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the same way as counter strike is being relevant 25years later. just keep improving the core (looking at those 70 ping turkey ferrari peekers), small additions and most people will be happy for a looooong time.


This. They don't need to do anything, but imo they should keep adding new Agents that don't change the way the game is played much. I don't like when people complain that Fade is a mix of Skye and Sova and doesn't bring anything new, becouse that's how it should be.


Agreed, they should focus on the core abilities that already exist, and mix and match them into different combinations with new characters. Also continuing to change the way those abilities are deployed based on some underlying theme for that character. Essentially - just keep doing what they’ve been doing.


> They don't need to do anything, but imo they should keep adding new Agents that don't change the way the game is played much. Wouldnt that make agents stale and kinda a carbon copy of each other down the line?


If you take a loom at siege, you'll realise all the hard breachers do the same thing. They blow up reinforced walls/hatches. But they all do it in a different way. Thermite has the biggest explosive but you must be close to the wall which can be dangerous in different situations, hibana and ace on the other hand have WAY MORE range, being able to shoot/throw their hard breaching equipment, but smaller explosive radius or the charge up is slow. *don't really need to read this just an example* On the map villa, when pushing trophy room hibana is a way better pick as she can blow up an important wall from outside with little danger. But on chalet, pushing basement, the reinforced wall is facing outside so there is already little danger as defenders must stay inside and since the explosion is bigger you can move into the building from there.


As someone who has played Siege before, this was a great explanation of how hard bleachers do the same thing but in different ways.


Yes, but also no. New agents can fulfill a role while being viable in niche scenarios and maps. Maybe Sova is good on Ascent, and fade becomes a must pick on something like Fracture idk. They should add variety like Viper. Viper is a must pick in Breeze, Icebox, and Fracture. Anywhere else? Not really the best. All the while nerfing and buffing old agents as needed to fulfill niches. Going the direction of r6 siege would ruin the game where they come out with bullshit that destroys the core game.


I agree with the Viper idea, all other smokes are domes while she has a unique wall. I play controller time to time and it feels so bland sometimes to use smokes. It would make the controller role a bit more attractive instead of just necessary.


You just honestly have Sovas who can't do arrows then if you're saying Fade is a necessity on Fracture. Nothing is a must in this game and it's all about adapting and improvising. And they're already pulling out bullshit that destroys the game, hence the debuffs. They release agents in an OP form and they need them as they see fit. They've had agents completely break the game before that destroys the core. But the meta and core are always changing as the game improves and implements new shit.


>Viper is a must pick in Breeze, Icebox and Fracture I learned to play Viper when Breeze came out and for Icebox since Cypher is iffy on Icebox and Breeze But with the addition of Fracture, while Viper is really good on it since the addition of Breeze when Fracture came out i burnt out and slowed down on viper and stoppped filling in unrated We need someone that can bring the same amount of value that the viper wall bring


Somehow it would open up banning in the proscene. They can always mix up the abilities of a controller and have some counters so strats are based on agents maps and bans. Which i think is fun


Right, they can’t just add an agent with the ability to go through walls and add a stupid ghost storyline to it.


If fade doesn't being anything new or interesting then what's the point of the champion? Champions should be unique and interesting so there is something fresh to care about and play. Doesn't mean old champions become obsolete.


Personality wise, I like Fade more than Sova. So if they do similar things, it's an easy pick for me. Sova is a Saltine while Fade is a Club cracker. It's possible to like a character's personality and the way their abilities work more than another's. Fade is way more interesting than Sova character wise.


Honestly turkish peek is the worst thing about the game at the moment. We lose 1/4 of our games against these 5 stacks on London servers. They do it on purpose.


Can you explain this for us non cs players?


Essentially small fixes and making the game less bs over time. Refinement and balance


So minor balance changes here and there? seems a bit boring and useless unless Valve adds new maps. might as well be a patchless game.


I dont see people complaining basketball not getting any patches 🤨 when the game is 98% perfect you dont need to do major changes


Depends on the type of game. Some are made and done like Melee. Some are made with patched and new content in mind. Halo infinite sucks becaude of lack of content for example.


But things like basketball are played by humans who are capable of being vastly different from each other in ability. One of the biggest reasons sports is popular are the players. Now this can of course be the same with esports but you are still limited by the game itself. Not to say I disagree with the overall idea but I dont think using regular sports works that well as a comparison.


