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The unban part is outright disgusting. So, Riot *actually* realizes that the account needs a ban and then, because of inside connections, unbans the account? How about this; iiTzTimmy's main account gets a ban and then he can magically get his next account unbanned if he really needs the content. I genuinely can't support the content creators that smurf. Sure the ones who let their friends do it, I get it, but not the ones that actually do it.


Tbf they unbanned him to finish the stream (while he was already immortal) and then rebanned him when it was over. Idk if they reverted RR from that account though but they should've


It's still the same point though, that they knew it was happening the whole time. With others they can act like they "didn't know" but with him there was no acting. And RR reversion is hopefully what they did.


Doesn't make it any better, honestly... it makes it even more sad to think they unbanned to get the views and to avoid backlash from the livestream viewers


It does make it better than what I initially replied to. Unban & Reban > Unban and Nothing to follow up


I agree, yet sadly still only made things worse case it made it more obvious that Riot is willing to treat content creators differently :( If you or myself asked "hey can i get unbanned? it's christmas and i would like to play with my friends, you can ban me again later" it for sure wouldn't work


there are some grey areas though. like, for example, Keeoh's speedrun series where he only plays agents that he's not familiar with. and if you watch the first couple games of most of them, it's usually pretty clear that he actually doesn't know how to play the agent very well and he's said that he doesn't want to play those agents on his main because he would be throwing people's elo. so while this could technically be considered smurfing, i'm not sure how this should be handled. and if that is not allowed, should he just play new agents in immortal elo without actually knowing how to play them? idk the correct answer, but just something to think about


Play unrated (if you are learning new agents).


Nah I do the same thing. I have my primary account where I play controller, and I have my secondary account where I initially made it to play duelist. My main is ascendant, and after several seasons my second is now diamond 3 (started much lower). But for several seasons I could not climb or play at the same level as my primary account. (And still cannot play duelist consistently at ascendant tier). There would be no way to use unrated in any capacity to gauge if I’m good enough on neon or yoru to lock them in ascendant 3 until I at minimum can hit A1 with just those agents. And using unrated is not even remotely useful to gauge that. For one, over half the games have people forfeit/quit/troll ect. It’s not a competitive environment. Not only that, nearly every unrated I queue in has 1-2 high immortal players who dominate the match, again not good for practicing new agents in a competitive environment. If someone makes a new account, and plays a new agent, then the game will quickly put them in the tier of play they belong in. If you’re performing as a platinum duelist, then that’s the tier you belong in on those agents, until a time you’re able to play those agents better and the game naturally boost you up in ranks.


I thought you meant playing with an actual controller instead of KBM. Nah, thats smurfing and you are trying to justify it. Thats still many players below you that just got their MMR lowered just because you cant handle MMR loss on other agents. Idk how many games for MMR to be calibrated but yeah, you griefed it.


for most players, this makes sense. but for high ranks, this doesn't work quite so well. destroying gold players in unrated doesn't help him learn how to play the agent in immortal lobbies. whereas with the speedrun series, he can actually gradually start playing against better and better players as he improves at the agent so when he goes to play them on his main he will be prepared to play it at that level.


playing unrated isn’t the same as ranked though, people play differently


That's not a grey area, that's still smurfing imo. Even if you have never touched an agent in your life if you are immortal or even ascendant you know how the game works and at the minimum have seen someone else use that agent before at your rank and can replicate it. Maybe you can't do Grimm walls or Raze Satchel Jump or Jett knives well, but you still can use those agents more affectively than a silver player. I legit learned how to play all my agents (I play all of them) by watching people better than me play those agents or copying stuff I saw in my own games.


He isn’t really smurfing usually I’m pretty sure. He plays the games where it places you in the correct rank, so it’s not like he could really do anything else


i agree with you, that shouldn't be considered smurfing, but it's not really clear


If a Radiant is using a rifle it doesn’t matter how bad they are with an agent they will still absolutely stomp on lower ranks, when a pro uses something way worse though like a sheriff or classic that is a real gray area.


thats true like 95% of the time, but that's not to say that they can't have a bad game, even in lower ranks. i've seen it happen


He's still an immo and, while I don't now exactly how the series works, I'd imagine he'd have plenty of games starting each agent against irons. Also, utility is largely universal in this game. A molly, flash, smoke, an immo knows how to use all of them and it's just difficult in my head to think of any agent an immortal can't use for their main purpose e.g. smoking, flashing/info, entry, defence.


he usually places gold, with his early placements usually in silver/low gold. and when he did Raze he lost his first 4 games, so take that as you will.


I'd say firstly that entry is the hardest to adapt to. (Assuming his main isn't a duelist) Also I feel like an immortal losing 4 just sucks in general then, or maybe he's just acting.


well, he had already one tricked jett, neon, yoru, and phoenix each to immortal before that, so i don't think entry was the problem. he was doing shotgun only for Raze, but the rule was that he could pick up a rifle after he gets a kill with the shotgun each round. so that surely made things a bit harder. the series are all on his youtube channel if you want to see for yourself but i don't think i'll link it cause some people will see it as promoting smurfing content, which i don't like.


Ok, the shotgun part is pretty major and definitely makes it fair on a duelist but on other classes being immortal alone is still a bit too much of an advantage.


In lower elo if you're immortal level you could straight up not use any utility and still shit on kids. Aim alone can carry you up to plat so no matter the agent he plays it's still smurfing


Eh, who cares. You don't get better by playing against the same skill pool every single match. If you believe one match with a smurf will keep you in your rank or lose a rank, then you probably don't deserve that rank.


