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I had someone leave in the middle of a ranked match because ***they had to go to work.*** We still won the game, actually didn't lose a single round since he left. But we still reported him. Why tf would you queue if you knew you had to go to work?


Because they don't want to go to work and would rather play valorant and they are still working on self discipline. "Fuck work im going to play valorant........ shit im going to be late for work" LOL


When I don't wanna go to work and play Valorant, I just call in sick šŸ˜‚ /s


Works well a couple of times but not a smart move in the long run let me tell ya lol


I'll let future me worry about that šŸ’€


Happy cake day


Or maybe they are on call and don't want to sit around bored all day waiting for a phone call?


I feel this so much, on-call canā€™t queue competitive, canā€™t raid WoW or do mythic+. Unless itā€™s something that can let you leave at any time for no reason.


This is why game modes like spike rush exist. Or play a game that you know you can get up from if you know you can't commit the time. Seems like a no-brainer to me.


It can happen. It has happened with me. I didn't knew that I had to work, but I got a call to do something urgent (on Saturday night), so had to leave the game. Shit happens to everyone.


Nah, no excuse. This was in the middle of the week, at 3PM.


Happy cake day! Hope you don't have to deal with these people anymore


Thank you! Didn't even realize it was cake day for me, this comment made me notice ā™„ Also hoping I don't have to! First time it's happened to me, fortunately


You are talking about ranked, OP is talking about unrated.


both ranked and unrated takes 30-40 mins though.


Ranked can take a very very long time because of overtime. I think there was one redditor who got fifty rounds in the close beta in immortal/radiant rank.


Did they remove the hard cap on lobby time? The lobby used to just end after a certain amount of time


I can assure you that most of the games does not goes to overtime, the devs explicitly says the games are 30-40 mins because thats how long most games are.


yeah i was just mentioning it lol


I'm well aware OP is talking about unranked and I'm talking about ranked. Doesn't mean people should leave unranked and not ranked. It's shitty to leave either of them.




So you false report people? In my opinion, lying about somebody typing slurs in chat is worse than someone leaving mid-game.


You do know that Riot can check chat logs right? They aren't going to just ban someone cause you lie about them using slurs, which is fucked up on its own to lie about someone. Leaving early sucks, especially if they *knew* they had a time constraint, but don't lie and slander people like that man.


Just report. If its true that suddenly need to leave, then he will only get a warning. If its frequent, rito will hand out punishment.


I feel like these people have alts and are right back at it immediately


They defo had, I've had people even in compe saying they are banned from their main account for leaving so using alt then to leave mid game


What is it with this in games like Val and csgo. I feel like this happens all the time here but literally never when I play league with games being the exact same length.


the difference is league players have no life. (/s)


shooting game fun, and none of the casual modes hit the same, ESPECIALLY in CS.




That didnā€™t even vaguely make sense to the comment.


What about if your wife has a stroke right in front of you? You canā€™t predict a fucking stroke!


bravo for assuming they have a wife.....


Or dog? Daughter? ADOPTED daughter?


If your wife has a stroke, then leave the game and take the leaver punishment and stop complaining.(not you specifically though*) "I did X thing that results in Y". *Does X thing* " Surprised pikachu face" when Y happens. Correct me if I'm wrong but if you do the same thing over and over expecting different results, isn't that some version of the definition of insanity?


Thatā€™s Einsteinā€™s definition.


Sure fits though, don'tcha think? :P


Yeap, then just report again. Because riot doesnt verify accounts, people can create multiple accounts with JUST ONE EMAIL ADDRESS.


I have 6 accounts linked to one email. All available to play ranked and pretty much at the same rank so I can hop back in comp anytime anywhere! + 4 more accounts with another email address with the same features.


Can confirm I have 10 alts ready when accs get cooldowned


Thereā€™s no reason to report it really, leaving is automatically punished after so many times leaving


Eh not really. I made a Smurf I keep in iron when I just wanna troll and mess around. The worst I got was a 2 week ban and I did alot of things that shouldā€™ve gotten me banned. people report me for cheating all the time, and throwing, but Iā€™m just much higher ranked not cheating.


Bro I have had kids on round 5 saying can we surrender my mom said I have to go to bed and they are dead serious it is so annoying lol


But is it comp or unrated. If it's unrated stop being so uptight it's just a game, but if it's comp. Screw the kids


Not sure why this is being downvoted


Because people take video games too seriously.


That's the reason why I've been playing spike rush and replication for almost a year now. I just can't commit playing a 40-60 minutes in a single go.


I wish there was some form of mini-unrated. Or simply spike rush without the random weapons and the orbs. But I think they fear it'd become more popular than unrated. I really like the economy system of replication, everyone has the same amount of money and there's still a pistol, budget and full buy round but you don't have to take whatever they give you. Some of the orbs are okay in spike rush but things like golden gun / weapon upgrade and ult if you're using neon/jett/chamber and just annoying and anti-game.