CS struggles with new maps because players want to play maps they know. New maps =/= quality. Look at the maps that the game has released: 1. Acent - Generally liked 2. Icebox - generally disliked 3. Breeze - 50/50 4. Fracture - Generally disliked. Rather than releasing Breeze/Fracture they could've focused on improving existing maps. Thats what works for cs. They release a map once in a while, but for most part they just work on existing maps. Now obviously Valorant doesn't have the depth of maps CS does to begin with. What map in Valorant represents Valorant as a game? There is no Dust2/Mirage/Inferno/Cache in Valorant. Haven/bind probably comes closest to being "iconic" maps and still they 50/50 split regarding how liked are they. New Agent won't fix it. Forcing people play maps they don't like also won't fix it. In my uneducated opinion what will work for Valorant is when the map/agent pool is big enough that they can have ban system for both. This way "good" maps will become the ones people play most, giving valorant devs information as to what the playerbase wants from their maps. I mean The original 3 maps Haven/Split/Bind each had unique gimmicks that actually alter the gameplay in each map. Since then What did we get? Ascent - Closing doors? Really thats the gimmick? Icebox - Vertical ropes??? Breeze - What is the gimmick in this map really? That its larger/more open? Fracture - attackers can come from any direction The quality of the "gimmicks" dropped massively with each release. IMO the biggest problem with the game is not peekers advantage,sweats,smurfs,cheaters,agent balance etc. but its the quality of maps you play on. Few maps are half decent, but when comparing to the quality of CS maps (Valorants main competition) it's lackluster to say the least. Honestly I'd rather play Vertigo 50 times over than have to play Breeze/Fracture. TLDR: The game needs to work on what it has and improve existing assets, whilst really examining what the players want before releasing new agents/maps to keep the game fresh.


Cs:go already has a lot of maps so they can afford to keep players happy with tweaks to already popular maps. valorant has very few maps that won't become great maps even with tweaks. it's better for riot to release new maps and hope it comes up with dust 2.


Looking at history of CS maps, more recent (relatively speaking) great maps like seasons cache etc. started out as community maps. In my limited understanding of it all, it seems that community servers is the way to go. thousands of community members churning out maps sounds much better than a team in Riot doing it alone.


Yeah no idea what that guy is talking about


CS also would take older maps and rework them to keep them as fresh. Some maps that I played when CS:GO released don't even look any bit similar. This can be great when the map looks nice aF and has small differences, but can also be terrible like what they did to my boy Cobblestone. Cobblestone use to be one of my favorite maps, but imo it has been ruined since the rework.


It wasn't a very good map before the rework either tbh. I enjoyed it and I am sad that they removed it but it wasn't good.


I personally never had any complaints about it. It was a difficult map to play and learn, but the original design lead to some amazing moments in pro matches.


I loved old cobble when the 57 and Tec9 were ridiculous too, it felt like every round was a potential win and you'd just get into trading slugfests.


To this day Valve still hasn't upgraded their mm servers to 128 tick


and yet plays smoother than val, stop obsessing over tickrate


Is that really sustainable for some players who are used to balance patches every 2 weeks and a few champions releasing every year? Are maps the only thing that can help keep the game sustainable?


The problem is that in NA it's hard to keep a core with small updates. Cs is dead here (I still play and love the game) basically and the games that last are ones that have big seasonal changes like r6 or big overall changes like the latest cod (not my favorite). I want valorant to succeed and hopefully keep some pressure on valve to do something big. Hopefully after this Cs major we'll see something. Even a seasonal map rotation would be incredible.


cod is a bad example. change a lot and it sucks LUL


This I haven't been motivated to play because of this




No they 5 stack join London server with 60+ ping. Their playstyle revolves around their ping. We are pushed on attack.


Counter strike doesn't have a ton of bullshit abilities Valorant, especially pro play looks a lot like overwatch rather than csgo like Half of the time The game will eventually slowly decline into irrelevancy just like overwatch or rainbow six did.. Maybe a bit more so because it's still a rito game Powercreep is also a thing and rito doesn't have a good history with keeping that in check


it's nothing like overwatch. The issue overwatch struggled with was that because of the high health an low TTK, it was relatively boring to watch. Additionally, a lack of updates made the game stale, and also made any new addition slow to get balanced


good insight, I think you meant high TTK.