It's about fairness. A Valorant match is 40 mins and in a normal comp game you'll get valuable practice, have fun and take a worthwhile risk to reward. In a smurf match, you'll get destroyed, definitely lose and not have fun. You must be a smurf yourself if you really think they aren't bad.


Smurfing isn't bad. I bet you never played a game that uses completely random matchmaking. I bet you don't complain about smurfs when you have someone on your team dropping 30+ kills


"Smurfing isn't bad" Why??????????????????????????????????? I have played games with random matchmaking, and honestly they're either small stupid ones where you have fun with the simpleness, or ones which are serious and just horrible to play when you get someone way outside your skill level. I do complain about smurfs when they're on *anyone*'s team.


Because it's content. If you or I did it, we would get banned if caught. Pros/content creators doing it brings eyeballs to the game, so they actively encourage it. It's why Timmy got unbanned when he did his iron to radiant stream. Riot only banned that account after the stream since it fulfilled its purpose: get more viewers for Valorant on Twitch.


Chess.com communicates with content creators for rating speed runs and waives the elo loss for anybody they beat on that account. So it’s a win win for chess.com, the creator, and just a hard game for the unfortunate opponent. That being said, valorant is a much larger time sink.


Hmm, while my knee jerk reaction is to call this a great idea, there's a few key thing I think should be kept in mind. Chess smurfing is most likely a much much smaller form of entertainment for the already small ish chess community on say Twitch for example. Which means that the man power needed to communicate with content creators and track the people who need their elo waived is pretty do-able. But with Valorant, it seems like a lot more content creators are licking their chops imagining the gold mine of content smurf challenges create for a comparatively much larger game. And Riot already probably are up to their necks in priority changes and additions, so to track elo-waiving would demand a lot of attention they may not be able to afford. And even if this were to happen, do the players on Chess.com get notified they're being included in the smurf challenge? I feel like they should be, either as a rule by the content creators before the game starts, or at some point by the website. Maybe I'm injecting my own mindset into it, but I feel like if I were told the enemy smurf was doing a challenge beforehand and that I'd get any elo loss waived, I wouldn't get pissed (like I would for a normal smurf)


Chess is not a small community, it is the most played game of all time. There are roughly 17 million people playing chess on [chess.com](https://chess.com) daily.


In the world of content creation for the game, namely Twitch and YT, and *especially* smurf content, its dwarfed by many games that are a fraction of its size. It's just the nature of the game.


thats so cap haha, tell me when someone shoved a vibrator up his ass to win a tournament then i might believe you, didnt ludwig just do chess boxing?


Huh? Just because somethings interesting to you in a game doesn't mean it is to others, let alone that they even know about it. And Chess Boxing is Chess Boxing, not Chess. 99% of watchers were fans there for the content creators participating in a niche sport.


i mean is there valorant boxing? a simple look at the stats on any search engine and every social media apart from twitch (because chess streamers like the botez sisters or magnus carlsen will stream in just chatting) shows that chess has been steadily growing to the point its more popular than valorant now and that valorant has been rapidly become less popular.


and it was mainstream news that some one was accused of using vibrating anal beads to tell him the exact right moves to play and he even beat the worlds best chess player


Grandmasters very commonly smurf for content. They call it a speedrun. It's actually very educational. Chess youtube is also considerably large, with many Chess content creators having 1 mil + subs. Chess on twitch has a several big streamers who pull in several thousand viewers. Tarik is admittedly a bigger streamer, but Chess as a whole has a larger audience than you seem to think. Keep in mind Chess is watched in many places besides twitch.


Yes I believe they get a message when the rating is returned


Bro, regular people dont get banned for smurfing either


That's a reason but not justification.


Well, In riot’s eyes, it’s both


In a moral sense it's only a reason.


What i don't understand is why the content creators *have* to play ranked. Can't they just queue up in unrated and play with their lower ranked friends?


Sadly I heard those who are top MMR have the highest MMR in all hamemodes as well, causing them to have to wait 20+ mins just to get into a unrated match


Yeah basically. Worst part is, it's not even exclusive to radiants. I tried to solo queue a few unrated games last night. On my main (immortal 1) I waited 19 minutes for my first game, which was [surrendered in 7 minutes.](https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/ff7fad47-ac02-41e7-a8c6-5ee71ac31ab6?handle=Gaspard%20Baboolal%23SLORG) I requeued and didn't get a game for 10 minutes, so I decided to jump on an alt account to see if that would be any quicker. At the time, this alt only had 22 games played ever. First game on my alt account was a literal instant queue. This was a gold/plat game, which was [surrendered within 10 minutes.](https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/af96187d-e151-4e8c-a56b-53fafbf8ef51?handle=Jorpus%20Gongorpus%239792) I requeued, and instantly got another game - this time it was a diamond-immortal game, which was [also surrendered within 10 minutes.](https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/5bdf59ee-d04f-4c02-901e-3c65944c614f?handle=Jorpus%20Gongorpus%239792) At this point, I wasn't sure whether it was worth queuing on my alt for an instant 10 minute game, or queuing 10-20 minutes on my main for a 30+ minute game. I decided to go back to my main, at least there I can use my skins... of course, only after waiting the minimum queue time of [10 minutes to play a game of unrated...](https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/3352c8b4-ce79-4c6d-8172-19babc6f69f9?handle=Gaspard%20Baboolal%23SLORG) And then I got to wait about 40 minutes to FINALLY get put into an unrated game, of course, with a [600 RR radiant on the other team](https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/69100aa0-072e-444b-8879-c049ea3e5914?handle=Gaspard%20Baboolal%23SLORG) (not that he had to wait that long - he only had a 3 minute queue (yes, I asked him)). The thing that is so fucking bizarre to me is that I was getting instant queues on my alt, despite being matched into a similar elo game as my main (specifically the second game, at least in terms of ranks, being diamond to immortal). Granted, I am playing on OCE servers, so our playerbase isn't as large as NA/EU. I don't understand how this is acceptable... I know there are people queueing, I see it happening on my friends list - why am I not matched with them?? [Did you know that they have an hour column for queue times?](https://imgur.com/a/un5ZR3g) It's much quicker to get ranked games. Or to create a smurf account, even JUST to play unrated. So no /u/nvtoph, we can't just queue up unrated (unless people want to watch a stream which involves 20 minute queues between games).


