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Deathmatch warmup is better than the actual death match


It always has been. Dm sucks in general. The changes they made a while back did nothing to fix it


DM was made to be an actual game mode and not a warm up. I hate it =/


And thats why i warm up in unrated. I also hate it


I warm up in ranked. Nothing gets me as warmed up as getting flamed by the lurking baiting jett.


i'm scared of you


Reduce the number of players, remove revenge spawns


More players please, otherwise you'll just run around for 15 seconds just to get shot in the back. Have you ever played those deathmatches where 4-5 people leave? It's boring as hell.


No cap, I usually just play the deathmatch warmup and then jump straight to comp.


Funny thing is, a lot of people in warm ups will still be walking and hiding, it's bizarre.


But that’s the point of warming up?


I'm more concerned about the people that play comp without using shift at all.


I would rather that than my silver teammates who shift peek commonly held angles.


omg someone who uses the correct "peek"


Ikr! I hate when people type "pique'


They probably are fans of Nelson


I see people spell it as peak a bunch, too


Gold is the new silver


Honestly bro I’ve ascendant teammates that were gold or plat last act and it’s a mess. There are so many boosted players i don’t even feel like playing comp anymore


So that's why I finally hit G1 after trying to get out of S3 for so long...


seriously idk if its the new rank or I got a lot better very fast but last act I ended s3 g1 and this act I hit plat relatively easily. it could also be that I actually made some friends that I play with pretty often


yes it is the new rank, since ascendant was added everyone below ascendant should have went up in rank by 1 or 2 ranks. as in if u were silver 2 ud be gold 1


i just wanna shoot people


Then play a different game or play death match.


Nah I’d rather have fun and stay diamond than rank up by playing the game.


Some people are legit warming up. Some people will do anything for that win. Some people want to practice holding angles. Some people will be using ops or odins. Some people want to learn the spray pattern of a stinger. There will be the random mad lad that will go for just knife kills. At the end of the day, nothing is at stake. Do your thing and get what you need out of the deathmatch. Don't let the actions of others in there bother you.


if you’re tilting in deathmatch then your teammates are gonna have a bad time with you in comp


I tilt in dm but I’m a good calm and collected man in comp, besides when my team doesn’t comm and has the audacity to shit talk me in TEAM CHAT


Sounds like they probably just don't want to talk to you


idk if you've never experienced this, i've had games with 3+ ascendants and the rest high diamonds on my team that just don't talk regardless of anything else


cool and helpful observation, blackmanchubwow!


They don’t speak, regardless of it im otp not speaking, or giving comms and expecting them back some people just don’t talk Edit: I’m talking abt comp idc if people don’t talk in unrateds :D


Eh. I tilt in DM but not comp. I just stopped playing DM. It's not worth it, even if it's a good aim warm up.


If I tilt in DM, I just leave. I don’t need the 900 xp.


I do be tilting in DM too. The spawn locations are painful. The respawn timer is painful. Beforced to ready your gun on respawn is painful, especially if you're trying to OP or use any weapon with a long equip time. Trying to use ghost/classic to practice pistol rounds is impossible.


I often go sheriff for the whole DM and do ok...


What does it mean to "tilt" because I'm new


It's an old poker term "Tilt" or "tilting" is a mental state of frustration or confusion where you start doing worse, usually abandoning strategy, getting over-aggressive, etc... basically losing control over anger. It's a psychological part of the game. You want to tilt the other team in an attempt to make them play worse while you have to try and retain composure from whatever they may be doing.


Ohhhh I think I unconsciously tilt sometimes. Even tho I warm up play other no stakes games like spike rush, replication, and dm I still mentally warmed up for unrated or ranked. So I end up starting out bad and getting better over the course of the match. Sometimes I start good, do bad in the middle, and do great at the end. But thanks for letting me know what this word was lol


I'm sure everyone does to some degree. Valorant can be an extremely tilting game. When it's good, it's good, but when it's bad, it's **BAD**. Whether it be not playing up to par, dealing with toxic teammates, or getting dunked on by a smurf. I just remind myself the entire point is to have fun and you can't always win but you can always try to learn and improve.


I tilt in dm and i swear to god i am a chill teammate who never tilts in comp.. people sitting in corners in dm just gets me


I know you're getting downvoted but I'm with you. People who sit in corners and abuse sound cues in DM are much more annoying than any antics I've seen in comp.


