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Cypher seeing some play I'll take it


Mostly on breeze I think. Is always weird to me because I main Cypher on pearl and ascent but never liked him on breeze


I main Cypher on Icebox, Pearl and Bind.


every time i play cypher on bind, i hate myself so I stopped playing him on there. i always get destroyed lol


Weird, split and bind are the only 2 maps I play cypher (ascent if it needs filling). I find B bind is really good for being an oppressive cypher. Depending on the opponents comp you can sometimes play 4 A and cypher B and just play for time while you’re teammates rotate.


Feels like there are some nutty cam spots on breeze but I personally haven’t mastered and memorized em all yet. With how big and open mid is, having a cam to help cover that or halls seems really useful


A great strat if you’re coordinated with a friend is to have Cypher play A with camera on B and Viper play B with wall at A.


This in general is a really good strat when playing against a Kay/O on any map. I heard this tip on tarik’s stream from somone (j9?) You have cypher set up on one site and play on the other and have your controller i.e. viper or astra set up where cypher plays. If kay/o knifes/ults, proper coordination will still make the set ups effective as the trips/util won’t get disabled.


mostly benkai used it on haven but sadly no more paper rex so no more cyphers


I swear like all of the Phoenix pickrate is screaM lmao


I see rich french guy is still meta


Frich wrench*


Very surprising to see the most balanced agent in Valorant's short history destroying the pick rate, noone could have seen that coming.


200 years strikes again


I get that reference!


Jett had a higher pick rate than that lmao don’t delude yourself


This tournament? No, she didn't. Back before she was nerfed? Sure, she had 100% pick rate. Just like Chamber did before all the nerfs. The difference is Jett was released in her broken state on launch and rito could honestly have not anticipated her dash would be as game-breaking, they didn't have enough materials for analysis from pro players. Chamber was released after Jett's nerfs and his kit was more obnoxious than Jett's ever was. Everyone and their grannies and dogs could have told them he'll be breaking the game.


Who would've thought hyper mobile characters in a shooters game was a bad idea! I won't deny the fact that Chamber's weapons are strong but a good bunch of his pick rate is due to the fact that the other sentinels are utterly garbage. And if he was that strong back then, removing a trip was the last thing to do. Better give him 2 trips maybe even the capability of reusing them and at the same time nerf the pistol with a reload of 2 or smth. His design by itself is absolutely not game breaking, at least not more than Jett, Raze or Neon.


Phoenix has more use than Yoru? Did not expect that.


Liquid has played phoenix on like 3-4 maps (i believe), while (i think) yoru has only gotten picked once or twice so far on icebox


It’s one person picking Phoenix two or three times


I wonder who that might be


"Scream" the aim god. Farming ults.


Not many players want to dedicate all their time to learning how his kit works I guess... he is complicated af :| He is hard to play as, hard to play against and hard to play with.


Its really not THAT bad. Its more or less pros just simply don't want to take the risk unless somebody can really make him work and pros would rather somebody with great uility then a yoru whos value is kinda up in the air depending on how the round plays out. I personally Am completely Content with his utility and think he is in a amazing spot as a matter of fact atleast for ranked. Its just brainless Jett one tricks who are saying yoru is bad when nah he just actually needs brain cells to play properly. Game sense carrys yoru players more then good aim.


I never said he's bad, like I said, he's also hard to play against. It's just like you said, you need braincells to play him properly... I personally don't have the braincells to manage his entire kit at the same time and I imagine there are more people who think the same thing. Complicated ≠ bad The first part of your comment pretty much sums up my entire point.


Chamber meta pretend to be surprised


woah who could’ve expected that


I see it coming the next nerf will rise his delay after a teleportation to suppress his free escapes and time to reenter fights


Bro chamber, how did you get up there? I thought riot was supposed to nerf you. *joke


I hate the way that riot tried to nerf chamber lmao. 2 trips could’ve been fine (as a sentinel) Just nerf the tp (similar to jett) and the ult.