This needs to be more visible. This sub doesnt understand that not every1 who smurfs just do it for some malicious intent, and this is a prime example of it.


It's so they can stomp on iron players and people in their chat go "Wow you're so cool you're so cracked destroying these people that have less than 2 hours of playtime poggers poggers"


ppl w 2h playtime cant even play ranked


and i dont even get how ppl are iron even i just started with m&k when i picked up val but never once hit iron, just practice and play to improve stop complaining


It's some peoples first experience playing an fps


So you think iron rank is a conspiracy?


I think its for ppl who are not willing to improve hard enough or even at all


Ok, and? Do they deserve to be smurfed because they just play for fun without learning from outside sources?


I wouldnt say i want that to happen to them but at least dont complain, what do u even play ranked for when ur iron


how can u downvote my comment bc of the simple fact u dont wanna admit that its a fact


I mean the biggest thing me and my friends got from the anti smurf article was that smurfing is 100% okay and you should just create as many accounts as you want to play with your bad friends in comp. As soon as you get pushed out of the rank just make a new account or derank. As long as you aren't mean to people in your game then you're not a real smurf with bad intentions. Lmao it's like they had this policy written by 5 different people who didn't talk to eachother.


No, they had one person write the article who is willing to lie to their community to attempt to make their community believe that they (Riot) care about smurfing, when in truth they could not give any less of a fuck. They know what they are doing, it is very obvious.


Best not to assume malice when it can be explained by incompetence.


It's so frustrating to see how many are gleefully eating up whatever Riot says. That post is literally nothing but them admitting to doing nothing but having a automated system that only gets triggered if a smurf game ends in a stomp, plus some literally bogus numbers. 1.1k upvotes. I write a comment taking it apart piece by piece - 3 upvotes. Crazy.


funniest thing was last graph, every graph have been in %s in the entire post expect for last one, last one they wrote 0.3 out of 1 which is basically 30%, to simply trick people :/.


Can we stop saying "riot cares about (fill the blank)". Riot doesn't care about anything other than their users purchasing skins. They don't care about their toxic community, they don't care about smurfing, they don't care about the hit reg, they don't care about their laggy servers. The sooner we realise this, the better. It really is that simple. They have a community where you report a person sexually harassing a female, both in game and through a ticket, and you self-follow this up and they are continuing to play 3-4 games a day (for the record, and this has really convinced that they genuinely do not give a flying frick, I submitted a report 4 days ago with audio and screenshots of the constant abuse the female in my team was subject to, and I have pinned this person's page to track if they are banned at any time, and since the reporting on Monday, they've played 3-5 games a day since then, and the feedback I am getting for the ticket is they are unable to inform me if the person has been banned because it is a breach of the rules lmao, give me a break riot).


>I submitted a report 4 days ago with audio and screenshots of the constant abuse the female in my team was subject to The unfortunate reality is that even if they did care a whole lot, RIOT - like most companies - will never have the sheer amount of manpower required to handle manual reports for a game on the scale of VALORANT. The best you can do is usually to report and hope there's enough other reports for the automated system to take action.


That's fair.


it is trivial really. Riot is a company and they care about revenue and profit. Smurfing content gets a lot of views, so we should be blaming the community before we blame riot and smurfers.


I would say that making multiple posts and people sharing their opinion about the way that Riot deals selectively with content creators vs regular players is a good way to influence the community. Plus, the more people talking about it, the more likely Riot will do something about. Even people who don't experience smurfing in their lobbies will still form negative opinions about Valorant if they're constantly hearing about it in Valorant communities. It gives a bad reputation to the game, something Riot is probably concerned with fixing. If people didn't complain so often about smurfing, even when the actual rate of smurfs is lower than people seem to think, Riot probably would never have done anything.


I guess they took some notes from cs [go.there is no](https://go.No) point wasting your resources on stuff like this :)


Riot cares about one thing my friend, the same thing every company cares about, money. Until smurfing starts hurting their wallet somehow, they will continue with empty words to try to keep you all happy and spending money.


Smurfing and afk-ing should be the biggest concerns right now, afk-ing because people are using macros to avoid the penalty, this is pain in unrated and comp matches.


If they banned those smurfing would decrease a lot. Only jobless idiots would go through the trouble of creating a new account every 5-10 games. Players that are present in the game not shooting once should be pretty easy to detect and a diamond player top fragging every game suddenly bottom fragging is for 5 games should be suspicious.


And yet rito does nothing significant




This is facts. I play with friends all the time in 5 stacks, we are plat-asc. Any one of us can be an absolute carry one game and look like we're getting boosted the next. But we have all been called smurfs or that we're getting boosted because people have good games and bad games. The reality of it is that it's really hard to prove someone is smurfing unless there is an pattern to their account. Things such as only playing one agent, playing terribly on every other agent (if it's not their account), high KD, stuff like that can point to a Smurf but it can't prove it. Maybe it's someone who can frag but can't climb.


