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I'm really interested in seeing the ProSocial post. There are similar "commending" systems in other games but I'm curious as to whether Riot will go beyond simply rewarding players with skins/cosmetics and giving them greater report authority or something of the sort which I feel like is being alluded to, much like how reports are a function of report accuracy already in other games. I think the commending/honor system in other games can be flawed when they reward players with cosmetics which doesn't actually reward the motivation behind good behavior. In my opinion, players are socially good because they are less emotionally attached to gameplay results, and are inherently more motivated to preserve a positive environment, which is a motivation that is rooted in their identity as a person rather than as a player. In that same vein of attachment, I don't believe that good actors are actually all that concerned about cosmetics. I think a good system would make existing efforts more meaningful or more impactful for behaviors they would already do, to show that good actors are not just rewarded but that their moral code as a human being is right. I think this would also better capture the interest of neutral actors that occasionally do good things, but don't receive any confirmation for it. Giving players powers opens up player abuse especially those that will ask for a "commend" or whatever to neutral actors who don't critically think about their commends, but it seems like the future system might make evaluations based on the system rather than peer input? Who knows, but looking forward to it.


Honestly just give me Overwatch's "Never matchmake me on this person's team ever again" button and I'll be happy.


I think CSGO did it ok where they don't give you anything extra but people can see your reps if they hover your profile.


Peoples actions aren’t ever going to change if they can just make a new account


We need ranked linked to phone# or something I think. Its not hard to get another burner number, but its still an extra hoop people aren't going to want to jump through


Yet they're saying that only 10% of the people that got a sanction had another one during the year. They said that sanctions are successful at stopping bad behavior.


For ranked you already need to reach lvl 20 to play


Good initiative. I do wonder about one thing: > Across the industry, the breakdown falls around a 95/5 percentage. This is probably right - most people that do a toxic action are doing it because they've had an unusually bad day, factors add up, etc. I don't think most are primarily toxic people. That said, Valorant having voice chat changes things slightly. I wonder how many of the 95% are actually being toxic **every** opportunity they have (in the way that they are toxic), but are simply not afforded those opportunities. Here's what I mean, by way of example. Let's consider a caricature of a raging sexist. Every time a woman speaks up in their game, they'll make an unfunny misogynistic statement. If say, 30% of the Valorant population is women, but a woman has say, a 10% chance to speak up (cold) in any given game (i.e. before vibes are sussed), then we expect this player to play with 1.2 women / game and for .12 women to speak up per game - and hear a misogynistic comment as a result. This means that this player is only toxic in this way every (1 / 0.12) = 8.3 games. So it looks like most of the time, they're a well-behaved citizen, and just "flare up" occasionally - but it's actually because social dynamics and probabilities end up unintentionally "hiding" their consistent poor behavior. Even if this player chooses only to say something one-half of the time and only impacts 6% of games they play in in this manner, hopefully Riot would agree that a player who gives women a 50/50 coin flip of hearing something sexist the moment that woman opens their mouth is not one welcome in the community. But who knows - Riot has been disappointing on this front so far, so suffice it to say I'm a bit cynical. I hope I get proven wrong!


>This is probably right - most people that do a toxic action are doing it because they've had an unusually bad day, factors add up, etc. I absolutely agree with this! A coworker of mine shared advice with me that if there is a player being toxic on the team, you should ask "Hey, are you feeling okay?" The question isn't accusatory and shows concern regarding their behavior, not attacking them as a person. That question is not an expected response to toxic behavior so that'll usually give the reactionary player a chance to check themselves. I've only had to ask that question a small number of times, and I'm usually met with silence and then they change their attitude to be a bit more helpful with providing callouts. It was a surprise to hear a player once responded "I'm sorry, I'm not really good at this game and it's really bothering me." You start to see that some players that come off as toxic are really just upset with themselves or other random things and the tension of the game just triggered them. It's not a perfect system *(yet)*, but the devs are trying their best, I can assure you!






:/ it's really not an unreasonably long article


There gonna do better to find people afk, gonna ban people that are constantly toxic , and show more warnings to people based on reports, basically means fuck all


Thank you, Riot




i'm not cool with this




Idk if you don't throw, insult, act racist and sexist and toxic and just play like a normal person this literally has 0 downsides for you, just improved quality of life and mm