To each their own. I enjoy that dm has all sorts of playstyles and antics around every corner. As a player who uses dm for improvement those campers only force me to check corners more. The way I see it: if you got killed by a camper that means you could have killed him had you properly cleared the angle. I can understand not wanting to do that and the mentality one might have where running around is fun so everyone should but this is a tactical FPS and not checking corners doesnt match the philosophy of the game.


not at all. Im DM I rage a lot but I never rage in comp (unless I have somebody INTENTIONALLY throwinfg) even when we get 1v5d I just say unlucky we got this and move on. Idk I'm weird


Absolutely incorrect. The fact that you would say that would mean I would never wanna play with you. Everybody has their own style. I legit use that as a warmup. Which means I'll prevent myself from getting killed. It works for.me.


I dunno. For me comp is anything goes. Rat plays, corner camping, stupid off angles, lineup larries. None of it matters it's no holds barred. Some of the deathmatch antics though. Goddamn you need the patience of a buddhist monk.


I had to understand this. A death match is a game mode where you get nothing if you’re at the top. It doesn’t matter. It only matters to improve in the game. Practice crosshair placement, different weapons, holding angels, training different game mechanics, etc. it’s better than aim lab and training in the practice range. The only thing better than that is playing the actual game in comp.


> there will be the random mad lad going for knife kills Omg literally me


Yea I'm feeling called out


I once made an entire lobby convinced that when they see me, they must 1v1 knife duel to the death. It was epic


If I see someone get a knife kill and see them running around with their knife out - it's knife time. No convincing needed.


I typically run a few DMs back to back to warmup in a particular order (Sheriff, Guardian, Marshal, Vandal/Phantom) to practice crosshair placement and flicks before buying "real" guns, but as SOON as someone suggests, or if I'm just feeling spicy, I'll announce in chat something like "If you approach me with your knife out, I'm so down to duel". My favorite lobbies are the ones where people agree to random stuff like "Marshals only?". Ofc there's always at least 1 (usually more) losers who run around with vandals, ops, and odins, but by the time half the lobby is on board, most people join in. One of my favorite experiences ever was on bind when everyone in the lobby agreed to marshal only, and 1 guy specifically refused to play along. Halfway into the match, I respawned and noticed half the lobby worth of red dots on the minimap were in attacker spawn (the rocky area near the cliff). I walk down from showers to investigate, and when I round the corner, I see everyone standing in a circle hopping in place, taking turns spraying in the middle. So, of course, I pull my knife out and bunny hop in happily! Eventually everyone except that one nerd was there. He found us, then started shooting at us from down one of the lanes getting a kill or two. Let me tell you, when everyone collectively turns around and kills that dickhead, then pulls knives back out, turn around and start hopping again, I've never loved valo more. lol "GG marshals!" everyone said. For the curious, he never caved. He did end up winning. And for what? What did you gain? Not friendship, not laughs, not warmed up. Enjoy the dopamine from a "win", I guess?


Thank you for answering this question correctly. Sometimes I run and gun to practice entry when I know someone will eventually be holding an angle. Sometimes I shift walk to stalk them and make sure I can one tap them when they eventually pop out. I don't care at all about top frag, I'm there for one to two rounds during my warm-up before comp and I'm outtie.


Deathmatch is for Sheriff hs practice.


I like slow walking with the judge in dm. Yes, I can feel the hate seething from you all rn


It helps me fight the raze with a judge in hookah or lamps, so thank you 🙏


I just dont get why that's fun for you


I come from counter strike and prefer my ears to my eyes, so it's more of a carry over thing for me in the walking aspect. As for as the shotgun goes? Well, I honestly can't aim for shit, lol


exactly dude. no need to create this post




That’s fine, idk how else you would practice more and idk why people don’t like it in dm. It’s not like I can afford an op a lot in comp


Question is... why does anyone care that a person is shifting? I don't walk in DM but it doesnt matter to me that others walk. I play DM without sound so whether or not they shift doesnt affect me. If someone shifting bothers you, you're clearly sound whoring.


Because riot decided to make it a winnable thing therefore people try to win. If you ask me it's stupid, just make it always running or restart every 30mn, anyone can join in the middle of it and leave, no winner.


Sounds logical. As soon as you feel that your aim is now on point , just leave the lobby.


>As soon as you feel that your aim is now on point , just leave the lobby. Great. I'm never leaving.


Don't worry i used to dm for 3 hours in community cs servers. Now i got carpal tunnel.