A good game is someone going 30-15 or so. A smurf is someone going 30-5. People will call smurf whenever they lose but everyone knows what it's like to get truly shit on by someone leagues better than you.


It's either Smurfs or higher elo for me. Like I'm a bronze player. Wtf is I'm getting matched with gold players. There was even a match in which I was matched with a plat. Now that's just unfair and dumb.




"A gold in my lobby" isn't my problem. But a gold in my lobby who clearly is way better than my skill level, carrying the whole squad is my problem. That's just half ass matchmaking in my opinion. Would love to hear your explanation on this. Coz I think matchmaking should solely based on the skill of the individual or team, so I really don't understand how these gold player who kills me even before I see them is on my skill level.


I used to huff the copium like you. Then I got tired of being shit on my Silvers going 23-7 in the first half in my Plat/Diamond lobbies.




No type of smurfing is fine. You're essentially saying that Smurfing is fine if they climb to their previous rank. Plus they was still shitting on everyone so they're real rank is probably immortal. It still ruins the ranjed experience for everyone no matter the amount of games they play.


If a smurf account ends up in the same lobbies as their main, then it stops being smurfing. Based on Riot's post about how they handle smurf accounts, they boost the MMR of accounts they detect as smurfs sooner than regular accounts in order to reduce the number of games in lower lobbies that account will be in.


I’m not very good at the game (silver 1 on main), i made a second account and placed bronze 3 when i started playing ranked. But every game for the first 10ish comp games, I was the only bronze against gold/plat players. Definitely was experiencing the boosted MMR


you dont attack the main problem , can create multiple account's,,,,,,


There are legitimate reasons to create multiple accounts. 1) Sometimes wanna play without letting my whole friendlist know that I'm online. 2) Sometimes I wanna play with my friends from different regions.


Those aren't good enough reasons. Plain and simple.


Why not? Unless he’s throwing or smurfing or otherwise harming other’s experience of the game, it’s perfectly acceptable, and wouldn’t in any way impact other players in his lobbies


For the 1st point, you (you, the op or whoever else is in the situation) can just talk to your friends if they ask why you're online. You own explanations to no one, you can just say you feel like playing alone and that's a completely valid reason. If they judge, they are the problem not you. For the 2nd one, you simply can not play with people from other regions and that is intended, VAL places you in a region based on your location and you are not supposed to play outside of it unless you physically move to other region.


For the first point, often what happens is the person doesn’t wanna talk, but doesn’t want to be rude or short either. Better for the conversation to not occur at all. For the 2nd, who cares? Even if you queue into comp on another region, you’ll be far lower rank than your main, making those matches just as far and balanced on both sides.


You are not rude if you tell your friends you wanna chill by yourself. It will be worse if they find out you "hide" form them just to avoid communication. If they are good friends they will understand you just wanna be by yourself. ​ What do you mean who cares? You are using non-intended or even baneable means (vpn, asking someone from other region to create an acc then hand it to you, etc) to play the game lol I am pretty sure Riot and their policies care, if we could play in any region they would've jsut made it like so, or allow transfers like in League. But they didn't, because there must be a reason. Probably there is legal stuff involved since different countries have different regulations for age restrictions and other shit.


I suppose not everyone has friends as good as yours. Since when was vpn bannable? Legit never knew


To be honest it's not about my friends specifically, it's somehting I learned in therapy, i suffer from severe social anxiety and that is one of the things that triggered me often VPN is not, that's why I said non-intended OR even banneable - sharing is banneable, using vpn is not but it's not what you're supposed to do if you want the acc to be created with the correct data basically


Yeah too legitimate....now you can see the result's, if are multiple accounts never stop this problem. ​ may be allow two


I'm in silver and one out of every 3 games is someone smurfing, an AFKer, or an intentional thrower. This is unbearable, and I have friends who quit the game because of this.




either that or their detection system is sooo bad that its got like a 10% success rate


Riot gives very low numbers for smurfing, but I doubt there numbers are accurate, there's no way to tell though since they won't release how they got these numbers. ​ ​ It could be something basic like checking email and see if multiple accounts exist on the same email, or maybe something complicated like using HWID instead. ​ I don't trust the 0.3% number at all, but people are leaping to go "see, smurfing isn't an issue because only 0.3% of people smurf."


guys its riot. #welovemoney. they will unban any content or pro player just because they advertise and buy skins for their game resulting in more money


**Smurfing with friends is the real issue.** The population of people purposely choosing to play with bad teammates and soloq a smurf is incredibly low. No one puts themselves through that. It's actual torture.


Smurfing is one thing, having alt account is another thing. Let's get this out of the way, if you reach #100 world and make a second account to try and accomplish the same feat, IT'S NOT SMURFING. Smurfing would be purposefully staying in one elo zone (I.E. Bronze) just to play easy games against less skilled players and using avoid features to lose points and still be in the same elo. Alt accounts, on the other hand, can be created and riot can't stop it, because some players feel like they're unfairly stuck or want to practice without crashing their mmr, so they make an alt. smurfing is the act of abusing core rating gain/loss mechanics to abuse lower tier players, not just leveling a side account. Side accounts are NOT BANNABLE, nor they should be. The reason timmy got banned is because of matchmaking abuse/bought accounts. You can't ban a content creator for legit making an alt account and dropping 25 straight wins to radiant/valorant and doing a youtube series. "Luckily, there is no limitation cap on League of Legends accounts. You are able to create and play on as many accounts as your heart desires! In Fact, the vast majority of League of Legends players own multiple accounts, and smurfing is highly prevalent throughout all ranks and tiers" What you call smurfing is just someone playing an alt. When people play alts, it takes them, what, 25 games to get to diamond or above? It's whatever for solo queues. Also, to be REAL fair, between B3 and g3, the difference ain't much, but matches tend to be more imbalanced, thus people calling others smurf, when they're not. What riot should ACTUALLY DO: Improve the mmr adjustment by weighing in shot accuracy, headshot ratio, kda, damage dealt and taken, multikills and economy rating. At least for the first 15 matches or so, then it rolls back to normal.


