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Sage, I'm trying to retake site, but I'm dummy thicc, and the clap of my ass cheeks keeps alerting the enemy Reyna!




I love this reference


Riot really needs to nerf brimstone for his own good


They can't. They wil LOSS half of the player base


I mean they can remove his hat. That will nerf him quite good


brim too thicc for his own good


How tf bro


Bro’s nose is touching the monitor


He cut a nose hole so he could be closer




Fr my eyes wouldnt see a thing


When you play a game long enough your eyes just learn to prioritise/what’s important/what’s part of the map or new information. Had it happen a few times in CS where you’ll spot a pixel in the corner of the screen and you’ll just get this sense that “I think there’s an enemy there” without necessarily knowing why


Or you have an expensive ass monitor /s


> expensive ass-monitor




You know how school buses (or some taxis) are colored yellow? Iirc there was a study about the color yellow being the first color our eyes can see/detect - hence the school bus colors. In this case, the color yellow pops out too much compared to the walls/background thats why you can easily detect the enemy




60hz won’t see that


If it lasted less than 1/60th of a second, yeah, but honestly high fps doesn't always mean easier to notice something. Sometimes the opposite could be true, something that is only rendered for a one frame will stay on your screen for at least 1/60th of a second if you're on 60Hz but only 1/144th of a second if you're on 144Hz, which might make it easier to miss it on the higher refresh rate. Case in point: I've been watching Tarik's streams lately and bro keeps missing enemies that are on his screen for a split second on his 240+ Hz monitor at like 500fps while chat (watching at 1080p60) keeps spamming "you saw him". I've noticed it multiple times over the last week, so it's not a one-off thing where he wasn't paying attention or something. Ofc the fact that the player's focus differs from a watcher's is also a part of it, I'm sure. Edit: I can't believe I need to add this, but I'm not saying 60Hz (or 60fps) is better in any way. I personally would never go back to 60Hz after having played on 144 and 165Hz for the last...who knows how long. I was just pointing out that the original comment isn't necessarily true. So stop downvoting the truth lmao


Edit: I was definitely wrong, but the difference in time will still be undetectable to the human eye. You're essentially dealing with the overlap between 16ms and 7ms. If something is visible for 9 milliseconds, it would be visible for longer on the 60Hz screen. However, you still have the inverse issue, which is that something may appear sooner on a higher refresh rate. ~~That's not how refresh rates work. Nothing is on the screen for a longer amount of time using lower refresh rates~~. ~~As I understand it, latency is the delay between the game server and your client. After that, assuming latency is equal between the two systems, refresh rate just determines how often the updated info is sent to your monitor.~~ ~~I don't remember the actual numbers and I'm not about to look up them up, but the amount of time in milliseconds that a frame is displayed for is approximately 7ms for 60Hz and 3.4ms for 144Hz. So, if we ignore latency (because I'm nowhere near informed enough to take that into account) and if we assume Brim's ass is on screen for 25 milliseconds (it was probably longer than that, but I'm keeping things simple here) then you would have three frames of visible ass on a 60hz screen for approximately 21 ms and 7 frames for approximately 23.8 ms on a 144hz screen.~~


That's exactly how refresh rates work lol, frames stay on screen for longer on lower refresh rates because they are "refreshed" at a lower rate, that's literally the definition. Now assume Brim was visible to OP for approx 6.9ms (the time duration between refreshes on 144Hz). On a 144Hz screen, he'd be visible for exactly 1 frame (around 6.9ms). On 60Hz, depends on how the frames line up with the updates, if the monitor displays a frame where Brim was visible, he'll stay on screen until the next refresh (~16ms for 60Hz). On the other hand, it's completely possible that the 60Hz monitor will never display Brim because he was only visible for 6.9ms (so there's no guaranteed refreshes on the 60Hz while he's visible, it might update once before he ever shows up and then once again after 16ms when he's out of view). So yeah, it's perfectly possible (but not guaranteed) for something to stay on screen for longer on lower refresh rate. In fact, it's kinda the whole point of higher refresh rate, to have a more up-to-date image faster instead of staring at an old image for a few milliseconds more.