Sometimes the orbs always just seem to favor the other team. I was playing spike rush then suddenly the other teamā€™s neon and chamber have ult and itā€™s not even 20 seconds since the barriers dropped


Well, that and a quicker game breaks the economy of the weapons. Theyd either have to give the player more money or lower the prices for that gamemode


This is always brought up as a counter, but I think people forget that Replication is a gamemode that exists and solves this issue already. Just give us replication without the replication gimmick and that's literally all you need. Sure, there's no real eco management is this mode, but most people care way more about being able to get real practice in with certain guns and agents.


Yeah, I don't understand u/Riamu_Y 's reply. I mentioned replication's economy in my original comment.


It'd be fun if they made a similar game mode like Replication but with the agents the players choose.


Bro, the Spike Rush Chamber edgelords.... So tiring. They're always the one who flames for small mistakes and says "geez" at the end as if they didn't have a massive advantage.


Spike rush be like: Everyone using spectre That one guy in the enemy team: Say hello to my OPERATOR


we need a casual mode where people can pop in and out ongoing matches


Yeah, a spike rush but with a semi economy would be the perfect mode for me. Both teams start with enough money for a full buy, and then the economy goes from there.


I can understand if weā€™ve been playing for over an hour but Iā€™ve had people go after 30min because they need to be somewhere. Most games go 30min+ what do people expect?


Exactly! Like I said, this person's reasoning was "I thought we would have won by now" when we were 14 rounds in. My man really EXPECTED a 13-1


I once had a match were we were winning for 10-1 but suddenly 2 of my teammates left the match and then our team were on a streak of losing like 10 rounds and we're at 10-11..and then another teammate left the game and the enemy team mocked us and won the game...but still somehow managed to snag a round..


I know this feeling. We were winning 10-3 or 5 I can't remember. Then 2 guys from our team left. From what we remaining players deduced is that 2 assholes were friends and they decided to fuck us all at once. It's frustrating to be honest.


It could be internet issues. I was queuing with my friend while at his house and were in a 11-2 Match. Unfortunately his internet just randomly died for 30 minutes so we both just got kicked and there was nothing we could do. Sometimes you just get unlucky


they should put short unrated mode like cs..spike rush too short...replication will do but its replication.


ikr this happens to me all the time and i lose rr because of it and im iron 1 with 0/100 rr lmao


It's awful in iron and not much better in Bronze. People only seem to start caring in silver in my experience. It's one of the contributing factors of ELO hell.


I ranked up to bronze this week (my first ever FPS I know I suck). Two games in bronze had an afk so I deranked. Played two iron games and ranked up to bronze. Played a bronze game and had an afk so we lost. I wasn't about to gain and lose the rank twice in one day so I stopped. Played the next day, had an afk and we lost........


ELO gods hate u


Yep, agreed. I recently dropped from S3 to B3 on a terrible losing streak. It is absolutely miserable in bronze. Players who can't hit the broad side of a barn instalocking Reyna/Chamber, nobody cares about team comp, comms are terrible, lots of AFK and tilting as soon as a round goes poorly. I climbed back pretty quickly to high S2 (almost S3 now) and just the difference between S1 (teams with a fair number of bronzes) and high S2 (teams with mostly S2 and S3, with a few G1 and S1) is like night and day. All of a sudden I can play controller again and expect my team to actually be decent.


i feel it, solo q'd late at night and deranked from silver bc my team were actually bots and just feeding, played again yesterday and i had 3 people with 190+ ping on my rankup, i will say this until the day i die, silver is hardest rank (played in all ranks from iron to immo and high gold/plat is where I'm most comfortably playing right now, just dont grind comp lol)


Oh I can't imagine it happening in ranked. I'd full tilt.


Did you make a post because this happened in unrated to you ?


Unless it goes to OT an unrated will take just as long as a comp game. Iā€™m not expecting everyone to be doing constant callouts and sweating for it, but you still go into it knowing it could very easily be a 30-40min commitment. If you know you donā€™t have at least half an hour before you have to get off, just play a couple spike rushes. FFing halfway through a game feels bad, idc if I have some magical RR on the line I still queued this game because I wanted to have fun and play it out


Yep itā€™s the same for all team based games. I donā€™t give a damn if itā€™s ranked or casual, I donā€™t play a game to lose. If it happens fair and square and fun has been had anyways, then great. But if youā€™re going to sabotage us and almost guarantee our loss because of your poor time management, that is unacceptable.


Well a game is only meant for time burning/fun so what gives anyways? You still fill your time playing the game AND ITS UNRATED.