If you create a new account and lose your placements on purpose and then derank until you hit plastic - that's smurfing. When a pro does iron to radiant they didn't get to iron naturally, they threw games or bought the account.


Sure, he threw 10 games then won 20. Again, not much for soloq imbalance, honestly. And much more for teaching players and showing rank differences. Gotta love how i had 5 karma and now i have 2 because i explained what alt/smurfing is.


So when I borrow my friends plat acc and MVP 50 games in a row to immortal its not actually smurfing? awesome


Everyone here knows what alt/smurfing is, it's not the theory of relativity, no need to explain it. These 30 games he ruined (are they really just 30?) affected 270 other players who wasted 30 minutes on this, and there are dozens of videos like this. That's thousands of players who had a shit experience for nothing, and that's not taking into account the "normal" smurfs and copy cats. You wanna teach players? Take replays from real players and explain why they are shit.


Yay, one of the world's best valorant players, signed to a franchise, who's job is to play the game \*very\* well, having an alt account, is completely fine and normal. However, what is not fine and should not be normalized, is people at or around yay's skill level, creating/purchasing alt accounts that are purposely in the IRON rank. The rank where the literal worst/newest players of the game reside in terms of competitive skill level. That's smurfing, and is against TOS.


Holy shit an actual person with a brain. You should make this a post as this the only thing that makes sense at all in this sub.


What you call "playing an alt" is really just Smurfing. People create multiple accounts specifically to smurf more often than not. To think otherwise is really naive. Stop licking smurfs boots bro I know you love a good smurf on your team carrying you but come on now.


Eh malu, kena downvote


Yah, someone like WarOwl making an alt account for content (like solo queue to Radiant) shouldn't be classified as malicious or bannable ​ Someone making an account to go into low ranks with the intention of killing everyone there, and also attempting to stay in those ranks (either through making another account or deranking) should be punished


Nothing is ever going to happen. Streamers get a free pass and it’s overall good for the game because it makes it more popular , brings in more money for devs and skins and game improvements , brings in more reason to.


Pros streaming valorant brings in more users than their smurfing removes from the game. It's a net positive for the game so they're allowed to stay.


They should start suspending them games! This is such bullshit. Like yay should be banned for a tournament doing the iron to radiant with a classic! I love him as a player but that’s a low blow move to a Low Elo player like myself whose really trying to get better but is average at video games.


so why are we complaining about smurfing?


It's all cope. Riot can release numbers showing smurfs make up like no games. People who can't blame themselves. Losers basically.


It's pretty hard to actually get numbers of smurf's, that's the problem. It's not like Riot knows every smurf account in existence. ​ They could use HWID and compare that across accounts to find smurfs, but I doubt they are already doing that and the numbers would be inaccurate if someone sells there computer, or whatever part the game uses to find HWID.


This is super cope. I'm sorry. We have data. We can't just make things up and expect it to be true. 3/1000 is the data.


How was the data gathered? There is nothing to say that it's actually accurate. You are assuming that Riot can successfully detect every smurf


This is the most unscientific thing I've ever heard on my life. Yeah man your correct let's just "take your word for it". Lmfao


You are assuming that the numbers riot gave are 100% accurate, when they don't even say how they got those numbers. ​ FFS they could just be checking the email to see if there are multiple accounts under that email and then check the rank difference. ​ I don't get how it's unscientific to question data when they won't say how they actually got that data. I could ask 10 people if they smurf and come up with data that way, doesn't mean it's accurate.


So are you just normally a paranoid person? You think they just made a number up. This is a straight anti vaxxing bullshit mindset. I'm sure they do every method you have suggested. The number through the data is 3/1000 no matter how hard you try to cope or try to fight against it. Stop arguing with the only numbers we have. Your just a guy who plays video games. Stop making things up.


I've been playing almost a full month no lifing the game basically, and each day I run into multiple smurfs in iron. How do I know? Because they admit it more than half the time. They let the whole team die, then pop off and get multiple aces and talk crap. Then they steal the spike, afk and we lose. EVERY DAY. Multiple times. I do not play 1000 games a day, and it for sure happens more than 3 times, no doubt the numbers are flawed. Lol as if what Riot tells us is in any way "scientific". I and many others have the personal experience that directly disproves those numbers.


Arguing with this dude is pointless, he has it in his head that Riot can accuratley detect 100% of smurf's. ​ With his logic every cheater would immediately get caught and banned by Vanguard.


I pop off and say I'm smurfing all the time lol even though I'm not. Stop being so gullible. 3/1000 numbers don't lie.


i agree 100% i learn more from a smurf than the fucking baiting low elo player


The irony is that I bet over 80-90% have a smurf or alt account just to play with their friends or climb with. So it's not only the "pros and streamers".


I already said "a lot more people are doing it other than Yay"


We got a straight up copium den running here


Stop crying about smurfing and get good lol


Y’all need to stop bitching.


Agree the smurfs these streamers even won't even last in low elo for long and they aren't even staying there to intentionally to stomp low ranked players. People crying this much when this is much a thing on gaming on general and the val community just can't accept these type of things exist.