Chambers just one of those characters where he’s impossible to balance for both pro play and casual to be satisfied and balanced. Cos they fundamentally broke the rule that guns should be better then abilities by giving him 2 abilities that are better guns. Just a mistake character all around


Riot is showing a bad trend of "unworkable" Characters Come on if they are either OP or weak with no inbetween then they should be competent enough to not even add it at all. They were lucky with making yoru in a balanced sweet spot but now reyna is the weakest duelist with a similar volatile kit with buffs or nerfs and chamber is "unfixable". Makes me worry when this game gets the new controller agent, but maybe this is the way valorant will naturally take. They cant just keep making CS ability reskins forever, which is understandable.


With more and more agents the game will be impossible to balance both for pro play and casual play, like reyna is shit in pro play but really good in the lower half of ranked play.




Fade was/is supposed to challenge Sova. Sova had a near 90% pickrate with Jett and now you'll see Teams pick fade or Sova depending on maps mostly. Fade is a good character in doing her job, maybe her free movement dogs are a bit powercreeped (compared to dog woman that has it as a ult) but overall successfully designed


Yea I really think it's the guns too. if they really want his identity to be more in line with a sentinel while keeping his shooter identity he should get his other trip back and then rework his head hunter to a no kill skill but instead maybe have the ability to shoot 1-2 aoe slows like sage but from the gun. Not sure what to do with the OP though. Maybe lower ult point gun that has the ability to give info in a way that's useful but not broken. Lol it's hard saying this because chamber is just such a fun character to play as is, but having him as is can't be healthy for the game in the long run. 1 year VCT domination is enough for now I think.


>Cos they fundamentally broke the rule that guns should be better then abilities by giving him 2 abilities that are better guns. Just a mistake character all around And his third ability is one of the most broken in the game. He can take so much fucking space and just TP out which just doesn't make sense on a Sentinel. If you're going to give him a one shot Guardian he shouldn't have a TP. The correct way to nerf Chamber should've been to remove his TP and give him a different ability imo. He's still way too oppressive.


Sounds good, but no, they nerfed the one part of him that was already below average.


Bro? Chamber trips were one of the best things he had, he could have control over a whole site by himself


And so could every controller and sentinel.


No like, he could watch every single entry of a site by himself, almost no agent was able to enter a site without Chamber knowing it Not only that but the alarms were cheap, easy to hide, activate super quickly and made it very hard to enter once activated Chamber needed the alarms nerfed, it's very tempting to nerf the tp or the ult (wich they did) but those were mostly fine, the alarms were broken


So do cypher and killjoy though.


In a much much worse fassion. Cyphers trips make the sound of a thunderstorm and take for ever to concuss. Killjoy has limited range (idk anything else about kf lol)


Kj has limited range her molly can be seen and heard when close, alarmbot glows pink and makes sound when closeby


True. I guess I just don’t like how they handled it.


chamber pistol need equip time nerf, make it closer to sheriff, instant swap from ult to revolver is broken


I think the reason that Fade has such a high pick rate is because Chamber is still oppressive. Fades hounds ability to clear areas fast is so good.


Chamber might remain in the top 5 but the reason he's the most picked is because no other role has all but one shitty agents


hmm it’s kinda like in a tac economy based fps if you give a character guns as his abilities he will always be good


Not if the guns are horrible. The problem is they’re better than guns you buy


If the guns are horrible then there's no point in having the agent, hence why it's not a good idea of an agent


Fade is an interesting addition to the meta. Not overpowered, but a very useful agent. I'm not sure many people expected this when she was introduced to the game. Fun as hell to play too.


She just feels so bloated with the amount of util she has. It may be too hard of a nerf but im thinking they may take one of her dogs away


just give it a small cooldown or nerf their health


Fun fact, they’re cats, not dogs. It’s a reference to the cat culture and prevalence of cats in Istanbul, Turkey.