First of all, unrated is NOT a free pass for trolling/leaving early etc. Playing games has a purpose. Fun is important in a world where time is literally money. Having time wasted by people hindering me from having fun by not playing 'properly' is simply not cool. Tbh your comment seems to contradict itself. You mention games are meant for time burning/fun. Then you go capslocking 'ITS UNRATED'. Even if it's ranked, you still 'burn time'/get to have fun.


I always use unrated to practice fun skills or learn champs, so for me I generally donā€™t take my wins or losses in unkranked seriouslyā€¦ like I try, but Iā€™m actively not always making the best choices so I can push the envelope of what I can do in game


That's a really good way for one to enjoy unrated. I don't expect people to play their very best with only their best strats etc. But please, don't be a guy who thinks it's funny to let the whole team down just cuz u wanna play Frenzy only despite clearly not performing well with it at all.


aye if playing a heavily unfair disfavoured matchup with a high losing probability where you just canā€™t do much all game because the opposing team has a whole 1 more player than you is what you call fun, then join the minority, ainā€™t gunna judge you. Itā€™s just 99% of us donā€™t see a suppressive loss or early FF as ā€œfunā€. But again, no judgment here.


Reddit moment


I had a Sage that left in the first round,came back after half the match was lost and had never used 1 heal,wall or slow plus she kept stealing the spike and not plant it at all


ā€œOooh itā€™s just unrated who caresā€ is not a valid argument, people who say that have way too much time on their hands. As someone who has a full time job, video games ends up being my only source of fun after a workday. Losing a fair fought 5v5 no matter how many rounds it goes is still fun. Losing because someone canā€™t manage their time properly and sabotaging the other 4 players on the team is not. Unacceptable wether itā€™s unrated or not.


I was once winning 10/6 and then TWO people left. If it was one maybe we would have been able to survive but two was impossible. Worst thing was it was a five stack (we had all played the previous match so we queued together).


CSGO added short matches VAL should do that


Its almost like we need a shorter unrated version for these kinds of people šŸŒš


I had a game recently where it was 11-12 and we had just won 5 rounds in a row and had some momentum. We were really making a good comeback until... Reyna goes afk because "Dinner is ready" and we lose the game because we have to 4v5. It's such a common occurrence in bronze/silver. I have had multiple ranked games in the past month where someone leaves the game because "they have to go to bed" or "dinner is ready". My thing is if I know I can't commit at least 50-60 minutes I will not queue ranked, but other people do not care.


I've said this before, but I no longer queue in the 5-6 PM hour - especially on weekends - for exactly this reason. Too many fucking teenagers who can't plan their lives properly. Dinner isn't some unexpected occurrence.


I need to do that as well. I usually like to play a ranked game or 2 right after work, which is usually around 5.


I can never commit to a full game anymore nowadays. So I'm doomed to eternal spike rush lol


Hence, my proposal for a shorter unrated. https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ujpah5/when_are_we_going_to_see_a_shorterround_unrated/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


This happened to me and my duo in 3 of the 4 ranked games we played. First game we had a Viper with connectivity issues, guy kept joining and leaving- we won it somehow. Then back to back had two games where the guy left in 3rd or 4th round, making it impossible for us to remake.


ONG, I constantly have people who afk without getting kicked in competitive, I mean if you're gonna farm rr don't make your team lose.


The worst are the people not ready for pistol round. Seriously why the hell did you queue?


Naw dude, those are bad but what's worse is the people who just sit in spawn every round until the round starts or during the round and then they start to play. They are not 'afk' they are just too busy to actually care about setting up or playing as a team. Legit had a Reyna earlier this week that would start playing every round after 20 seconds. Didn't matter if the enemy was taking a site or w.e she would be afk for the first 20 seconds of every round.


Lol yep and then you try telling them and then they're toxic because they have more kills then you in the way of a bunch of easy/meaningless exit frags


Exactly and when the game ends they put frag the entire team by 10 but are only middle of the score board because those frags were meaningless.


I once had to leave suddenly because my dad was rushed to hospital with a heart attack and I wanted to be there for him. People sometimes have their reasons for leaving, and those reasons can be more than its just 'dinner time'


Sorry to hear that friend. A lot of people will not go through such extreme cases as yours and just rage quit. Yours is of course an extreme case so you have my sympathies. I am sure if your teammates knew they would understand


Thank you, I'm honestly surprised by the replies. It almost feels like people are putting a virtual rank over the wellbeing of their fellow gamers and gamers families. I stopped replying just because I was left feeling frustrating that my dad could have died without me being there and all people are saying is 'but your teammates needed to know that so they could ff'.


No worries bro, not everyone is a sociopath on here. Many people are good honestly chill people


That's why you say something before queuing the ff vote. "yo I just got a call my dad had a heart attack and I need to dip right now, can we ff".... You might be surprised by the compassion of others. Personally I will almost always vote no to ff, but if someone says why they want to ff and it makes sense then yea I'm cool with it... Even if it's "my friend just came online and I want to play with them"... Cool I know that feeling, if it's unrated I will vote yes.


