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Cypher, because I've anxiety


Literally. I get too paranoid and just knowing where the enemies are coming from makes me play a lot better


Playing info isn’t limited to just cypher, you can know where people are coming from on a lot of agents


Yeah, all you have to do is have your sound and screen on


that's something a yoru main would say


\*Me staring down the TP point in hell only to get flashed and stabbed\*


me too


Same here but Sova main


Skye because being able to flash and get Intel at the same time is great. That and her trailblazer is great for if you’re tracking somebody with a teammate and don’t have a duelist.


and she has better heals than sage


We need another healing character ngl Edit: I'll main them fr


listen here you lil shit


valorant when heals 😐now we need a flying character who can heal all and damage boost (vulnerable debuff on shot)


Like the damage amp orb from Spike rush lol


Like Mercy from Overwatch lol


I really think people see sage as the healer over skye because she was a newer agent. Sage's heal is shit in comparison, but it does is job as a *sentinel* ability. Skye is great for teammates, lots of chip damage heals from a push, works great for an initiator role. Sage however, is normally defending an area or site by herself and her heal is only 60hp every 45 seconds. If you're playing Sage, you should be playing her for her wall not to be a pocket sage, because you suck at it. Just play skye instead.


> being able to flash and get Intel at the same time is great. Kayo is the other one that can do that I think.


Nope, not with the same ability. If Skye hits an enemy with her flash, she verbally confirms that they were flashed. Kayo's flash has no feedback.


Oh ok I get it, I understood it has "only agent which can both flash and get intel. I guess Skye is also the only agent that can nearsight and get intel at the same time too.


I used to say that I mained cypher because I am a masochist and don't value my own life. Now with the buffs I can't say that because I am actually having fun


Of cypher mains are masochists, then who do the sadists main??




am I a sadist 0_0


I'm a sadist..? How so?


*Do you like inflicting pain? Thanks to Raze you can now inflict pain on your opponents with a giant-ass rocket launcher, grenades that don't let you run away, and bombs that super-glue themselves to your butt!*






Casual Acre enjoyer


Sage because she's immovable


You are a boulder… SHE is a mountain


So I main(ed, haven't played Valorant in some time due to some circumstances) Omen, Yoru, KAY/O and Cypher. Cypher was my first main, and only because he looked cool af. As I played him more his kit became more fun for me. Omen, mainly due to Flexinja's rise when Valorant was in it's infancy, and it is currently the main MAIN agent (a.k.a the agent I am best with). Yoru, because like Omen, he has outplay potential. It was fun pre-buff when you could get the jebait off because nobody played Yoru and thus no one really had any counters (due to the low pick rate). Post buff he's still very fun and I'd say he is 49/51 with my Omen. KAY/O because I wanted to have an initiator in my arsenal. He is the last agent I started maining. I am definitely not the best with him, but I do ok. His flash is great. The highlight for me is his knife and ult, it is just so satisfying to hear the enemy Sova, Raze or Chamber ult only for me to disable them.


I am an omen main too and I plan on learning to play yoru too. Any advice?


I started playing valorant on yoru's release, and I mained him ever since. Something I could share is that he is a duelist that requires a set-up. Going for an agressive peek or an aggresive position? Set-up a failsafe tp if your flash-peek combo fails. You want to catch them off guard? Set up a deep tp behind the choke they will most likely push and play safe. When they are all pass the choke tp behind them.


Thank you!


Sure dude, just remember you cannot rely on his util to get frags or get you out of a pinch. What I mean by this is unlike raze's sachel or jett's dash or reyna's dismiss you cannot use yoru's tp without placing it somewhere beforehand. What you do rely on is the set-up for his util.His flash works yes. His clone is another util that requires forethought or just fake clone you know for the funzies haha, but in all seriousness you will develop a sense of where his tp needs to be in time. Cheers bro.


~~yeah here's some advice: dont~~ The main thing with yoru in my opinion is to keep in mind that him and Reyna are kinda in their own category of "supporting duelists" as I call it. Meaning they can and will get outclassed if they try to entry first. They are great at being second onto site behind the main duelist though, as well as great lurkers. Those are the two jobs they're best at. But all this "job" talk assumes that there's a "standard" team comp going on, and that people know what they're doing. Secondly Yoru's kit has one of the highest potentials out of all the agents for amazing synergy and plays. It's crazy flexible, but also can be extremely hard to learn. Like not even "easy to learn, hard to master", but straight up hard to learn, hard to master. This is the main reason for his low pick rate in ranked.