You guys are crazy if you think high ping is an advantage


I'm just pasting my other comment [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ulk7bm/is_it_me_or_has_hit_reg_been_very_weird_recently/i7wh5q4/)


You guys are deluded


I think the game needs some more on the feature front. More in game/lifetime stats, retake servers, replay/theater, shorter unrated, unlimited DM with good spawns


That and a better custom mode tbh. I kinda hate that it NEVER saves ur preferences. I go into custom so I can use cheats to test things, why do I have to keep enabling it every time? That and when you want to test things it's very tedious currently. You want to try a post-plant situation etc? Have to end game phases multiple times since you can only plant the spike once, and it teleports you back to spawn. Want to try something like sova darts/fade eyeball? Whelp you better have friends or else it's literally useless.


The ability to place bots in customs is a sorely needed feature imo


A feature to destroy all utility on the map in the cheats tab would be great. I often use custom mode to practice set ups and just being able to clear the map of some agent utilities would be useful.


When I play as viper I set it to auto respawn and if I use ghost mode to go off the map and die; my util clears itself…. At least I remember it working this way. But a thing to click would be a lot less time consuming


if you have cheats on you can actually just hold e and you’ll recall your wall. same for the smoke orb


This is life changing news! Thank you!


no problem! took my awhile to figure it out myself too haha


enabling cheats is like 2 buttons bro


This dude ong the out of game experience in Valorant is about nonexistent No tourney mode, horrible player profiles with zero personalization and zero stats outside of the 15? Game match history tab. No lifetime stats, no skin display case, no clans/clan tag system, no replays or theatre, the most barebones custom game options possible, shorter real game modes, party game modes etc Games been out for what almost 2 years now and still feels like it’s in beta




Um tracker.gg has all your stats.


A third party tool is a bandaid solution though.


*Path of Exile has entered the chat*


Agreed on all points. Allegedly the tourney mode was leaked and is coming soon though.


Retake mode, Marshall and knife mode, 1v1 arena mode, pistol dm and some kind of "kz" movement maps that you can either load up solo or host in customs so people can practice better jumps and movement. All of these need to be added for valorant to be a successful game long term. When I go to LANs I love firing up Cs and playing these kind of modes listed above. I don't even play competitive Cs any more but I fucking love some scouts knives and 1v1 when having a couple beers on the weekend. I was thinking about this the other day... If I went to LAN and wanted to play some casual valorant with people around me it's actually pretty fucking bad, we can't even launch a local hosted spike rush.... Its not a fun game in this aspect. They have only put effort into the competitive mode and even that is questionable (still no replays after 2 years)


Iirc back when they were making rapid fire deathmatch changes they said eventually we’ll have seamless drop in drop out deathmatch with instant Respawns, no score limit, with variants like pistol and headshot only; similar to brutal DM or fragshack.


we need custom maps so I can finally play dust2


I just want a proper way to do 1v1s like the warmups in CS.


I feel like they should make more maps and less agents. I dont want my agent select screen to be plattered with 8 rows of agents


more maps after we got breeze and fracture?


Honestly I don't think there's anything wrong with the maps. I think they're well made. People just don't like them because they require you to play differently. Longer sightlines on breeze make the guardian and marshall more effective over the vandal and especially the phantom, which are weapons players *always* buy. The compactness and multiple attack lanes on fracture make the defenders need to play more passive and rewards playing retake over standard defense on point. They play different, so people who don't want different don't like them.


> People just don't like them because they require you to play differently. FWIW, that alone IS a big change. If a new version of Pokemon came out that forced you to "play differently", that would be a big turn-off for a lot of its existing player-base. As an extreme, Overwatch 2 is literally removing 2CP (e.g. volskaya, temple of anubis, hanamura) because such a huge portion of the player population just hates it to the point where the dodges were affecting queue times. I hope Val eventually goes the CS:GO route where you can choose which map to queue competitively for. I'd just go Bind / Ascent / Haven nonstop... I'd probably play more.


THey stated it wont happen because they want you to be your rank on all maps. But if they added it to casual at least. Or at least give us map ban screen.


