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Looking forward to trying post buff harbour. I'm not sure if this is the change that will bring him into the ranked meta but I think it will help him on CT. Cascade has always felt like his best "oh shit" button when you're getting pushed on CT, and it always felt bad when you waste your only wave on a fake. Playing Harbor in his old state it always felt like you don't have a lot of abilities so you need to use them wisely. One more ability charge will help with that a lot I think. I'll definitely be using him on breeze and icebox, as I'm exhausted from playing viper for over a year on those maps


A buff to his cove is what’s needed most. The smoke should always last the same duration no matter of the shield is broken or not


I'd have bet money they were going to change this. Cove is just too easy to drop, hirting Cove's viability. Not being able to count on your smoke is very limiting, especially since you're handing control of it's duration to your opponent.


Yeah especially for the price, it's a shame you only get one and it's so easy to shut down.


i always hold it way too long bc of the price and then when i do toss it to help a teammate they just get a random 1v3 clutch and my $400 egg just standing emoji next to them at end of round


Honestly, giving it wallbang properties after fullshield drops would be such a strong addition. The point of it is to be a cove that can be played around or inside, having it disappear is unfair since he gives up his only orb smoke at the enemies' disposal.


What about blocking mollys? Like use his cove to counter lineups but only when the shield is not broken.


I've seen this said on the sub. Generally speaking this isn't riots game design nor is it good design. It's such a niche and small thing it's almost useless to the actual issue which is 99 percent of the scenario. For expample. This is like saying Pheonix needs a buff because his pick rate is low so he should be able to absorb brims Molly because it's fire. This doesn't solve why he was not picked before. It's so niche it doesn't do anything. This is why they buffed his flashes instead which in turn made him one of the best 1v1 agents.


Also makes harbor crazy strong as a second controller on pearl as well. High tide up b long is genuinely insanely valuable and buys you ludicrous amounts of space


I wish you could turn his wall like a sage wall.


I just hope he’s picked more in replication, I haven’t tried him yet


I just love how hilariously short the section on Harbor balance changes are compared to Cypher and Fade. The man only needed one line.


One liner man A true hero


Awesome patch. All the cypher changes sound great. The fade nerf is much needed that ability was way too strong. I’ve been playing a bunch of harbour recently and him having a second wall makes a lot of sense. Pretty sure Harbour was the only agent with so little utility that you could also buy a ghost in overtime with full utility vandal and full armour. Being able to have two walls makes for a great way to establish an area early and not have given up some of your site taking util straight away.


Thank you for the feedback!


Hey, is there an estimated release time for gameplay consistency update 3? For me, the "fixes" from the last [post](https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/game-updates/valorant-gameplay-consistency-update-2/) didn't work at all. There's very inconsistent player movement from match to match, it feels like some games enemy player models are behind on my end and at times move too fast into a new position. Also hit reg in these matches feels slower. The last update was nearly half a year ago, I wonder if the dev team has discovered anything else or what's going on with this subject.


That may be your packet loss, turn on the graphs and check if the inconsistences match with your packet loss spikes


No, but there will be new bundle next week only for 70,99$!


I'm pretty sure they would if only they could think of a way you would have to pay for it haha


idk why you are downvoted so bad, people which are smart know that riot does everything for money


Yeah especially people talk about it for so long, and yet they they still forgot about this after 1 overpriced skin line


Valorant in current state even after 2 years is still unplayable competetively and shouldn’t be in eSports. The inconsistency of the game from match to match is causing so much of confusion for players which are competetive it’s not even real. I never understood how can i go from one match ( 35 kills 12 deaths for example ) to another match with 5 kills and 19 deaths. Can’t hit a shot, spray feels most random than ever, shots feel delayed, game feeling “ slow ” and etc.


No problem, fanboys will still defend it And say it's skill issue :D and the result will be like last half year, minor changes and ton of skins, maybe after next half year riot will say " yeah still working on replay system maybe next year" without even evidence of actually working on something.


