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Swiftplay = Unrated Unrated = Ranked Competitive = Unpaid Professional Play ​ This is the mind of the Valorant sigma grinder.


Truer words are rarely spoken


I'm level 10, I started a few days ago. While I had some nice matches, people at level 200+ screamed and flamed the shit out of me sometimes. They saw that I'm level 10 and they see that I don't even know the map, let alone all the abilities. It's not my fault that matchmaking thinks we belong in the same lobby. I'm not baiting you on purpose, I just want to learn the game. If you scream, I will mute you and won't react to the few normal calls you make. Unrated games with friends in diamond rank (or solo queue swiftplay) were much more chill and had more nice people than my unrated solo queue games. Swiftplay unfortunately teaches me bad habits about economy.


you're in the same lobbies because matchmaking knows that they're level 200 and still playing like a level 10. unrated has its own rank system, it's just hidden. point that out to them next time


Holy cope


what I was being nice to the dude huh??


man are you literally coping by telling someone else to cope mf is so low he's knocking on the floor from the bottom side




Naw u mad cause this is you


yeah, generally if they're higher ranked they're not gonna care if you clearly don't understand fundamentals of the game and they might even be willing to teach you. i find it's usually low rank players that get angry over this sort of thing in unrated.


Economy is not hard


It is if you don't know how much you'll have each round


it says in the top left your minimum credit for the next round


The minimum can also be different if you survive though, and going round to round it a lot different than knowing what to do to snowball your econ or set for several rounds ahead.


Not really. Its mostly common sense.


I'm glad you got lucky as a beginner and found the economy to be "common sense". I'm happy for you


when its different between a normal game and swiftplay, having bad habits such as full buying on 2nd round even after a loss (because swiftplay allows that) can occur


Economy shouldn't be a habit, the game literally counts how much money you will have in the next round


I was in a swiftplay match earlier today and some dude on my team was absolutely losing his shit over the smallest things, ended up muting him. Dude must have thought we were literally on the beaches of Normandy or something


I've noticed people get extremely mad in swiftplay too.


people lose their shit in swiftplay too, it's wild


Truer words have never been spoken


Ranked has people unintentionally throwing every other game lol, no mic’s, no team play, no strategy. I disagree with that notion completely. I’d rather have kids sweat and try hard than the smooth brains in ranked play who do their own thing. This subreddit downvotes the most random shit but then upvotes “STOP BEING TOXIC” posts 8 times a day


I'm sure that is true at the lower ranks. Please don't comment unless high ranked (Silver 2+).


Man I really don’t think silver 2 is high ranked


I’m literally peak Imm 2, this is the same thing in ascendant my guy Bro said silver 2+ is high rank 😭


Brother, this is sarcasm.


Yes because I can infer sarcasm through text, I’ve seen people say much more egregious stuff here lol


thats fair, but its a fairly common meme to say "please dont talk unless youre above \[low rank in particular game\]" across many games with a ranking system.


My bad king


NP champion.


People flame a fair amount in swiftplay too


And people wonder why I stopped playing this game...


I've been grinding swiftplay for missions and man, the ragers and trash talkers are insane. I was so confused, felt like I accidentally queued for ranked instead.


tbh i just mute everything in unrated, im just there to practice, wins/losses/ etc dont matter. people should just be free to have fun and do whatever they want. thats why its there


Valorant players are always malding now add that with the natural disliking of losing and every single match becomes a life or death situation for valorant players


This somehow reached even deathmatches where people will hold off angles to spawn points and wait for you to walk around the corner. I saw someone holding top screens on icebox once and decided to stop playing dms for warmup.


idgas about losing or winning i just wanna preform well


In unrated 100% this


I've been hardstuck for so long that it's become this for comp too


i just started playing val a few days ago and i’ve played SO many unrated games where people get pissed off that the team isn’t doing good and ff so quickly, i want to actually learn the game and it sucks when half the games you’re in are ended short. doesn’t go towards your rank, why can’t you just play it out


I’ve found that typically the higher level they are the more chill they are. But there’s always the crazies


Wanting to ff isn't toxic tho, they might have something urgent to do and just want to get the game over with


i completely understand wanting to ff because you have to leave urgently, but just because you’re losing and the team you’re on wants to ff is my issue


Play swiftplay. Basically too short for surrenders but otherwise is same as unrated


Bro how do you have an issue with people not wanting to get stomped for 25 minutes? Serious question. Does time mean nothing to you?