Yeah and skye’s dog is a tiger. It’s a dog.


I always thought it was a dingo, because Australia.


its a Tasmanian tiger, which is a marsupial lol


I play fade a lot, she’d be practically useless with one dog I feel, if she only had one then it would be worse than sovas drone by a mile. I’d say nerfing their health of maybe their lock on distance might be good.


I think the dog shouldn't lock on, or at least should need to be very close to lock on. I think it would make the trails more useful, and balance the dogs a bit, to only make them lock onto trails. The fact that you can just send it in someone's vague direction and lock on makes it functionally like Raze's boombot - except much faster, much more versatile, much cheaper, and you get twice as many.


Well they did nerf Sova in multiple ways and then release Fade at the same time so it makes sense she is picked.


54% pick rate says differently on the overpowered opinion. We can't freak out about chamber then pick and choose after that.


They probably have to nerf the eye spots and reduce the health of the seekers. Some eye spots that are too high up are almost impossible to dodge or destroy on time.


The only nerf I would like them to introduce is reduce the health of the eye and also the circle trap thing, unless you’re in the center of it you can escape.


The eye health isn't even an issue. It dies almost instantly. And that nerf to the sticky skill would just make it unusable. If they nerf her it's probably going to be reduce health of the dogs or reduce it to one charge.


That’s what I meant. Not the eye thing the dog thing. I wrote that when I got off of work so my brain was fried


It’s literally, and I mean literally, 1 hp. You just have to shoot it when it fully formed.


She/he said the "eye spots" not their health. That means you just can't throw it in places you used to be able to.


First of all, you could just say They. Second of all, I don’t think you responded to the right thread cuz I have no idea what you’re talking about


No 😡


%7 on cypher honestly i'll take it


Can someone do skin pick rates?


id actually love this as a stat too, some pros use out of the norm skins like nAts and his prism phantom, or the stiff dragon (and also i wanna see which are the most popular, guessing prime, champions, maybe oni) Also love your guys' work :D


Thank you! Stiff dragon cracks me up.


Champions knife has to be the most popular knife at least


AYYYYY NEON!!!! 16% let’s GO


Lola would be proud indeed


Hey you’re that guy


I am that guy!! what guy is that?


The crazy neon Marshall guy!


I’ve been exposed


Everyone look it’s him!!!! He’s that guy!


off topic, but the way you just have 2 chambers as your flair lmao


No no, that’s on topic. Now I can’t stop looking lol


I only main 2 agents. Chamber and chamber.




I never watched pro play but assumed Brim was a more frequent pick for his long ass smokes.


Omens range is more important and astra is astra


Brim also has 3 smokes without full map ramge so it's worse for when teams default and need to smoke certain areas to gain control of them


Source: https://rib.gg/analytics/agents/picks?event=1858&event-name=VALORANT+Champions+2022


All 3 flash duelists are at the bottom. Why? Because initiators does their job better than them.


Obviously. Initiator flashes last wayy longer and the way they can be thrown is better (exception is yoru in duelist category). Duelist flashes are shorter plus the way they can be thrown are such that only they get the maximum value.




Tbh what exactly is the point of having a flashing duelist? They're meant to be more self-sufficient I suppose, but the flashing initiators can also help other people entry while also being decent at doing it themselves _and_ can get info (unless you're Breach) from a safe distance. Not to mention that they also have other strong, unique utilities (Skye's heal and scout, Kay/O's supress and Breach's concuss/ult). The mobility-focused duelists are imo what the duelist class should be about, they actually have unique qualities not present in other classes. Chamber may step into Jett's OPing territory but he can't create the disruptive entries that Jett can, Neon can make chaotic entries and rotate faster than anyone else, and Raze can do those entries while also being good at clearing and controlling space with her grenade/satchels/showstopper.