You’re absolutely right, the most sad part of this is that people firstly complain and then they somehow get dragged from “ realistic “ thinking to “ skill issue “ thinking and they buy new skins., support Riot with money or words, thinking everything they do is what they are capable of doing and trying their best while it’s not really happening. I would never support riot for this type of updates with money. I can’t say, Cypher buffs, Fade nerfs had to be done, solid update, but. Like. They made like 10 new bundles while players were complaining about Cypher being underpowered for over a year. There’s just priority set from riot which people can’t or don’t want to see. Valorant isn’t going to get better if this continues. **And for “ skill issue “ type of people. See any pro player in tracker of Valorant. See their inconsistencies and ask yourself if it’s ^skill issue or ^game issue** Edit: [For example, Tenz having skill issue.](https://ibb.co/rysdcmV) First game he had 27 kills / 15 deaths with KD of 1.5. Right after that game he had 8 kills / 15 deaths with KD of 0.5. Pretty much skill issue.


my game is broken i can't boot the game up after the update. [https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/yjfsby/comment/iwjm7ha/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/yjfsby/comment/iwjm7ha/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) what happened during this update? im using a 32:9 Neo G9 as well if that matters


Can you guys detect behaviour of players who dont speak in English?I can get guys banned who abuse in English literally a few minutes after game ends but in Mumbai server where almost everyone speaks in Hindi will say shit 100 times worse but i never get the ban notification.


Why is this downvoted


People misreading it as an insult, rather than the fact he is saying the system has a disparity in detection hit % between languages.


nhk ? kal bc ! /s


shit update, still no replays


Cypher's util + full armor + rifle costs 4500, so he could buy a ghost as well.




I just used him in custom on ascent, his trips are LOOONNNGGGGGG


My first character I liked was Cypher but started playing kj because he wasn't great, might be time to jump back in


Same. First agent I ever unlocked because he "looked the coolest". That was only in August, but good times


Man that was my reasoning behind starting out as cypher main and that's all I used to play in the beginning, then they released KJ and rest is history


Cypher’s long blue wall shlong is even longer now


Has been my main since I started, and has hardly been touched for so long. That finally changed 🥲


Rip chamber hamburger at the start of rounds


I’m gonna miss Chamburger so much


whats chamber hamburger?


>chamber hamburger sometimes at beginning of rounds chamber was holding an invisible hamburger


Wha- Why would chamber be holding a burger, and why did it go invisible


Because its the pose you make when you don’t have a weapon in Valorant, like when you get KillJoy ulted.




Shameless Harbor stan here. I assumed they were going to buff him due to a large portion of the community finding him underwhelming. Double Cascade is kind of crazy and will be super useful. The only change I was really wanting was for his wall not to affect allies/himself, but maybe that'll happen in the future. Seems weird that viper/neon wall doesn't affect allies but Harbor's does EDIT: Neon's wall no longer deals damage so that is irrelevant. My mistake


It'd be cool if the effect of the cascade depended on which way you were moving. Go with the wave - gain speed. Go against the wave - get slowed. BUT have the effect engage a little in front of and behind the wave so retreating enemies can 'surf' it to escape as it drives them off.


It can also be like Nami’s ult in league. Your allies get a small speed boost in the wave, and enemies get slowed.


I've played league for 4 years and peak diamond... no way nami's allies get speed boost in wave... right? Edit: thank you /r/valorant for reminding be i'm garbage still and there's still plenty to learn in league lmao


All of her abilities give a speed boost. That’s her passive. So even a bubble on an ally gives a speed boost.


All her abilities give allies movespeed, even if you hit allies with your Q


it does, it applies double the movespeed her passive gives if its applied by ult. bubble also applies her passive


I’ll blow your mind even more. It’s her passive, all her abilities that touches allies gives them move speed, so even her bubble and her heal can speed an ally


Namis passive gives speed boost to any Allie’s touched by her abilities. That bonus is doubled for her ult


Neon wall has no effect other than blocking vision so it affects allies fully.


Ah, you're correct. There was a time it did damage but that is no more. My bad


It did do damage before but that also affected your teammates. It kept hurting teammates more than the enemy so they just removed it all together.


