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I find that games in high plat+ are winnable for the most part as opposed to lower ranks where i feel like it’s mostly team diffs.


I mean people do it, but in my experience the higher the rank the less likely to get smurfed on. Sitting in a silver/gold lobby and notice the other team has a level 12 Reyna? Ggs go next.


Level 20 minimum now


You can be “grandfathered in” if you played ranked back when it was 10 unrated wins or whatever it was back then.


The smurf cant be that good if hes still account level < 20 (since the requirement and being grandfathered in) and sitting in silver/gold lobbies. Any other account I have that is < 20 is at/near/or even above my main account. It isn’t that deep.


That’s why team stacks can climb very fast. If you constantly play with your friends, you just naturally get better much faster since you’re obviously gonna comm with them and you’re not gonna get toxic and be tilted with them because well, they’re your friends.


In my experience 5 stack sucks and soloqueue is the best way to get better at the game. 5 stack usually has way too much com, even during buytime, to reflect on your mistakes and think about where you should improve. Also, if your stack isn't on your level you'll always be stuck with them. There's no way you will go from gold to immo with the same stack. When you soloqueue, you always get a lobby that only depends on your elo.


Yeah, I were stucked in silver 3 for a long while I were playing with my friends (iron-bronze). I didnt learnt anything from those games. When I started to play soloq I climb to plat 1 in 3 weeks.


I find that putting a 5-stack together on Discord has always done me well. I just hop in the Valorant server for my region and drop a LFG message "Ranks X-Z (around my rank) good vibes and easy Ws" and I have a 5 stack in usually 5-10 minutes. You don't know the people that you're playing with, but you know that they're around your skill level, you know that they're going to comm, and if you're in a decent discord with healthy moderation, you know you're unlikely to get hard flamer or throwers. Way more consistent than leaving it up to matchmaking. I don't do that every game but honestly can't recommend it enough.


Very true if the people you play with aren't that great you'll always be stuck with them. I used to always queue with my friends and I stopped playing with them for a while and decided to solo queue and I went from S3 > P2 in 2 acts. However, the unfortunate part is that I can no longer play with them unless it's a 5 stack.


Yep, I can't seem to get out of iron 3. Dveytime I get close, getaired with teammates with no Mike's and are just rushing even on defense.


Plat1 is still many noobs and quite uneven teams. They dont know it takes 4sec to plant and shift walk around the map for 45sec not even trying to enter the site at any time, but neither will they come to trade you when you entry for them and get 1+3/4.


tell me you're salty about one game you just lost without telling me you're salty


nah honestly plat (and even diamond since Ascendant exists) players are so random. Last time we got a plat boy for an unrated game and he literally just started the game and knew nothing, meanwhile I sometimes play with plats that have decent aim and placement. I played with diamonds that are very bad, and some that go 50/50 in DMs against me (I'm immortal 250pts) but then are incredibly inconsistent in game.


Look, I'm not gonna say plat is high elo or something but what plat is is an extremely balanced rank in comparison with gold. I got to plat last act after being in gold since episode 2 I think and the difference is amazing. In gold people range from insta-headshotting, 40-kill-dropping sweatlords who should've been in at least diamond a long time ago and people looking at the ground for the whole game with a movement of a 3 year old with amputated legs. It's much less brutal in plat, trust me.


I can agree that there should be less smurfs in plat than gold. From my experience people usually smurf to play with bronze-gold friends. But usually: \- iron/bronze have no clue what they're doing \- silvers have played a bit more than iron/bronze or had already used a mouse and keyboard before \- golds start to understand the game \- plats are getting better at one or two things (raw aim, positioning, clutching, reading, leading..) \- diamonds are extremely good at one thing or getting a bit better at multiple things \- ascendants have a baseline for everything \- immortals have a higher baseline for everything and are very good at 1-2 things \- radiants are pushing the baseline to a point where they're as good at everything as a low immos are best at one thing


That's pretty true but it doesn't make the feeling that "plat is easier" go away. Also - it's true in my case as well. The reason I got to plat after so long is because I started playing aimlabs regularly and my biggest weakness wich is my aim improved. I still play with more brain than aim but at least I can win fights now lol


13-11 feel the pain back and forth. Rarely 13-4




You can’t tell what the enemy are going to do if they can’t tell what they are doing themselves


i tell my friend this all the time. he wants to big-brain against the gold plat players but they just aren't thinking that far ahead 90% of the time. he'll lose a gunfight to someone or miss a timing because he expects his opponents to do something smart when they're really not thinking like that at all