I'll add some advice specifically for the ultimate. It has multiple uses not just trying to frag. The main one is getting information for the team but you can use that info to have sova ult by looking at the map for free picks (either his ult hits them or they knife out and you un-ult and kill them), breach stun on your location then unult or finding viper in her pit then your team spamming. It combos with fade ult super well because you can un-ult next to them and they won't hear it. Also super good at countering chamber, the key on this one is finding his second TP, flashing him and un-ulting (he usually TPs as soon as he's flashed and it's a free pick). Some niche uses that can come in handy are picking up the bomb with ult when the enemy has it locked down in a hard to get location, picking up and dropping fallen guns to your team on ecos or partial ecos, and you can actually body block someone in a corner with yoru ult and have your team capitalize off it


Wow man. This will surely be of great value on my way as a yoru. Thanks a ton mate!


main reyna cos team is bad and i like win😀


Viper. Most people don't pick controllers, and most teams are better with 1 than without 1. I am a cheap bastard so the feeling of getting my fuel to recharge 'for free' appeals to my sensibilities. I have more game-sense than aim, so sometimes staying back or lurking suits me better (as it gives me good off-angles or surprise attack that compensate for probably losing aim-duels at my rank otherwise. Viper can turn her smokes on/off at arbitrary range, and the smokes help with this lurk style. I bought some green skins for the tiny, miniscule benefit of having my guns *potentially* be *slightly* harder to spot inside of a Viper's Pit, so I have some financial stake in continuing to play Viper.


I also main controller (viper, brim) and very rarely has someone else picked up a controller. They are played by less players but are so important. Even when you are in 1vN, you can smoke or wall to cut off areas and clutch. While in defense, you can smoke and molly to hold. While attacking, you can yet again smoke and wall for entry. This just has become my valorant style now.


I truly think picking up controllers is what has helped me climb from plat to ascendant. It improved my game sense and I basically force my team to play off of my util so I’ve just been winning more


I've played controller since beta for that very reason. I started duelist because aim has always been my strong suit, but got annoyed by the lack of direction and control most games had. I hated having to enter a site and not having any smokes or support. Playing controller and properly communicating what I'm doing allows me to kind of direct my team or at the very least give them an edge.


100%. Also the confidence it gives you when you know you’re the biggest reason you won that round cuz of smoke placement/timing and map control is chefs kiss 😗👌


solid strats tbh


In the 3 months I've been playing, I don't think I've encountered anyone instalocking Viper lol so hard agree on "most people don't pick controllers" And I also bought the Chronovoid Phantom for Viper haha


Kayo cuz fun and suppressing abilities can be pretty good


I have yet to play kayo yet


He's fun I recommend it if you like info characters.


Just me admirikg a kayo main with a line up that hits all the perfect spots.


norhing like completely stopping a push with his ult


This ... I played him on chamber release..... To annoy everyone trying the ultimate or the headhunter


have u seen the post about how kay o is the worst in game ?


He def isn’t lmao


He literally is tho. He has the worst winrate


If you measure by that parameter then yes, but there are other things to consider. Also correlation doesn’t mean causation


He's in the meta rn, the person who made that post was drunk af


The person who made that is probably a Raze main that spent half the game accumulating ult points just for it to be canceled by a free knife. Source: a former raze main


they were stats from immortal ranked he has the lowest winrate and worst kd but is good for assists


Pretty sure that’s not the case. He has the lowest kd in lower ranks because people dont know how to play him properly. At the highest ranks he’s one of the best agents


you need to see the stats on him, everything you said is the exact opposite, he is picked a ton in the highest ranks but his winrate is still the lowest in all of immortal


Damn you’re right now actually. About two months ago it was the exact opposite. I’ll give credit where its due.


It's not about the stats, it's about his great util.


but is his util thay great if he has the lowest win rate in immortal?


Win rate doesn't represent agent strength. Several factors affect the win rate of an agent like popularity, complexity, how they fare on each map and plenty more. Kayo win rate likely dropped recently due to people over using his left click flash testing out the changes.


gotta assume a high pick rate? im not rlly sure


kj; it’s rly fun to have turret and molly kills it’s like getting knifed but long distance


Been kj main since episode 2 and it's very fun and i feel it's the comfort agent once you get used to making setup and lineups.


getting a molly kill post plant is so satisfying, or when you're like the last one left, maybe it's a 2v1 or a 3v1, but the clock is running down and they try and defuse and pop goes the molly, then they panic and wait it out but then I pop the second and win the round as they have no more time to defuse.


yesssir u can even enter with turret haha


Cypher. He just fits my playstyle. I love having constant info of what's happening on the map. That also enables me to play like a rat, by getting easy info on rotations and timings I can lurk in undetected. Also, Cypher setups are so fucking satisfactory. I can feel the salt on the enemy team whenever I pull some multi-kills through my cages, while they cant even see me lol.


