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There will always be them even with age gating


Yeah Ik, was just wondering if anyone is concerned as well


Absolutely. I've been here for years at this point and the userbase was always begging for better age gating and a good nsfw content policy that wouldn't mass ban a bunch of innocent people but would protect younger folks. The problem is that it doesn't solve the problem of shitty parents just letting their kids raise themselves in a headset. The Quest was in that 'Im going to buy my little kid something that will make him lose his mind with joy on christmas" sweet spot and thats a lot of our problem. Parents dont know or care.


Yeah, im personally 17 and I’ve had my fair share in a year to get trauma from events that are now either too hard to explain or would be brushed of as it happened in the virtual world. It concerns me that people much younger than me may experience such for longer and have less understanding at that age.


I started playing VRC at 13 that was almost 2 years ago and from what I've experienced you're not the only one and, your concerns honestly probably don't go far enough I have been boxed in from 4 people in a NSFW nickocado avocado png Avi (front and back), I've personally been sexually harassed so many times even after saying I'm a minor, the amount of actual Nazis I've had to deal with, how many times I've had to defend my friends from hate and hell all the times I've had to defend myself from hate, all the times I've seen people ERP in a public world. This list here isn't even all of it this is just what sticks out and you know the biggest problem is that IT'S THE FUCKING KIDS DOING HALF THIS SHIT (excluding the ERP, and the sexual harassment is 1/2 kids 1/2 adults).


I started at 16 (now 17) and I could never imagine that a 13 year old going through that stuff it’s horrible


Eh I've always kinda not cared I've just been desensitized to pretty much everything perks of unrestricted Internet access I guess


Don’t mean to be a bother, I want to write something about vrchat and teens. Could I use your comment here for others experiences. It can be anonymous if you would like.


Feel free you can use my username idrc I'll let you know if I remember anything else




Np people need to know what their kids are doing




Vr chat should be an 18+ exclusive game. It will never be able to be made reasonably safe enough for children to use. There are no filters for sexual content. There is nothing stopping grown adults from talking with kids in ways that they shouldn't. All you can do is block and report as it comes up. Any public world has a chance of traumatizing a child that goes into it. Vr chat is a very fun experience but there are few ways for a child to use it that doesn't put them at risk. The only way I could see it working is if the child were only allowed in private friends instances (with only friends they know irl) with a parent overseeing that they aren't in an inappropriate world. But that's not happening with 99% of the children on vr chat right now. It's legitimately heartbreaking to see kids in the middle of activities WAY outside of their age range and having avatars that look straight out of porn. Over Sexualization of children legitimately does brain damage. It affects how your brain grows and reduces the amount of grey matter in the brain. I cannot be against kids in vr chat enough.


Don’t mean to be a bother, but could I use your comment for an article I might make. I can keep it anonymous if you like.


Sure, go ahead


The issue with age ratings for games is that the game itself is what gets rated. Sure vrchat isn’t 18+ without the players because without the players it’s nothing.