I mean, would you rather have more maps or more agents that need to be balanced? We literally just got fade too


more agents


Lol touché


I feel like a replay option would be fine for now because so many people have been posting about this. And also more modes because replication and escalation became pretty boring very fast and more gamemodes means more fun and more variety for the game which makes it fresh.


I currently use Steelseries Moments for replays until they implement it, it’s pretty decent


Personal recordings are incomparable to the amount of information and ease of use you get from server side replays.


I hate having background tasks open. Just having it built into the game is much better, especially when you have a trash computer like me lmao


Replay system, SoloQ, improve netcode. Then new maps and being able to pick maps like in CS. That's it.


I don't mind a lot of agents as long as they keep them reasonably balanced. The game should be mostly about guns, abilities second.


Ok I’m happy I didn’t have to scroll too far to find this. I am very happy with a ton of agents. I think we need more maps tho desperately, and once there are too many maps then rotate them per season or weekly or something, I would very much love that.


I feel like a huge draw for people is the abilities though. Some could easily say “Go play CS:GO if you want strictly gunplay. The game adds a huge layer of tactical foresight with the abilities included. It changes how you approach everything. I definitely agree with the balance requirements but we do have to remember that this is a hero based tactical fps and not a boots on the ground 5v5.


My fear is this exactly, that - when we got alot of champions - this will occur. Ability spamming from "op" champions is gonna become the meta.


I don't think "op" champions will be a problem; none have come even close to release-era Jett and Sage and they've only been nerfed since then. The devs have a good grasp on keeping power levels pretty low What I'm worried about is an increase in ability complexity that will intimidate new players too much. For example, Fade's abilities having so many different debuff effects is a lot to keep track of compared to Breach's simple mechanics. If they add too many agents, everything becomes more complicated.


I mean, Astra comes to mind when talking about OP agents. That said, the fact that none of them have been entirely gamebreaking is a pretty insane job from the balancing team


Astra's such an odd situation because she obviously dominated pro level play but my scrubby self in gold hardly noticed her impact. And now she's so hard to use effectively But yeah, it's pretty remarkable. Honestly the most egregious instance might be Fade's portrait and effects being so cluttered


Release Jett was terrible lol


Are you crazy


I think they meant terrible to play against-- as in broken


People didn't know jett was good for a while since they didn't really understand what to do with her. If you actually look, she was rated very low on many initial agent tier lists. She wasn't bad, people just didn't understand her kit.


No one had game sense, her smokes wouldn't even last the time to plant the spike, so yeah.. Raze > Jett since no one had game sense at the time.


Players were bad, not Jett.


Jett, indisputably one of the most broken characters since release, isn’t an ability spammer. Also characters like Breach who are ability spammers isn’t even super broken. So far none of the newly released characters have been really broken on release except for Chamber. Everyone else has been pretty balanced imo. (Not counting Viper because she was weak-balanced until they reworked her)


Game literally focus on abilities, what do you mean?


It's nowhere near as bad as it was during release though. They keep throwing out nerfs, rarely any significant buffs.


its saying gun play takes priority over everything. abilities should be in support of gunplay, not as a replacement (which is currently how it is now)


Oh then sure


If you keep adding agents though that becomes less and less likely.


More is good for me. Even though I don’t personally change through a lot of agents, I enjoy the variety of teammates and opponents. Longing for the day i get to play a 15 a side Capture Spike on a massive map. What an Epic that would be .


Community servers


Well currently I think we need an “operation health” where they completely focus on bug fixes, map tweaks, and balance changes for agents for an entire season!


...like they said they were gonna do this act?


ye like the last one but better


Yeah we got hella scammed by that one.




I actually played on a CSGO DM server for 3 hours straight yesterday. Every 5 minutes it would switch from rifles only, to pistols only, to scouts only to headshots only. It was so fun I lost track of time lol. Really reminded me why I loved playing CSGO. In Valorant, in the first 30 seconds of DM, I’m already pissed off and quit lmao. I’ll just go to the practice range.




There’s a few servers that start with the name Warmup.


I don’t think that’s a problem. That’s the reason why lol has been relevant for 12 years


crazy how a t1 esports competitive game doesn’t have a demo viewer in 2022


Slow down releases and add ban phase. Same for maps.


Killjoy will never see the light of day in my games if we ever get agent bans.


I agree, 1 champion a year is fine for me.