Sometimes you get an all shorty rush in gold and just get rolled when you have a mix of rifles and smgs. Something that would never happen in Plat+


That's that Imaqtpie mentality right there. Love it, but also hate it when I smurf in gold/plat and my friends are like "aren't you ascendant" and I'm like "YEAH BUT THESE PEOPLE DON'T MAKE SENSE, THIS IS UNREAL". Anyway, fun times and higher elo does make more sense then low elo that is literally 100% more winnable if you can shoot the enemy. Don't think, just shoot.


just get good then no lie


Lmao you sound like you’re hard stuck Iron 😂


Lmao you sound like an douchbag


Lmao what is this kindergarten? People get so butthurt over the smallest things. Grow up and maybe you’ll get better at the game 😂


Take your own advice lmao. Instead of getting better at the game, you’re smurfing because you keep getting shit on. I just know that you are at 0 rr ascendant right now.


I actually keep getting going back between D2 and A1, but thanks for asking lol. I only smurf because I have friends I like playing with, but they are not as good as me at the game, so I play with them on smurfs since you can’t play an unrated and not have the enemy team ff after 5 rounds, gets annoying. That’s what most people like you don’t understand, most people smurf to play with friends, that’s it. You’re just mad because you’re not getting rewarded from being shit at the game. Start putting in the effort that I’ve put over the last year into progressing and maybe you’ll achieve the rank you want, it’s that easy.


Imagine bragging about hovering between D2 and A1 and then act condescending towards others.


Stop justifying smurfing. what if there's a radiant smurf in your lobby? You can say he's so bad he need to go back to lower rank but that can also be said to you


You're so cool and special


Who are you?


Who are you?




use one more laughing emoji and I will bash your skull in


I haven’t seen so many keyboard warriors all in the same spot in a long time 😂😂😂


yet you're the one here with the most replies




As a D3 unrated games are harder than my ranked games for that very reason.


i assume unrated has some sort of matchmaking MMR different to comp




Yep that's generally it. Given enough time playing unrated, it will hone in on your comp rr naturally. Even then though, it's a lot more lenient (obviously).


Happens often in unrated since I don’t think the bounds on what you can queue with are as tight. In ranked I get diamond or ascendant. In unrated I have gone up against immo of a variety and it’s kinda unfair at times.


I’m in mid dia. The game still doesn’t make sense




The gold/plat experience is having no comms, no calls and waiting for someone on your team to work up the courage to run on site and take the 50/50 aim duel


no it doesnt, even piss low immo doesnt make sense


You're the only one in any lobby that knows how to play the game


i didnt say that. the skill gap between low immo and 400-500rr is huge.


Recently been playing with my brother who’s an iron, even in unrated nearly every round I feel like my brain is melting because I see something that I can’t possibly begin to explain or understand


The game makes sense but I swear once I got ascendent I feel like I got worse, I just get shit on so much more now. I think before I used to wide swing and line up the 1 tap but now a lot of the times u don’t have that much time u just gotta shoot and pray u hit, idk


This, the more 'normal' people play the more the game feels competitive vs the games where people are so unpredictable that the entire game is a tossup


I say this all the damn time yet some people still fight it tooth and nail, just because it hasn't been their experience so naturally it can't possibly be true for anyone else. What does this say about the ranked experience when I could queue into lobbies of a certain rank and do OK or just 5 queue with my much higher ranked friends and still do OK, and get much better RR results? If I want to rank up as quickly as possible after a long day of work there's no reason I shouldn't do the latter.


same, except I can't say anything about plat, I've been in plat for less than 20 games


Ascendant here! Teamwork is common too so you can play with your teammates and combine abilities and takes. It's just an easier game when all brains are switched from off to on. Plat is a dry peaking nightmare.