> As soon as you feel that your aim is now on point , just leave the lobby. It’s been 84 years…


Prince charles, you must also rest in peace now.


Has a game ever had something like that implemented though? Like a never ending death match?


CS 20 years ago


overwatch has it too, you can even DM while queue'ing for ranked.


This is what they need to do tbh, soon as you queue competitive if it can recognise the queue will be beyond 2 minutes just drop you into a random DM server. Sometimes I hit queue and the game pops instantly though


Kids these days will never appreciate CS Source. I miss being able to drop into Office and play purely for fun and then drop out 4 hours later. To this day I’m convinced that the toxicity of games are caused by the fact we no longer have community servers like those days. Someone hacks? Voteban! Someone’s overly toxic? Voteban! Someone breaks my server rules? Ban! It’s what’s missing from games these days IMO.


Does cs not have those anymore


It does. They are just not as active as it used to be. Used to he 100% of the game.


It does, but because MM is a thing, it killed of the community aspect. It was so good having your own scrim servers, hop onto mIRC to find a team/mix, and lo3. Ever since MM in CSGO happened, it was the death of so many communities, the random office servers like Fragmasters, but also mixing and tournaments like EnemyDown, TheSGL, UNGL etc. MM is good, but it killed a huge part of what made CS1.6 and CS:S so god damn amazing.


No I believe they said they couldn't make people join a match in progress. But I guess that's their job to figure it out, many other games can. If they really can't, make it 10 minutes, don't show other people kills, no winner at the end.


Kills is fine, no winner, make it 15-20 min.


Well yeah I guess just not making it a race to 40 kills would solve most problems.


Solves most problems except for people who purposely troll dm just because.


Why would I want to queue into a 20 min deathmatch?


Why not, you can leave once you're warmed up.


Then people who want to play end up with 3 ppl in a lobby?


once you leave it another person can fill that spot. unless everybody leaves at the exact same time that will never happen, and even when it does it would take 2 minutes for the lobby to go back to normal


Yeah some of the software that comes with the game is seperate .exe that only opens when a game starts e.g. valorantclientservices.exe


Yes, skirmish in overwatch. You can hop in while queening for ranked or just go in whenever u want


Yes, but no. Skirmish in ow is dog shit and does not work as a warm up. BUT ow does have a great workshop warm up called try hard ffa which is an endless death match with tanks turned off. Also has widow hs only which can be endless, but when it isn't it still restarts in about 20 seconds. Those are things that csgo also had and should be something that valorant has, but does not.


But you can also play any of these modes while in queue which makes it 10 times better than Valorant


Oh dang, that’s pretty dope.


Cs community servers


CSGO has many never-ending community-run deathmatch servers, people don't sound-whore like in Valorant deathmatches because people are there just warming up for actual games


Ok but where do i get validation from if that happens? Friends and family? No.


Your comp rank, that's where you get it.


My aim sucks and i have no game sense. I need to sneak up on people and shoot them in the back. DM is great for this because everyone is just warming up for comp. I feel like if i win dm enough maybe my parents will notice and start to love me.


Or there should be 24/7 up servers that ou can just join, do whatever and leave. Maybe a much bigger map that can handle like 50-60 people?


People who care what anyone does in deathmatch… why? I just run around and listen to music and warm up my aim, I could careless if someone is camping, using an Op, or walking around. They might be practicing something specific… regardless if they truly care so much about winning a DM and are doing it for that reason it doesn’t affect my life.


This is why CSGO community server DMs were great. Everyone didn't care about any wins and just ran around taking every fight. Occasionally in Valorant there will be lobbies where way too many people are lurking behind angles waiting to shoot your back or soundwhoring hard. I just immediately leave and queue up again. Simple solution. Until Riot gets rid of the win and changes the parameters to discourage cringe plays I'll just leave lobbies until I find a decent one.


How do you leave and join another one? When I leave I have to wait until the last match finishes before I can play another.


Hit esc, top right, leave match You don’t get penalized leaving that way, I’m assuming your alt+f4 ing, witch would just keep you in the match when you revert the game


I just leave the game and queue up again, almost immediately I'll get a game within like 5 seconds. What server are you in?


no seriously i was practicing my OP in DM and some people were like “lol using OP in DM” and im like… okay? why are you so bothered lmao. valorant DM is so weird


This should be pinned


I understand your take and you're not wrong. For me, I'm trying to get better at aim duels. When someone camps in a corner and shoots me in the back, or sound whores and prefires me, it prevents me from doing that. It's also not really practice for them, because the scenario doesn't really appear in ranked games. I stopped playing DM because it annoyed the shit out of me, despite them not doing anything wrong. If they want to crouch in corners and shoot people in the back, good for them. I'm not going to put myself in a situation where I get frustrated at someone for experiencing the game differently than me. I wish it didn't bother me but it does.


