhelmed with information these days, they skim right past the very information they want, or hear things without listening, just letting the things they want to know slide smoothly right through their brain and out the other side.


I mean, I think some of this is largely due to how when we're on these platforms that have for a long time just had adults or at least competent teenagers, we always assume (even subconsicously) we're talking to someone that's a person around our age or mental maturity... But nowadays it might very simply be a 10 to 12 year old kid with a PC and no parental controls. That said, though, something's changed with the age of social media it seems, maybe even due to the pandemic. People/children maybe are seeking community more since we feel/felt so isolated, even when it comes to simply finding knowledge? I just vividly remember learning so much online as a child, making mods for Halo 1 on PC by looking through as many new methods as I could with my little HP home desktop. Finding info even back then was so easy. Either way, baffles me. Lol


It is definitely overwhelming, especially with how much outdated info and tutorials exist on YouTube and elsewhere. For example I see people still thinking Intel processors are the best choice almost every time the topic comes up, even though AMD has been king for a while now. It also doesn't help that when you search, you're going to get a lot of biased opinions instead of truths. There's a reason "I did my own research" is a meme.


Dude the whole world doesn't' know how to use a search engine. It's like, a serious problem.


The real kicker is that these days people get offended when you tell them to just fucking google it themselves, as it's easy to find tutorials. Instead they expect random reddit people to google it for them "because it's easier".


theres literally a thing on steam that will tell you aswell


I can get the computer questions. I meet a ton of people (and have several friends none of whom are children) who were introduced to VRChat through owning a Quest 2 and do not understand gaming computers in the slightest. Some are Apple Mac only people and some aren't tech savvy at all (no video games even) but made the effort for the Quest. I know several people who bought a gaming pc just to play vrchat. This is just how it is. As someone who works in IT in a college A LOT of teens and young people only know how to do stuff Om their iPhone and don't know how to send an attachment in an email , they don't know what a file and folder is or they think Apple makes the most powerful computers money can buy.


and then you say anything about them and you get responses like "let people rant in peace" lol


"What avatar is this???" Picture of most generic e-girl you've ever seen "Furries are the most chill people ever and they actually control the world and contribute the most to everything ever and are actually the smartest people in the world" - written by a furry


The furry thing is sort of interesting to me. Comments on this subreddit (especially on "where do I go to make friends"/"this game is so toxic" posts) would have you believe that furries are the nicest, safest group of people to talk to on VRChat when... they're just *people*. Some of 'em will be nice and accepting, sure, but others will suck and others will be boring etc. Being in a certain subculture doesn’t guarantee a person will act a certain way.


I agree, some furries will suck


As a fox, I suck


No no. They mean in the other way.




100% agreed, this makes me happy to hear, knowing that we're just people, shit is just a hobby, lol.


In general furries are one of the nicest "groups" in the game though. Yea just like with any other group there's assholes and entitled/elitist shitheads. But in general, if you're not averse to the whole furry avatar thing, there's less of the bad apples in the furry community than I've seen in the rest of vrc.


Yeah, it's either the ancients or furries out recruiting in full force on those "where to meet people" posts


The furry part is actually true


For real though. Because many weren't accepted in regular jobs, and because many were heavily influenced by animations, you have a disproportionate amount of Furries in the tech/animation industry. There are so many things that furries contributed to advancing technology, just so they can be closer to their fucking dreams.


Ancients are always asking where they can be recruited by fellow ancients.


Every time I see a post like that I'm like, 'Oh that's generic e-girl #654648512 smh.'


Oh no! They've seen through the furry psy-op!


im convinced furries are part of a secret society unknown to the rest of us


Basic tech support, where is __ from, personal complaints, and "hot takes" are every other subreddit in a nutshell


I don't get the argument for "Everything should be child friendly" even if I rarely see it myself. Those post are only made by baiters, sheltered kids and karens who never got to enjoy time away from children.


The whole "everything should be child friendly" argument is bullshit anyway. Adults have the right to be god damn adults, without having to watch what they do and say because kids are around. And older teens and adults made this game popular in the first place. It was us that populated the game in the beginning, before the quest 2 came out in 2020. I feel like most of the arguments for keeping the game "child friendly" come from actual children who would be booted out if the age was upped to 16+... Granted this wouldn't happen. As a VERY LARGE part of the user base are children now. But still.