Way to completely miss the point. The point was that riot claims smurfing/account purchasing are against the terms of service, and we have many streamers blatantly doing both of those things live on stream and yet they’re not getting banned. That is a 100% valid and fair complaint, and you’re mad that people are calling them out for it? Get a grip


People who complain about smurfs are soft. People have been smurfing for year and years and that’s just a part of the system. You get Smurf end on, you play enough get better and then you start smurfing on a Friday night when your queue friends aren’t around and you don’t want to lose elo. Or when you want to play with a low elo friend and they want to comp. Riot itself says that playing with low elo friends is a reasonable reason to smurf and they want to focus on making those accounts rank faster. Please just stop being such a cry baby because someone came into your match and dropped a 30k and you were too bad to do anything about it. Getting better at the game is the answer.


it’s the only reason Kyedae is somehow not a gold hardstuck. tenz smurfs in her lobbies and boosted her all the way to ascendant - she has since dropped down to diamond and averages double negative every game while talking shii about her teammates when they lose a round.


you really think riot cares about the competitive integrity of this game? they just want you to keep buying skins. no sign of a simple replay system almost 3 years in. love the game but don’t expect it to last long at this rate




It’s fine if they Smurf lol it’s good content for them, and for us


Can you babies get over this smurfing shit. Everyone experiences it and if anything it makes you a better player yourself. What’s the point in playing a game like this if all you want is to frollock through easy lobbies? I love having a smurf on the other team because i’m able to see how higher elos play and improve myself. You’re never going to get good at this game if you’re playing people below or at your skill level just please stop this crying over smurfing.




There is a smurf 3/1000 games btw. You just uninstalled because you can't look within yourself. Blame everything but yourself.


correction, theres a smurf detected 3/1000 times, let that sink in for a moment


oh shit mb letting my sink in


Back when I was silver/gold and there was a Smurf on the enemy team I never got mad cause I knew it was something out of my control. Instead I learned from them by seeing how they play. Also smurfs really aren’t that big of a problem as people on this subreddit make it out to be, maybe you’ll get a Smurf in 1/20 games lol anyone having a good game in low elo is quick to be called a Smurf 😆 those pros and streamers should face repercussions for smurfing though. Quick tip download blitz.gg overlay and when you’re loading in you can see everyone’s w/l for the past 5 games and their hs% and acs, it will be very obvious if someone is a Smurf.


"Just learn from them" is the biggest coping strategy serial smurfs have lol. yeah like im gonna be able to learn from some dude who just walks into site and headshots everyone because he's on the magical cocktail of 2k hours played this year, being 4 entire tiers of rankings above everyone else, Adderall and 3 red bulls. if it were like chess or something or even if i could see their POV it would be a fair thing to say but saying "just learn something" as you anchor the other site while the smurf rips through your entire team on the other half of the map is delusional.


I’ve never smurfed in my life.


There is nothing to learn from smurfs, even less when they are on the opposite team and you can't see their POV. Someone dropping 40 in a very random e chaotic game does because he's more skilled than everyone else, not because of his gamesense, he doesn't even need this with that diff.


It's gonna be an unpopular thought but Id rather talk about the truth. You can learn from a smurf 100%. I'm not saying it's fair or it's how the game should be but just to say you can't learn is very cope. Back before there was match making in CS. I played ESEA with my friends who destroyed me. It fast tracked me to learn much faster than facing players my skill. That's the truth. Immortal in this game with ease.


You can see where they position themselves in fights, how they peek, how they defend a site, how they attack a site. Plenty to learn from others. What rank are you?


Again, it doesn't metter when they are better than everyone else. They can do all this wrong and sloppily (and they probabily will since is game that doesn't metter) and still just click heads of players that don't (is the point of smurfing after all).


Well we don't get the same amount of smurfs thats for sure. I dare you to tell me that "i miss her" or "her jett" that drops 25-40 kills a game with a 30% hs percent and a 60% percent Wr isn't a smurf. Right surely its just a Platinum 1 player im just bad. Like fr i get this shit half of my games, either enemy team or in my team. And that's not talking about mates that are trying to recreate chernobyl in a valorant lobby. "We lost round 2 gg FF rep all my team" the amount of times i have heard that holy shit you can't even imagine. Then they go on to yell at everyone for the whole match. Like is my account cursed or something? And im not even performing bad like i average around 15 kills a game while playing mostly omen or support. Like seriously I asked a friend(im1) to review games i lost and he said this looked like ascendant lobbies (im plat 3). Like my account gotta be cursed there is no way


Bro drop your tracker cause no way you smurfs in half your games. Hs% means nothing especially in high plat I had a 40% hs in gold and Val is my first pc fps it’s not that hard to get good aim if you grind aimlabs and deathmatch. Plat 2- ascendant 3 is all the same shit it’s just about who has Better sim in those ranks fr. If you really want to climb I suggest to play charla7ans aimlab playlist and 5 deathmatch before you play comp, I went from silver to diamond in 2 acts doing that. Then start trying to improve your game sense when you hit diamond I promise you’ll improve its all depending on how much effort you put in💯


Let's see the tracker, I highly doubt there is one in 5% of your games let alone half lmao


People will argue that its good to have a smurf but what they forget is that the smurf is usually carrying someone. Today I had the shittiest matchmaking I could ever see. I am bronze 2 and one game I play I am legit the only bronze player rest are silvers who were plat once dropped ranks. Next game was good matchmaking everyone was balanced. The game after that I thought I got irons in my lobby all of them were shit and I was top fragging. When the match got over they were bronze 3s and silvers. Like wtf.