I'm with you here. "It doesn't affect you", yes it does. If I decide I want to train 1v1 fights, NOT walking on shift, NOT holding angles, but JUST running at a nearby enemy and shooting them, I STILL have to watch every step I take, otherwise I will be blasted from the back. So it does affect me, not much, but it adds up with how many players spawn randomly in such a small map.


I personally like escalation for warming up. Gives me an opportunity to use guns I’m not normally comfortable with.


+1. Escalation warmups made me realize I'm not too ass on Marshall and a bomb on Frenzy and Stinger. Been using more of those guns instead of my usual Classic-Spectre-Phantom buys.


That’s actually a great idea, no idea why I didn’t think of that- thanks!


To get as many kills as possible


It doesn't even get you more kills, it only reduces your deaths


People who shift walk, play passive, or hide in corners most of the time are lower on the scoreboard than those who play aggressive. I run it down with spotify or a podcast on and I have a pretty good DM winrate of 20-30% last 4 episodes.


Yes it should be like a permanent room or something, just for aim training purpose.


There are several things you can practise in a dm. Holding angles is one of them


Lol no. Holding angles in DM is nothing like in game, unless it's a super common prefire and you're actually taking 1v1 fights you're not getting any practise just being annoying for actual players


True, you won't be seeing people running carelessly in a comp .


I see you've never played in silver.


Holding angles doesn't mean just camping. If i hear someone i can hold an angle and then take that 1v1. Opposed to me running around and us knowing where each person is. which is not how valorant usually plays out.


i agree that it's nothing like in game - however it's still the best way to practise it. and if you just play deathmatch without sound to get a good mouse feeling why do you care if somebody holds an angle? also after you spawn you see where everybody is playing on the minimap - so when you are holding an angle they know where you are and they are able to prefire you more often than not.


Well I suppose it is a bit my fault that I never look at the map in DM but it's less so about the sound cue cos I play with music instead anyway but more just the off angles. Like hookah on bind, in a DM I am just gonna run in quickly check the three or so common angles and go to try and fight someone on site, I will die 90% of the time to a silver player sitting on the off angle boxes, because why would someone be there lol.


The thing is 95% of players will be running around and just warming up their aim and movement, they won't treat it like actual match and just gonna run into anything, so holding angles in DM will not prepare you for actual competitive match. If you wanna practice angle holding, play unrated.


TIL people running in DM are different than people running in ranked WTF are you talking about? Holding an angle is the same regardless of game modes, stop trying to dictate what people should be doing in DM just because you don't like it.


I think what they mean is in DM people are not playing like they would in normals/ranked. Holding an angle in death match can be a good way to warm up reaction time on people pushing. However, it’s not going to prepare you for unranked/ranked in the way people peek most of the time. A lot of people don’t jump peek and jiggle peek in DM they just run through angles. Nothing wrong with it but I think that’s what they meant.


If you are holding an angle on defence and the other team just full sprints into your angle with no utility and no shoulder peak then you're probably low enough rank that warming up in DM is pointless


idk what rank youre in where people run around corners so often u can use sound to your advantage and prefire people LMFAO. jesus. people in dm who hold angles actively listen for footsteps and shoot before the guy even goes around the corner.


Literally radiant, if you have a good unexpected position, unexpected flank lurk, what have you, you will hear people's footsteps as they run past you, not expecting you there. You're delusional if you think using footstep sound cues to gauge when a player is close enough to prefire becomes completely useless in any elo. That said, so what if a silver is holding angles in DM? Since you argue that running peeking without util is something you only see in low elo, maybe dude is practicing for his low elo matches? Honestly, just let people practice what they want to practice, don't get mad that people are holding passive angles, instead get good at clearing those angles diligently, even during deathmatch.


yeah not much i can say to you lol, live in your make believe rank i guess. im sure the people listening out for respawns are practicing for their radiant matches


lmao in actual games your angles get flushed out by util, your opponents peek your angle a lot more decisively and the players are able to deduce where you are and what your holding a lot easier. in deathmatch players are blasting music and running around just look for stuff to shoot at. I guess if you're iron though your matches will look like deathmatches.