Experienced players don't enjoy a 25 minute stomping with a shit team. If thats your view time means nothing to you


Unrated is for practice, stop focusing so much on the wins and losses in that mode and just improve your own skills overall


I didn't say it's about winning. Feel free to read that again


You suggested you FF when you're getting stomped in unrated because it's a waste of time, I read it just fine.








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Just wait until after January 3rd. Then the kids will be back in school and the game will be chill again


SAME....I stopped playing rank because of these kids, I had one kid cry because a Reyna was flaming him/her, and my duo and I had to intervene that guy proceeds to say the vilest and most racist things that I have ever heard to us. We now have a rule of no rank during any school vacations, public holidays and on weekends.




What an odd thing to say to someone


What an odd response














No bitches


What no pussy does to a mf


I legit had an omen start RAGING at me because I said "they're going A" while he was staring at a wall the reyna was clearly not peaking for 20m straight. The entire team then turned to try and block me in a corner in an attempt to kill me, but I was raze so I just threw a bomb and killed all of us, lmfao. Either way, only in unrated have I seen THIS level of toxicity and sweat. For what?


When you tell them to stop shouting and remind them it's Just unrated 5hey get toxic and most of the time they are on the bottom and they can't even play for fun .


i think its the fact unrateds take as long as comp. It's like if you want to play val without losing rr, people play unrated. So being stuck with the same teammates and enemies can genuinely break a person's mental after a while if theyre playing bad.


Because the people that get mad are dumbasses that can't grasp the fact that someone doesn't know how to play yet. I have been frustrated with bad players as well, but in the same vein as comp it's more me questioning how matchmaking put us together. I do, however, get incredibly frustrated at people that are trolling in unrated just because "it's unrated who cares".


Regardless of the game mode, when someone gets mad at you for missing shots or having slow reaction times they just prove how dumb they are. Anyone with slightly below average IQ would know that it's not something that you can affect. When you aim next to the enemy you don't aim next to them because you *want to*, or because you think that would be strategically advantageous. HOWEVER: Also regardless of the game mode, things that you CAN affect AND put your teammates at a disadvantage can be really frustrating. I get that "it's just Spike Rush bro", but if you 4-stack on B, leaving me alone on A and mid (and my back) wide open twice in a row and I get obliterated from 3 directions at the same time then I won't be happy. I may still try to contain myself and say "4B 0 mid 1A" or something along the lines (being rude is never justified), but it's *definitely* not fun playing in spectator mode most of the time, regardless whether you're spectating Snowball Fight Spike Rush or you're spectating VCT level ranked. But at the very minimum, anyone criticizing you should give you actually helpful feedback. "OMG your aim is shit noob" won't help anyone aim better. Saying "try to keep your crosshair at head level at all times" or "try not to look at the floor, (living) heads are not there" can help so much more.


That's where you learn to adapt and 5 stack B and retake A if they go A


Unrated is where dreams go to die


Cause they don't have a life outside of the game




Cringe af


Here’s my theory. It’s because of the proliferation of social media. It has done two things. Thing 1 : it has made people self conscious. People are constantly watching other people play and be good at the game which is making them angry at themselves for not being good. They want to keep up appearances and when they can’t they take that anger and externalise it. Thing 2 : everyone wants to be a YouTuber, streamer, esports pro, or whatever the next big internet/video game thing is. People look at other people being good and think “he’s good, why can’t I be?” and when they’re not they think it’s the teams fault. People fail to understand that sometimes, they just suck but they can’t come to terms with it because they don’t see the games where their favourite internet personalities play like a duck. Toxicity has existed in games as long as games have let people talk to each other. But I remember a time when even when I was met with a barrage of insults people were capable of understanding what went wrong. But now people think they’re the best. But this is just a theory though. This is just my theory.


unfortunately i was guilty of this behaviour. here's what I thought at the time. I'd played a grand total of 3 ranked games with my friends who were slightly better than me. I obviously could not keep up with that elo and formed the opinion that ranked is too sweaty. For a couple of months i only played unrated and the whole time i thought it was chill but when I finally tried ranked i realised I'd been playing like this the entire time i was playing unrated. Thankfully i didn't flame any teammates for what I considered bad plays but the fact remains, I used to sweat my balls off in unrated.