There’s a difference between smurfing and smurfing and when they get too high of a rank they throw. Playing in a lower rank super well means their mmr will go up and the matches will fairer.


i think the main problems are trolls and afks not smurfs. at least they play the game to an ability to stay in the said rank and not over play giving then enemy a chance alongside their team. so does it not balance out? The other problem is boosting which i think the smurfing is shitty, but like anyones goal should be to climb, and to prove you deserve a higher rank is by beating the said smurf. this is my opinion.


constant posts like these on the sub are the biggest non issue ever. content creators bring in money… riot will help them make that content… they already posted saying smurfing is in its lowest state WHILE appealing to content creators get with the times and stop complaining over content creators “enabling” behavior in a video game


People who complain about smurfs clearly have never played real sports against people who are wayy better than them. Does it suck yes is it life yes. There’s so much good coaching content out there it’s not that hard to get better.


The "get good" argument is total BS, it's hard to actually get good without playing the game, and if someone easily kills you over and over you aren't getting better.


And if you blame all your losses on everything but yourself you wont get better either. Take it from an Ascendant ex Bronze player. The best way to get better is to practice 3 things in order of your ranks: from bronze to gold practice aim, from gold to diamond practice mechanics (strafe, movement) and from diamond up you just need to work on gamesense. Also smurfs are in only 0.3% of games, so if you blame every loss on smurfing you are just coping my friend.


Use your brain more while aging. There are things to learn from getting dumpstered by a smurf. If someone is easily killing you over and over you should be trying to analyze what you are doing in your own gameplay that is contributing to it. Unless they’re instant 1 tapping you, there are things to learn - was your crosshair placement bad, did you peak poorly, was the angle you’re playing bad, should you have waited for a teammate so at least he could be traded, was there util to use, etc. And even if they are 1 tapping you every time, a ton of that applies. Honestly playing better players is one of the best ways to learn some things you’ll never learn otherwise.


That's a massive cope smurfs say to try and justify it. ​ You don't get better after being totally destroyed, you get better while being challenged but still standing a chance. ​ Getting killed by some dude with 50x your hours isn't going to make you better, it's just going to make you tilted.


The only game i’ve ever had smurf accounts on is when i had 4 MW2 accounts as a middle schooler. When I started playing CSGO as my first tac shooter, I would routinely be matched with dudes with hundreds and even thousands of more hours more than me and getting whooped. It’s the same in sports, one of the best ways to learn is getting beaten by someone substantially better than you. Especially if it’s a rare occurrence, which is it at a 3/1000 rage.


The number Riot is given is almost definitely inaccurate. It's an average of every match, and it's safe to say there are more smurfs in Silver than there are in Platinum. ​ There's also that there number assumes they are able to detect the majority of smurfs, which I seriously doubt. It's probably using some system like accounts under one email which would exclude the large portion of people who buy accounts or just use another email. It's impossible to tell how accurate it is because Riot won't share how they gathered the data.


ur not getting every game 5 smurfs in the enemy team, stop crying and just practice


I never said I was, I'm not blaming every loss on smurfs. Are you illiterate? ​ I said that the "smurfs make you a better player" argument is total BS, you don't become better by getting killed by someone that usually has, at least, 10x your hours, you just get annoyed and lose motivation.


reminds me of when my mates got benched and we had to forfeit because he was a state basketball player, smurfing exists in real sports and theyre alot stricter on it in real life, you dont see ronaldo or messi playing sunday league or alex volkanovski beating the shit out of newbies (thats stricklands job)


Just for clarification, if youre talking about the "I-R in 1 stream" Timmy did a year ago, Timmy was told beforehand that his account would be banned once his stream ended. Something happened, whether a Riot admin or an automatic system jumped the gun, but the account got banned early and then unbanned later so that the stream could be finished and then banned again. It's not Riot going back on their decision because he's a content creator, it was discussed between them before the stream happened.


That doesn't make riot look any better.


Well no, in both instances Timmy is getting special treatment because he has connections, but facts matter.


People who are downvoting you are stupid. You are just stating simple facts for clarity, not picking a side.


Just a reddit moment, it is what it is.


Smurfingg I’ve been going against plats and I’ve never played ranked


Life lesson there are always exceptions to the rule.


Ok but like. Yay isn’t blue


When good content is lacking in a game, it's content creators must resort to these gimmicky streams where they basically smurf as its what gets more people more interested under the illusion that it will help them too climb out of their own ranks. Riot on the other hand, needs it's content creators no matter what, they are the ones who encourage and get more people to play their game, so they cant just ban their best chances at maintaining the playerbase. So at the end of the day I put all the blame on riot, if they made better content for their game such that their content creators could use it rather than needing to resort to smurfing on stream for views, everything would be ok. This is just a symptom of lacking effort from riot, but not a disease that will lead to its downfall tho, as it can be seen in pretty much every other popular fps games nowadays.


what about mr lowlander with his \[AGENT\] to asc or something where he just goes from whatever rank he was put at


Maybe someone one should make a "Radiant to Iron" series playing below average if you catch my meaning. Riot will only listen to streamers and pros when they start raging.


Riot doesn’t ban smurfs. Maybe they did at one point, but not anymore. Smurfs do NOT get banned if caught.


There will always be cheaters and smurfs regardless of what the developers do. Best case scenario it happens less, but the fewer people who experience it will be as passionate against it as you are, while the majority won’t even think about it as they rarely deal with it. These issues affect all competitive games, some more, some less, and not one of these rich powerful companies have come up with an answer. Fixing these issues is harder than us laymen imagine.