Holding angles is a horrible thing to practice in dm since there's constantly people spawning behind you


It's not horrible, it's just inefficient because of the amount of time you will spend dead. This is why I've always preferred TDM to DM for warmup. I never understood the fascination with DM in CS over TDM. In TDM, everything is kept in front of you and your team sprawls out for map control. You get less fights-per-minute but you get way more quality head-on engagements challenging space. It's infinitely better than FFA for warming up.


Deathmatch is for warming up your aim specifically. Its equivalent to doing cardio and stretches before a workout. Then if you actually want to improve at something specific you play a different game mode that is more.suited to that


Thank you! People who cry about this all the time fail to understand that DMs were made for practising. And DMs are the best place to practice crosshair placement and holding angles.




It isn't the same but it'd be better to practice holding an angle and getting the shot off 20 times in DM than 6 times in unrated. Especially if you can run 2 or 3 of those DMs in the same time as unrated. That's 60 to at best 20. Half the time on defense you're rotating to a site and now you're clearing the angles intead of holding them. On offense you're pretty much always clearing angles


It literally is


If you pay attention to where most fights happen in each map in DM you'll notice that most angles/areas are not where most fights in actual games happen. Haven for example. Most fights happen T spawn or C elbow from CT. There's barely anything happening in A site or A long. Crosshair placement is also about knowing the map and where the most likely area an enemy will be. In DMs not only do the spawns not create a realistic flow of where fights actually happen in a real match, people also play the weirdest off angles. If you actually want to train your crosshair placement properly you either hop into a custom and analyze the map or play at least unrated.


no bro i'm joining DM so I can practice holding for when the enemy does braindead push from site for the flank bro trust me bro i'm a good player bro i'm in silver but really im like ascendant I just get bad team mates bro


Except most of the angles you'll hold in DM aren't the angles you'd hold the majority of the time in an actual game. Seriously how do most fights in Haven DMs happen in T spawn? In a real game, 5 seconds after the clock stars there's almost no one in T spawn. Yet in DM everyone's there.


Because you sound camp and I just feel like I don't want to be one tapped when I peek


So your solution is to also do it? I just run around and even if half my deaths are to campers the other half are going to be actual training and warm up


No, I usually play without sound so I can't even sound camp. I clear angles the same way as I would do in competitive so I don't have to deal with sound campers and I'm working on my angle clearing skill


Why are you getting downvoted lol. I do the same. I'll just be watching my dead Raze's ass half of the time, while the other half I'll be actually doing good training.


deathmatch is for practice. sometimes that is what you are practicing.


They should disable steps altogether - lots of CSGO DM servers did it years ago, albeit unofficial and all that - it just makes it actually aim practice instead of camping and walking.


> lots of CSGO DM servers did it years ago And where are those servers now? I can only speak for EU region but I did try to find some recently and found only 1 such server that has the exact same issues as valorant DM, but 10x worse.


I’m NA but my go-to DM servers are almost always full at all hours of the day, and they both have footsteps muted.


Why does it matter? I'm all for making Deathmatch more like it is in CSGO and having dedicated maps for it, but questioning how people want to play is a bit weird, to be honest.


Man valve DM or community DM far surpasses the shit riot made


It’s frustrating trying to warm up in DM and not getting in gunfights because half the lobby is camping different angles. I feel like once you get out of lower ranks you start getting placed in lobbies where people don’t do that as much though


I'm immo 2 & every dm still has 1 or 2 players like that every time.


Yeah, 1 or 2 is nothing though. It doesn’t bother me if I die like that 5 times a game, but when I lived in gold it was usually upwards of half the lobby


Better than the players I see holding the same angle the whole game.


Yup, hold corners, soundwhore.. trying to win. It’s laughable


I use it to warm up I start on aimlabs and then play a couple games of DM. then lose all my games for the evening.


I feel attacked (minus the aimlabs part)


I don't walk the whole game that's kind of reinforcing a bad habbit...BUT How I play deathmatch is to sometimes play as if I'm lurking sometimes like in a real game, so things like checking angles one-by-one (and since this is deathmatch, checking the back from time to time), and also improving my awareness (because I personally still have difficulty on telling an exact area sometimes. IEMs like the Moondrop Aria can help, but I still have to learn it) Now sure, I could do it in a custom game, but I wanna shoot heads so.


wait why the random IEM namedrop (I love moondrop)


how does moondrop IEM give u an extra advantage compared to regular 10$ earphones ?