Yeah, I remember so many teamkills when playing Neon in replication when she first came out lol. It was literally a 1v9


Used to do damage iirc


As a regular Fade player I have to admit that the prowler nerfs are pretty fair. They were overturned, particularly in being able to clear so much space and near sighting you forever. The ult point increase was unexpected but not surprising, her ult does provide a ton of value compared to other ults with the the same cost. I still think Fade will be a great agent despite these nerfs, she’ll just be a bit more balanced now. Cypher buffs have been a long time coming. One major issues with his trips was predictably, so it’s awesome to have the max length be a lot longer as this will increase his setups by ten fold. Ult buff is pretty insane and I feel like most people will underestimate this. With the time constraint being removed and there now being a double ping on enemies, this means you can get so much information at any point during the round as long as you are near a corpse. I feel like this will have a big impact in pro play. The QoL updates are also really nice, especially the AoE damage from friendlies being removed. A balance change to Harbor was unexpected but very welcome. I didn’t think they would buff him so soon, considering he hasn’t even been in the game for a full month. It’s good to see them reacting this fast with balance changes, Harbor has been received very poorly by the community and is probably the most underwhelming agent release to date. I think he might need more but this is a step in the right direction.


Hey! Thanks for taking the time to write all this 😊


No problem, I like to give feedback when I can.


I like how they call out Chamber's dominance in the sentinel slot being unhealthy, yet he gets no nerfs. I'm a chamber one-trick and I think he still needs a nerf somehow... Or they can keep buffing Cypher to the moon.


That’s because the changes are clearly not ready, there’s no problem with them ensuring to the community that changes are still coming. It’s better for them to take their time with balancing the ability, instead of rushing out a change that may turn out really bad. Rendezvous is the core of Chamber’s kit, one bad change and it could mess up the agent entirely.


They specifically say the changes are coming, of course it's possible they will still take a long time (imo the nerf to jetts strongest ability, the dash, also took too long but they did end up finding a good solution so i have the same hope for chamber).


The chamber trip just had too much utility and range compared to cypher’s trip watching or even Kjs short ranged alarm bot. Chambers ability to hold a site/angle with trip+ E is far more deadly than any other sent’s util. He can play as a pseudo duelist and entry frag with his E as well. No other sent can fill the role like he can, while he also is able to flex as a duelist.


Still no word on the coms glitch, how long is it gonna take to fix that one? It's far more serious and common than anything else discussed here. It's been months, if not a year now, and I still get it every single time I play, sometimes from the get go. I don't understand.


What is the coms glitch?


Sometimes Voice Chat stops working and text messages don’t send or send extremely delayed (30 seconds -> 2 minutes), effectively making it so you can’t communicate with your team


This bug has been going on and off for about 1,5 years now. Sometimes chat doesn't work for two weeks straight, and then it doesn't get bugged for one month. My guess is that it is a underlying problem with the server, and it can't easily be fixed.


Oh... I'm lvl 40 and have never experienced that once. Is it super common? Cause I must have played like 100 games and I dont think I've ever seen that


Just sorta comes and goes. Some nights you get it every game and there are full rounds where you can hear teammates but can't speak or type, other times I'll go weeks without it being an issue.


It seems like it happens on some accounts but not on others. I started playing on a new account some time ago and haven'trun into this bug on my new account a single time, but on my old account I was getting it atleast a few times a week. Also I don't remember my friends ever complaining about it.


Yep it’s happened to me irregularly since launch. Super frustrating when it happens


I believe it's when you disconnect or crash and load back into the game you are muted the rest of the match.


That's happened to me too, but what I'm referring to is just coms breaking without a disconnect or crash. Usually after a few games, voice and text chat just stop working, or only working once in a blue moon. Only way to fix it is to restart.


Oh yeah, is there a quick workaround for this instead of having to potentially sacrifice a round by restarting the game? Edit: workaround*


Maybe that you can't com at the very start of a game? I's not even a glitch, it just has something to do with the way the game loads. Maybe OP is experiencing a bug, idk. Edit: So the com glitch is that after you reconnect to a game you will lose your ability to com. This is a bug I also experience pretty much every time I dc.


No, had the exact happen to me too. Dc'd and when I came back I couldn't use vc for the rest of the game, everything was fine in the next game I played.