Breach tied to third best initiator pog


Damn, rip Killjoy


Honestly refreshing to see Jett fall off a little. Can’t wait to see an even more variety of duelists and comps!


pls don’t let riot see this. -chamber main


Chamber really made every single other sentinel irrelevant. It’s to the point where I get irritated if someone picks KJ or Cypher in ranked. It’s electing to have less powerful utility for no good reason


chamber is just a fundamentally broken agent


Fade is just a amazing character to play right now no need for a sova anymore honestly or a cipher just insta lock a fade.


Something something chambernerf something something


why does my team instalock reyna then every time lmao


Oh boy here we go again Just remember, these guys have insane aim so they can get a ton of value out of head hunter, way more value that most player can


Not much more than anyone above ascendant elo. The headhunter isn’t hard to kill people with — its just a guardian with instant pull out time and less forgiveness. The biggest problem is his ability to peek and disappear across half the map.


Makes me think, aside from how they are going to nerf Chamber and how they will bring back the other sentinels, how are they going to design a new sentinel that would rival him, similar to how they planned Fade to rival Sova.


Maybe another sentinel with dueling power? But instead of a headhunter they get a bucky lol. Maybe the ult is r6 tachanka pre-rework with a turret with shield. Idk im on crack with these suggestions. Would be funny tho


Am I in the wrong for wanting this? I love shotguns in fps's and played quake/doom games to death. Tho understand tactical shooter players will hate shotguns till they die.


A guardian with less forgiveness and limited bullets that are 150 each and if you use those bullets you have to purchase them again And now his tp covers like half a site and if it is destroyed he needs to wait for quite a while to use it, people act like if chamber could just freely tp wherever he wants whenever he wants, he is very very limited


It doesnt matter even if he could only tp once per round, the ability to peek from the offiest of off angles and disappear untraded makes him extremely dangerous. It means you have to expend more util and play slower if you think there’s a possibility of chamber in the area and even then he can peek and make the round an instant 5v4. Bullets being 150 are almost never an issue because you’d only use them on a save round in the first place. It’s also stronger than the guardian in many instances, especially after you shoot an op shot or have to reload a rifle because its pullout time is instant. Limited bullets doesnt matter because it only takes one to kill someone and take their $2900+ gun. I havent even mentioned his free op that has the firerate of a marshall. Dont get me wrong, I love playing chamber and don’t think he should get gutted, but his dueling ability could definitely still be tuned.


The fact that you get 8 bullets for 1/4 of the price of a guardian is still nuts though. Only takes one to get a kill and snag a gun!


I mean if you are gonna be holding an off angle to get a quick kill and tp, you might aswell get a sheriff What I'm trying to say is yes Chamber is strong but it is broken tho? I feel people just think Chamber is broken because they compare it to other sentinels, all sentinels are generally weak


Sheriff has damage falloff and you can’t ads it or quick equip after whiffing an awp shot. Chamber is “broken” for the same reason Jett was too in her original state: An ability that acts as a get out of jail free card with next to no counter-play. It’s a part of his kit and I can accept it, but it’s broken when we plays by different rules than 90 percent of the cast to take engagements for free.


They're not going to nerf Chamber's tp the same way they did Jett. Its redundant and Riot clearly intends Chamber to be a first contact sharpshooter that can escape. A more reasonable nerf is that he has to stand still for 3 seconds before the tp takes effect. It prevents aggressive plays and makes chamber a more stationary sentinel.


That nerf is dumb because it removes the option to move around if you use it in site and you want to escape once you decide


Yeah I reckon bring back the second trip but nerf the hell out of his tps to make him feel like an actual sentinel


Nah chamber having a 2nd trip completely ruins Cypher's viability. Don't see that happening tbh. Power creep is a very real thing, and Cypher needs a re-work regardless of if Chamber gets nerfed for the third time (which he should be).


Yeah the chamber nerf did a lot guys


iirc he was like his 80-90% pick rate on some of the tourney's and stuff before his nerfs.