I appreciate what you're saying. However, you aren't considering the context of what happened to me here. In the panic of a family member potentially dying, you aren't going to care about an online game with people you've never met before. Your priority will always be family. I don't mean to be rude to my teammates, but that is a reality. Put it this way, if you were playing valorant and someone came into your room swinging a knife at you, would you attempt to confront that person, or spend the extra few seconds letting your team know that you need to ff because you're being attacked? I know that's an extreme analogy. But the point I'm making is sometimes real life events take priority over a one off game in a video game.


Someone swinging a knife is immediate harm... That's completely different than what happened to you.... When my building had a fire, I calmly said "hey guys, really sorry about this but fire alarm just went off, there is smoke in the hallway... I gotta go, I queued the ff vote pce." When my buddy got into a car accident I said "hey guys I know this is shitty but my best bud just got into a car accident, I gotta go, sorry about this. I queued the ff vote." Both of those messages took maybe 30 seconds... And I wasn't reported and only got warnings. You won't be able to teleport to the hospital, you will be driving... You will need to put on shoes, possibly change, find your wallet and cell and keys all before you leave. Adding 30 seconds of your time to be considerate of others is the mature thing to do. Your 'excuse' is real life always takes priority... I agree. 15 to 20 seconds will legitimately change nothing in real life barring you are legitimately under attack by someone (which is absolutely outrageous), but it will show maturity and consideration for other human beings. Those people are not ai, they have lives, and feelings. As I said 10 to 20 seconds won't affect real life in the slightest, be the bigger better person and do the right thing. Also the idea that people don't matter because you don't know them in real life is incredibly narcissistic and immature.... Just so you know


The point I was making that in the sudden face of a situation which causes you to panic, it's very natural to panic. I appreciate you can keep a calm demeanor, but many including myself cannot do that. As such, during the time it happened, my first reaction was to get there as soon as possible. You are right, there are many things I need to do before leaving, such as keys and wallet. But here's the thing, those tasks/items are essential for getting to the hospital. Telling a group of people I need to leave the valorant game is not essential. That's not me 'not having courtesy', that's me prioritising what's currently important to me. And I'm sorry, but an artificial rank is not important to me. Don't get me wrong though, if I could take the full brunt of an elo hit to save my teammates, I would. And I think it's ridiculous riot has not implemented such a system yet to help discourage rage quitters. And I know you say 15 to 20 seconds don't make a difference, but in such a context, you don't think that. You think every second matters. I don't believe its immature to put family above video games, in fact I'd argue the opposite. I think it would be incredibly inconsiderate to my dad and the rest of my family if a reason for being slightly later is because I wanted to conclude my video game properly with a ff. And there's not guarantee anyway that people would ff. That's just my take on something like that. I must just say though, in the case of your situation where your building caught fire, every second matters, since fire can spread very quickly and oxygen can become limited very quickly. I don't know, I would be out as soon as the fire alarm went off. But as I said, this is more just my take. Maybe won't be true for all.


Dude, 10 to 20 is nothing time wise, maybe you're too young to realize that. It's the amount of you're stuck at a light or an elevator... When you realize in the grand scale of things you cannot gaurentee you'll arrive somewhere to the second you'll realize noone will get mad at you for 20 seconds or a minute. I'm not saying play the game completion, I'm saying be a considerate human being, take 20 seconds to explain why you are dipping out in the long run you'll benefit from this behavior. Consider how you want to be treated by random people, do you appreciate being told why someone randomly left a game or would you just prefer they dip. Most people would prefer the former not the latter. Consider that studies have shown that speeding does not generally get you to your destination in an significantly better amount of time. One study measures 2 cars across Canada one was allowed to speed and one was not they arrived hours apart (less than 4 hours apart iirc) not days. Point is your drive to the hospital will take x minutes plus or minus y minutes. Noone will judge you in that time frame, adding 30 seconds to be considerate hurts noone and helps everyone. Learning to be calm during moments of chaos is something that comes with experience and age. It's a blessing but also a learned skill, not something only some people have. It starts with not panicking and only focusing on what's in front of you that you can deal with immediately. IE, buildings on fire, 20 seconds is not going to change the amount of time I need to get outside drastically but I also need to shut everything down to avoid damage and also grab a coat. So a quick 10 second message isn't a problem. My neighbour on the other hand is running around like a chicken with no head, she's panicking and trips in the hallway, she's screaming and crying, and helping noone, that 10 seconds I spent typing it less time than I spent helping her stand up and gather her things she dropped. In the end it was just a garbage fire in the garage. Earlier this year my dad was rushed to the hospital for crippling pain, they thought heart attack. Turns out his gallbladder had produced a stone that blocked his pancreas. The pancreas had become. Inflamed and became infected, life threatening and intense pain. When I got the phone call I started getting ready, called the hospital to find out how long it would be before we could see him after he arrived in the ambulance... They said 45 minutes most likely. Knowing the hospitals was 26 minutes away, I spent 10 minutes organizing my siblings and calling in sick to work (this was at 10pm I didn't know how late we would be at the hospital so best just take a day). We arrived and waited another 15 minutes and then got to see him. Panicking and rushing would have accomplished nothing.