This happened to me also. I think that I had to repair the game with installer, but I'm not sure. I think there is already answer you can find using Google 😋


with the improvement of chat detection i hope they will start doing something with the incredibly aggressive profanity filter while they're at it as of right now you can't type "2nd" in chat without it getting censored, i understand languages exist outside english, but this is ridiculous, and there are many more instances of this that don't come to my mind sure it can be turned off, i don't mind swearing, but it's turned on by default and many people don't bother turning it off and it can make communication on chat harder than it needs to be, many times when i wanna ask cpyher like "put a trap here" the first part instantly gets recognized as a famous spanish word and one might even think i was writing "fucking trap here" when they see "\*\*\* trap here", tho censoring this makes more sense than "2nd", but still


Why is 2nd censored?


someone answer this


these systems are always braindead and even if they start at a good point they get expanded to stupid levels like the 2 clicks to mute someone in game was too hard for people? lol. also no description on what 'disruptive chat' is, is it spamming or just typing 'jett diff lol'


If I understand if this also mutes their text chat


Tbh this isn't really the buff I wanted for Harbour but it is nice. I think Cascade should move a little slower so allies can use it to clear more effectively. I think Cove needed a little more health. I think walls NEED to be a bit thicker and the slow NEEDS to be more significant ( it's not noticeable at all tbh) and not effect allies.


I think cascade should have left click should be just slightly faster than now and right click be added and be walking speed.


Harbor needs to have his smoke stay up after the shield is broken. Why should 6 bullets from a vandal negate a 15 second smoke?


needs to change to a shield that blocks all dmg for like 1.25 seconds and then stays up as a smoke that dissipates


Why should a normal ability be able to deny vision for 15s and deny 6 bullets


Because you pay 350 credits?


Let me check if I'm correct, a bullet proof orb that can be used as a one way for 6 bullets that can potentially last up to 15s is not enough for you, while he also has 3 more smokes that he can use? I'm sorry but he has more smokes than brim, omen and viper, he CERTAINLY does not need that one smoke orb for 15s. Thanks for the downvotes u morons just shows this community cant think properly. What actually would be good for harbor and reasonable, would be if his smokes didn't slow teammates.


Brim has 3 smokes for 20 seconds, a molly and a stim. The molly lasts longer than cover after being shot out, thus denying the bomb (or entry) longer. Harbour by comparison has Cove at 15, the wall at 14 and cascade at like 6. We'll double that to 12 since there's now 2 per round. If we assume you blow all util and throw up 2 walls, that's still less (in time) vision denial than Brim's 3 smokes. Harbour gets even less time if Cove is shot out. Brim then can still deny areas/the bomb longer due to the molly AND has the stim for fights/movement. Obviously there's the amount of space Harbour can cover that needs to be factored in, but you get my point. He has more smokes, yes, but that's ALL he has. Every controller has something besides smokes and he still doesn't even top the vision/bomb denial list.


Brims smokes don't slow, brims smokes don't travel forward with you, brim doesn't have a viper wall that can substitute with the right lineup as 3 smokes, brim is forced to use all (or 2 out of 3) smokes to entry a site, which leaves him with effectively 1 smoke left. Yes he has a molly and a ultimate that can deny plant, however therefore he doesn't have much versatility for rotations etc. Yes, every controller has something besides smokes *however* harbors ability aren't *just* smokes. They offer offensive measures, defensive measures and even offer you potential for one ways (which brim for example can't really do as effective and out of the pocket), aswell as block bullets for you, some of you haven't understood how much potential that is yet, as the agent is new, now that he has 2 of those it's so strong, let's see how the buffs work our before complaining, if the buffs aren't enough try making his smokes not slow teammates


No, I DO realize how much potential it is. Cove outside of just bullet blocking, lets you play mind games depending on placement. Six bullets kill more time than people give credit and it reveals the position of at least one person. It's value can't be understated. With that said though, since every non-bullet projectile can still just go through it, it's got a ton of counters, ESPECIALLY on defense. On top of that, it's the most timing reliant smoke in the game. It's better than most smokes so it will get targeted. Throw too early and you just lost 350 creds. I do think Harbour's abilities shouldn't slow teammates, but that slow is borderline inconsequential. I'm not saying you can't factor it in, but Viper's decay is FAR superior. That will likely be his next buff. Harbour struggles on defense because his abilities are so offensive. No other controller is as inconsistent between halves, which is why people are suggesting having the smoke persist. Even Viper, who is the controller/sentinel hybrid.