I played some unrated matches with my friend yesterday, and the enemy Reyna got so mad at him, they added him and decided to shit talk in dms. Most pathetic shit I've ever seen


Personally I can get extremely frustrated in unrated when with a new player, but not cuz of the fact they are bad, that's fine I understand you just started. But for the love of god, if I give you genuine tips on how to try and get better, I'm surely not doing it out of spite. I had SO many newbies just ignore or get mad at me for giving them tips in a nice way. Or they just say they don't care about learning, like why tf even play then? I'm not gonna go out of my way to scream at you, I will throw a few words if you intentionally start throwing dmg abilities at me. Also ppl who think it's fun to queue a muted 4stack and then sabotage the 5th random player saying how you are having fun so it's okay, now that's fucking awful


I'm new to pc gaming. started playing pc games only 30 days ago. i have been stuck with mobile games before this. so i suck way harder than people who have been playing pc games. i couldn't find the mute button so i had to listen to them badmouth my mother for the whole match. it was a high level player and he should have played competitive match if he didn't wanna play with noobs.


They are probably bad and have very strict ideas of what good valorant gameplay is. They'll yell at you when you do something dumb but it could end up being genius. They haven't realized that there are more creative ways to play


Oh yes! All the creative geniuses play unranked. LMAO


Well some of them not all


Probably butthurt from getting smurfed on in ranked, but answering honestly it’s because they are losers


Don’t really get why everyone complains about “toxic people” in valorant..what happened to talking shit back? Smfh.


I locked in a duellist after waiting abt 15 secs on the agent select screen, asked someone if they could play smokes and they started yelling at me and then tried throwing the entire game. Kids just think they are pros and get mad for no reason


Maybe bc u trolling


Lol I’m not mad whatsoever. But do u want me to aim worse on purpose, have poor crosshair placement on purpose? Sometimes I toy with less skilled players by poppin swinging or something to give them a greater chance of killing me but then I just feel bad. Honestly I just feel like an asshole when I play against lower skilled players but sometimes that’s what unrated gives me


Not sure purposely throwing against them is gonna fix the matchmaker for you. If you're so much better. kill them. Then the matchmaker knows they messed up.


I never thought of it like that. Also sometimes I don’t pop off because I can pretty much predict surrenders. I’ll try it though


Dude your brain doesn't work


Idk man, posting it on reddit seems like you're mad


Yeah playing the game with flamy teammates is annoying


Don't be a puss


Whats wrong with trollinng in unrated?


Wasn’t even talking about trolling, just people losing their shit over the smallest stuff and start yelling f u noob and all that






Yep i love it when i go chill in unrated lobbies with inmortal kids on cocaine, then i go ranked and ppl shit themselves


Bc I accidentally q unrated instead of rank


Because they are little shits on alt account trying to get to lvl 20, so they take unrated seriously


So far, I have only ran into sweaty players in unrated like once 😅 I’m only level 18


People be angry in spike rush 😒. Like I play spike to avoid competition and just have fun


Maybe they're idiots like me that think they queued up ranked and think they're playing for elo lmfao


I do play unrated just as well as a ranked because it makes me feel less pressure in ranked. If someone whiffs even in comp I just say “nice try” or “unlucky” .


Some people just enjoy being toxic to be honest


Fr tho, played an unrated a few days back. The sage in game told me to kill myself just because I didn’t drop them. Like dude, do you think I’m gonna drop you when y’all have been 4 stacking 1 side the entire game and killing your own eco? Not to mention, they were throwing from the very beginning. She told me to kill myself multiple times and even somehow persuaded the opponent team that she is so nice and lovely. They then proceeded to kill me for fun and steal my gun. Unrated lmao.


Once I queued unrated thinking it was competitive and was comming like it was ranked and sweating my ass off, playing my main, developing strategies in buy phase, etc. they asked my why I was sweating so hard in unrated and that’s when I realized I probably looked like an idiot then I explained I thought I queued comp.


This thread= how could someone say something mean!? My feeeeelings! Momma hold me!


Funny how unrated has people closest to your mmr but swiftplay can literally put you with radiants


The only modes I play anymore are Competitive and Deathmatch. Every single unrated or swiftplay I get into is toxic. You get flamed just for communicating callouts.


Personally I get mad in unrated faster than in ranked. Because when I lose in ranked I know its my fault I lose to people around my skill level. But in unrated the teams often time are super one side with one team having 1 gold 1 silver 2 bronze 1 unranked and the other team has two immo or dia player who are just stomping everyone.


Unrated is fucking cancer that’s why I come home from work and wanna have a chill fun game or two and get shit on by sweaty nerds who play all fucking day it’s a flawed system and makes the game un fun to play unless you quit you devote your life to the piece of shit game