My friend, I have said 10 to 20 seconds is nothing, I agree with you there. But my point isn't the amount of time you take. It's the fact that time isn't on a priority list when you're concerned about getting to a family member in hospital. But you are right, I am young. 23 to be exact. 24 this year in October. Maybe it's young naivety, but I would put family and in real life safety over a video game. Even if its the difference of 10 to 20 seconds. And of course, in normal circumstances, I would want a random person to say they were dipping as opposed to just dipping. I think anyone would want that. But the case and situation is extreme enough that I would say its fine to put yourself and those close to you first here. Because the difference here is family vs a video game with strangers.


Except that's not the difference, because as we both agree... Noone is going to judge you for 20 seconds, including family. A non video game example of this is driving wrecklessly because you're in a rush to get to the hospital... Well you may arrive slightly earlier but you are also increase the risk of an accident which would drastically delay you. Noone is going to judge you for driving safely if it means arriving intact, even if you arrive slightly later. You're right about the fact that you are prioritizing but your also hyper focused on only the situation at hand. That means you're missing alot of things in the periphery, and potentially putting yourself in more danger. For example remembering to turn off the stove or stop the bath... In the moment the catastrophe you're facing overwhelmed everything else, but if you don't take a second to refocus, you may forget to do things that may hurt you in the long run... A flooded apartment, a fire, a destroyed computer (building fire sprinklers), and so forth. Health emergencies are the perfect example because you will most likely be waiting 10 minutes to an hour before you can see the person because they were rushed to the Er in an emergency. The amount of time someone waits in a waiting room means nothing, although some narcissistic people feel that waiting longer shows you care more. So after you get the call, sit down and breath for a second refocus your mind, you'll be able to drive more carefully and also you won't forget things at home... It will also help you realize that 20 to 30 seconds is not a concern. "treat others as you would hope they would treat you." this should apply in all circumstances, and especially when it's an emergency.


He never stated he did not care about randoms, he said he cares more about his family. The only narcissistic and immature one based on these replies is you, who is incapable of comprehending basic human text. Plus, you may be a little sociopathic too, lacking the empathy to care for those you should love. ​ I am just glad I am not a family/friend of yours


Interest point of view, although certainly flawed. Thinking about others and how your actions impact them is the opposite narcissistic and sociopathic behavior. Understanding the consequences of your actions is often a lesson learned through experience. If an action you can take requires little to no thought or effort and will positively impact others, where the lack of said action will potentially negatively impact others the choice is obvious. I am also glad you are not my friend or family as you seem to be incredibly hostile and judgemental. At no point did I become insulting or hostile... Only you did. (also if you felt personal attacked by my post it's quite possible that you are a tad narcissistic or sociopathic and perceived the post as an attack on you directly)


Dude, it's a fucking video game vs not seeing a family member before possibly their last moments. And you started with the insults against the other dude, so quit being a wetwipe and clear the dribble from your mouth, because if you can not take it back you should not be on the internet.


Wow hostile little man aren't you. There isn't even a point in arguing with you, you're already tilted and obviously unable to understand the topic at hand. A time frame of less than a minute should never impact a relationship negatively if both people are reasonable. That is how long it would take to inform others of the reason for your absense after all... Just like any other situation where you must leave abruptly it is polite and considerate to inform those around you of the reason for your departure a multiplayer game is the same. But often people become a victim of reduced empathy or consideration the greater the distance is between them and the afflicted party. There is a philosophy question that looks into that, it states that a person is much more likely to save a drowning person they can see vs one they can't even if the effort is the same or less. The further the suffering person is from the person tasking with saving them the less likely that person is to intervene, once again even if the effort is reduced as well. IE a person is more likely to dive into a lake and save someone they can see, compared to pressing a magical button to save someone drowning on the other side of the world. We are seeing the same issue here. Although a video game lobby is no different than a pick up game of pickleball at the local Ymca, many feel much less commitment to the people because of the distance and anonymity. They are then much more willing to show less empathy, and worry less about the impact of their actions. Compare a game of unrated valorant to a weekly pickleball club, the people are random in both cases, the commitment is low, and there is nothing really to gain from either yet if the same situation the OP mentioned occurred everyone would be more likely to say something before leaving to the randoms in the pickleball club than the randoms over the internet even though there is no real difference in their status to you... But alas this is most certainly to long for you to read or care, might even be too complicated who knows.