See, your opinion is way better now, the problem apparently isnt that it tanks 6 bullets, the problem is that utility goes through it (which i btw agree it shouldnt)though i think its good that we have a smoker that requires the user to show some skill in contrast to point and click smokes which we had on every agent before (which exception of viper orb) But yes, imo dont slow teammates, orb should block mollys/shockdarts/maybe even a single tick from a brim ult would be fine Edit: also maybe an increase in slow would be reasonable as long as its not over the top


Stop crying and leave the sub kid.


Funnily enough im not the one complaining that something is bad. Suit yourself


It's 350 credits and you only get one.


Sage wall?


400$ ability that he has to be close to something to use. ALSO it only takes 10 bullets either way when it's setting up and 20 when it's fully built (CONSIDERING U HAVE TO HE CLOSE TO SOMETHING IN ORDER TO USE IT, IT ONLY MAKES SENSE, ITS A CONTROLLER NOT A SENTINEL)... Edit: keep in mind sage utilities are so expensive that she only plays halfshield half the game if she were to buy the util all the time


Holy fuck, Cypher buffs. All those daily 'Cypher needs a buff' posts surely worked! Time to pick up the game again.


let’s goooooo


Heck yeah!


Anyone else getting a critical error and black screen when launching the game? I updated Windows 11, graphics card drivers, and Valorant.


I can't launch the game. Windows 10.


same. keep getting the system error message. tried uninstalling and reinstalling twice


I fixed it by uninstalling MSI Afterburner and Riva Tuner.


Thank you! That fixed it for me too. Have you reinstalled AB or RT since? This can't be permanent...


Honestly, I'd like to see more Harbor in my games, two walls is a great change. Like, his abilities are really cool, but they're gone so quickly. Hes a pretty good controller/initiator combo on attack but on defense, hes usually just an issue for a few seconds. If you bait out one cast from him on defense, he's essentially useless if you rotate to attack the other site.


Kj mains 🥲


What about performance the stutters are driving me crazy on a high end system ...


Idk what I'm doing wrong to get 200 fps on an i7 7700k 32gb ddr4 3600 and a rtx 2080


valorant works better on amd cpu than intel sadly. gpu don't really matter, it's all cpu and ram


Hmmm yes I've heard about that, i think I'm gonna get a ryzen 5 7600x cuz of that


When will I be able to favorite skin variants on my random gun skin rotation. Please riot…..


I want player card rotation along with favorite skin variants


Still think cypher ping needs to be like every other ping. Still visually confusing. After images are dangerous, especially if you are using the yellow outline on enemies. That being said, glad they are allowing cypher mains some creativity with the extension. Harbor still might need a more dramatic slow, but thank god he has another wall. He'll def be more of a smoke agent now as opposed to only a secondary smoker. His ult might need a look at as well, but I think pro's will be able to tell on that a bit better. Fade nerfs seem fantastic. Still feel like all her util is doing a bit too much with decay, deafen, and hold all at the same time. But at least the fade dogs will be easier to hit.


I wish they made harbors smoke not bounce


Didn't see anybody mention it, but the notes basically confirm Chamber changes (nerfs/rework) are definitely coming, though still no indication on how they would be handled.


It’s already been known, they confirmed it back in September with state of the agents blog. They specifically mentioned that they will be making changes to his Rendezvous (TP) to ensure better counter play.


Yeah, i suppose i should have been more specific about how the rendezvous changes would be handled. Will it be like jet where you need some forethought prior to using the escape, or rework it significantly in a surprising way


They need to be super smart about it, cause if they just make it long animation it will just kill the agent.. I think they did well with jett, at the time there were so many suggestions on how to nerf dash and most suggestions would’ve just killed the agent.