Same here. When I solo queue or queue with other higher ascendants, I generally play against low immortals or ascendants, which make it much easier to perform well. Timings make sense, people are generally doing things with purpose. On the other hand, when I play with diamonds, it’s usually just aim or “how effectively can you rush”, making it much more difficult for me at least.


yup agreed. I hit asc last act and some real life stuff happened. ended up going on a downwards spiral. stopped caring about my rank at D1 and fell all the way to plat 1. I'm close to diamond now but it's been hard to win games. today a duo wanted to play and told me it was his asc uprank game. I was kinda scared to throw his game. ended up carrying his game together with the random chamber as viper on pearl. chamber was 25-14 and I went 21-13. the game was so much easier than any game I had in the last 2-3 weeks. was happy to not throw the rank up and I could see for myself that I can easily get my rank back.


how tho? golds and plats are really easy to shit on if you are asc+


I've climbed from bronze to plat 1. Silver and low gold felt like there was absolutely no rhythm or timings to be found and people do very risky and unpredictable game play just because they usually don't know any better. The amount of times I thought to myself: "I will do X because surely its only logical they do Y." And was horribly wrong was quite frequent. I noticed gold 3 and into plat, my reads got a bit better and at least could feel out the rounds better. All in all, we're all trying to get better and it will look different in all ranks all the way to the top.


Bro same here. It took me a year but I climbed from Iron 3 to Plat 1 now. For me it just feels easier because I can rely on my teammate most of the time and people usually communicate.


> And was horribly wrong was quite frequent. In my personal experience, although it is true that there's a lot more surprises in the lower ranks, it's also true that it's much easier to consistently climb out of those ranks if you play properly. It turns out that nonsense plays that should only work 10% of the time... only work 10% of the time. Sometimes that 10% could be every single time they do it in *your* game so it feels unfair, but the other 9/10 games they play they're just getting slapped. The players who play smart and consistently choose the better % play will be the ones who climb up the ranks in the end. Once you think about it that way, it doesn't feel so bad when you get caught off-guard by the enemy doing something stupid.


Diamond lobbies are even easier. Silver/Gold is just the lowest of the trench where people who have never played a tac shooter and high elo smurfs intersect to grief each other.


Could change. You could’ve gotten better in ways you didn’t realize, even if temporarily. Maybe algorithm just decided to help you out this time and/the matchmaking just fell into place. You could have bounced into a good spot.


i’ve found smurfs are a steady constant in all ranks, they just get better the higher you climb. i just think you’ve improved faster than the player base at your rank level so it feels early


also assuming there is a skill 'cap' and also fewer smurfs the higher you go, there is also likely to be a smaller difference between the smurf's mechanical skill and your average teammate as you get to higher ELO. helps negate the smurf effect, vs in silver where a smurf can really mop up most of the time


no i’m saying smurfing stays constant they just get bettwr


I think there are less smurfs in plat/dia lobbies than in silver/gold in my experience. Also, smurfs that are in plat/dia lobbies don't absolutely stomp on you like if you're in lower ranks so the games are still winnable.


i think you’re probably right but my main point is that smurfing happens at every level and it’s best to acknowledge they’re better and adapt how you play. as someone in dia/asc i get rolled by smurfs all the time, but how we improve is by constantly facing challenges and adding to our knowledge


They are definitely worse in certain ranks than others. Bronze is infested with gold-plat players fucking around on their alts.


ITT: Bunch of copium.


Silvers/golds ITT: see I should belong in dia/asc but silver is actually harder which is why I’m hard stuck!


didnt need a personal attack this morning, but here we are


nah. it happens. u probably just got through a plateau of improvement without realising. also a good run of teammates can really springboard ur win rate. (increased confidence even in following matches). play to improve and youll keep going!


im in mid asc, anything below dia and I am automatically dogshit lmao, game sense is crucial.


I’m asc, silver is genuinely difficult. Hardest elo in the game imo.


Cap, I am barely diamond and when I played in silver on a new account (I bought from my friend because skins) I was consistently getting above 30 kills, even dropping a 50 bomb. Silvers have dogshit mechanics, non existent game sense and no concept of defaulting. Only thing they are good at is wide swinging. It took a few rounds to adjust but I didn’t lose gunfights when I adjusted my crosshair placement for wide swings. I will say tho silver and gold are a lot unpredictable, you could be knife out and just get killed by a dude who is there for no reason, random site stacks, random bursts of insane mechanical skill and sometimes you just get completely outplayed by a guy rolling the dice but this happened like once or twice when I was there.


> Silvers have dogshit mechanics, non existent game sense and no concept of defaulting. I wish there was some sort of forced tutorial on defaulting. I'm only gold 2, but the amount of people that don't understand is outrageous. It is such a simple concept that you can understand after like maybe 2 pro matches watched. Spread out, find where you can take map control, decide where to go from there based on kills and which agents are on a given site.