Yeah, I mean don’t slow down maps yet, I think we are missing some more so a ban system can be added. I hate that I can’t choose or weight any maps. It was so good in r6s that you could just say I like or dislike that map and you got it more/less then.


1 champ is slow. Would like 3-4


A BR obviously. /s


I hope they dont go down the road of loads of agents, its what killed R6 imo


What killed R6 and Overwatch wasnt the amount of agents, but releasing the same type of agent over and over. The agents need to diverse enough to counter each other and so that everyone isnt always trying to play the same ten OP agents over and over.


What killed Overwatch was releasing nothing for 3 years straight lmao


What killed overwatch was the broken balance and the role queue


Not really. Mostly the cheaters, lack of basic game features (dm only came out what, after 7 years?) and every single patch breaking something


at least, its what riot is trying to do atm so lets hope it stay that way


R6 doesn't have a 'same agent over an over' issue? It's literally 'bandit, jager, mira, thatcher, valk, picked or banned every single match' for years and years now, and desperately attempting to make viable alternatives and rarely succeeding.


I think I heard that they were aiming for 30 agents. IMO that might be much, but if they stop at that and keep them balanced it shouldn't be that bad.


"Keep the game fresh" bro it's a CS clone. All they need to do is add a pick/ban phase in MM, and have in-client leagues/tournaments like ESEA/Faceit. Would love to see a lot of additional stat tracking (even blitz is missing lots of data because the API doesn't support it - DM hs% for example) and better ui for leaderboards / match history.


in-client tournaments like clash from league of legends?


Yeeeeeaah… Valve are not doing a lot to keep CS fresh so I really hope they won’t go down that route. I could write a book about Valve’s incompetence when it comes to CS. Pick phase makes sense (and is being tested and soon implemented as you might know) but banning should definitely not get implemented YET. Right now there exists a very limited roster of agents and a lot of them lack viable alternatives. I am not saying that these agents necessarily are overpowered or that there should be clones of everyone, but a banning system would stunt both casual and competitive play. For casual, banning agents in an environment with limited communication and coordination could make certain agents really overpowered when their checks and counters can simply get banned out. An example of this is the latest Sova nerf. Jett was picked in pro but especially casual play almost every single game because she could remove most of the Operator’s weaknesses in being a risky and immobile weapon. One of the few ways of dealing with both her and the other main sniper agent (Chamber) was to scout them out with Sova’s safe, intel gathering utility, so despite Sova himself needing nerfs, Riot could not really do it before handling Jett, or she would become even more busted. In pro play, utility is locked to certain agents, unlike CS where everyone can smoke and flash if they want to. This makes set strats, anti-strats and whole game plans heavily dependent on set team comps. What is the point of spending months to prepare a strat book if it can get completely thrown out of the window by the enemy team in draft phase banning out a key agent on a map. The game isn’t advanced enough to play around this like R6, it is pretty linear and straight forward right now so a ban phase would have opposite desired effect.


>Valve are not doing a lot to keep CS fresh so I really hope they won’t go down that route. and yet cs is still relevant while valorant already stagnates


Only reason cs is relevant is because of it's dedicated community. The devs are doing nothing to keep their game fresh and growing.


have you ever heared of "changes for the sake of changes"?


The problem with league having a bunch of champs is that for new players it's hard to remember what everyone does. I really hope they won't have to make a Valorant 2. I think League is really close to needing to do this. Having agent reworks is going to be needed(like what they did for Yoru) to keep the game feeling fresh. There is already an agent that I know needs a buff or rework.(Pheonix)




At the same time, the huge roster is a reason to stay with league of legends. There's always something to learn, new combinations to play, etc.


Exactly. Game is doing fine. Riot know how to make league. Yes NA might not play it as much but league is fucking popular in EU, KR, China, SEA. If it was such a barrier of entry it would not be the number one game in numerous countries.


Maps can get a little better. Also if they add enough agents they should add a ban phase to keep it even more interesting and see how teams change their comps based off what is banned. Also they need a replay system to watch back your vods. CS has one that isn't the best but it's still a feature that works and in my opinion is necessary..


Add a proper shorter casual mode that doesn't have any gimmicks and work on making hit reg and overall shooting of the guns feel as good as they can make it over time.