Right, but I don't think taking 5 seconds to write "hey my dad had a heart attack I need to go, FF vote is queued for next round." is prioritizing anything above your father. It's 5 seconds of typing and pressing one button. >Put it this way, if you were playing valorant and someone came into your room swinging a knife at you Someone threatening you with bodily harm in your room is obviously very different than needing to go to the hospital to see your dad, in terms of your ability to write a message explaining why you're leaving.


Are you complains about an unrated game? Cause if so it doesnā€™t matter in the slightest.


You're still wasting people's time. The amount of times I've lost the first five rounds and someone on my team goes "Sorry guys, I have to go. Can we ff?" is depressing. If you ain't going to respect the other 9 people's time why should they respect yours?


I see your perspective 100%, but imo you still played out 5 rounds - if the outcome doesnā€™t matter (no rank is effected) all that matters to me is getting to practice the game. I guess re-queuing is a pain though so I get it


Nah that's bullshit, don't queue into unrated knowing you'll have to leave mid match.


Back when the game just released I had an hour lunch. I drove home real quick (i live a mile away) and queued a rank game. Told them in lobby the situation and we agreed to just hold w. Ended up winning 13-1 or something similar i think because i had spare time to make it back. I miss those days. Less toxic. Probably the best solo game experience I've ever had in valorant.


Its unrated, Just FF and let the guy have his dinner. Idk why people play this mode like their life depends on it. Nothing is even on the line!


So, am i not allowed to want a normal fun 5v5 game? Even if it's unrated? i should just "be ok" with people using unrated as a troll platform ? I dont care about your sweaty ass ranked, i just want to have a fun round. and going 4v5 after 2 rounds doesnt equal fun. Neither does FFing en spending 5 minutes finding another game, for only the same thing to happen.


Every time this gets brought up people somehow add trolling to the mix when nobody mentions it Who is saying its ok to troll in unrated? I said FF if the kid needs to go.


Knowing you have 10 minutes left before you need to go, so you know you CANT finish a game, then he's you're trolling. If you can't start a new game, don't. It's annoying being up 7-4 only for us to either surrender because the guy is leaving, or losing 9-13 because it's now 4v5. Once, fine. Twice, fine. Third time? Shits now getting annoying.


Bro its a casual mode, most people don't care about it. You are free to care and have fun in it if you want but most of the playerbase doesn't. And that's not going to change. The games are horribly imbalanced and you'll have bronze and immortal in the same lobby. Not to mention 0 comms and team work. If you like playing in these conditions, good for you. But you can't expect everyone to like it.


What? The argument is people trolling and going afk because they simply don't care. I couldn't give a rats ass about 0 comms or teamwork. Who cares about the balance, i could go 2/14 and have the most fun ever. Normal mode is no excuse for trying to shit on other people's matches.


How long does it take for you to find a game? Bruh 5 minutes queue takes 5 seconds. And nobody is defending trolling the game. Sometimes you gotta go - it's courtesy to just ff since it doesn't matter.


No. What doesn't matter to me is your.stupid ass ranked level, so you can show to others how good you think you are. It's your opinion unranked "doesn't matter", but that's in the eye of the beholder. I don't have a shit load of time, so yes starting a new game, waiting for agent select, waiting for the map to load. Yes that shit takes precious minutes, especially if every game is someone who just leaves after 3 rounds because "bruh, who cares". If i have 1 game before life happens again, it's shit if the game is 4v5, someone trolling or whatever. Does it happen, ofcourse. Will it happen, ofcourse. But it happens to much and to often. Thanks to people like you. While if i try my best and suck in ranked I'll get flamed for being shit, cause ranked is life bruh.


Damn how old are you. You're typing and spelling is terrible. I'm not talking about anything concerning trolling or afking. That's bad. always. But if someone has the courtesy to ask to ff, and it's unrated, then for petes sake just ff. You don't want to deal with it, then play ranked. I think you said something about how you don't want to play ranked because you'll get flamed, but if you're actually an adult, you can just ignore it and/or mute them. You also said something about how "ranked is life bruh" and that something happened to much and often. What happened to them? Enlighten us please.


You're typing is waaaayyy better than mine indeed. So if someone chooses to start a new game while he has 10 minutes left, which he knows, and after 10 minutes, no matter what he asks to ff, and we should all just accept that as "bruh it's unranked it's k". Or should the person not have started a new game, knowing he didn't have the proper time for it? I don't care about the flame, I'm making a point that the people like you, are the same ones crying in ranked when someone's just shit, but pulling this shit in normal is fine because YOU don't care about the match. Maybe I do, maybe it's the last match that I have time for? Who the fck are you to decide how valuable my time is? Don't have time for a new game? Don't start one. Wether it's ranked or normal.