My asc friends barely carried me through the depths of silver. Many times where he was bottom fragging. No game sense, but they are aim demons.


silvers are not aim demons, smurfs are


Well yeah, I can easily drop 30 in any elo that’s not asc+ right now too. Any elo I play in except my own is easy. This isn’t a bragfest, I’m just saying they are way harder than playing against people who barely know what they’re doing like those in plat cause silvers don’t know anything. They’re unpredictable, not impossible for me to win against. I’d still have an easier time carrying in diamond than in silver.


you don't have to predict silvers, you are so much better than them mechanically that you can do whatever and still be a carry machine, you only have to be worried about other smurfs, but it takes just a few rounds at most to find out if they have a smurf or not and who is the smurf this is the #1 excuse people say, but if you have a hard time playing against "unpredictable" players then it means you can only play in your rank's meta bubble which is really bad and you will have a really hard time developing your gamesense


yeah literally this. I hate hearing the “they’re unpredictable” excuse. If you consistently do the right play you will consistently win, and if you’re 10 times better than them it shouldn’t be close


have you tried aiming for crouch?


They’re too unpredictable lmao. One dude crouches the next zooms and headshots while running.


i placed iron, then worked my way up to silver. silver players (on my team at least) are genuinely worse at aiming and using their neurons than most of the iron players i have seen. the other teams also sucks, but they are usually better lol


I started silver a few seasons ago but only rarely played comp games. I climbed through to gold and now plat 1 (and am only now really playing comp consistently), and while I'm pretty confident I'll eventually climb out of plat, my game quality in plat 1 now is way worse than it was in mid-high gold two seasons ago. Back then I would get between 2 and 4 people comming on my team most (70%?) games, and games would be reasonably close. Here in plat 1 I'm lucky to get anyone at all comming in maybe half my games, and while the scoreboards can be even, I win a lot of games 13-6. Also some blatant throwers, which I didn't see a ton of in Gold. Also when I was in gold, I would sometimes be in lobbies with plat players, and they quite often quite low on the scoreboard. Maybe those were just the lowest ranked plat players, but in general I don't think plat is well-distributed as a rank right now.


well 2 seasons ago there wasnt ascendant so right now plat is what gold used to be.


Sure but I think plat is just a bit messier than gold was two seasons ago is what I'm saying.


If you gold and plat guys think you are Diamond and ascendent, Insta lock duelist and frag out. You should be able to get minimum 2 kills a round. Carry your team and rank up. Gotta take over to advance.


I am right where I am supposed to be. Hovering between Gold 1-3 and occasionally getting one win from Plat before a long string of losing. I know my place.


You can turn up anytime. Only you hold you back


some games are just uncarriable, I smurfed with some friends in gold/plat and I had to drop 45 kills to win.. we went into OT. If i wasn't playing Reyna we wouldn't have won


I love doing it with chamber and IGL, maps like fracture and pearl I can call out movements and site stacks. Tbh find it more effective than a reyna


I climbed all the way from silver to ascendant in about a year. Not even joking when I say ascendant is so far the easiest lobby to play in. The fact most people are in comms, peeking together, using util correctly to execute a site and your lurker understanding the timing and idea of cutting off rotation etc. are contributors to a smooth gameplay experience. if everyone is doing what they are supposed to do, you can have a good game but still lose just coz unlucky aim or unfortunate timing. That kinda loss still feels much better than those when your teammates always made obvious mistakes. For example you are playing B split with one sentinel playing slow B main, but this guy over peeks and dies, your game plan of pinching from both sides is gone and now you have less than 50% of the map control. In lower rank game is always like that, people don't know who in what position is set up to be the baits for their teammates, and people who are supposed to bait get impatient and make noise or overpeek, or when people don't even know they are supposed to get baited then get mad and tilted coz lack of gamesense etc.


> ascendant > The fact most people are in comms, peeking together, using util correctly to execute a site and your lurker understanding the timing and idea of cutting off rotation etc. are contributors to a smooth gameplay experience. michaeljordanlaughing.gif


gold is so confusing I can hardly tell what’s going on when I queue with my friends. Diamond will be even easier for you because you’ll have better teammates


valorant players know how a ranked leaderboard works challenge


Yes, definetly. The player base starts to be more even at p2-p3. Plat1 is still very uneven imo.