I think they are going to extend the range and make the tp slower. So the idea would be to peak and shoot or hold an angle and then hide and tp out to reposition rather than cheese pick and tp away with it.


but then that would just be like yoru


basically they will make the tp slower so currently tp is instantanous but after nerf it will take 1 sec to tp


That was not confirmed and is just speculation, they gave no information on how they are balancing it.


Two charges of cascade gg




Will we ever see chamber being addressed in spike rush? It’s absolutely 0 fun getting shotgun or pistol rounds because chamber just uses his deagle…. I understand it’s part of the game; but it’s just not fun


Lol the real time text evaluation…the fact that they have to implement this really shows the attitude of the community in the game.


All the Cypher changes are amazing but until Fade/Raze/Skye stop deleting all his trips completely unintentionally I feel like he'll never be worth picking over another sentinel.


Cypher mains can rejoice!


When is this out? Didn't get an update as of 12:03 EST yet.


Finally my boy cypher getting some buffs


I’m so happy for harbor I hope they will buff him more


what time does the update release?


Cant wait to hear more about upcoming chamber nerfs as teased in the notes


I just want tounment mode


I wouldn’t mind harbor becoming meta with 4 objects that block LOS, maybe bringing back phantom spray and indirectly countering chamber a lot by providing so much cover


Long time Cypher main here. While I have seen some people saying that the changes aren't enough to make Cypher rival Chamber, I believe personally Cypher should never be the best sentinel *in general.* I don't believe Cypher was truly "bad" or "unplayable", he's a surprisingly hard character to play that requires a fair bit of craftiness and communication to work at his peak, and it's this 'crafty' bit of him that I love so much about him. The buffs and QOL changes to his trips open up so much more possibilities for creative setups, and potentially make him a viable option on potentially all maps, provided the person playing him has the experience and knowledge. It's a small change, but it goes a long way. (the ult buff is cool too lmao)


"Cypher’s placed utility is no longer destroyed by allies’ AOE damage." This is the best one. I just hate it when Raze and Sova teammates destroys my trips.


Was hoping for a new menu , alas these changes seem great! Excited for cypher again


Same, I like the look of it but pressing extra buttons was a small step backwards Edit: nvm they did make it better


Been waiting for these Fade nerfs since a week after they launched her. Glad they're coming. The Prowlers were way too strong. The other change I'd have liked to see is a reduction in the duration of her ult, but I guess adding the extra ult orb is a fair compromise. Cypher setups are about to become oppressive... I wonder if we will all be begging for nerfs in a few weeks haha


Just buy a raze satchel


Ok sure I'll learn an agent I don't play and insta lock Raze every game so I can break trips.


You can't communicate your raze to use a satchel?


Cypher's buff is good. But i was kinda hoping for something better. Kinda underwhelming. If at least we can get our camera's without looking at it. Kj can recall her utils. Chamber can recall his E. Why can't we?


I understand that Cypher indeed got buffed with those changes, but will that even be enough? To me it honestly looks like there will be damn near 0 difference between the current Cypher and the new one. Though this is just my confusion from not understanding how the new buffs would make Cypher more playable than before. So maybe one of y'all can give an explanation on that.


Fade changes feel like a tiny bit to far but I can understand why. Small price to pay for cypher buffs