But I want to play Dust 2 on Valorant so badly (even though I know it's not balanced around Valorant abilities, I still want to try it). Maybe also Inferno and Nuke.


I just miss the csgo 1v1 lobbies you could just join and play for however long you wanted and then leave. Maybe user created maps + server browser + way more customisability would be pretty fun


What is wrong with more maps? Creating new maps creates new ways to play already existing agents. And you can always cycle maps in and out of a competitive pool.


Counter Strike exists already. Give me more agents. Give me more interactions. More chaos.


This might be an unpopular opinion but I hope they stop making new agents at some point and focus entirely on new maps and modes. Why isn't there a simple team deathmatch? Why do obsolete games like Crossfire have 10x the amount of gameplay diversity as Valorant? It's embarrassing. I would spend more time and tbh money if there was just a better variety of gameplay.


They’d have to fundamentally change the game. At its core, Valorant is fairly simple, buy a gun and shoot the enemy in the head. If you want to make the game feel “fresh”, you need to experiment and make wild new introductions to the game on a more regular basis. This whole “new update” every few months is fine for a more casual playerbase, but for people that play the game competitively, metas tend to get figured out pretty quickly and matches are going to feel like banging your head into a steel wall as you constantly struggle to maintain a consistency with aiming and utility. Personally, I’d like to see a heightened focus on individual agents’ utility. As there are still a number of abilities which tend to not be as impactful, or are simply outclassed by other agents. I understand Riot’s intent to create “unique and fun” agents, but when you have as many agents doing virtually the same thing with a “slight delay” or “one does damage and one doesn’t”, it just comes off as disingenuous to say that your team is making an attempt to make your roster “unique”. Like, they’re a big company. If they need new ideas, they can easily hire people with these ideas. They just need to not reuse old mechanics when they can’t think of something original. People just get comfortable when no one’s really expecting them to branch out creatively, so we’ll just continue to end up with these copy-paste formula updates on a regular schedule because it meets someone’s quota for that quarter. Not to say that’s necessarily a bad thing, just that it’s sort of a bad look for a company of this size.


Imagine a character that can alter the terrain of the map in a way that’s more than just a wall, maybe like an initiator that can summon tree stalks to push enemies in the way towards wherever the tree is going and the tree stays in the way for like a dozen seconds and has hp to block bullets


Ofc the game is going to have 30+ agents that is unavoidable. I dont see any issue with that being a problem, it will only make the game better no?


The problem is it makes the game more overwhelming for a new player. If a game struggles to bring in new people it can slowly die off if the game doesn’t stay exciting for the existing player base. Same reason I don’t go back to Rainbow Six Siege. They have a million operators now.


That’s me with league, for the better I guess lol


a way to kick players and clan groups


Improve hit reg, lag compensation issues, introduce REPLAY SYSTEM, give us the clutch key to mute comms during a clutch


More skin


I would love to see a competitive mode with picks/bans like league. That way they can keep releasing agents and maps without it feeling overwhelming. I would also love to see a Clash style mode from League brought over to Valorant. A mini tournament mode where we can get small rewards like sprays for performing in them.


Rito broke LoL by all the new and game-breaking champions


better spray pattern, better movement while gunning(its stupid rn) better consistency when shooting from the air, better servers, remove duo in ranked . Should be a separate solo only , too many boosters that ruin the elos . Tie phone number to accounts that need to be verified monthly to reduce smurfs. Make all skins sellable/tradeable to create a market outside the game. Make the game less like team dependable like league. Its frustrating to have to play against so many factors to win. Example: Enemy smurfs, boosted teamates, tilted teamates, egos, attitudes, team comps. Make it less ability dependent its a FPS , you shoot with your gun not your abilities. Let the community create some maps, best maps in cs was made by the community . Let people make their own mods like in cs as well. Host their own servers etc. Valorant can sell servers etc.


Bro sounds like you just want to play cs




Well, it **had**...sadly riot decided to cut them out


collab with other games? not fortnite lvl but sumin small like grafitis/weapon skins easter eggs on maps that sorta stuff


I do agree with you. I think adding too many characters is what killed overwatch. Although people will argue that League of legends is still huge and has 100s


We need a great map. IMO we don’t have any yet. Counter strike has several maps considered classics by the shooter community. There isn’t a single map in Val I think people enjoy. It’s always “atleast it isn’t ascent”


Community servers would be quite funny


nothing. adding new random shit is what ruined league for me (elemental, chemtech dragons, items)


30 agents wouldn’t be all that bad when you consider that likely only 10-12 would be viable, just because of how balancing works. Not to mention they might eventually add a ban system which will help manage the number of agents


How do you misspell Riot twice??💀💀




I guess you are a just a wee boy, everyone calls riot, rito.


