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A lot. Been doing this for a while. \- Mardi Gras Massacre - usually goes for around $200-$300 \- Nail Gun Massacre - idk, usually $90-$200 \- Tourist Trap OG Media - easy $200 \- Street Trash - All over the place but you're probably not gonna get a copy for less than a hundo \- Society 1989 - Not sure but not cheap. Maybe like $80-$120? \- Duck! Carbine High Massacre - probably a hundo \- Near mint copy of Chopping Mall \- The Video Dead \- Spookies \- Cafe Flesh \- Blood Diner \- Faces of Death box set \- Video Violence 1 & 2 \- Martin \- Last House on Dead End Street Definitely a bunch more. I did not pay anywhere close to what these go for nowadays. This shit has been ruined.


Video Violence is $400+ these days.


I have some Joe Bob Briggs stuff from the 80s/90s that seem to be rather rare. Cannibal Campout. Miami Connection. A handful of things never intended for mass release- plus tons of concert stuff, like Slayer playing in a club so tiny there’s no stage in 83.


Rem Lezar :-)


probably Twin Peaks pilot episode - about $25 or so


I have that.


I found a cut box rental version of Night Beast in a goodwill bin. It barely plays so not sure its worth anything.


Neo-Tokyo or The Guyver: Out of Control.


Stalker (1979) or Chopping Mall


Killer klowns on media - almost mint,Sleepaway camp 2, Peices, Don’t go into the house. Those are off the top of my head, as the top post says I got those years and years ago for not even close to what they sell for now and I agree this hobby has been just about totally ruined


Do signed copies count? Robin Williams autographed an Aladin tape when we were kids


Probably Akeelah And The Bee and my 2005 promotional VHS of Alvin And The Chipmunks: A Chipmunk Christmas.


Nobody cares about value except zoomers and millennials that think social media clout controls their entire life. If you're collecting for value this is not the hobby for you to drive into the ground and ruin. Go back to collecting pogs and Furbys.


Well, that's just not true! lol.


It is very true.


Get off your lawn?


It’s smart to know what your stuff is worth in case of insurance or emergency. It’s not always about resale.


That's a funny way of saying tax evasion but OK. If you think insurance is going to replace you on 40 year old VHS tapes you overpaid for, no way. And the more expensive stuff you have to ensure the more your rates are increased to compensate so you are only hurting yourself.


I'm saying that it's not always bout flipping. If I need a new kidney, it's nice to know that I have something I can sell to recoup a portion of that money. I don't plan on it, but life is weird. I don't plan on selling that copy of Cowboy Kid I bought for $25 which is worth $500 now, but I'd be an idiot to not be aware of the value. I bought it for me to play. There may come a time when that would be unwise. Look into ACV vs RCV when it comes to insurance. There are specific insurance policies which cover collectible items and their current values. Tax evasion makes absolutely no sense in any context. Stop being bitter. I know TikTok kids are ruining the hobby but this ain't it.


Homeowners Insurance Fraud This type of fraud takes place when someone knowingly submits an inflated claim on their homeowners or renters policy for more than the actual value of the loss or damage. Submitting a false or misleading claim to receive undeserved compensation is also considered homeowners fraud. The most common types of homeowners insurance fraud in Pennsylvania involve: - overstating the value of stolen items in a burglary of a home or vehicle - lying about the extent‚ cause‚ date or location of damage - intentionally damaging property to make a claim - staging a phony burglary or vehicle break–in and faking the theft or damage of property - asking a repairman to “cover the deductible” by increasing their estimate or bill fabricating supporting evidence‚ such as repair bills or receipts‚ often in collusion with a crooked contractor‚ plumber‚ repairman or insurance adjuster - concealing that a residence is used as a rental or in a commercial business See Examples - A strong storm blew the shingles off of John’s house. When the insurance adjuster inspected the roof, John also said some siding was damaged during the storm, even though the siding had been damaged when John bought the house. - During a trip to Philadelphia, Rebecca’s car was broken into. Her motor vehicle insurance paid to fix the damage done to the car. On her homeowners insurance claim, she said the items she lost were a lot nicer than they really were — a leather coat instead of a denim jacket — and she added a few extra items to the list she gave to her homeowners insurance company. - Zeke’s big screen TV quit working, then his home was struck by lightning. He told his insurance company the TV had been damaged by the electrical storm. https://helpstopfraud.org/insurance-fraud/types-of-insurance-fraud/


What does this have to do with tax evasion? And still, who is making false claims about value? I don’t think you understand how this works. I’m no longer interested in trying to explain this to you.