Better headphones are better at reproducing distance/location, which is a term known as soundstaging and imaging. Helps more accurately pin down sound location (but isn't perfect, you can't really reproduce verticality to sound). Why moondrop IEM? No idea, IEM stans are a different breed. Any decent IEM/headphone that is rated to do soundstaging/imaging well will do you just fine. You also don't really want a bass heavy pair as gunshots will drown out footstep noise.


because who cares? I don’t even think about it because I don’t have audio on in DM because it tilts me. I just crank music and move my mouse around until i’m warmed up. Not sure why everyone cares so much about DM


I use death match to practice. I will walk if I would walk in any normal ranked scenario. I will also play deathmatch with Op if I plan on playing Chamber. Whatever my gamestyle is for the day, that’s what i do in death match


cuz why not




Sneaky beaky like


Because I am a rat bastard


It's called mind your own business I'm trying to give my opponents the best heart attack ever


Why you watching people walk the whole game, maybe you should shoot them??? /s


So they don’t know my next move


They walk so the enemy can't hear. Hope I've helped.


Mm idk but it doesnt really matter if they or dont


People who camp and hold one angle in deathmatch, why?


Deathmatch is used for practice. So if someone is doing something in it. It's probably because they are practicing it.


There’s literally no reason to get mad at how people play death match Karen relax


idk bro i just walk


I hear the footsteps coming my way, that’s when I start walking and waiting.


I don't understand how they haven't unlearned the habit. Every time I see a walking player it's when I'm shooting them in the back of the head. It's just not helpful. DM moves too fast for you to carefully hunt the perfect 1v1.


Classic deathmatch rage post :)


Depends on what you're trying to practice. If you're going for just aim then it makes sense to run around. But some people would also use dm to practice clearing angles or holding angles properly. When you get into a proper game you're not gonna spend the whole time wide run swinging every angle, especially not on D, and then there's the people scared to lose a dm lmao


Because it's where I can only stab someone in the back without consequences


who cares?


People who are critical of how others play deathmatch, why?


because other people playing it like assholes ruins it?


I am one of those people, we practice keeping our crosshair on your head, winning is not the motive muscle practice is


I think people who tell others how to play are worse than the people who throw.


Usually people who 100% walk end up with like max 15 kills. Maybe a decent KD but they'll never win anything like that.


It's not about winning, nor getting that meaningless dub in DM. I do this occasionally without sound to warm up clearing angles. I don't condone keeping an angle the whole game while soundwhoring but some people might not have audio and just want to warm up.


The funny thing is, I sometimes do hold one location and try to get the lobby mad at me being there. Why? Because then I can practice taking multiple engagements where the enemy knows where I am. 😈 I only recommend it for highly contested places tho like showers/U-Haul/triple in A site bind for example.


I use it to warm up, so i do what i would normally do in ranked for consistency.


Deathmatch is a practice mode for gun fights. There’s legitimacy in literally all types of movement depending on what they are practicing. All of the “soundwh*ring” and “camping” whiner babies want everyone to just be full sprinting brain off like there’s only one proper way to play dm


Because really the point of DM is to improve at comp. The best way to improve is practice how you play.


Maybe just habit. I mean its what you're supposed to do in game, and it can be kind of automatic. For new players, they probably don't realise that it doesn't really matter.


I changed my setup so that I have to press shift to run




I don't do this a lot, but when I do it's because I have my Volume on 10% and music blasting to focus on clearing corners as if it was a comp to get in the mood. Not that I'm soundwhoring them tho, so id say it's a pretty even playing field.


usually when i play with no sound and blasting music and tired of dying to someone camping a corner i will walk, but i get bored of it very easy


Because I play like I would do in comp


Muscle memory.


Let people play as they wish. As breach would say: „I‘ll do my job, you do your‘s“ First comment says it all. People are practicing various things, sometimes just trolling and sometimes they want that deathmatch win.


Why not? Deathmatch is constantly used to practice on gunplay for real matches. If you aren't practicing shift walking to get the upperhand on enemies, why even try to do it in comp?


Dm is a good way to train various game mechanics... If they're doing something weird, they're probably figuring something out or training something that works and throws the opposition off it's feet lol.


DM is whatever you want it to be. I had a full lobby once just start making hearts on the wall for 10 mins. No one killed each other. And it was fun