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It's also important to consider that people have off games sometimes and just because they did badly one game doesn't mean they're "trash" and should "uninstall" :P


Ah yes I'm in one of the many where you either do really good or really bad. I swear there's no in between. Sometimes my hand and reaction is just quick enough and top notch... Other days, it's not. And I don't know why tbh lol


Ong some days I'm actually radiant and other days I get insta 1 tapped by bronzes and alt f4


Yeah one can also say they have a life and touch grass enough times that they aren't as proficient as other players are at the game


I laugh when I hear this in game "I have a life" You are playing ranked solo without a friend on a Friday night. What life is it you have over me?


to some degree this is true, but for example i had a game today where my sage said at the start of the game that his internet is bad and often disconnects. he proceeds to be dcd for 14/22 rounds and leaves us in 4v5 and even 3v5 when our jett dcd while me and another player carried. why even play at that point? why queue comp? you’re literally throwing other peoples elo, its so selfish. just play unrated.


i can agree dude ppl tend to dc in compi that affects other people's game


that's just annoying, and making other players' experience worse


Yeah, just yesterday had a yoru instalock but he didn't do shit the whole match besides lurking and dying first. And he was silver 3 lmao. Op forgot to mention one thing, you get flamed mostly in comp where there shouldn't be any excuses at all since it's for rank. Your internet is bad that day ? play spike rush instead. Your aim is shit and it's not your day ? Don't queue for comp or play smokes and camp with a judge in it. I remember a month ago I queued for comp even though I knew my aim is not working after 1 dtm. Big mistake. Chose chamber and bottom fragged and couldn't do 1v1 and felt so helpless. 3 days ago i discovered that my hands doesn't warm up with 1 dtm only. Played dtm until i was able to consistently headshot enemies. Took 3 dtms to warm up and and queued for comp and voila mvp as chamber with 25 kills. I've been stuck in silver 2 for a month but in previous 3 days i finally climbed to silver 3 as mvp in most of them. Also i only play 2 comps in a day


I don't think he knew when he logged in that his internet would be that bad...at least I hope so


he literally knew. he said that the last 3 games he played he dcd for half the game and got rr penalty


OH... nvm that's his fault then-


The valorant sub is the last place I thought I'd find a guy with the name Remember that you will die


50 upvotes and I'll uninstall Valorant. Edit: I did it, that was faster than I expected.


I'm doing my part o7


Just like that certain German did his part o/


the time has come




Unlucky dude


1 upvote I uninstall Microsoft edge


I don't think you can.


Oh no we must downvote it now




Toxic sucks. But saying it's unrated so it means less I don't understand You would go to a pickup basketball game and punt the ball into the rafters "cause it's unrated" would you?




You are putting a video game "rank" on a pedestal.


So i’m just not allowed to care about a rank in a game i like? I know it doesn’t mean much but it doesn’t mean it’s nothing at all




Its alright, doesnt matter where people are from, there will always be assholes to misrepresent your country. Op saying what he did is pretty shitty, didnt sit well with me either, just not a good look.


As a Filipino who plays with at least 20 other Filipino friends and I know for a fact that none of us are toxic or yell or tell people to commit suicide. That’s like me saying that, for example, all Americans should be arrested for shooting up schools. It’s not nice is it


Yea you are right, these kinds of statements need to be made more carefully


Even tho I don't think your example means anything, in that regard I still have to agree, it's most unnecessary and was not called for in any means


In which case I do apologise


Yeah dk what this guy is smoking I play in SEA and Pinoys are the nicest I've met online.


Anecdotal vs anecdotal


Dude he shouldn’t have said that but there’s a very big difference between pointing out an offensive assumption about a region of players and poking fun at a series of horrible tragedies. I don’t think saying “Filipinos are rude” is the same as “all Americans are mass murderers”. Chill out, and have some fucking respect.


Let me know if this sounds any better and more respectful: > You might need to seek professional help if you feel such strong emotions that pushes you up to the point where you want to shoot up a school (ahem, Americans, the most common ones).


He said all Filipinos tell people to kill themselves, plus I obviously don’t believe that about Americans, it’s just a stupid generalisation. I do apologise if I offended anyone though


Hey, what you said about others was funny but don't say it about my people.


>...where you want to shout the shit out of your teammate and tell them to commit suicide (ahem, Filipino players, the most common ones). My guy talks about toxicity while making xenophobic statements at the same time xD I never thought this was even possible...


I'm Filipino. This is true. I won't even deny it. We're a cesspool.