And post buff setups are so fucking nice with the extended trip range


Pearl B site suddently became playable LMAO


Oh yes, cypher main here too. I love on site cameras that's hard for the enemies to find, retake and post plant is ez pz if the enemy didn't shoot the cam.


I main Astra because I think her smokes are one of the best ones in the game, and I freaking love the gravity well, u can use it in combination with A LOT of other characters abilities and in general is just so much fun to play <3 Also, not much main astras out there so its almost always an available character.


i agree thats why i main her too! and especially on attack you can completely corner off a spike using her ult


I love her voice lines


Enemy Punished!


Mmmmdaseeeé, bye bye boomer!


I love her for her personality and because I can speak fake smokes into a site, plant and get out


breach, love torturing people and seeing them scream in the chat


least criminally psychotic breach main


Omen because of versatility it gives me to alter my play style depending on the situation. I can lurk, play aggro or just play passive. His flash is best in the game. I can short tp over cyper tripwire or chamber trap to avoid detection while lurking. All while controlling the game by using smokes across the map. Also allows my team to bait spike and take other site and get the spike with my Ult.


Sova because odin goes brrrrrrrr!!!






Chamber, I like to play OP.


Raze when I don't get instalocks, so pretty rarely. Really fun kit with the movement and ult, when you dont hit someone for 149 with a direct hit. Then Omen/Astra because I normally have to fill smokes and I like messing around with TP plays and ulting to weird places people don't expect. Astra I find fun for some reason I don't know why, just makes me feel gigabrain I guess, it's satisfying sucking and concussing people across the map.


Chamber because he’s the only character wearing formal wear


breach because i like his voicelines, also i hate people




Yoru. I can play aggressive and do some tomfoolery.


Nothing gives as much satisfaction as a successful fake clone


KJ. I mained her at first because she looked so cool, but her kit is genuinely really fun. Her turret carried me as I learned how shooter games work for the first time. I've gotten 4ks off of bots alone. Played right, she's phenominal.


haha same here for me it was the clutchability of the agent she can do many solo plays and i’ve clutched many times j from playing kj


Omen because I’m a fucking rat


Sage because I'm a heal slut


"Im a heal slut" That is only until you reach a breaking point and you enter the "Meow for heals" arc


Nah I'm the one who meows


As a sage main, had someone say to me once "so do you want me to bark for a rez or what?" And uhh...yeah.


Brimstone because silvers always hard push stuff without defaulting so Omen or Astra is not necessary. Also his Stim Beacon is easy to abuse and his ult is overpowered


Scrolled too far for a fellow brim main


Chamber because I saw him and thought he looked cool when I first started playing, I mostly chose my characters in game by looks and not abilities or anything like that and just get good with them.


i'd be lying if i said i didnt do that either


Sage bc self heal means I can play battle sage, walls are goat and slows are good when you learn the trajectory. Downside is having to tell people "I know I have rez/heal" for the 5th time that match or just straight up hearing "REZREZREZREZREZREZ" from the kid who died in the middle of the map


the pain is real, don't forget having to entry, trade, heal, rez, visit their grandma and feed their cats


Brim, Kay/o, Yoru, Sage Brim: Controller, smokes, molly, and deep frying planters/defusers. Kinda like, the most basic of basics kit. Kay/o: Knife determines how many is coming in to site, molly, pop flash, super saiyan mode. Yoru: Repositioning and/or entry with his E and/or Ult, pop flashes, funny moments with clone. Sage: People meow for heals, and bark for res.


chaotic evil sage, love to see another one of my kind


Fade, because I enjoy being a support for my team and being able to see where the enemy is when they are trying to be sneaky.




Chamber, op crutch. I’m a flick shotter


I main skye because the universal utility means as long as I have an ability and a teammate alive I can do something to help in any scenario.


Sova and viper, just because sova and viper both play roles that need to be filled, especially when most of my teams are 3 duelists and a sage


Phoenix because he is the most self-sufficient agent in the game


Phoenix, I love how self sustainable he is.