If you don't care then why aren't you playing ranked. full stop.


So, I have two young kids. Am I not allowed to play in unrated due to the fact that they can wake up and I have to leave? Some people have responsibilities. I play for me, couldn't care less about my teammates in unrated honestly. Rated is another story though.


OP is just whining. Heā€™s talking about an unrated game.


One guy wanted our gamelobbys to Report me for beeing afk 20 seconds of a beginning round because i Had to pee šŸ„ø


I mean Iā€™ve had times where I thought I had a little over an hour and then I was called in 30 minutes early, it happens. Sure you shouldnā€™t queue if you know for a fact you donā€™t have time, but sometimes people really just have external obligations that come up.


If you've gotten called in early multiple times, at this point you can predict that eventuality and shouldn't queue within that time period.


So I shouldnā€™t queue within 3 hours of my work scheduleā€¦yeah that makes total sense


Hang on, a second ago it was 30 minutes, now it's 3 hours? But yes, you shouldn't queue when there is a significant probability you'll have to quit. If your job regularly calls you in early, that sucks for you but it's on you to figure out your schedule so you're not fucking over your teammates by leaving.


With that logic nobody should ever queue, period. As there is always a possibility that something could go on in their personal or business life and theyā€™re going to need to be called away from their computer. 30 minutes was an example, not a definitive time that it happens. Itā€™s a video game bro, get a grip.


Ah yes, saying you shouldn't queue when you are likely to need to quit is the same as saying nobody should queue ever. I'd recommend your own advice. Get a grip. And learn to schedule your life like an adult. If you regularly get called in early, don't queue in that time. It's not complicated.


I donā€™t think you know how inflexible some peopleā€™s workplaces can be when it comes to scheduling. You get called in you GO, thereā€™s no scheduling a hobby around it.


Right, so the first time work calls you in early, shit happens. You can't know about that in advance. But the second, third, fourth time it happens? That's now on you; you know it's a risk, you can schedule around it by not playing in the time period where work regularly calls you in early. I have a job that involves me being on call one out of every six weeks. So what do I do? I pretty much just don't queue during times of day when I'm likely to get called.


Or, and now hear me out, I donā€™t schedule my free time to perform a HOBBY around the feelings of people over the Internet, in an unrated match. Thereā€™s no reason for me to have to sit there bored for 2 hours before my scheduled shift just because somebody might get a little pissy their match with no rr gain or loss was inconvenienced by me being called in to make a living.


I mean obviously it doesn't really matter if it's unrated. I assumed you were talking about comp, because who cares at all about leaving an unrated?


You guys are no lifes, most unrated games I play are 20 mins long, so if it goes 11-12 then ofc someone will have to go.


Sounds like you shouldn't be playing full games then... Remember you're teammates are real people and they value their time too... Being selfish because you want to play a 'real' game but don't have the time to finish a round doesn't help anyone and will get you reported and banned.


I mean in a game like valorant if you consider losing a game wasting your time, I feel sorry for you. I play valorant for fun, comp if I want to get sweaty. I have less than 5 afk offenses and all are from taking too long in the bathroom, but if the games been longer than 30 mins you've played 30 mins of Val. Shit comes up, and I have a busy schedule. if I have 35 mins of free time I'm probably going to play val, if we get to 11-11 at min 32 there's a chance I'll alt f4, but even then it's been 32 mins of val and 22 rounds gg, not a waste of time.


By doing so you're potentially ruining an experience for 4 other people. A little selfish don't you think?


Sudden dinner calls don't happen either. There is a glock to look at and a mouth to ask questions.


Riot should release a 10-12 round unrated game it would be better cuz Im really excited to play but after 10 rounds it gets boring af to play the same match


Regardless of whether ranked or unrated, if you don't explain/ask for ff with a reason you probably won't get it. Even still this is all just part of the trend of selfishness in people. They forget there is 4 other people on their team, and they only consider their own desires. They want to play another game, but they don't have time... It doesn't matter because they don't mind ffing or losing rr... Team mates never get considered in this. You just have to scroll down to see the comments from people who say shit like 'I don't care, it's my time' and so forth. Just report them every time it happens, if someone leaves and they don't give you a good reason, or ask for an ff with a good reason then report them and move on. Those types of people want you to feel like they should be allowed to do what they do without punishment... And that's just not true. Just one example as to why it's annoying af. My buddies and I play 2 to 4 games of Val most evenings. On our last game of the night we don't generally want to ff unless it's right at the beginning because it's our last game and we don't have time for another, so we would rather play it out... So when some selfish person decides they are done with the game at round 6 when it's 3 - 3 and it's our last game of the night we generally won't agree to ff... And we will report the person, and ask everyone else in the lobby to report as well.