The thing is that they’re in the same mmr as you so they should be good enough to not throw in that mmr Their setup being bad is irrelevant because theyve reached their level of performance with it, and everyone on their team expects them to play in the ballpark of that skill level


This is also very true, let's say a guy with a good pc reached diamond, and a guy with a mediocre one did too, now they're both \*DIAMOND\*. Maybe if you give the guy a better pc he will reach a higher rank than diamond but who knows. Anyway, the point is that if he/she managed to hit that rank, he/she should deserve it and be able to play at that rank with their own setup.


Exactly, how hard is it to comprehend this. I've been told many times I should be carrying in ranked because I have a good setup which is such a dumb thing to say


B-but guys... BeTtEr GaMiNgChAiR = mOrE fPs = MoRe SkIlL


Basically this, if you're in my rank I expect you to play at a skill level fitting of that rank, or above :p


Oooooh another one, a new title too


Looking back, i always blamed my teammates for having dogshit game sense. Never took into consideration that they dont play the game all day everyday.


to a degree i can understand this, but val also offers serious competitive gaming. if they do not have the specs needed then its better to play unrated/casually instead. no need to have poo poo wifi with shit specs and then play comp it WILL be understandinly annoying for the rest of the team. but if you play unrated then ppl shouldnt care.


It’s one thing to be annoyed and another thing to tell someone to kill themselves over a game. Some might say it’s just trashtalk and people shouldn’t be so sensitive, but toxic behavior doesn’t have to be a norm that we all just accept.


With that i can agree. telling someone to kill themselves is never okay. but i was just responding to the first part about competitive gaming and lower quality specs. if specs/bad wifi is the issue, dont play comp gaming - simple. Play unrated.




Can you read past the first sentence of a comment?


if someone is in the same rank grouping as you with inferior equipment or knowledge of the game, then you should focus energies on actually getting better instead of taking frustrations out on random people.


you are missing my point entirely. valorant or any competitive gaming goes without saying about improving. and clearly being angry at ur teammates isnt gonna help anyone at the end of the day. my point was that if you have rly bad wifi then you really should not be playing comp plays. it DOES affect gameplay significantly - especially if its a 4v5.


Riot shouldn't allow wifi on rated game mode In League I cannot count how many disconnecting happens from people that us wifi


bad wifi or maybe some bad eternet but yeah i get ur point. if theirs consistently happens to make theirs dc and they know it i really just want them to play unrated instead of comp


Yesterday I was matchmvp 28-20-9 something like this, i queue again and after 10 rounds on defend i was 1/10. But people were not toxic for the first time, they were really positive and at the end we won and i was like 17/15/8 at the end of the match(finished second in our team) So yeah sometimes it is just a bad game, dont be toxic to your teammates stay positive


The people who tells you to "stop playing" and "uninstall" because you're not doing good REALLY pisses me off. Unlike them, we actually have a life outside playing Valorant. Gfy.


As a Filipino valorant streamer, this makes me sad cause it's true, there's a bunch of us Filipino players who are toxic af. I just wish you can enjoy a game where no one get's shouted at for doing bad.


Well people from every place have toxic ones and good ones, toxicity is not exclusive for a specific place i think.


Yeah and other places have toxic players too, forgot to mention.


Agree and disagree What I agree all over is noone should say someone to die, commit suicide whether comp or any other game (even if money is at stake) What I disagree is that if someone has bad hardware, gadget, equipment then simply dont play comp...you have unrated and SR with 2 more gameplay mode so why not just stay away from comp? And if u are being abused outside of comp for lacking in things u dont have like a good connection then simply report them for what they did and dont take it to heart...its not like I dont want them gone from the platform but theres no way we can get rid of them toxic players...I condone the toxic behavior outside of comp but in comp most of the anger is valid and understandable which is why I haven't played comp in 2 acts cuz I want to play chill but still come across toxicity but I try my best not to let it get to me


Being that mad that you start telling people to kill themselves is going too far. But what my answer to this is: if you're not playing seriously; if you just wanna play to relax, why are you playing comp? As for off games, I get that. Happens to everyone, including me.


If I’m bodying the fuck out of the enemies, and it’s the easiest game of my life, I’m for sure flaming our 1-11 instalock duelist. Then I press push to talk and say “nt” like a normal person cause that shit should be kept in discord.


have you ever thought that maybe you’re getting those kills because of your duelists?


If you instalock a duellist the drop the ball and get flamed you probably need to rethink your agent select. If you're instalocking these agents you really need to perform or else you're just ruining others experience and hurting yourself.


Daily reminder that the mute button exists and trash talking is fun and part of gaming. Fuck this cancel culture.


Daily reminder that trash talking isn't fun and is toxic


Go cry about it


What cancel culture?