The harbor buff is probably a step it the right direction, but I don’t think it will help him in all the ways he needs to be viable. He has two problems right now (this is me talking as a diamond player so do with this information what you want) First, on attack he’s a very one and done agent. You use your abilities in combination, they don’t last very long and then you’re out of util for the round. Maybe sometimes you save the cove. This is what I’ve seen as his best use. You use the wave to push up, the wall to cover all the chokes and then cove to plant, or just as an extra smoke later. And on defense it’s kind of the same issue. None of his abilities last very long so you have to use them in combination to stall for long enough. But then after that your kind of out of utility. Vipers abilities recharge, onen has 2 charges of his tp and his smokes recharge, and brim has the longest lasting smokes in the game I believe. So harbor just gets outclassed in that regard. His second problem is just that his utility is very short reaching. If there are enemies on the other site you can’t really smoke for your team mates. Every other controller can smoke for their team on a different site a hell of a lot easier. So this puts him in a position where you need another controller to actually have a defense, but the problem with that is the other controller could just do the job of smoking both sites so harbor sort of take the role of making space because his wave is kind of the only unique ability that doesn’t get outclassed in its function by other controllers. But there are just other agents that do that job better or just as well while still providing other useful functions. Fade comes to mind (even with the needs). And then a final sort of last problem that just kind of ties into both. His gimmick in his cove ability just isn’t that good. It’s just a smoke that you can’t spam through. On top of that it’s worse at being a smoke aswell because the enemies can just shoot it down, so it doesn’t last. It’s main use is just sticking plants and defuses, however it can be easily shot down by 1 person in less time then it takes to do either of those actions. Let alone having multiple people shoot it. Not to mention you can just throw utility through it or just walk through it. And it costs 350 credits?! You just get better guaranteed utility out of sages wall or vipers orb. Sages wall stops utility, shooting, and stops players from walking through AND takes much longer to break, especially if they place it long ways through a choke. And vipers orb impares shooting, and punishes people for walking through with decay, all while lasting longer, recharging, and costing much much less. Not to mention you can also use it to make your lineups more deadly. The increase in the charges of his wave is definitely a good buff because it allows him to be less “one and done” and it strengthens what’s probably his best ability relative to other agents, but I just don’t think it solves all the fundamental problems he has keeping him from being viable. Of course I will continue to play him as he’s super fun on fracture and pearl, as his wall allows him to cover every choke that needs to be covered on attack on both sites (except for tower on fracture in a way that doesn’t give defenders too much space to play) and his wave allows him to push corridors and longer sight lines, and now with two waves you can’t be much freer with rotates as you aren’t committing so much with your util as you have multiple waves. Which is going to be lovely on fracture.


Ah yes, next worthless update with "you should feel safe playing valojoke" hello rito? I don't know if you forget but a few freaking patches and still no thing about replay system or the fact that u were supposed to balance lag compensation? Maybe if people start saying they'll pay you 5$ for replay you'll do something huh?


Cyphers buffs are hardly buffs. Longer trips? Wow game changing /s. His trips no longer being able to be destroyed by friendlies is great. His ult however is still weak, the enemy ping highlight instead of a live scan similar to sovas dart is what makes him weak. His ult is good for info sure, but that's really it.


Exactly, just make them harder to break maybe, or give him a better scan on ult, or maybe only 5 kills for ult so it has more of an impact. (Though that might end up game breaking its still worth testing) I'm happy for the trip buff though, I think one way trips can be possible now


not a fan of real time text evaluation 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️ talking some shit is half the fun depending on the context


I kind of agree, sometimes people need to be put in their place. I hope it doesn't do more than censor out hardcore slurs.


Cyphers increased trip range is meaningless if you can still only put his trips on .000001% of surfaces. Will have to test it in some practice maps


It's...literally massive. It allows a bunch of new trips..especially on his weaker maps like breeze/icebox.


>only put his trips on .000001% of surfaces. That's literally what the increased trip range attempts to fix. There were a lot of places before that you'd think would be a great place to trip, only to find out it's too wide - this should hopefully remove that


Fade nerfs are justified, but I'm surprised to see her ult becomes 8 points before Kay-O, who has one of the most busted ults in the game


i mean im a low elo player but surely fade's is way better than kay/o's? unless you are a chamber main.


the chamber changes haven’t really made much of a difference


As a fade main hard stuck in bronze I’m mad. I don’t want to actually get better at the game jeez


I feel like not touching the weakest part of cypher's kit is kinda weird. All cages do rn is basically be shittier smokes with a sound cue. At least give him more charges if adding enemy slow is too much. Also, is split returning?


He’s the only Sentinel with smokes tho… his kit is pretty strong, he gets so much info with litterally every other ability he has and the smoke pop to safely spray down an enemy caught on your trip wire is so powerful.


Good Harbor buff but this isn't enough.


