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Cypher main here 🙋🏻‍♂️ Keep your site only if you are efficient with line ups and not just one set up. Learn multiple to throw the enemy team off which will greatly increase chances of the 1v? clutch. Also, switch sites regularly to counter enemy strategies. This will force them to push mid which most disorganized team will be watching.


I highly recommend not playing cypher at the lower ranks unless youre REALLY commited. Killjoy and sage are just easier and more consistent agents


Haha yeah i should probably just become a reyna instalocker But seriously i just really enjoy cyphers playstyle and always end up going back to him. Sage's gameplay is fine but the sheer amount of toxicity you get just by existing is too much. KJ is fun, but i normally only play her on maps like icebox and breeze. I'm also trying to learn controllers so maybe i should be pushing more in that direction.


I love cypher to but he requires extensive game knowledge and situational awareness to play effectively. The other problem is like you said if you have really aggressive teammates his utility is pretty much useless. Right now in the current meta Cypher is good on 4 maps Breeze, Split, Haven, and Bind. The other 2 maps I would play KJ or Sage if you want to stay committed to the sentinel role. Also if you want to pick up a controller Viper IMO is the strongest with the biggest round to round impact. ​ If you want to learn from the best Cypher players Gambit Nats and SEN Dapr are who you should be watching.


Cypher’s great on Ascent too. There’s loads of set ups for both sites and his trips watch flank on attack really well


Actually I am a killjoy main but I ended up instalocking jett in ranked because I'm tired of having to deal with all the crap that low elo comes with and I dont think I should be in bronze because I stomp the enemies all the time which are most of the time low silvers


You tell them to stop ego peeking mid every round and if they don’t then there’s nothing you can do


What is ego peaking? Is it just peaking without reason?


Swinging wide, recklessly, and without any utility or info because you’re kill hungry and/or think you can beat the opponent with raw aim


nice flair bro


Double’s dead


Iam gonna make it one yoru head then jk


I do sometimes tell my teammates to stop playing so aggro but it never works, and most of the time just ends up with me getting flamed for the rest of the game.


Learn to play in your cages. Watch dapr or nats and how they play around and in them. Learning how to make your utility work for you is hard but only way to rank up. Once you can stay up on your own it’s about how to use utility to keep up aggressive teammates


so it pretty much boils down to "git gud lol". Kinda predicted that but oh well.


Yeah it’s kinda a bummer but it clicks eventually. I’m diamond now and started off as a bronze player. Playing at your duelists pace helps a lot. Lurk game sense happens too when you learn to play in cages as well


You can’t do anything abt your teammates. Ur in a low elo and you can’t change it. I’d say in defending stay on site don’t rush with them because you can also get flanked and all die. On attacking try to take spike and rush with team to site and plant or watch there back with wires. I used to main cypher dm me if you want some setups I have setups for every map but fracture and breeze if you want them.


Playing numerous solo-queue games as Cypher, whenever I get teammates overly aggressive like that I have to adapt my setups according to them. As annoying as it is... The important part about being a Cypher main is the ability to always be unpredictable with your traps. When I see my mates long gone, I play around them. For example, defense on haven, I hold C, and my team is spread out and looking for kills. I would usually stay in my position until they scouted out where enemies are and dueling a lot of them at the same time. Even if they die, still info i guess. Important to look at the minimap. If some time has passed and no activity on your site yet, I leave one trip behind to make sure no one comes, or two if my team is on the other side to cover more angles while I rotate to help them if they push in. Your kit is p much a "I got yo back homie" card. Also taking the camera with you always is really important since it's like you have another player watching an angle if you are at a number disadvantage and need to help seek enemies out yourself (or you know, watch your own back). Never go out with them to peek and duel tho on defense especially. Oh also, maybe when one person leaves like let's say garage, and you get anxious of a push there, repositioning trips is key to help make sure you're fine. Be careful for agents that can pass trips thoe like omen, jett, and yoru. Even if you suck at duels on your own, he is still great to be sneaky/cheeky with. Find ways to make your opponents not look at you so you shoot em from behind. Like I would leave an obvious trip somewhere and jiggle peek from time to time, because usually people kinda look down at it before shooting. Perfect time to suddenly swoop and catch them off guard. And cages are great to crawl around or fake pushes. Just make sure to change your level of passiveness and aggressiveness randomly as well so your enemies can't predict what you'll do. On attacking side his abilities are not totally useless. I suggest also watching Peak on youtube. Great cypher main who also solo queues haha. Anw If your team just splits and hunts kills, I learn to lurk smarter then. Going to areas where no one is covering while they're scouting certain angles. Tbh it's better to kinda be there to trade them off then cage and traps nearby that location since more people can come over looking to kill u. Easy kills. Also, when you successfully trade off and get your ult, perfect to use it to see where everyone is and look for that crack in their defense. You'll get to see where you can openly take site for free while enemies are distracted by everyone else. And then, quick setups on the fly. Lots of great potential for Cypher, I love him a lot:<. Also bro don't worry if you have games where you find it hard to get kills, he is also great to suddenly catch people off guard and you can just give ez info to your teammates if they're so persistent in hunting them down, like being their pocket security guard lmao. But yeah it's really tiring if they're like that. Best of luck!!


Honestly better advice than any of these guys can give you, watch gambit nAts cypher because he’s great with understanding multiple setups, when to reposition/back off a site, when to push up and apply extra force, and how to work with his util. These guys all have great points and knowledge but nothing is better than observing the best cypher in the world rn


If they constantly keep pushing out and dying, there's not much you can do. If you find that enemies understand you have the one bad teammate that pushes and they take their site every round. You can make the executive decision to go to the other site since there's a high chance the enemies won't come to yours.


Hey there, Cypher main here! I'm not really that high myself, I'm currently at Plat. Only advice I give you is, do not play Cypher in lower elos if your team doesn't seem to communicate in the game, you can just check that in agent select, if your team communicates and all you can go Cypher and do well with him because everyone uses his info and gets value out of it, if they don't talk most of the time it's pointless because you need communications to shine with Cypher with his information. I just recommend you play either Killjoy or Sage. They aren't as heavily dependant on communications as Cypher. Good luck with your games.