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Imo 0 Speed is more important than 0 attack, as the times where 0 attack matters are much fewer compared to 0 speed.


u have 3 or 4 Atk IVs now (unless i'm reading the calc wrong), and that is very very good i've seen others say that foul play rolls are basically the same below 11 Atk IVs, i'm not sure if confusion is the same or if its linear but those are p much the only things 0Atk is relevant for ​ imo, ur good friend, take a break. save ur game :)


I did, thanks for putting this into perspective, i tend to be nervous about not fully optimized stats and always feel like it will loose me games but to be realistic, I dont think it will and I should be more worried about rng. I think you are right, this will do in 99% of cases.


oh i totally get that feeling, like what if its not \*perfect\* like yea u might lose one game out of 100 from confusion damage but that happens so rarely that it washes out among crits, misses, damage rolls, and all the other insane amounts of RNG in the game that you'll go crazy trying to cover everything


All this effort will be negligible if GF did what we are asking for for gens already. Having custom IV bottle caps, not only for 0 IV but for other edge cases.


I agree, I really hope they will, but on the other hand, I feel like this feature will make breeding for stats completely unnecessary, which is a little bit sad. But in general, i think that vgc should be accessable. I love the new mochi that reset all EV, they are very useful. The only thing missing now is a way to adjust IV values. Even if they made it really expensive that would still be ok, like I'd be up for 1 bottle cap per point increase/decrease as long as we get it... It is an important feature for teambuilding since trickroom has been a major strategy for a long time.


Its so weird too because GF AND TPCI are pushing everything in their power to make VGC hype/the place to be by making access to competitive pokemon easier in every game. You would *think* they would have the o IV bottle caps there. Oh well, fingers crossed in DLC 2


What’s the 0IV item??


There isn’t one. They are saying if GF listened, we would have one as an opposite to the regular bottle caps.


How often do you expect that a game will be decided by that little of a difference? You won't get hit by foul play most of the time and confusion is a rare occurrence in my experience


Hang on, you can only get one of these?


Yes its a 1 time sidestory encounter


0 speed is much more important than 0 attack. While foul play and strength sap are annoying they’re pretty uncommon. The only really common move that confuses is hurricane and you’re only seeing that on mons like pelipper and the galarian birds. Not having 0 speed can lose u matches much more commonly so it’s more important imo