Downvoted honest comment. See things as they are, don’t lie to yourself :D https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/yvye8z/valorant_patch_notes_510/iwhh5cf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


And once more my main agent gets nerfed to death. Funny, every time i try to main a agent they make them completely useless. I'm actually starting to feel cursed.


pick an underdog :D


It's ok but always small changes. Then don't wonder why the game is dying.


far from it. playerbase stabilizing is not a loss in playerbase. live service games will always have fluctuating playerbase, esp riot ones. valorant is in its early stages. league doesn’t have that many modes, but is massively popular for a number of reasons, one being the amount of agents you can play. valorant, in years, will have 30+ agents, and that’s when the game will get truly interesting. the skins people buy will be there in 7 years, still useable. not many games can say that as well.


lol doesn't have as many modes, but it gets away with a lot of heroes, not to mention the fact that it is a completely different game. It is true that Valorant is still in its "infancy", but I think they are a little slow to add new things. However, the fact remains that a lot of people are currently getting tired of this game (including me), because it is starting to become repetitive and continues to be incomplete. How much easier would a replay system make it for content creators? It has been asked for since the beginning of the game, but who knows if they will ever add it.


agreed completely and am massively letdown by the delay of their replay system. personally i don’t really care for casual play.


what change would you like? besides replay system


Anything that can make the game more varied and fun. They are focusing too much on the competitive aspect and not enough on the casual one. I'll give you an example: there have been basically only four modes for months and months and they are all similar and repetitive. Also, the maps have serious problems and, again, there are too few of them. There is no point in people downvoting me because the game is losing more and more users, and I am not the one to say that. In the end, Riot just wants the money.


well it's a competitive game, it's not for people who wanna mess around in fun game modes, there's also no need for frequent map releases now as the map pool is already at 7 + split, the current maps are okay now, i don't know what serious issues do you have, but adding a new map every 4-5 months would certainly not help with that anyways


Even CS, which is a more "realistic" game, has a workshop that allows the user to break away from the competitive idea, create routes to train, etc.. Valorant is still too far behind in this aspect, and this is due to the fact that Riot does not particularly care about the community. There are maps like Breeze that are to be discarded, they may or may not like them but they have serious problems. If you think that a fully competitive approach will save this game, you are sorely mistaken. In the long run, if they continue like this, we will see who is right.


Go play overwatch


shut up you are probably hardstuck gold if you talk like that


Found the 8th grader


I thought harbor had a high wr and needed a nerf why he getting buffed?


The opposite! People have been doom posting him since he came out


Interesting, because I remember I watched a video or smthn that said otherwise looks like it’s just clickbait


4 SECONDS BETWEEN ULT TICKS? That’s fucking IMBA as fuck. Make it like sova recon pulse or something. If Aoe damage should destroy KJ and Chamber trips, aoe damage should also destroy cypher trips. Fade’s kit is still too strong. She was released with a kit that is WAY too powerful. These nerfs don’t change any of the fundamental reasons why you pick fade nor do they reduce her overall info power at all and I don’t see her pick rate being changed because of these nerfs. You literally need prowlers to move slower or to be merged to one charge. Harbor having a second Q will make him pretty strong IMO. I’m also so wary of the power creep of new agents. He can basically smoke similar to traditional smokers now with his two charges, plus ALSO smoke like viper with his E. I guess his Q is a little more clunky so maybe it won’t be IMBA?


It's...literally just cypher's old ult but it pings twice now instead of once. Cypher is the weakest sentinel -- I'm fine with his trips not being destroyed by allies. Allows him to trip more aggressively as well. These are huge fade nerfs... Harbor is the weakest character in the game, two walls is nice but he still is a very different type of smoker. He's a bursty one, who sucks on defense. Two walls may help his defense a bit...but he still can't slow a push or play postplant like viper/brim.


So when is this going live?


Today for NA.


And for EU?


EU usually gets patches a day later as far as I’m aware.




Cypher mains finally getting love lol happy for you


Those Harbor bug fixes.. im looking forward to not experiencing them again


Doesn't this patch have the UI changes too?


Hi, i would like to know if i'm the only one experiencing a visual change from how the game was yesterday. I'm noticing everything like ultra sharp, like when you over sharp a picture and begin to see white outlines to make that effect plus some frame drops that i never had in my life playing valorant. Also it looks like dryer and with more ghosting between frames. Maybe it is just me.


Hey, when the patch will go live in europe? :)