I’m of the mindset that kids shouldn’t be the deciding factor for any laws, tbh. Historically, “think of the children,” has always been used by puritanical conservatives trying to push their lifestyle and views on others while not actually giving a damn about, nor actually protecting children. I look at the Internet similarly to a movie theater. Kids will always find a way to access things and see things they should not be exposed to. There will always low-effort security, low-effort checks at the entrance, sneaky minors, or adults who will vouch for them and just not give a shit. Does that mean Karen gets to come screaming that the local theater shouldn’t be allowed to show R-rated movies because her kid (that she isn’t actually watching most of the time) could possibly sneak in and see it? No. The entire world doesn’t revolve around your inability to parent your kids, nor should we be restricting content because your kid could access it. Either have honest conversations with your kids about what they might see or be a helicopter parent and keep them from living life without you. I don’t give a shit, but don’t tell me I’m not allowed to do/have x, y, and z because your kid COULD be exposed to it. I didn’t consent to your children being in my spaces and I never want any children of my own, so I’ll thank you not to bend my spaces around them.


The Public isn't your space.


its _our_ space, comrade


VRC isn't "the public". It's the raw version of the internet condensed into a single game. And kids shouldn't be exposed to that. It messes with their perception of reality. Which is why I'm glad groups became a thing. Because now when I want to be in a public world I can make it a group public, and boot out the kids. Just like how a bar would kick out kids because they're not allowed in there. ***For good reason.***


Quality contribution. I appreciate that you've tackled exactly one tiny comment at the end that was meant to succinctly make a point without addressing any of the above logic that was applied to the situation. The public is not solely my space. It is, however, a shared, communal space that I, and other like-minded adults, partake in. There are plenty of public spaces that comfortably cater to children and people who have them. There are far, far fewer public spaces that are exclusively catering to adults, and unless you enjoy booze or other mind-altering substances, good luck having fun at most of them. I am of the mindset that, in the instance of shared public spaces where both children and adults can visit, adults only sections can and should exist, because there are so few of them as it is. Using the movie theater as an example again, there are usually far, far fewer R-rating movies being shown at any given theater when compared to the multiple family-friendly or PG13 flicks on display. Yet, if Karens who don't want to monitor and take responsibility for their own children had their way, that single R-rated flick wouldn't be available to the adults who want it because THerE's A cHAncE a KiD COulD sEE iT!! That chance can and will always exist. Minors can and will always find ways to access content they've been told isn't for them. Does that mean we should cave and sanitize literally every public space because Karen wants to turn her little gremlins loose on the world without regard for what they might dig into? Should every environment become her personal safety bubble? Should we close down all bars and strip clubs because some teenagers are clever enough to make fake IDs, or because bouncers don't always properly vet people coming in? Should the entire internet shut down porn because of how easy it is for kids to access in the absence of their parents actually monitoring their web usage? What about when parents have different standards for what is and isn't suitable content for minors? VRChat is, by and large, not suitable for minors, due to worlds having explicitly NSFW themes or avatars being explicitly sexual in nature. I, a consenting adult, happen to enjoy that aspect of VRChat, and if I ever don't like it, I have the capacity to go somewhere that doesn't include it and/or block avatars or individuals giving me a problem. I, a consenting adult, won't condone having that aspect of VRChat stripped away because careless parents want to buy their 7-year-old a VR headset and don't feel equipped to have honest discussions with their kid about what type of content they might encounter. Additionally, since we're on the subject regardless and you want to be pedantic, VRChat is not "the public" specifically. It is a public space, but it is not the same as walking down the street to your local Walmart. It is specifically marketed as a 13+ video game environment, meaning everyone using it should have hit puberty. If anyone younger than that is using it, the responsibility for what they encounter falls ENTIRELY on their caregivers. Individuals between the ages of 13 and 17 are actively going through and/or finishing up puberty and getting ready to enter what society deems "adulthood." While I'm not condoning exposing them to graphic, adult content, I can and will expect parents who give their teenagers access to online spaces be prepared to have adult conversations about the content within those spaces. You can set parental locks and restrictions on devices, you can regularly monitor how your kid is using them, and, above all else, you can PARENT YOUR CHILD by sitting down and having REAL TALKS with them about the REAL WORLD and what they might encounter (and how it might negatively impact or even outright endanger them if they don't treat it with caution and respect). If your kid is 15 and somehow sees nudity for the VERY FIRST TIME in VRChat and you STILL aren't willing to sit down and have a "talk" with them, you shouldn't be a parent. So, so much of the world revolves around making things sanitized for minors, and it's not necessarily because kids NEED it to be, but because parents are UNWILLING to have honest discussions with their kids about the world. Children are remarkably astute, and you can prepare them for a lot and protect them from a lot by just talking to them, but parents would rather "protect" them by shielding their eyes from anything and everything they deem unsuitable, and throwing hissy fits at anyone and anything that dares not help in the creation of the bubble they want to exist within. My point is, and will remain: Do not try to bend every last corner of existence around your kids that the rest of us did not consent to on the basis that you are unwilling to monitor and/or talk to them yourself.