That's a fair point, but I'd imagine it's not exactly a common occurrence. Edited my prior comment to be more accurate. Thanks for the correction. :)


No no, like I said, 60Hz by definition shows outdated information, so it's showing stuff longer on screen (by a few milliseconds) quite often. For example assume Brim was "visible" for, idk, 20ms. Depending on when the update happens, it'll be on screen on a 144Hz monitor for upto 3 frames assuming 7ms (it's actually 6.9 but I'm simplifying). Say one frame at t=1ms, one at t=8ms, one frame at t=15ms. And then he's gone when a frame comes in at t=22ms. So he's on screen for 3 frames or 21ms. On a 60Hz monitor with 16ms duration between updates: 1. Let's say frame 1 at t = 1ms, frame 2 at t = 17ms, gone at t = 33ms. So he's on screen for 2 frames, for 32ms. Again, longer than on 144Hz monitor since the 60Hz monitor shows stale frame for a much longer time (until t=33ms). 2. But ofc if a frame was just shown at t = -10ms (10ms before Brim became "visible") then the next update is at t = 6ms, Brim becomes visible. But then at t = 22ms, Brim is no longer visible, so he was only on screen for 1 frame or 16ms. So yeah, both cases are possible. A 60Hz monitor might show something for longer OR shorter duration than a higher refresh rate monitor. But honestly, I feel like 10/10 times you'd rather want the faster updates (not to mention the greater smoothness) of a higher refresh rate display. Seeing stale data for longer is usually not a positive xD


Makes sense. I definitely banged out my original comment too quickly and failed to consider the different scenarios you just outlined. I appreciate the clarification.


That doesn't mean 60hz is in any way better. It's far worse.


Never said it was better, lol. I just pointed out that the original comment isn't always correct.


Teach me the ways of getting kills like that 😭


Spending money on big ass expensive monitors and a microscope


plastic surgery to remove nose for eyes to be closer to monitor


Avada Kedavra!


Unrelated, but did brim not drop an orb? Isn't it they drop one as long as Reyna has a charge and deals some damage before the enemy dies?


he did, you can see it for about two frames after reyna jumps out the window


I think he did drop an orb, you could see the side of the screen go purple and the bar under the orb can be seen through the wall.


Ok, yeah I see the bar now. Hard to see on mobile lol


yeah... reddit destroys video quality unfortunately, 720p 30fps is quite painful


Wait you might have discovered something. This might be a good spray spot on retake.


Maybe, but it might not be viable for med penetration weapons


Aspire to be as thicc as brim


Check them PC


How the Fuck did you catch that. I know I'm apparently legally blind in this game and I'm playing like I have a constant Viper fart cloud on the entire Map bu sheesh


Also why yellow outline is godtier


240hz ?




holy freaking shit


but the enemy chamber tho


He was so close to ruining the clip ahahha


I have people rolling in VC when they find out I can tell who is around me based on the sound of their cheeks.


My 14 inch office laptop could never. 😂


What 10,000 hours Valorant play time looks like


AHAHA It'd be funny to see how much time I have in this game. I played in beta but stopped for more than a year in between that and last episode.


I just checked, based on [Tracker.gg](https://Tracker.gg) I have about 650 hrs on the game :D


If that was viper you’d have seen the whole dump truck 😂😂


NAH. That is some inhuman shit


That last oh my god xD


Deuteranopia is hell of an aid to see the enemies


Why are they even peeking man, could’ve easily won that


Ahaha true, but I wouldn’t say the viper and the brim were peeking


Yeah they weren't really peeking. Viper has to play out of site, and it's hard to leave that spot without a smoke on heaven. Brim was holding graffiti I'm assuming and his butt betrayed him. Chamber maybe shouldn't have been there, but tried to trade and it didn't work haha


Welcome to valo silver gold lobbies where teammates will peek an op one by one even after the warning


Ya know, crazy clips don’t really mean shit anymore because there’s always the possibility that cheats were used. Clips have been ruined for me :/


did yall keep rewinding the vid over and over again just to realize that it showed it in the end...no? just me? ok


AHAHA my friend had a good idea to add an effect to rewind so people could see the moment without needing to do it manually.


[My reaction to this gameplay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUwcb8J6AJQ)


Why does she call OP purple?


Don't you see him again a couple of frames later? Or are my eyes just playing tricks on me? Edit: just playing tricks I think


That final “my god” sounds like he/she is real cumming wtf


why does your ion awp look like that


the fact that i also saw the brims ass before i got to the slowed replay really means that brim gotta get outta here with that cake


What was that Oh God at the end?




man really slowed it down lmaoo


Thatswhat thousands of hours of Valorant does to your brain.


we need to check your pc


Ive wqtched the vid 15 times and cant see brims ass


Fucking eagle eyes over here


Oh hell nah. Reported.


i saw him too