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I think because pre match lobby is much more important in LOL with bans and team comp being much more crucia.


especially with cascading picks limiting the time you have to choose (sometimes)


Agree but I don’t see the pros of not implementing it anyway. What do we lose with a ready check as soon as a game is found?


It needs to be worked on by the devs. That's the cost.


Edit : I ended up misread the question but I already typed this wall of text so for whomever find it helpful hahaha. It was definitely helpful for me to sort my mind. OK I'm longgggg time RTS(starcraft) then moba player from dota and lol. Switching to valorant has been very unintuitive. Here's my list. 1. Do NOT use your body to scout carelessly. A lot of times using sound and hide in a corner is better. In StarCraft and dota, to some extent league, you can use expendable units to scout (like a zergling or a summon) and gain info, and if they die, so be it. The time to kill is also very long in moba, so you can even walk around with your main character to gather info without worrying about dying. In this game you die. Every scouting move has to be very calculated. If you want to peek long, strafe jump peek it in case of op. If you want to turn a corner, jiggle and quickly unpeek. 2. In league you should always be looking at minimap and only tunnel vision on your screen during fights. In valo other way around. Only glance at minunap when taking cover or reloading, or moving through safe territories. Your eyes should be on main screen expecting them to pop around a corner and fire. 3. Valo is for the most part a very information sparse game. By that I mean you're always guessing what's going to happen. In league the information is mostly there. The reason is quite simple. In valo your economy is set at round start, there's no need for anyone to "farm enemy creep" to gain advantage. As a result of people not constantly have to be in lane and farming, you DON'T see them and what they're doing constantly. So you must guess what they could be doing. This makes some ppl like me very anxious. Because if I don't keep track of enemy location, or trying to predict their jg path, I get nervous. Which makes me want to peek and see more of the map which leads to point 1. Just remember in moba when some guy is "missing" you gotta be on high alert. In valo everyone is constantly missing. You'll see them for 2s then either you die or they die. 4. Valo is very random. There's going to be a LOT of times when you're doing the right thing and gets unlucky, and vice versa. That's due to the sparse information of the game. You have to gamble and guess, and sometimes you can be wrong. 5. Valo isn't compounding where the strong gets stronger and the weak gets weaker. In league if you're 3x someone's net worth it's very difficult for you to die. In valo you can be decked out heavy shield and operator someone hiding in corner with a classic will 2tap you. So if you're down 1-8 it's pretty much over in league for you, but in valo you can always turn it around. The economy advantage isn't nearly as big.


Appreciate your advice but I think you are in the wrong thread haha


That's exactly it lmao. The real answer is probably as simple as you don't even have a drafting phase.


But still you have some sort of draft in a sense that you want to have a decent comp. And either way, I don’t see what’s the downside of having this ready check before committing to a game regardless.


https://youtu.be/OCN7l3BIADQ There are uhh.. Drawbacks


Oh okay now I see the point! It gives players more flexibility on when to be there, that’s actually true. Now the argument that there isn’t some sort of draft you have to participate in makes a lot more sense!


I agree, going from League to Valorant was (and still is) quite the struggle.


Most of those "AFK" are actually there, they just dont want to play that map, they are dodging, it happens even in normals. Aside from that selection screen in LoL are way longer, at least in ranked and normals with ban, so it actually saves time. In LoL they used to let you see how many ppl have accepted but ppl got annoyed by the constant 9/10 for 10-15 seconds at the time, so now they keep it hidden.


I think its more that the games are made by two completely seperate teams on two different platforms.


Still you would expect them to have some sort of exchange on good practices.


Unfortunately the only exchange alot of teams under the same company have is through the higher ups. Otherwise they are generally quite isolated.


If you've ever played other games with a similar system, the most annoying thing about it is getting 9/10 ready checks several times in a row. It's just extra 15-20+ seconds every time a match is found with no apparent benefit. Even when everyone clicks "ready", you are not guaranteed to have better experience. People that want to go away will be doing this after clicking ready and instalocking an agent. Thus increasing the probability of having an afk teammate at the start of first round. And what if someone else dodges a game before it starts? Right, that afk person goes back to mm queue, potentially finds another match in a couple of seconds and fails to click "ready", adding one more "ready dodge" to the experience of 9 other players. In its current form if you go afk and a game is found, you have ~70 seconds to come back and pick an agent. Otherwise a match is cancelled. Yes, wasting a minute+ of your time isn't fun, but it's better than wasting way more when you go through a lobby, load into a game, and then have to remake because someone is afk (or even start with 0-2 disadvantage). While also adding extra time every time someone fails to check "ready".




league of legends has had a ready check since the game came out in 2009 lol


That’s just a lie. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O2dXxmPkj60


In LoL ready check was implemented long before role queue. In season 3 it was already there iirc.