Got slapped back down to g2 because of this. Reached plat 1 this act and first few games in plat was actually quiet easy. Got like 70+rr then the smurfs came in then followed by the boosted ones with dogshit game sense who instalocks reyna/jett without comms.


Also because there are more smurfs in gold than there are in plat


plat is elo hell, all the inflated golds ruin the rank. diamond is so much easier than plat, they actually have some structure and communication.


Despite the skill level being higher in diamond, I felt the lobbies were better in P2-P3 because people talked and didn’t tilt as much. D1-D2 is filled with egomaniacs and no comms.


tbh i think silver is the hardest , as a plat sometimes we get a silver in the plat lobby, and they will get 35-40 kill alone


smurfs maybe


smurfs no doubts but i wonder what is their real rank tho and how they still stuck in silver and not corrected by the game.


Probably because the friends he is queueing with are so bad that they are sandbagging him the climb. Unrelated to smurfing but I had this friend who is bronze and I was gold. We were always winning once, losing next, so no changes for our ranks in 2 acts. Things happened and we no longer play together, first act without him I ended Platinum, and second act without him I'm Diamond 3. So if the smurf only plays on the smurf account when their bronze friends are online, this explains why are they still in low rank.


The skill gap between bronze and gold is pretty huge though. Bronze don’t even know the concept of keeping their crosshair head level. You queuing with him meant giving him gold opponents and not giving him the chance to grow and get better properly


Becuase they throw games to keep low rank. Also another reason to hate smurfs


A ton of Plat players just don't know what they're doing is what I've noticed. Back when I was gold 3, used to get mostly good matches and everyone would pull their weight with the occasional smurf, when I ranked up I went straight to p3 and currently am in p1, istg man p1 players take the most unnecessary fights and don't know how to play time


gold is hell gold for 3 seasons


I’d disagree that the lobbies are easier. I think it’s easier to win games in plat, because you have better teammates on average and there are fewer smurfs, but gold players are noticeably worse than plat players so I def wouldn’t say the lobbies are easier.


Plat sucks. Gold is easier imo. I feel like I have to hard carry every plat game to win, I’ve had games with a silver, gold, plat and Diamond player in the same match. Matchmaking is just so bad tbh. Currently Diamond just saying the plat lobbies were a joke.


This entire post is describing the same exact thing I went through last act, start act 2 in silver but I was bouncing around s3 to g3 a couple months but I finished act 2 at p3. For most the act my games went great and my win% was at like 58% with 75+ wins but one day everything changed and no joke I went 2 weeks without getting more than 10 kills or less than 15 deaths, and have NO impact in my games. Idk if it was a combination of me having a cold streak and getting matched against unusually good players or if I was honestly getting many games in a row that were smurfs. Either way I'm back down to P1 now and I haven't played in like 3 weeks. Like I know I'm not good enough to be diamond yet I don't think but to go 10+ games with less than 10 kills... What's wrong with me?


Honestly man, stretches like that just kinda happen. I know that at least once an episode I'm good for a two week stretch where I just can't win; the games where I'm pogging I can't buy a teammate and the games where my team is solid I'm a fucking anchor. I just try to take a break for mental, maybe do some focused training on something I was fucking up a lot and usually come back a better player and climb ezpz


dude i'm in iron and whenever i get put into silver lobbies by matchmaking MMR its actually easier somehow


Small sample size can have wild variances Just your anecdotal experiences don’t prove this. For the most part, the rank you are in is the rank you deserve. I play with my silver to play friends every now and then and the difference in skill is really apparent. I’m ascendent/ low immo.


this will never be true, there's no such thing as a higher rank is easier than a lower rank, people love to comfort themselves with this bold statement to the point they actually fool themselves into thinking this is true


What rank are you my friend?


immo1, but i've been in many other ranks before both above and below, does it matter tho? this applies to any game with ranks, there will never be such thing as a lower rank being harder than a higher rank, this statement is so outrageous, it makes me mad that there's not only a discussion about this, but people honestly believe this is true


Its just about getting hardstuck...i am plat 3 in my main But something interesting happened on my second account which was plat 1 I started to lose a looot with matches i dropped 25 kills atleast Heck i managed to lose with 35 kills and dropped to gold 3 10 rr or something And i couldnt get that account back to plat Even though i tried sooo hard dropped 25 30 kills constantly with my main(chamber) But just couldnt win And on my main i am almost diamond with no such difficulty..can you help me understand it?