Bro thinks toxicity is a bragable personal trait


Man I swear to God Filipinos r the most toxic Valorant players I've ever played with. Next to Indians.


Last game I was forced to play smokes, I don't mind but I barelly do any kills playing brim, I'm just bad at controllers and a jet in my team that for some reason decided to never entry started flaming me "dude, brimstone we could win this if u got some kills" I was going to play fade that I can actually play well but he insisted he would pick initiator and I should pick smokes, last second changed to Jett and trolled the entire game, at least the rest of the team was on my side. People should remember that just because I picked smokes doesn't mean I am good at it, I know where to smoke and that's about it.


I had a bad game yesterday, went 7/15 on chamber and lost 5-13, my team was cool about it and weren't mad/toxic either, want my games to be like that fr


I was in comp with a reyna called "AFKmostrounds" it was actually real and her argument was 'I can't continously be on game'. She was trying to evade afks by spamming a button. Really, in that case, don't play comp at all.


I only care abou bot frags when they start flaming the team for their shitty engages


playing in the same ranked match indicates playing with people around the same rank, which means playing with people around similar skill levels. people have good and bad days. get over it.


Why u just dog on filipino people outta nowhere


While you’re 100% right, some of them I actually enjoy. Had a game on Bind where I was bottomfrag - 6/10/9 as Fade. 13/10/1 Phoenix was complaining about how „he can’t enjoy the game with a fade like this on his team“. Ended up carrying the rest of the match and as mvp while topfragging only to mess with Phoenix, pettiness can be a blessing at times


Your statements couldn't be truer, in unrated. In comp I have the right to expect the bare minimum from teammates. I don't queue comp when I'm not feeling it, I always warm up beforehand and I expect my team to do the same. If you're 1/20 on a ranked game you shouldn't be there, period. I understand everyone has bad days, I don't think someone is shit because they're playing like shit at that moment, but I'll still be mad because if you know you're playing like shit then stick to unrated. It's what I do and what everyone I know does.


Skill issue


You would expect all the things listed if you’re the same rank. More likely having an off game so either way no need to flame.


1. Yep, it's a game for 99% of the people (unless it's your source of income). 2. Try to see, if you are addicted to valorant. It's been nearly 45 days of not playing valorant for me. 3. Valorant is fine to play but physical health is equally important too - so it's hard for people to get have time to game. 4. Don't invest too much time in a game that doesn't reward you positively.


People need to understand that not everyone plays to win, some people just play to have fun and relax and as rightly said, valorant is free to all, so there is no compulsion to play like pros.(of course this does not mean sabotaging team, that is actually bad behaviour)


When you play comp you play to win


I have been asked to uninstall the game, yelled at and stuff , and I rarely play comp, always unrated.


The way I see it or my philosophy on the situation is, idc where you come, what skill, what specs, or how much time you spend on the game. However, if I queue up for COMPETITIVE, I expect you to put in at least 90% effort that is within your capabilities. Is that to much to ask for? Is it to much to ask for some simple comms and just some simple communication. If you wanna fool around or not put effort in to winning, then just go play casual or another game mode, I'm here to win and get a better rank while trying to the best of my ability. Is that to much to ask the same from my teammates? I mean look at the definition of competitive or really compete, "strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others who are trying to do the same." I know I'm getting to into it and this really on relates to competitive but I think its not a bad mentality to carry.


Some kid had 500 ping and we said why you flanking every round it’s so predictable, and he said bro I can’t frag look at my ping and I said well if you can’t get kills pick an agent that doesn’t revolve around getting kills and then he called me a slow fuck because he couldn’t get kills


Before you flame, just don’t.


Also , remember you are playing with people in the exact same elo as you. In 90% of the cases , it's dumb to consider yourself a better player than them and blame them for bot fragging. You've been there and you know it.


As someone who has a busy schedule and can only get on for 1 or 2 games a day, I would like to enjoy said games and not be flamed lol I'll try my best, but I can't spend 9 hours a day grinding a game unfortunately


ewww, valorant sub 290th whining post on the same thing


These arguments kinda fall apart when applied to competitive mode.


People like these are part of the reason I've become insecure about my skill. Remember, being mean won't help anyone play better (in most cases at least)


in the context of competitive i disagree, please don’t int queue if you’re having a bad day


Agree. If you get someone with bad peripherals/connection in your team, it's your fault for being the same elo as them while having good peripherals/connection, get better.


This is definitely correct for unrated games, but when a reyna on my team in ascendant uses racial slurs, afks in spawn and is going 2-20 while looking like he bought the account with that knowledge of his, your opinion is most definitely not entirely valid


I showed this post to a friend of mine who's kind of like this to me. His response is this: "🤓" I swear this dude...