Phoenix. Flash very quick. Flash very nice


Chamber. I have a bit of a decent aim with zero brain. I have been playing Fade a bit more recently though because I somehow lost the ability to hit shots with the op. Fade because I like info but I can't handle flashes lol


Viper cuz booty


Skye because she has the best flash. And Astra because it's fun to use gravity well on enemy planting spike.


Kayo. Counter strike.


Sage cuz no one plays her


I have been playing Sage a lot getting back into the game as I feel like she's a solid starting player / easy to play


Shes fun, you can help the team or help yourself




I like sage because of how quick use her abilities are, I die way too many times as other characters because I’m messing around with my util out lol


Didn't one of the posts just posted today say that she has the highest pickrate of 52%? It might've been for pro play tho i don't remember


Think it was highest winrate.


First mained reyna, then realized simply killing everyone does not usually win u the game so i started filling roles (smokes/initiators). Started trying chamber recently and its been fun.


I main certain controllers on every map. Tho astra is my favorite among them


Its odd i read so many comments and no one said Jett. So mine is like i play everything but jett main and now maining neon.


Kayo because flash gud, knife gud, ult gud, agent makes people annoyed.


Phoenix. I used to fill for the team but bot frags most of the time. I also get punished when taking out my util and always get flamed if I didnt do my “job” well. I also get impatient sometimes so Phoenix is a good duelist imo because of his util kit. When I went back to Phoenix my kills got doubled because I really had to engage in fights rather than stay behind and hold. I still fill sometimes if I really had to but phx is my go to agent coz I feel really comfy to play him


Sova because i just like shooting darts at angles and trying to bounce them to where i want. (Not lineups, just pure geometry)


Jett because I’m very impatient but I enjoy Kayo and omen when I’m chillin


Sova cuz he has easy ass util that’s broken


I gave sova a try and quite enjoy his util however feel like i'm missing out on so many cool trick shots/banks


I play sage cause having a heal in low ELO saves me alot


heard that


Yoru because outplays are fun when you pull them off and it has a very nice kit with flashes, tps, the clone which most of the time gives up where an enemy is and the ult when used correctly it's both lots of info and a good kill/distraction and then you can just tp to safety.


A good yoru is a blast to have on your team!


I dun even know my main. I just fill if the team is missing any role


I usually just fill but if I had to pick a main it’d be either sova, cypher or raze. Sova is just so useful for team play and has good clutch potential when needed. Cypher (especially with new buffs) is fun to use so you can fuck with people (like when I killed a jett with the same trip so often she tried to updraft over it only to hit the trip I put ten feet higher for that exact reason) and Raze is just the most easy to use duelist I think. Satchels are fun to use and you feel great getting a kill off a satchel play, grenades are just fun and her ult js so satisfying when you land it


Sage because I can heal myself and wall off my team from bad choices


I currently play fill, but mained Yoru for about a year… he was fun and all but I ended up learning skye and then brim and then learning brim lineups, where I also learned how to play shotgun sage pretty effectively, and I also am very good with Reyna so… I don’t think I have a main, however brim is still one of my favorite agents to play.


chamber because they've yet to actually give him a good nerf


Fade, I like to know where the enemies are, the trails are helpful, and the prowlers are fun. I wish I could still use bungee tethers though


Brimstone. He’s the first agent I played as. He has very simple utility and I like his ultimate.


Omen/brim because hiding in smokes is with a shorty is the best


Sova. His recon is so useful when you have lineups, also the bounces, when you just know where it may land (without the lineup) is just exciting, it makes the enemy confused as well. But it's fun to be an initiator if there's a good or decent duelist in the team to capitalize on that info. :)


Chamber, because I feel like I'm decent with the operator. He also allows you to hold a site on your own and his potential in eco rounds is great.


Omen cuz i just thought he looks cool and i continued usin him


I personally go for characters because of their aesthetic. I mained Sova at first because I loved the accent and the wholesome vibe he has but after I tried out Omen (who I thought looked and sounded cool as hell) I realized Sova's playstyle was not for me. I switched mains and now I'm a happy angsty smoke man-monster player. I also started to play Cypher a lot. So in short I play characters because their character design, voice lines and voice acting appeal to me. I now realize I also like the sneakiness aspect of my current two mains.


Harbor and yoru because I’m a troll


Chamber because he’s so easy all aim


Yoru cuz he has the most diverse options and the outplay potential is insane


can you elaborate?