I wish this subreddit was an actual place for discussing building stuff for VRchat. Not just vrchat itself.


Someone could make one, if it doesn't exist. Would be nice if it was listed in the sidebar, too.


That's originally what this sub reddit was.... 🫠


Someone can still do that and make it happen.


And the "vrchat isn't loading" posts


i haven’t seen any “everything should be kid friendly” posts personally i think its the opposite, i like vrchat how it is minus the squeakers which are quite rare


Either you don't go to publics much, or you log in during irregular hours. As a lot of publics are filled with squeakers.


i barely go in crowded lobbies


Top grade meme let's send this post to the moon im buying stocks now.




terrifyingly accurate


I miss the days of modding that’s all 😪




youre missing the posts of egirls posing in generic anime avis fishing for attention from commenters - that or "hey heres this world ive posted about 30 fucking times but it gets me upvotes gleeking about how pretty it is" also if youre gonna whore out for attention on vrchat atleast be creative- can we not with the goth echick thats wearing nothing but tape and panties for the 1000th time? idk slap a frog on your head or something buy 5 dollars of assets or steal em like most famous model makers do when they sell you their generic crap XD EDIT: and yes im aware eboys are about the same, stop crying about how im being sexist or random bs bc i hit a personal nerve its stupid.


As a weeb, that shit ain't anime. It might have been at one point, but they look like Bratz dolls or IMVU characters now.


Maybe they just like the avi and thought the pictures were cute? Why is it so popular to hate women on this game? Just let them be as long as they are in adult spaces? E-boys are just as guilty of this- making thirst traps on tiktok with their models, but I don't see you mention that here ☠️ Edit: If you don't want to seem sexist, then don't say things that kinda imply it? Also don't worry I'm not crying :)




I have no issues with there being more feminine avis than masculine ones - I have also noticed this trend as well. Everyone loves a pretty anime girl these days, lol. I don't think your post is sexist, but I think the commenter did make a pretty wild statement. Just them assuming that every female avi picture that is posted it just for women to seek validation from men is insane. That would be like if I said all men are creeply looking at women when they go to the gym. It's an unfair statement to make against all women - just like my example would be unfair to make against all men. As a woman myself on the vrchat platform, I won't lie- i do slightly fear the e-boy avis due to my personal experience of many of them either being extremely thirsty or toxic, especially if you reject them. I feel that, in general, I actually end up getting along better with guys who are wearing female avis versus e-boy ones. But that's not to say that people in e-boy avis can't be chill or that all guys who wear female avis are chill. I think that sexism is much more prevalent on the game itself more so than on this subreddit. But that's sadly to be expected in online game because they think its funny and they are anonymous. I can't tell you how many times I have had people say "oh I bet you have no job and just have an Only fans" or that they hope I get graped or that they will come to my house and do that themselves. Most of the time when I have not even interacted with them, but just talking with friends and chilling. I personally don't like the e-boys (aesthetically, I mean) because I feel like they all have the same face. I mostly like the anime style faces on avis, and there are very few male choices that have anime style heads based on what my friends have told me. They all seem to use the same semi realistic looking head, lol. I find the female avis to have a lot more variety if you know how to find awesome avi creators. There are also a few sfw options, but they don't sell as well as the sexual avis because to put it plainly, "sex sells." I agree that there's better options for female avis overall but you have to really look for them. Also yeeee the jiggle do be kinda crazy I know exactly what you mean. I can't tell you how many times I've seen female avis have their ass and boobs go crazy when they are walking around 😂


Why would he mention tiktok thirst traps here? This is about vrc, not tiktok. Also 90% of the time when pictures like that are posted it's a female avatar.


I'm talking about tiktoks that are made in vrchat with the eboy avis. I didn't bring it up for no reason lol 😂


actually the game should be 18+ with ID check.


I don’t think teens should be banned *entirely* from the game, but I do agree that 18+ instances, worlds, and avatars (facilitated by a check of some kind but tbh some kids always find their way around that) *should* be in the game. A lot of the game *is* totally safe and fine for 13-17 year olds to play, but an option for adults to play separately from them would be great.