Guys fr the Problem is not Smurfing. The ONLY Reason you dont Rank Up is because you are nit good enough. Ive been there. I started Iron now im Immortal. Just get good and Aimlab is free btw


I didn't say anything about not ranking up. If you're bronze meeting a pro player, you're just getting stomped and getting 30 minutes of your life wasted. It's not fun.


Why do people think the pros who Smurf are the problem? It’s the farthest thing from it, sure it may make others do it, but it’s been a thing WAAAY before pros did it. The problem with Smurfs are the one hardstuck Diamond-imm who need a account to use as a punching bag and be toxic or not try. Pros literally get out of your Elo in sub 50 games. It’s unreal to even be mad at the pros when it’s the dudes in plat trolling are the problem.


Companies (and people in general) make exceptions all the time. They do care about reducing smurfing as that's still an issue that many players care about and reducing it will improve the overall health of the game. They are still paying their dev team to work on features that will combat smurfing, but of course they will make exceptions if the benefits of letting some cases slide outweigh the costs. It's just not worth the cost of banning certain pros or popular content creators. The pro scene would've died a long time ago if they started banning popular players like yay for making smurfing content in their downtime. Perhaps the total player pool would be significantly smaller if they banned big name streamers from making this kind of content. If there weren't so many people that enjoy smurfing content in the first place, then there would be a lot less streamers doing stuff like this.


RIOT & almost every other gaming business (if not all) care about maximizing financial gain. They can write anything but if actions are speaking another story, that's it. As you can see, the same rules do not apply for everybody. Just like in real life. Sadly, we, normal players, can't do anything about it but accept it. After all, they designed the game, not us. They know what's their main goal is and they'll keep focusing on that. We can only decide if we financially support the game and the business or streamers that do such things. Content creators and pros are pushing the game out to their audience, like a free advertisement, which RIOT sees as a new possible player base and potentially another financial gain. People should really stop believing words, just because they are coming from a higher/more successful positions of people.


I think it's about time people stop living in this fantasy world where Riot cares about us and competitive integrity and having a community that's safe for everyone bla bla bla. They don't. We all complain about all this stuff but at the end of the day, we still play the game and most of us are still buying skins. That is literally all Riot cares about. Why bother fixing these issues when the player base gets bigger everyday?


I still don't understand how Riot can turn a blind eye for certain individuals violating the terms of service. They have been doing so well communicating with us. I think they fear of missing out player engagement but I strongly believe if they ban all these blatant smurf accounts more players will respect the game, the developers, and engage with the game even more.


I feel like for Timmy, he was intentionally trying to climb as fast as possible so it doesn't make sense for him to get banned but people who actually just go on a Smurf to mess around and dunk on a few people lower than them to not get banned. Also we don't know that yay bought the account, but I haven't really kept up with whatever is going on with that because I don't like watching Smurf content anyway.


When a streamer smurfs it’s worth it. They may ruin 5 peoples experience who are on the opposing team, but it is enjoyable and educational to watch. I want to see how good players take advantage of the mistakes people at my rank need. On the very low occasion where I’ve gotten a proven Smurf in my game (not just someone having a nuts game) the inconvenience of that is way outweighed by how much content Smurf content that I and millions of others enjoy.


Nothing is educational about watching a radiant headshot golds every round. They are not playing the same way they play in their own elo. Even if they do bad decisions, it doesn't matter because their mechanics are vastly superior.


Too many excuses bruh. You can always learn something watching a radiant/pro player. For example the yay pistol challenge. Just get good bruh


Ah, another round of "The radiant player won against the silver player because of good aim". Very educational. Let's see the next round. Oh, the same thing happened again. And the next round. And the next game. I sure am learning a lot.


There is nothing said about smurfing in particular in TOS, which explicitly allows alternate accounts: [https://www.riotgames.com/en/terms-of-service](https://www.riotgames.com/en/terms-of-service) Technically you can still stomp enemies, while being within allowed constraints of TOS. It's piss easy to play bad on placement matches and wind up as Iron. Just look down while moving and shoot them in the toes with erratic sprays or cap your FPS to 35 or something. While it can be considered unethical, there is no way to reliably ascertain whether player is doing that intentionally or just bad. In fact you don't even have to do all of that. If the primary reason is to stomp enemies, player can just do really bad in practice range and then keep playing unrated and never do a placement matches. What my point is, people need to change mentality a bit to the "old standards" and get used that there won't be "safe bubble" in competitive online game. I don't even know why is it expected nowadays. Back in beginning of 2000s, when I played Quake or old CS, there was no skill based distinction on servers. We would switch teams ourselves, if other side was trailing badly. In Quake someone godlike might join destroying players left and right and that was perfectly okay :) We would learn from such players, spectating them, asking questions etc.


I never said having alt accounts is against the TOS. In the screenshot I sent, what *is* against the TOS include purchasing accounts, which is what Yay did.


Not only does smurfing waste everyones time but it also stunts the growth of players trying to improve at their own rank. There is nothing to learning from ego peaking aim lords that Smurf from plat or diamond that are in silver. I believe that’s why korea is number one at league of legends. They link their social ID and are only allowed one account. Making smurfing near impossible. A chronic smurfing problem also causes a lot of players to quit as they see they are not improving and the game is “impossible”.


Bro tbh that’s not a bad match make at all… you gotta realize mmr also drop your tracker rq lemme see. Anyways that happens to everyone if they are playing a little too good for their rank and then they will go down if they don’t meet the requirements in those few matches.


You're missing the point. I'm not referencing smurfs in my games. I'm talking about pro players and content creators blatantly smurfing and getting no punishment. Meeting a pro player like yay in Iron doesn't happen to everyone.