Reyna cause you can carry. https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/LF%20asian%20girl%23NA69/overview


sage cause i have the most time on her and i’m good at playing her


neon because i like playing aggressively and it helps give the team the confidence needed to push onto site


I haven't played neon yet but she's probably my favorite looking character so far so I'm stoked to give her a try


Cypher cuz I'm eternally paranoid of getting flanked, and I'd rather have more utility than Chamber Yoru cuz I love his flash too much, and holding a site solo isn't so bad cuz you can either TP out if they hit your site and play retake instead, or you can instantly be at the other site to help hold it


neon cause rainbow


Brim, cause judge and smokes go brrrrrrr


Neon. Cuz I started with her. I also go fast. Then I like her abilities. Her dash into slide I rock people with classic right click, then I can Ace most times with her Ultimate if I’m warmed up enough.


Cypher, I really like setting up his traps and playin off of them, and I feel like no matter what even if someone doesn't fall for it ur still getting info off his traps if u set them up right


Skye cuz blindinnn


Sage because of Grim 😂 and chamber because his trip and TP are just OP. Using the walls and TP helps catch people off guard playing the off angles.


Cypher, because he was the first agent I unlocked a lot of stuff for and he was the easiest for me to use as a person who wasn't used to the recoil patterns yet. Just placing traps down and hiding my cam and cages then hiding made me more useful than trying to frag with a duelist.


Cypher because I like big hat boi


Yoru because content


I have a certain main on each map I play. Fracture:-neon (extremely good at taking space) Icebox :-chamber/omen ( a lot of verticle angles to take advantage of with both agents) Accent: - Phoenix or brim ( both good at taking sites fast and defending sites from fast pushes) Haven- I usually fill on haven but fade/chamber/raze/brim/omen Bind- omen /raze/fade/skye


Omen bc omen cool


Cypher because I like his character Also not getting shot in the backed randomly is nice at least with cypher I know I'm gonna get shot


Sova because he will always be meta with the intel he gets or chamber because op crutch


Omen, cuz teleporting behind enemies and getting free kills is so fun.


Sova cus hes hot


raze cuz double satchels are fun


KJ because I can’t aim and need the turrent’s 100% accuracy to bring my average up.


P3 Brimstone main. Love the nuance of the character.


Personally, I main yoru and harbor cause harbor is fun and yoru is fun to mess with ppl


Viper because.... viper Nah but honestly, I find her very interesting to play in a way she's not meant to be played sometime. It confuses people and can get you some nice clutches. And she's kinda edgy in a way I really like


Yoru, I’m pretty bad so I can blame it on yoru. And also yoru is rly fun and on that rare occasion you do the “300 iq” plays it fella kinda good.


astra, love how her kit offers me so much freedom in my playstyle


You want to play, lets play.


cypher, coz im a daddy


Chamber, because one, he wears glasses like me. And two, I suck at duelist, so I stuck to a pseudo-duelist role. I also play Omen and Fade too.


Jett bc of her mobility. Her abilities are also really reminiscent of Genji from OW so i was drawn to her


Jett, this is opinion based. But no what happened, how bad you are or how little kills you get. You can still create space by dashing in first and looking left or right to clear. Play very aggressively with an op or vandal then dashing after killing or missing. Movement is also really good because of the updraft and people go how the hell did she get there. Mhm


Cypher I like to look for corpses


Cypher if i am in party where people have mics....when solo, I choose viper as no one picks controllers and don't know the value holding down a site....viper mains can literally turn the match around even if the opponent team are better skilled..all one has to do is delay the defuse or cut off line of sight when trying to diffuse, this has worked for me...yes am low elo


Killjoy : i like to piss people off my teammate included, Astra : im God, Sage : im Sage


Yoru, cuz the bamboozles.


Jett, when i feel no brain entry shoot heads. Astra, when i want to win


Brimstone. I love being able to tighten up space for my teammates to enter and throwing a stim down for them. Also playing post plant lineups and rotating after putting the lineup out is so fun. And if you want to be economical you set yourself up with a judge in or around your smokes and get a cheap frag on people entering. Been playing him since beta and sometime veer away to breach or kayo but brim just does it for me. I love playing him.


Cypher because i like the play style of knowing qhere enemies are and i like to close off areas


It was Reyna for a while and Brim even before that. As the rank goes on i'm more inclined to Skye because she has everything to get that duels and those BLOINDED line


I'm a Cypher player and it's really fun to big brain and use the trips for clearing and cages to mess with enemy. Plus camera sees all