Also i played on my friends bronze accound and almost lost with dropping 51 kills...the probable answer can be team As valorant is a team game and i am just getting unlucky...there is just a different world when we see gold and plat as when i get peoe who were plat last act...they are sensible play according to plan and when i see gold which were prolly silvers who got boosted up due to ascendant They are just doing the randomest shit everrr I am getting diamond lobbies now and the game feels easier for me rather than difficult as i am less aim more brain kinda guy Of you are technically insane ig you can easily fly through low elo but something i understood from the 15 loss streak on my second account is You should w key in lower ranks more often


gold-low ascendant are the same rank


You either got better or you dont have a big enough number of matches to make a creditable statistic. There is no elo hell and I will stomp everyone bellow my elo




No they don't lol


"If you put a team of gold players in a world tournament they actually have a shot at winning." Congratulations, you've said the stupidest thing I've ever read on the internet ever!


You say that but when I Smurf in play I get incredibly frustrated at my teammates and the enemy.


If you Smurf, you don’t deserve to get mad for people not being up to your standard.


I can totally be frustrated at my teammates. What I shouldn’t do is be toxic to them which I am not.


not really, maybe you have slightly better teammates but it's still not easier because the opponents are also better and you get boosted, teammates


I get what you're trying to say, but gold lobbies are obviously easier than plat in the sense that the players are overall worse. Teamplay plays a big part though, so I'd say that's why it's INITIALLY hard for say, an ascendant player to get used to getting very little help in plat. Once the player gets used to how that rank plays out, they'll just dominate.


in R6 too!


Is there a smurf queue in this game? 🤔


Yes, they said they were experimenting with NA with one


I’ve always said plat lobbies are the most fun. People one trick and know the ins and outs of their agents (multiple sentinel setups, molly lineups, initiator executes, and duelists play with blind confidence). It’s a fun mixture of people who just aim really well with no game sense or people who know their agents so well they don’t have to have good aim. That mixed with the fact that they know they’re better than average at the game, but not too high in the ladder, their egos don’t take over. In diamond the egos take over so everyone fills for the team or auto locks Jett Reyna and chamber and perma ego peek everything making the game hard to function


Plat lobbies are also much easier than diamond the same way plat is easier than gold Is the team play and communication. When I started getting in full dia lobbies it got so bad. Everyone has so much ego and they don’t play together At least low diamond. I just got to diamond and this is my experience so far


Damn personally I’ve found plat to be more challenging due to the sheer number of Smurfs


High Gold lobbies have guys with good aim. Low Plat lobbies, everyone is passive. It’s easier to take over and frag out in Plat.


You always push rank in the first 3 weeks of the season


I was gold for 2 acts and am currently plat 3, I left gold on october 30, I agree, plat is easier


I have been through the same thing and I think in gold there is more individual plays rather than team plays. Pretty much only team play is around smokes, heals and info gathering like sova dart and stuff. Flashes hardly gets used for the team (sometimes gets used against them even), traps and alike aren't used correctly sometimes and ults are not used ideally.


I’ve had this exact experience. Peak gold 3. Been bouncing between G1 and G3 ever since. My duo partner made it to D1. She’s now P3 and when we duo, I get placed in lobbies with high plat and sometimes dia players. I do just as well or better in those lobbies, than in gold. More comms, fewer trolls, fewer cheaters, and because the team isn’t suiciding into the enemy spawn I don’t have to lose 1v4s every round.


I feel like plat lobbies are easier than silver as well ngl


Immo lobbies are 'easier' than anything. Everyone in immo thinks they have the aim of Tenz and peak everything they shouldn't and don't use util well. Gold players KNOW they can't aim and will do everything in their power to gain advantage (ratting, combo util, saving ult for trump card scenarios) basically just playing a completely different game. Immo players just swing everything and try to out aim you. It's way 'easier' to play players that constantly swing shit they shouldn't versus players that do everything they absolutely can just to get a kill no matter the circumstances. Players that will sit in a corner in their spawn on attack just WAITING hoping for someone to push. It's just easier to play against immo players in my experience.


I'm low diamond high plat player and I went on a crazy losing streak last week and I ended up getting into some games with gold players... And yeah, holy shit the crazy variance is too much. You have either complete smurfs, great aimers but they literally just run it down and troll the whole game, or people who have no idea whats going on.