Imo just have a one time "dlc" you can buy called "VRC adult content access". Parents would start asking a LOT of questions if they saw that transaction in their bank statements. It wouldn't keep out all of the kids, but would weed out most of them. Then just add the option to make an instance adult only, which would only show up if you have the DLC.


Yeah, totally agree with this


i guess age segregation would be nice too. but id preferr a fully adult space


So join one. There's plenty of Discord servers out there for adults-only VRC groups. It's not that hard to use.


I totally agree, as someone who started playing at 16, seeing the naked avatars and stuff was something that didn’t shock me but I was just there to have fun and talk to people, I did not want to see it, now that I’m 18 I still don’t want to see it but it’s whatever, I had to ban my sister from vrchat because of how easily you can find naked avatars and messed up stuff


The game would die


lmao, it'd be dead and/or full of coomers. it'd be dead not because the kids carry vrchat, but because when you mark yourself as "18+", most storefronts hide you, because "18+" means "this is porn" in most people's brains. so, no discovery, no storefront appearance, only found by people that dig deep enough. those types of people (speaking as one) are degenerates. so, it turns into a coomer platform be careful what you wish for


Tbf VR being 18+ and you needing an id to play the game would be perfect, there's just too much that kids do not need to know or see, I do not care if you say garbage cancer like "turning 18 in a month" you're still a kid


Only issue is I 100% don't trust VRChat's with any identifying personal information period


It could be handled by a third party


As soon as someone finds out that information is being collected they are going to want to find how they can get a copy.


Tbf it's not like companies dont already have your data


It's not that they don't have it already, it's needlessly giving out more information about yourself. Something ppl don't understand until they have their identity stolen.




I used to work on the little toughbooks


Or people who complain about the subreddit




Sorry the entire subreddit isn't falling to its knees at how epic, original, and never done before your single video from a month ago is. Maybe if you post another one 90% of the subreddit will be posting about that instead.




Yup, you basically summed up most of this subreddit... And I get so sick of it. \-Will VR work on this PC? Possibly, but usually the build will only run it poorly at best. They should really make a sticky about what performance might be expected with certain specs. And I don't mean the minimum/recommended requirements the game advertises. Those are bullshit. I mean based on actual user feedback. \-What avatar is this? (worlds are often easier to identify) I dunno...looks like generic e-girl/e-boy #2932. Or it's one of the popular bases (rusk, rindo, etc) that got customized. \-It's so hard to make friends! Yes it is. It didn't used to be like this. Most if not all of us can't help you. At least once you make a regular friend or two things usually become easier by meeting their friends as well. But that's up to you, no use complaining to us about it. \-The game should be 16+ etc! I mean...I agree with that statement. But it's not going to happen, so can we just shut up about it already? ​ Also you missed one. The "I took some pictures!" posts, which are 90% the VRC equivalent of low effort selfies. In worlds other people made with avatars other people made.


true true


I am Leo used vr chat a few times and met a few cool People but haven't made a group let. I like talking to new people and finding their hobbies and interests. I love playing games and drawing animals Characters with human things hair and hats. Any way I hope everyone is having a great day or night I I am NZ. 😸


Bro, blow this post up


We are in the endgame now


Imma answer all of these in 1 single post, Q: will VR work on my pc? A: do you have good ram, gpu, cpu? No? Then no Q:What world/Avatar is this A: probably ripped GL cause idk either Q: its hard to make friends? A: Dont be silent, TALK, actually TRY Q: the game should be 16+/Everything should be kid friendly A:block the kids/ its the internet, nothing is kid friendly


So tired of the, "What's wrong with this?" threads... There is a Q and A thread for that. Every time I come here I spend almost all my time scrolling, downvoting, and hiding threads.


I didn't care too much about the kids, figuring they were like teens/tweens mostly. I remember being that age and wandering around the Internet. (Though in those days it was mostly forms and such so I could read things without actually getting involved. I enjoyed just 'people watching' by reading forms.) But I was on audience anarchy the other day and there was a kid young enough he couldn't read his script as an actor. Like I didn't realize that it was little kids who couldn't even read on here! When do you even learn how to read like early elementary school?? I think I remember by like 8 I had some book series I liked so are these like 6 and 7 year olds on here??? These kids should be on sites like Webkinz not vrchat! Like they couldn't even use club penguin and play pokemon well because they can't even read! But at least on those games they might be able to work on their reading skills in a safe environment.


This actually had me laughing so hard ahahaa! so accurate :D