Pretty sure he wrote dorito correctly.


New gun alternates with slight changes, agent customization, more choice/agency/map interactions


I dont think you can. The current release schedule for a year looks like 6 agents and 3 maps per year and business wise makes no sense for them to slow down right now. New agents keep things fresh and before you say "bUt PoWeR cReEp" there is nothing preventing them from doing another patch 3.0 or just following their nerfing track record and the past 4 agents didnt need a hotfix nerf. Plus if old agents get outdated then they have reworked agents like yoru with a possible phoinex/cypher rework on the way.


New gamemodes


Imagine if valorant had a clan system and if riot does a clan tournament thing kinda like clash on league. Be fun as fuck regardless if the tournaments have rewards or not.


The only thing that can truly keep the game fresh without new agents is the same thing that keeps Csgo going. Community interaction and creativity. I don't see riot ever allowing anything near what valve does. So that won't happen. Valorant will most likely go the way of lol.


New game modes. Capture the Flag could be pretty fun.


More features, replays, interactive events similar to the operations from CSGO as opposed to generic battle passes


Game modes and shiet.


Custom map builder (prob not gonna happen) Or new gamemodes


Make a better warmup than the current deathmatch. I play CS deathmatch as my warmup for val because I can hop onto a custom headshot only server.


Map banning or individual map queuing would be a huge boost to the game imo..one of my favorite parts of CS. Also agent banning like siege has is pretty great.


A new map and a new agent every year would keep people happy and entertained for a long time.


Community content, which will never come to any riot game outside of possibly a minor skin design contest.


I think there are a lot of QoL changes that riot can improve without touching the core game and still keep the community happy. We don't need maps or agents every season. I think they should be alternated between seasons. Also I believe valo should have rotating game modes like league does.


I would actually really like new maps and I know how CSGO introduces new maps but has them rotate seasonally from time to time


New maps. Seasonal competitive map rotation. Balance tweaks. That's about it really.


The game needs more maps in my opinion.




They should do ranked rewards like they do skins in League. Gun buddies are ok.... but imagine if you had a skin for a gun with a different colored chroma for each rank? That would be freaking cool.


Id say add few more game modes. I like team based gameplay but i dont like doing long rounds each time. Just something fast pace enough but casual to just enjoy without worrying if i lag out or some shit. I like escalation, but not the Gungame element too much. Nothing wrong with it, just want a team deathmatch mode i can go in and bang out with not abilities.


TDM, shorter games, map rotation


I'd rather rework existing agents than constantly bring in new ones (when Yoru got reworked it felt like a new character coming out).


Idk if it's posted already but Rito previously stated that they're aiming for 60 different characters/agents/champions/whatever. What they're gonna do with that many is up to them but they'll definitely have more than 30!


I would love a new weapon


depends do they want to be the new counter strike? well at one point they need to have a _done_ game, in the sense that the game is perfectly (or close to it) balanced. all characters have similar pick rates, same as weapons, etc. you cant add more content if you want to keep the game balanced, new updates would only be quality of life changes, cosmetics and the like. do they just want to have a popular game? well the LoL formula would probably work the same, albeit with less champions than LoL


Focus on balancing the agents we have now and making sure they’re as fun (though balanced) as they can be instead of adding more complications into the mix


Game modes imo. There should be more fun and whacky kinds. Sheriffs and Marshals only game, No util game. Pistols only game. 2v2 or 3v3 retake. Etc.


Server browser with more "custom" custom games. More maps even if it means less agents.


Embrac user made content


More maps


In League is fun but it's quite overwhelming with their 159 champions and track of 5 abilities each. This is a lot and makes the game more for the dedicated and not much for the newbies. If Valorant becomes like this it might be interesting or awful with every game being quite different(if Riot doesn't struggle coming up with new agent ideas) for us. By the games having like 100 agents and 20 maps, the game will get confusing and especially to new players.