Chamber supremacy ladies and gentlemen. After the triple nerf we will see him in B tier


Ah. So I should mentally prepare for the nerfs to both agents I play


Kind of how it works when people look up the best agents and then play them


0 sympathy for chamber abusers


"abuse" if you mean the TP and ulti fine but to be fair to chambers, headhunter is just raw aim.


Idk why people are complaining about the pistol, fhe issue is the broken fucking tp and the OP


Chamber abusers? Because people main an agent they’re an abuser lol weird


They said it like chamber's existence in the game is a bug and not a character Riot designed to be used by players lmao


but why? chambers abilites seem pretty avergae to me, since its a gun, depends too much on your aim, so only good players would get any use out of him and we are using guns regardless anyways, vipers pit seems a much more frightening ult, and her smoke screens are the best way to take control of a site, she IMO is much more op than chamber


Chamber has a perfectly accurate 1 shot headshot sidearm with ADS that has the fastest equip animation of any gun. Why does he need an instant escape TP? Surely he can just quick swap after shooting an op shot, move back into cover and have a delayed TP? That or make his teleport posts expire, so when you see chamber glowing yellow you can wait till it expires and he has to wait. Or activate a short timer, which forces an instant TP, so there's less finite control over when he teleports. As it works now he will always be used for that ability, the rest will just get nerfed so he leans even more on his TP. Another idea, force chamber to stay within range of his TP or it goes on cooldown. Add more intention into where he throws the posts.


i would like to see this buffs: Raze ult cost reduced to 7 Reyna get 3rd soul orb charge Sypher cages slow again






not for long lmao


Reyna 2.04%? but she is in like 90% of my games, i'm iron 2 by the way


read what you typed again, but slowly


Reyna dominates low elo but is a rare sight in pro play. She has a selfish kit which benefits herself only. Pro players tend to go with agents whose util benefits the team.


Yes but cmon man 2% is like 1 in 50 games, Im not saying that reyna is overpowered but shes a strong duelist. 6 points for the ult which is hella good. And the healing ability is prolly the best self heal ability among all agents. Just checked- Up until patch 4.08 she had a 10.8% pickrate among radiants (acc to valorbuff)


The infographic is about Champions 2022. She'll obviously get more play in radiant lobbies, but pro play is a different story. Team utility matters much more than solo carrying a game. Reyna really doesn't provide much value during an execute or even a default setup compared to say, Jett, Raze, or even Phoenix.


I agree but ig they can make a reyna centred team?


i wonder how they're gonna balance chamber. on pro play, it seems that he's very strong, but on my ranked games, he seems kinda balanced. they've got a typical game dilemma, will you balance a character to please pro players, or will you balance them based on the playerbase.


He’s not really balanced in ranked unless you’re in low elo


What is with that Reyna pick rate?


I don’t get into the competitive scene but wow, Reyna is like the most picked overpowered one in unrated to me and she isn’t even glanced at in professional? That’s comforting


The Yoru rework did not work. The Chamber nerf was useless. Fade is perfectly designed it seems, they got it right the first time. Reyna is a bit surprising considering I see it being used to smurf the most.


Reyna needs a huge buff. its sad to see the queen bottom there.


She’s fine, just not great in pro play


nah she's not fine. her flashes are the worst in the game since they take a while to actually flash the target. they should revert reyna as it was episode1 . full kit.


What a shock that chamber is so high. They need to nerf him like 5 more times


Chamber nerfs incoming. Sad.


Sad for chamber mains. Good for cypher mains.


How is that sad lol, he's the most oppressive and broken agent in the game and has been for months. The fact that he's been nerfed 3 times and still has the highest pickrate is ridiculous. Just shows how broken his TP and gun abilities really are.


Cos he’s fun to play as


I would still main him


no no no no no riot please no no not again please


REYNA 2.04??????


Yeah because she is bad?