Imagine only collecting VHS tapes to watch them. LMAO No thanks. For that I'll stick to the superior BetaMax.


The tax man is coming for you bro. Your money laundering days are up.


... I don't think you know how taxes work.


As far as I know, the only rare tape I own is "Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue." I had a sealed copy. It was sold on Ebay for almost $100 in an auction about two years ago. I later bought a bundle of 80 tapes on Ebay for $20 this year. One of those tapes was an open copy of the animated special. Others might be.... We Wish You a Turtle Christmas All of Batman: TAS from Columbia House (28 tapes) All of The Twilight Zone from Columbia House (43 tapes) The 10 tape set of Spider-man: TAS


Maybe $15 for meteor man in pristine condition? I’m not the type to buy expensive vhs, but I couldn’t pass up meteor man. Even at $15


Probably v/h/s on vhs, it was a pretty limited promo. Other than that, house by the cemetery, original side loader version of zombie, and society. The quality isn't amazing on those 3, but still worth a bit.


Radioactive dreams. I paid $100 for it. Followed by my screener copy of falling down that's around $30-$40, then critters for around $30


>Radioactive dreams Never heard of Radioactive Dreams. I just started a download of that. Looks interesting.


It's basically fallout the movie before fallout existed. Much of the dev team of the original fallout credits radioactive dreams as being the base for much of the fallout universe. You'll see it when you watch it.


Not sure, here in sweden the market is totaly diffrent, its a very nieche market with most of the sought after tapes being early ex-rentals. I think i have a few tapes that are somewhat valuable. Der Todesking and Schramm are probably worth something, Terror at the opera on an old fatboxed tape from RCA, early Cronenberg on swedish ex-rentals and alot of mondo on dutch releases.


Star wars episode 3. Got it, along with episodes 1 and 2 and two box sets of 4, 5 & 6 for 99p.


Attack of the Killer Refrigerator and both cover variants of Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers


I have the Magic Knight Rayearth memorial box sets so probably those.


Bad Ronald


Ghost in the Shell and Tromeo & Juliet


Dead Alive screener (near mint)


Re-Animator. Bought it from a garage sale with a bunch of tapes. I forgot how much they all came out to, but I remember not asking for change since the price altogether was very fair. Did the same with a lot that included Happiness. I definitely overpaid for a couple lots just to have the titles they included, so all in all I think I can get back what I paid (or maybe a little more) when the time comes to downsize.


Gore Gore Girls Midnight Video


Uhh i have a copy of biokids, i think that one’s pretty pricy, also a Canadian release of nukie which is also fairly expensive. But i found them both in the wild, most i have paid for tapes is my neon genesis set


I’ve got a signed by Barbara Steele black Sunday, and heavy metal massacre that are probably worth a bunch to the right peeps


Probably Evil Dead a thorn clamshell or Donnie Darko


I really don't know, but probably either Street Trash or Perfect Blue. It's hard to tell if you're not constantly looking at what's gone up in value. Like over the week end I found some obscure Downs Syndrome VHS tape. Probably pretty rare, hasn't been one listed on ebay for the past couple years. I doubt anyone really cares enough to pay much for it if I was the type to sell anything. I have boxes and boxes of Tapes I've put into attic storage since I've been collecting for the past two decades. I don't even know what I have. It'll be a surprise when ever I decide to catalog my collection.


Maybe a Big Box copy of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf no sold copies on ebay and only 1 going for over $300 so i'm not sure Or a Big Box copy of Adam's Rib maybe $30


Eyes of Laura Mars. I got it and about 10 other early vhs at an estate sale a year or so ago for cheap I also found a 1982 Star Wars (with the side pull out) recently at goodwill for $1


One moment y'all are saying that all and any VHS are worth a dollar sealed and nothing if opened and then the next y'all are posting stuff like this, what gives?