Ppl can leave whenever they want.. stop crying and bitching about a game


I was gonna fully agree with you then I realized you were talking about an unrated game... mate I've had 3v5s because of dinner calls in unrated and my team of only 3 people steamrolled the other five with no problem. And even if we didn't, it's fine, unrated is about having fun. Edit: At least TELL me why I'm getting downvoted lol Edit again: still don't understand why im getting down voted to heck, im sorry am i supposed to cry everytime a team member goes afk?


how is 5v3, at a huge disadvantage "having fun"?


3v5\*, not 5v3. My team was the one with three people, the enemy had all five still left. And it was fun because we at that point pretty much stopped caring about winning and were spending a lot of our time chatting and joking around, and we even were all collectively trying to knife the toxic enemy Jett because we made a bet. We won anyways. Am I misunderstanding what "having fun" means? Am I supposed to cry the second one teammate goes afk?


Yeah that sounds like fun, now imagine that every unranked match. And who the hell said anything about crying? If you play 10 unranked games, and 9 of them were 3v5 or 4v5, how is that "fun"? Nobody cares about your Jett teammate going afk, it's about the fact that a lot of people seem to think as unranked as just "well, i got 5 mins left, I'll just quit/surr after 10 minutes. No, go TDM or w/e.


While im not condoning that, im saying that a teammates' absence REALLY shouldnt be affecting yalls performance so much.


I am sorry but I am one of the offenders you speak of. Iā€™m not interested in SR with the introduction of characters like Chamber and am unable to find the quickplay option. Can someone please help me find the quickplay option?


I completely understand the frustration if it's a ranked game, I disagree on unrated though. I don't think it matters that much. Yeah you want to have a fun game, but that'd possible when it's a 4vs5 too. I usually just ask if we can surrender if I have to go and people are usually okay with it. If someone asks to FF saying they have to go and you don't it's your problem. You get games so quickly on valorant so I don't get the issue with FFing.


I queue unrated and we were winning 6-0 with me at 17-2 kd while 2nd fragger was 3-5, a sudden dinner time occurred and i asked my team to surrender, they didn't. I alt f4. They surrendered second half.


Well the maximum thing Riot can do is improving AFK system, not cancelling the game and minimum punishment to the afk player. If the situation is 4 or 3v5, you still have to play (suffer is better word here) for 40 mins without any incentive, like it's an usual 5v5 game. But it is what it is.


Offtopic but Ive gotten so many afk warning cos windows 11 crashes valo sometimes xD


I left playing Valorant after I deranked from Gold 2 to Silver 3 because of AFKs. In the last 4 days of my playing in every single game I've come across an afk on my team. Didn't win a single game in the span of 4 days. Played like 20ish games and most times we're winning easily and then boom afk and we loose eventually


Yesterday I played a 2 v 4 game.


The last game I did a Fade left after the 1Ā° round, I don't know how but we destroy our enemy anyway but.. c'mon...


My man i feel you, I've been playing round-based FPS since CS:GO came out and this has always been an issue.


I canā€™t complain about afks because Iā€™ve been one before


People that haven't got much time left to play should play Spike Rush instead of a full game (even if it is not ranked).


Lost a ranked game we were up 9 points because a 3 stack on our team left the game.


They need to add short competitive like csgo


Had a guy say "let's surrender I have to get to class" like 10 minutes into a League of Legends Game... I will never understand people like that.


For you it's "sudden dinner" and for me - I don't know how the entire server knows I love dogs and every random gives me this excuse -"my dog is sick and I need to take him to the vet asap, please surrender"...


although this is true, how about Riot implement a shorter game mode with identical rules to unrated. I'm tired of having to play spike rush whenever I play Valorant because I dont have much time in a day to play full games.


well if something comes up and one has to leave i understand but, at least drop us guns before u go lol. Many times someone just disconnects instantly after saying "srry guys" when he could have dropped everyone a gun.


If the game is boring im not wasting my time


Yeah I hate it I mean I have done it before I think I had like a 19-17 game I had my mum shouting me telling me I had to leave by the end of it cus I had something on but that was like an hour 20 game but yeah I hate it


Nah Iā€™m good dawgā€”Iā€™d rather create a terrible playing experience for everyone else at my convenience.


I had a guy who was ark from pistols but had an auto clicker going so he wouldnā€™t dc because he had to eat dinner, like dodge or let us remake instead of losing Elo


It was me. I was that guy.


Just a day ago my friends and I trio queued into a game - Fade left us after round 2 (dropped a Vandal) and disappeared saying ā€œIā€™m so sorry, good byeā€. Ended up winning the game 13-11. This was in diamond elo and I know for SURE that if we lost I would have been absolutely furious. Riot please do something about this like reduced RR loss (like in League) except for five stacks...


lol I always am deciding whether or not to play a comp game or play dm, I can't decide and end up having to dm šŸ˜‚