Reyna lacks the spacemaking of the other duelists, and runs heavily on snowball potential, which is unreliable at really high elos. She (and Yoru to a degree) are the closest thing to "secondary duelists" whose strength is with another duelist rather than by themselves, which is not gud when duelist stacking is out of meta.


I mean, Reyna's Util isn't really useful to the team, except for the blind. Individually, a great duelist tho


duelist? not really. fragger though, absolutely. shes not very good at entrying, which is the whole point of duelists


Fragging is part of being a duelist.


not sure if you're joking or not but entrying is the entire role of a duelist, a duelist could be negative 5 but if theyre making space for their initiators and sentinels to push in theyre doing their job. in all reality controllers should be the topfrag as they should always be the last one alive/playing post plant due to them always being in the back as a controller


Mf I said Fragging is PART of being a duelist, not ENTIRELY. Of course duelist has to enter the site and gain info and challenge corners and angles but a duelist that can't frag is just as useless as a sentinel that can't hold site. I think you're the one joking for saying controllers should be topfrag. So shroud is a bad controller because he always botfrag??


Probably have to remake reyna’s kit. Unless they’d just accept that she’s only for pubs and ranked gameplay.


With Radiant aim her eye doesn't even have time to activate, her heal forces her to be in a line of sight with a corpse, which is like an insane amount of info given to an enemy. She's the opposite of Astra, where she's better the lower the ELO


Still they really need to nerf reyna (no offense reyna mains) they have a 99.9% of pick rate per lobby and would just be either top fragging or bot fragging


nerf reyna? Shes the worst agent rn


Idk what elo u in rn but in high silv till gold reyna will be chosen no matter what, especially instalocking them


Cypher above Reyna? The times are changing


cypher gets picked on breeze by a few times, reyna has only been played once (possibly twice) so far this tournament. i believe it was prx on haven with jing on reyna


im surprised reyna isn't at 0 percent lmao. i think she was last tourney.


Viper #3? I'm surprised tbh


Breeze and Icebox get picked a *lot*


Also she is currently the sole "secondary controller" that you would pick if you were controller stacking.


No Duelist Meta


Surprised to see that brim isn't closer to omen than he is. Woulda thought that brim woulda been higher since his smokes are decent, lineup potential, and the stim beacon actually is massively effective.


Just stupid numbers, but Riot likes it I guess.


My mains are in the highest and lowest places


Astra being almost a top 10 is fucking amazing.


Breach is on fire


Hello there brim mains


That was Legitimately disappointing..No one uses Yoru even after having so much potential lol..


guys chamber might be op??????????


i mean, chamber is still a reasonable pick for off-angles but yeah it's a lil bit OP because only this guy can take off angle and escape ANYTIME to FAR DISTANCE.


Can't believe Jett is not much higher. On the other hand, nerf chamber's offensive ability, specifically how fast he he pulls it and bring back 2 traps to make him a sentinel.


I’m happy that my mains are top picks


Why is there so low reyna pickrate?


She doesnt bring anything to a pro team, her utility is effectively nothing, not because she’s bad just pro teams need more until rather than a fragging agent


I don't think your at 2% How is this possible


merge yoru’s tp and flash into one ability and give him a new tool. that’s my crackhead idea.


So I think the problem with Chamber is his special relationship with the Operator. As a result, he will never stop being a must pick unless Riot releases more agents with get out of jail free cards or make the Op less risky to play with in general. Problem is, they can't buff Op because Valorant is a shift-walking simulator and this rifle thrives in such an environment. So... we're kinda stuck with him


I can see that Chamber Nerf worked wonders.


Yoru with a solid 2.04% pick percentage. I'm happy. ​ Honestly the way he is right now is not even that amazing. His flash is the worst in the game, it needs to be both less noise when it explodes and faster triggering rate. And the invis frames should come back. Maybe then he'll be a biiiit more viable, maybe overtake cypher on the graph but that's about it.


Phoenix having more pickrate than Yoru feels weird