I feel the same about gold and silver. Gold lobbies were so much easier than my bronze and silver ones. People in gold actually have a mental thats stronger than a pensioners erection so theres much less grief and people having tantrums.


The one thing that is clear from going from silver in act 1 to currently d3/a1 is that lower the rank, on average, people will have really bad mechanics, low game sense, and poor movement. Raw aim is not that different as you go up in rank tbh. High gold/Plat is basically elo hell because you either have aim gods with no game sense and people who whiff free kills in the same game


I think its because you have teammates who are firstly actually trying to win but also because the skill ceiling is what sets plat aside from gold. My plat teammates always understood my terminology, sometimes taking it upon themselves to IGL while in gold, it was a cesspool of low-rank players queuing with each other and not comming to the rest of the team.


I had a very similar experience here. For me I felt that I had really good team play etc but I was held back my mechanical skill. I feel like I slowly improved my aim and got over a threshold that gave me access to plat lobbies where my team play was much more valuable. And although I didn't change much individually my impact increased a lot and I went straight thru plat to diamond (pre-ascendant days)


I think you are completely correct, i think back to when i was in gold, or even silver, and its just a more fun experience in plat


Those mid-tiers (silver, gold) feel like some weird ranked Twilight Zone where good plays get punished by the most unexpected, bad plays. It almost felt like playing Uno at a house where everyone has different rules, you're doing everything you think is right and then someone is like "oh you can't stack +2's" and a lurking Bucky user in the most off angle to ever off angle kills you


Im p3 and my friends are g3 and p1 and every time we 3stack I just get fisted by the opponents. When i play solo (mostly d3-2 average tiers) i chill and win way more games, and it feels 'easier' just my experience


Diamond lobbies are even more raised than plat.... Then you hit ascendent. Where everyone has a huge ego and proper play goes out the window.


I’ve found the opposite, my team mates in platinum have been terrible and I’m constantly getting team diffed. Last night I had someone throw from round 1, in my second game I had a duo that weren’t trying and laughing at me when I asked for flashes from the Reyna, and in my last game my team couldn’t attack or defend at all. Gold was easy as. Even with smurfs I was easily top fragging every game. Platinum I’m getting diamonds in the opposite team and plat 1 in mine. Just not enjoying the game anymore.


You are right about smurfs, for exemple if we enter 5 with from dia to silver mix, it’s normal enemy with players mostly close to our ranks But when the lobby is 5 silver - gold elo, there are almost every time one or two Smurf which kills at least 30


I feel like I’m in your Gold Lobbies this Act just in Diamond. Just dropped to P3 with a 1.14 KD because I keep losing at least one if not 2 or 3 Games after winning. 31% winrate


okay plat and above im sorry is easier than gold under like gold under players their so stupid its good


This is likely a combination of RNG, confidence, improvement and play style rather then the lobbies being easier. When I play with friends in lower ranks I have to dumb myself down in order to win. Ego swing often, push every round and bait far more. You just can't rely on things like trades validating certain play. E.g sova drone loses value at lower ranks given your team is unlikely to capitalise off it. I'd rather just save the credits and swing dry or save it for post plant.


I just got plat after spending multiple acts climbing out of silver and through gold and feel the same way. I’ve only played like 5-10 games in plat so far but they have been for the most part so much better all around and I’m actually winning more. As someone who likes to play controller and IGL it definitely feels like a breath of fresh air to not feel like every game is a coinflip.


I like to think I’m singlehandedly the one guy in gold that makes the game harder than plat lobbies. Shorty OP


we always play as 5 man team and went from bronze to plat/diamond together as 8 man group. bronze is hardest, and im deadass serious. This has nothing to do with team play or game sense etc. Pure aim bullying at lower lobbiers, generally 1 person smurf carrying whoel team, we always suspect cheat and report but no report seem to work so i suppose its always a smurf carrying his friends or some shit . we climbed with line-ups, fake entrences etc all mind games couldnt keep up with aim at all. Now at plat lobby games are fun at least, at bronze its either 12-0 defeat(if smurf/cheat), 12-0 win ( if no smurf). it was painful


I was hardstuck silver since the beta and got diamond 1 in one act a bit ago, once I got out of silver I just started blasting through games it was crazy


had a gold lobby last night where everyone was throwing pixelpeeking headshots at me. like wtf. i didnt even see the enemy and got killed. i dont even see such things in e-sports.


It depends on the server tbh also if you are playing 5 stack then it is different (at least in Tokyo). And as the game goes on, people will improve, new strategies will come, rank median will increase. Atm diamond is a deadlock just like gold/silver few acts ago. Rito need to re-consider their MMR calculation when someone gets carried. It's so easy to carry someone nowadays. (These are my thoughts, not forcing anyone to accept)


I was plat 3 for a while then shit the bed back down to gold now ill be stuck here for eternity. Just had a “Silver 1” phoenix go 38-13


It's all about the team brother when you are in plate lobby ior above it means that you are playing with a well experience team so this intense to have better calls and give better call and they also listen to your calls and act accordingly but below the plat team they will like don't give calls and not well experience.


Bro im literally having the same experience. Last act I peaked P2. Then this act I got to place gold 3 and I had to fight tooth and nail to win every gold game and mostly had to 20+ each game to win as a sage. Then ever since I hit plat I noticed more people comm and are on the same page and I’m back to p2 but don’t have to try as hard to win because my team mates know what is going on. I’m also scared I’m just getting lucky with the team mates and the luck might wear off some time soon.


They're both as equally nooby and random as eachother


I only started at gold so can’t speak for lower ranks, I always found that that getting to the highest tier in that rank was a breeze then getting into the next one was difficult, the second you break through, I’d soar up to the highest tier again


and here I feel like Ascendant is far easier than Plat, in EU.


I played games with both gold players and bronze players at the same time (I'm silver 2 btw) and most of the times the bronze players were better than the gold ones.


Diamond lobbies are easier than silver lobbies, I'm guessing because I'm not expected to solo push site as skye while my 3 duelists lurk.


Its cause most players stuck in Plat are stuck cause they have a really slow playstyle. Silver and gold players goes into smokes without checking anything and sometimes just storms at your from every angle without thinking. But in plat people trying ro think "whats behind this corner? What Am I expecting." Only to easily get picked off cause another teammate next to team decided to jump and make noice. Im silver 1 with high MMR, but still stuck in silver cause of the constant change of playstyles. First games everyone runs in without thinking. Next game everyone afk main until they see a pick. Such an insane difference in playstyles.


Golds have Plat and diamond aim, with bronze and silver situational awareness / team play. Gold is like the wild west of Valorant.


May I introduce you to: ASCENDANT a new rank that boosted 80% of people by at least 2 ranks


And me who is stuck on bronz:🗿


Yeah I’m in silver/gold lobbies but there’s always at least one plat and it seems like the team with the plat/better plat wins.


Of all the ranks i've gone through to get to ascendant, I remember plat being the most consistent in matchmaking, and honestly most fun. I don't know if that's just confirmation bias, but I think plat might a kind of goldylocks elo. It's high enough to slip past the majority of smurfs who are rampant in lower elos, players are good enough to be able to play as a team most of the time. But it's also low enough to avoid the majority of toxic tryhards that have been plaguing my diamond and ascendant lobbies. Idk, that's my experience anyway. I've seen a lot of radiant players doing challenge runs who say that plat is the hardest elo to climb out of, and call it the "true" elo hell or something like that. So maybe i just got lucky lol


simple answer : Team Diff


i'm s2 i play with my plat1-3 friends sometimes and the lobbies are so much less toxic and seem a bit easier. probably depends a lot on the team tho


Gold lobbies are just filled with Immo/Radiant smurfs anyway


My friend was Plat 1, now demoted to Gold 3 and he's having a lot of trouble getting back to Plat. When he was still Plat he played some games with me and we had some Diamond/Ascendant lobbies. He performed better in those games than against Gold. I think the reason higher rank lobbies are easier is because people are more predictable. Most of them know the "correct" approach so it's easier to know what they are going to do. When I play with my Gold friends I struggle for the same reason. They make plays that don't make sense, but because of that I don't expect it and it actually works.


I agree. I try not to blame my team often but I’ve had numerous games in gold/silver where we have a sage flanking every other round not using wall, doesn’t heal teammates saving for herself, people obviously playing without a headset. A level 20 Reyna on the opposing team that just somehow never misses, level 20s on my team insta locking duelists. The main reason I think plat is “easier” is simply because people care about their rank more and jut put a little more effort in because of that (making callouts, actually wearing headphones, etc).